Sunday, November 22, 2015


Monday, November 16, 2015
Grey day today.  Misting most of the day, but I'm not very cold.  Mainly because I am busy cleaning the dining room up and getting it ready for paint.  A dear sister in my ward came to help.  She has several rental houses and is a pro at prep and painting.  I was glad for her expertise!

My shopping foray took a new twist today.  Besides groceries, I was going to buy paint for the dining room.  Well, the ceiling paint was there, but their color computer was dead and I couldn't get the wall color.  I ended up having to make another trip - to Sherman Williams.  I actually got a lighter green for the walls (funnily enough called "celery") than the Wal-mart shade.  Not as yellow.  A little more pricey (though they had an online coupon that took 30% off!), but at least we'll be able to paint!

Because tomorrow is Paint Party Day!  Tonight's FHE was cleaning walls and prepping. Ken stayed up painting the ceiling.  I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Today was Will's birthday, so when he came into Seminary I had a cupcake and a journal waiting for him.  His grandparents are in town for his birthday and for his ordination to a teacher.  He was happy to get his "rabbit" cupcake.

Analiese and I started on the living room around 9:30.  She started painting in from the bottom and I worked the corners, doorframes, and window sills.  A sister from the ward came to help today (a different one from yesterday) and took Analiese's place. Analiese went to watch her young son in the living room (Thank goodness for Netflix). By the time we got to rolling the walls, Ken came home and said, "You're not done yet?" But all the prep painting took the time. Rolling goes fast!

And by the afternoon, with Ken's help, it was done!  The sister missionaries came later and helped me clean the floors in the bathroom and laundry room (Magic Eraser gets out scuff marks beautifully!) and remove tape from the ceilings. My knee was terribly swollen and painful from last night's work, so I was glad for their help!  I may be a little stiff tomorrow, too.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
It is official - my son has a job.  Me (under my breath): "Finally!"  He had an interview with Walgreens this afternoon (where his friend Sarah, his friend Geordi, and Geordi's dad work).  They pretty much hired him on the spot, pending a drug test.  No worries, there!

He's to get back with them Tuesday and yes, during the craziest consumer time of the year, he's going to be learning and training on the job.  What, I don't know.  Most likely they'll have him start stocking.  And he'll work after school, 3:00 - 11:00 p.m.  Tranportation, you ask?  He's going to walk it, unless the weather's bad.  Then Ken & I will have to flip a coin.  I may "lose" more often than not, if Ken's working, too.  Ah, well, I wanted him to have a job!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
So windy and cold out there!  I looked at the sky and said, "Hey, I haven't had enough fall yet.  No winter for a while!" But I don't think it hears me.  I know that by next week, our nights will have freezing temperatures.  No snow expected until the first of December, though.

So, working on clean up and touch up painting, guess who steps in it and makes the mess?  Not the kids, but the Clutzy Mom! I ended up with paint on my only pair of jeans, on the bottom of my Crocs, and the carpet.  I managed to get most of the paint out of the carpet. But...argh!  Why do I do this?

Rabbit Club was tonight. The leader handed me more cookie decorating stuff.  I'm the official Sugar Cookie Maker of the Rabbit Club. For the past two years I've made them for the Christmas party.  It's part craft, part dessert, and the kids love it!

Friday, November 20, 2015
No lessons for Analiese today.  Nope.  Today is work day.  We are cleaning up the dining room (in particular, though I have given her a few other tasks outside this room) to get it in shape to feed ourselves and four missionaries on Tuesday for our early Thanksgiving.

I'm not sure what was the most difficult: dusting and cleaning the rough stone fireplace (everything sticks) or scraping paint and filler stuff and scrubbing scuff marks off of the floor.  None of it is fun. All of it takes time and more than a few aches and pains.

So...Analiese and I took off after lunch to visit the Museum of the Western Prairie right smack dab in the middle of town (south of the Reservoir).
 We hadn't ever been, though we've wanted to go, and Analiese needed to go to a museum for YW Personal Progress.  It was a pretty cool museum, actually, with lots of old-timey stuff,
photos, and even a very (very) old film of Teddy Roosevelt on a prairie wolf (read: coyote) hunt in SW Oklahoma.  Of course, there was a lot of local history, with ranching and farming.

 It went all the way through to today, with a spot commemorating the town's relationship with the Air Force.
 Outside they had a dugout recreated (not comfy for tall people or claustrophobics)
and are in the process of rebuilding an old ranch home.
The barn had farming and harvesting equipment, including a windmill.
 That was my favorite.

At the end was a small art gallery.  Now, Frederick Remington is NOT from Oklahoma, but he's well-loved here.
 There's a huge statue of his in front of the county courthouse, and this museum had several reproductions of his.
 My favorite (of course) was of an Indian (Native American, etc.) on a horse, leaping over a buffalo!
 A lady working there guided us thoroughly through the gallery and part of the museum.  We really enjoyed it.  But then, we kinda like history.

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Brrrr!  This morning was cold!  "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...!" We had quite the wind storm last night (starting around 11) and it blew in from the artic.  The weather said it was 42, but felt like 36!  I believe it!  The whole time it was gusting last night, I could only keep thinking, "No more falling trees, please." We don't have any more dead trees on our property, but our neighbors surrrounding us do!

On days like today, baking and working in the kitchen is more pleasure than chore.  Even doing dishes means warm hands.  Tomorrow after church is the Linger Longer dinner, so I'm baking a zucchini-pineapple cake.  Think carrot cake, but with zucchini instead.  On top of that, I was cooking some chicken to shred for dinner tonight (baked chicken flautas).

The dining room, though not complete (we still need to put up the ceiling trim, but it'll have to wait), is now clean.  Ken and Jonathan moved the china cabinet and put the area rug, dining table, and chairs back into place.  I think we can have our nice Thanksgiving least around the table!  By the way, everything is (carefully) stowed in the laundry room until we can get at them.

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Well, my cake was demolished at the Linger Longer. A lot of people wondered if it was carrot cake. Nope.  Green flecks, not orange.

And, boy, is December going to be busy! The announcements at church seemed endless. Plus, speaking with my VT companion, we want to get our visits done by the first week or so of the month, because after that, things get hairy!

We're warming up in choir.  We'll be doing our big program on the 13th, because the bishop is going out of town.  He wants me to move my Seminary Christmas breakfast up a day, because he's leaving the next day.  Only snag is that my next inservice is that day.  Well, I could probably get out of it. For the bishop.

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