Sunday, January 3, 2016


Monday, December 29, 2015
The foretold blizzard of Altus did not happen. I'd say it was a let-down, but I didn't really want it anyway, even if I'd been sleeping through it. However, I can gladly say that the power came 2:30 in the morning.  I know, because it woke me up.  My bedroom light had been switched on!

Still, we stayed so cozy with our wall heaters (we closed up some rooms and had a "heat corridor") that I actually threw blankets OFF in the night. And that was without the electricity and the home heating system. Nice!

I got a text message this morning from Brother Sturges, the CES Coordinator over Seminary. He wanted to know if we were still without power and if we needed to come "visit" the Sturges family in Norman. That was really sweet, but I told him that the Lord had providently blessed us with a generator and wall heaters and that we were good. Besides, driving through this stuff to Norman? It's just south of OKC. I'm afraid to drive through Altus!

So, when Jonathan had to go to work, Ken (who didn't have to work) took him and did some grocery shopping for me. Cuz I'm a coward who doesn't want to face icy roads.  The worst part of it for him was getting out of the icy driveway. That's where most of the water/ice has deposited. It's like a skating rink!

While the sun shone, the day was snap-crackle-pop - full of melting and falling ice (we never really got official snow, just lots of ice). You could hear it dropping off of trees and houses all day, until the sun started setting and the temperatures dropped and everything froze again.

Tuesday, December 30, 2015
The sister missionaries showed up on our icy doorstep this morning because Sister Caudill is being transferred to OKC to take the place of a sick sister who is going home. She wanted a picture with our family.

I am sad, because she was terrific and I'm sad for Sister Lindsey, because they were definitely a dynamic duo.

We drove off to Lawton today in the ice to go see Star Wars. Going east, you could see all the storm damage, especially to power lines. Outlying areas are still without power, including the tail end of Altus. The last traffic lights leading out of town weren't working. So many power poles were snapped a the base, with lines in the ditches, frozen over. While running creeks weren't frozen, stock ponds an ditches were.

We drove into the parking lot of the Patriot Cinema and Analiese exclaimed, "Now that's a movie theater!" We certainly haven't seen theaters like this since California. It had a huge lobby with cafe tables across from the concessions stand. You paid for your tickets there and went to the Popcorn Station to get your popcorn and drinks. Behind all that is the big IMAX theater, in it's huge glory.

The movie was awesome! As the words STAR WARS rolled across the screen, I let out a very loud and enthusiastic "Yee-haw!" which earned me some strange looks and sh's...from my kids.  The movie hadn't started, no dialogue.  As the opening words rolled across the screen, I applauded energetically. My kids say they are psychologically scarred...I say they are not true fans and are just jealous. I was only behaving like any hardcore, true-blue fan would. I oughta know!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
It's always a depressing day when the Christmas decorations come down. It's work to put them up, but represents such jolly times that we don't mind the effort. Taking them down is another story. It means the fun is over and back to the normal grind.

Tonight was crockpot fajitas. Jonathan's friend, David, was over playing games and the two of them certainly enjoyed the dinner! I smelled it all day long, not wanting to each lunch because what I wanted for lunch was in the crockpot for dinner!

Thursday, December 31, 2015
End of the year. People make a big deal out of it.  Blah, blah, blah. I don't like staying up late for parties. I'd rather celebrate tomorrow morning with a clear, rested head.

I'm just a little down today.  Wrong, I'm a whole lot down, trying to hold it together for the kids. I've got a lot of prayers in queue to heaven, but feeling guilty about it because there are a lot of people out there who need their prayers answered, too. Faith and fingernails...that's what I'm holding on to.

I was going to leave it at that, but no.  You have to realize that, while this was probably one of the worst days I've faced in a long time, that I feel like God was near all day, too. Often I'm stupid, and others are stupid around me, too, and I can feel pretty alone. But I wasn't allowed to feel that all the time today. I just want to let you know that the Spirit of God was there to comfort me...all the time. Every time I turned around with another agonizing plea, He was there with love and understanding and the strength to carry on. So I don't want you feeling sorry for me (or confused, we'll leave that feeling for me). Recognize the hand of God in our lives. He's there.

