Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving, et. al.

Monday, November 23, 2015
The day was spent doing food prep for Thanksgiving - tomorrow.  Getting home from Seminary, I started laundry, pulled out the pie crusts to thaw. Ran grocery shopping (early), came home to put pizza in the oven (our lunch), thawing rolls, made jello salad (with cherries, cream cheese and pecans), and got the pumpkin pie and put it in the oven. When it came out, the pecan pie went in. When THAT came out, the rolls went in.  And laundry was in between all that.

Ken came home at noon and, with Brother Whardo, put up the ceiling trim, with Analiese helping while I was doing all the stuff in the kitchen. Ken took me to dinner tonight (leaving the kids with leftovers for dinner) and some "supposed" Christmas shopping. Then it was time to go home and put out bread to dry and chop onion and celery for stuffing for tomorrow.  Ken worked on making sure the turkey would be defrosted by tomorrow.

So, besides the turkey (and the gravy that follows), I'll have the potatoes, stuffing and veggies to do tomorrow.  Really not that bad.  But boy am I tired today!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
We were all a little distracted in Seminary. I think that we were all thinking of the next few days off...and the sleeping in we get to do!  We didn't get through the whole lesson, though we did get through the most important points.

Too, I had a lot to do when I got home.  Getting stuffing ready, potatoes ready, and, of course, the turkey. Analiese had the chance to learn how to clean and prep a turkey.  She got to baste the turkey with the butter and ginger. She did her traditional responsibility of breaking bread for stuffing.

Dinner was done and the table set right on time.

 So were our guests, the four missionaries. They were very satisfied with their meal. The sister missionaries were cute as anything, gushing about the food.

 The elders had their own way of showing eating heartily.

Jonathan had to work for the first time and didn't make it to dinner, but came home to eat later.  I didn't realize, and it really hit me...this may be his last Thanksgiving with us for a couple of years.  It hit my heart. I wasn't ready to think about it and it made me a little emotional.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Today was pretty much a day of resting from the last two days.  I vegged a lot.  Some I couldn't help. Poor Analiese was sick with a flu bug.  She was ill all through the night and today, running a fever, being nauseous, and being all worn out.

Well, I did wash my linens from yesterday and swapped out bathroom towels.  But other than running over to the store in the morning (for ginger ale and crackers for Analiese) and Little Caesar's later for pizza (I wonder why I didn't want to cook dinner?), that was about it.

The sister missionaries came over for a drink of water and a short rest in the afternoon.  They were still gushing about yesterday's dinner.  They are so cute!

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Analiese is doing better, but still is feeling a bit tired and doesn't feeling like eating much.  We were going to go out to a buffet for an early meal, but decided against it.

Besides, the weather has come in to town for Thanksgiving.  Mainly rain and wind right now, but the temperatures are dropping and we will probably see ice outside by morning.  There's an ice storm watch through Saturday.

We did watch a couple of our traditional Thanksgiving programs - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and the Allstate Fried Turkey commerical with William Shatner (yes, we always have to watch it - "Dingle Dangle"). We also rented Jurassic World from the Red Box on the corner.  Today is a day for staying in and staying warm!

Friday, November 27, 2015
The weather has yet to decide what it is going to do.  It has basically drizzle-rained all night and morning and put out a little ice around noon.  It is cold...not expected to get over 32 degrees today.

So we're staying in and cozy - except Ken, who has to work.  It's a day for arranging Seminary stuff and cracking pecans in front of the tv.  Right now, Analiese has turned on the Christmas music on Pandora while she watches the rain out the window.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

No, friends, that is not snow outside.  It's ice!  And it is not my friend!  Slippy-slidey, it took down a branch from my front yard tree
and encased my husband's car.  Plus, it's still dripping outside, so it just makes everything slicker and wetter!

Jonathan had to be to work by ten, so - instead of letting him walk through the slush and ice and cold - Momma had compassion and drove him...slowly.  I become that little old lady everyone hates to drive behind. All of my California driving confidence - gone!

The streets told the story.  Slushy mush sat on the sides of the road, sometimes in between lanes or tires. Main and Broadway were pretty clear, but then, they are highways and get a lot of traffic. There were a few cars on the road, but mainly I saw city trucks addressing power line and tree issues.  I even heard/saw an ambulance.  Not exactly jaunting weather. Jonathan figures it's going to be a slow and quiet day at Walgreens today.

Analiese spent the majority of our day huddled inside, keeping warm and dry.  We made cookies for my Seminary class (some set aside, most stayed home) and danced and sang to Christmas music. Analiese makes a party with her wherever and whenever!

Sunday, November 29, 2015
It's a little drizzly this morning, just a little bit cold, but not bad, really.  Though, I did wear my coat to church!

It was a lovely meeting, very spiritual, as usual.  The third hour we were all together to talk about the ward mission plan and to see the new Church campaign for Christmas.  Here it is if you haven't seen it:
I love one little boy in Africa in the video.  He is so earnest...there is a light shining in his eyes.  He knows - and rejoices - in Christ.

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