Sunday, December 6, 2015


Monday, November 30, 2015
Drag us all back to Seminary - break is over.  Lucky for my students, I brought cookies! (Part of the lesson) That, and another fun activity, woke them up enough to start off our week.

Coming home, I saw that, not only did we lose two branches off the front yard tree, but that two more are tearing off.  They are still pretty sturdy, because I couldn't pull them down from where they were dangling.  But the next storm will probably be the end of them.  Poor trees!

Family Home Evening tonight was renting a movie from Redbox (Ken) - Inside Out. Believe it or not, I got a little emotional - what are you doing making a movie about emotions??!!??  But it did prompt some interesting discussions about what the purpose of emotions was.  And, no, we can't just watch a movie and enjoy it.  We have to take it apart!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Frosty morning, the ground is covered.  The ice is pretty much gone, though, with only small spots in shady areas.  Chuckie the Church Rabbit (the cottontail) jetted across the front lawn of the church over to the field that wraps around one side and the back of the building.  I wasn't going to touch him!

I brought our little tree back to Seminary this morning (had to seriously hunt for it in the garage yesterday afternoon), but didn't really get to set it up.  I had too much stuff to prep for my lesson.  No cookies today, sorry kids!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Another Seminary morning with goodies - again, part of the lesson.  This time it was chocolate-covered marshmallow snowmen.  One of my students loves marshmallows.

Analiese had Young Women in Excellence program tonight.  She received her knowledge ribbon and certificate.
She used her rabbit training as her value project.  It was a very short program, with only four girls. I think it didn't go past eight o'clock.

Thursday, December 3, 2015
I find the frost in the morning fascinating.  It rims everything in white lace. I took a picture of this big leaf on my lawn.
 I'm not even sure what tree it came from; I don't recognize it.

Ken and I did our Christmas shopping at Walmart today. It was a special discount day for employees, so we could afford some things for the kids.  Nothing fancy, mind, though I got a few treats for the stockings, but things they need.  We went early enough so we could come home and Ken could get changed and turn around and go back and work.

Analiese allowed me to cut her bangs today.  No more than that, but then, I don't trust myself more than that either!  I asked her if she wanted me to make an appointment for her to get all of her hair cut, but nope, she wants to grow her hair long.  All the other girls in YW have long hair, so I guess she does, too.  She thinks the bobs (which are so cute on her) are too little girlish.  We'll see how this works, she's not the best at hair grooming.

Friday, December 4, 2015
I warmed up the house this morning with the toasty (and wonderfully smelling) oven as I made rolls for the Ward Christmas party tonight.

Jonathan didn't go with us tonight; he had a headache.  Ken was at work.  So it was me and Analiese. Mind, she abandoned me for Becca Sherlock the minute we got there.  So I sat at a table with the Sperrys and the Barrons.  Megan Sherlock was there, too, sitting next to Aurora.  I sat next to Will, so I basically shared the party with my Seminary students!

Dinner was ham and turkey, with all sorts of potato dishes, salads, veggies, desserts and drinks (I stuck with water).  I had a lovely salad with pomegranate seeds, pear, feta, and candied pecans that had a homemade dressing.  Oh, and my rolls.

The decorations were fun - they put gingerbread house kits on every table and everyone could decorate them.  I found our construction funny - between Dawn Barron and Aurora and Megan, they were a creative crack up - making an Arrendale cookie castle with Elsa and Anna in front.

The Santa they had for the kids was amazing!  He wasn't Santa - He was Father Christmas!  He had on fancy robes, a holly wreath, and a staff carved with a pinecone on top.  He was beautiful!  I didn't get a good picture of him because the kids swarmed him,
but he was just lovely.

Then, they smartly put the kids in one room with crafts and movies, while the adults could go in the other room to look at a Nativity display and scavenger hunt.  How?  They took up close pictures of the Nativities and put pictures on papers for people to go around the room and try to identify.  I supplied eight nativities (Yes, I have that many.  Actually, more, but my good big set stayed safely at home). There were some really nice ones.  My favorite one was the nesting dolls,
though I did (and have for many years) covet the Willowtree set.

This was a very nice, well planned party.  The bishop was well involved, and loving every minute of it!  And we had several visitors, including a missionary who'd returned home and was visiting OK with his family.

Saturday, December 5, 2015
My wifi was down most of yesterday afternoon, so I spent all morning working on Seminary stuff for the next week.  Ken took Jonathan to work and Analiese to 4H Food Science Club for me.

In the afternoon, Analiese and I went to one of her YW leader's homes for a cookie-and-cocoa open house.  It was kind of nice to sit down and decorate a few sugar cookies without having had to first make them.
 Don't worry, my time for that is coming fast!

Okay, I have to mention this, because the whole town is a-buzz.  Remember, this is a small community (well, there are smaller around here, but still) and not always much in the way of excitement.  That ended this week (for a while) as the Altus High School football team (the Bulldogs) went to state. One of my Seminary students could speak of nothing else this week. Bulldog flags fly at businesses and homes all around, cars are decorated with Bulldog encouragement and, at the high school, the campus is covered with posters and signs. The city had a big send-off ceremony for the team yesterday and a local shop had a poster-making event for those heading to OKC for the game.

Cuz - yes - a good chunk of the town headed out to the City this morning. There were buses the school provided for students who wanted to go, but many people drove themselves for the big game. I figured Altus might have been a ghost town, but it really wasn't.

How'd they do?  Well, here's the stats, as I've been told.  They were 12:1, with their opponents at 8:5. Altus last went to State 13 years ago and last won a State Championship in 1971. You see why everyone's salivating? Well, apparently, they CREAMED the other team.
It's a wonder there wasn't a ticker-tape parade for their homecoming.  It's all over the Altus FB pages. You should see the humongous trophy they have - the golden football on the top looks life-sized! There's going to be a lot of noise around here for the next week or so.

Me, I grew up in a larger community, with many high schools around.  I might have cared (a little) if my school went to state (I think our girls' volleyball did while I was there), but the whole community? It's certainly been an interesting experience here.

Sunday, December 6, 2015
I did something new in church today. I played a descant of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" as I sat next to the organist.  He only asked me to do it as I came into the chapel this morning. But it wasn't difficult as I used my left hand on the top keyboard.

Choir was early this evening so that we could get get home on time for the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. For me, the Christmas season doesn't really start without the Devotional.

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