So, terrible poet or not, here's a poem I wrote for the end of the year. I wanted to put it in Christmas cards, but that didn't happen. You get it here instead:
2015 POEM
We've had our highs;
We've had our lows;
We've seen some triumphs;
We've had a few blows.
Our patience's been tested
Our faith has been, too.
We've seen who our friends are,
Some old and some new.
We've wondered and wandered;
We've hoped and we've prayed
We've worked and we've struggled
And found plans unmade.
We've smiled at the sunshine
And laughed through our tears;
We've ran round in circles
We've tried to squelch fears.
"So where do you stand now?"
You might think to say.
I have no good answer,
Our trials want to stay.
But Faith is much dearer
Than silver or gold
And God warms our hearts
As our troubles unfold.
Our story's not ended
We still long to fight,
With HIM on our side

We know all things will be right.

Friday, January 1, 2016
That'll take some getting used to! Man, did the year fly by, or what?

Rather than make some lame resolutions that will fizzle out in a month or less, I'm just doing some clean up and organizing, putting things back or finding new spots for old things.

Like my book box.  Yes, I have book shelves and Kindle, but my current reading goes in a box under my end table by my bed. I removed about 8 books, returning two to Analiese and putting the rest on bookshelves (where I could find a place to fit).  How many new ones went in? About 6, plus a prayer journal and a notebook for ideas when they strike at the least opportune time (like w hen I'm trying to go to sleep).
The book on top of my pile is the current read: "The Continuous Atonement" by Brad Wilcox (yes, the fellow Analiese and I met at TOFW/TOFG). He explains the Atonement so clearly and beautifully. I've really wanted to read it! (Thanks, ME!) Yes, that's a highlighter attached to the book, for marking.  I have pens in the box, too, for notes. As the RS Bookclub learned at Christmas, I am not above making notes IN books. A college habit, scripture habit, that I love (and have to be careful not to do in library books). Generally, marking is reserved for non-fiction, though I have been known for marking particularly pithy thoughts in some novels. Okay, I'm a certifiable Book Geek. But I am not ashamed!

Saturday, January 2, 2016
I actually ventured out of the house today and drove down a residential street. You may say, "Big Deal?" Well, with the ice and snow and mud out there, I didn't dare try anything but the major well-plowed roads. The venture was an advanture, because I saw some more of the storm effects. I said I was grateful that my tree fell down in the's more than true, because today I saw a tree that was sitting on a car, another strewn over a lawn and driveway. Yeah, we faired well this storm, but apparently still some areas are out of power. Not in Altus, but in outliers.

I let Analiese make the muffins from the pumpkin mix today. Let's just say it was a learning experience.  They came out, they were good enough (they could have used some nuts or raisins), but they were a mess in the pans. She keeps saying I don't let her cook enough, but apparently if I wait long enough, she gets hungry and will do things herself.  Why didn't I learn that sooner?

But she is certainly in the teen-age mood. I told her this morning that this evening that we could have fun together doing bucket lists. She was enthusiastic. But after dinner (and dishes, it was her turn), she didn't want to do it.  It was boring. She didn't have any ideas besides visiting Rabbit Island in Japan. After trying to convince her to do it, I told her she was being an old fuddy-duddy (both kids are...since when do they act like old party-poops more than I?) and let her run off to do whatever boring thing she wants to do.

Sunday, January 3, 2016
A fairly normal Sunday and start to the gospel curriculum year. But it was nice to be back after our freeze out last week. And everyone pretty much testified that it was only a small inconvenience and they enjoyed the time to really be together with their families, playing games, etc. We think we'll die without all our electronics and gizmos, when really we live better lives and have better relationships often without them!

I met the new sister missionary today. She actually knows her companion from Orem, Utah, where they both hail. Small world, huh? She has a lot of energy, too, which is good considering she'll have to keep up with her energetic companion.

Back to the grind tomorrow.  Seminary resumes, school resumes. Party's over. Ah, well, I actually look forward to more structure in my schedule. The late nights, sleeping in, etc., made me feel lethargic and unmotivated. Fresh year, fresh start.

1 comment:

  1. This year has been a bit crazy, hasn't it? I tell you though, Sister-O-Mine, I'm proud of the Bolton Clan - and especially their matriarch. My gift to you is lots of love to lift you throughout the new year. It will be great!
