Sunday, November 8, 2015


Monday, November 2, 2015
It was a cool foggy morning, to start with.  Even getting out of Seminary in the light, there was a light low fog hanging over the field next to the church.

And the day felt pretty normal.  As I went off to take Analiese to P.E. and go shopping, however, Ken starting painting the bathroom.  Yes, it is pink.  No, I am not unhappy with it.  Yet.  Let the paint dry, and then we'll see.  I think it will still be fabulous.

Tonight's dinner was shredded pork roast in the crockpot.  I only used half of the pork roast last week for the chili, so I put the other 2 lbs of it in the crockpot all day.  I used lots of garlic and rosemary, with some soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper.  It's my signature roast and there's nothing Ken likes more.  Shredded on a Kaiser roll, with a little au jus...heavenly!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Don't you just love it when your day starts out right?  I forgot to unplug my phone from it's charger last night, so it wasn't next to me in bed, but in the other room.  So...ten minutes after it started going off, I actually woke up to hear it!  Yep, ten minutes behind in my carefully planned schedule.

Actually, I didn't have a lot of set up for Seminary this morning, so I wasn't in a world of hurt.  I even had time to review a scripture mastery I was memorizing so I could pass it off with my kids today.  This is catch-up week for scripture mastery, so we're all working on things we haven't got down yet.

Analiese and I went outside today in the lovely weather (mid-70's) to pick more pecans.  Goodness, there's a bunch of 'em!  After half a n hour, our bucket was a third of the way full, which doesn't sound like much but collecting pecans is work, with a lot of bending and stooping.  We take a break now and then to pick some still clinging to the tree.  That way, we get to stretch the other way.

Ken touched up the bathroom today.  Still pink.  He also worked on cleaning up and repainting the trim, which needs to dry a bit more before reinstalling.  This evening we're going to Lawton to get a longer towel rack and a new light fixture for the bathroom.  The old one was nice enough, but the stupid light bulbs for it (there are 3 lights) cost nearly $30 a piece!  They're hard to find and those Green-People got it stupidly wrong.  They do NOT last for years (I've been in this house two years and have had to replace them twice) and they're filled with mercury, so disposing them nearly takes a HazMat team.  Better?  Really?  Somebody bought a load of stupid.  Sorry, it's a big beef with me.

It was a looong evening going to Lawton, traveling nearly an hour up and another one back.  First, we had dinner at Firo, a stone-oven pizza place - Yum!  Then we went to Home Depot to get all the things on our list (it had mysteriously grown). Then, since Ken said we were doing well on time, we went to Target (I was looking for cheap incentives for Seminary, but only found a set of cute, pose-able erasers. Ken thought it was ridiculous to go around the store in a cart with one tiny thing in it).   On the way home, he gets a craving for a milkshake, and not just any kind.  We had to go to Braum's for real eggnog ice cream shake for him and a cherry limeade for me (he's such a tempter!).  When we got home, he wanted to put up the new light fixture in the bathroom right away!  By this time, I was so tired.  We got the kids put to bed, I did up their dinner dishes, and he struggled, eventually ending up with one broken glass shade and a short temper.  You can't believe the work it took to get him to stop, calm down, and go to bed.  As he put it, he was going full Aspergers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Passed off another scripture mastery today - now I'm only one behind!  I am trying to be a good example to the kids.  If my old brain can do it, they certainly can!

But I felt really sorry for the two siblings; they were not feeling well.  Aurora was snuffly yesterday, but today they both dragged into class.  Poor Will was hardly cognizant the whole time.  I told them they didn't have to come to Seminary if they were sick!  Megan was up to the task today, however, of reading and participating.  She carried the class...good girl!

The morning is overcast, rain is forecast for this evening.  It is quite cool and definitely feels like fall. Analiese asked me yesterday why Fall was my favorite season and I said, "The weather cools off!"  Rain is expected tonight.  And we shall be warm & dry!

Thursday, November 5, 2015
I still have a long way to go toward being perfect.  The rain did not come last night, so I figured it wasn't coming (OK weather is fickle that way).  So, I didn't take an umbrella to Seminary.   Guess what happened in the last part of Seminary?  It began to rain - HARD!  I mean, it came down for maybe ten minutes (through the last bit of class, tapering off and ending as we left), but it was so much that Navajoe road was flooded all the way across where I turn off of Broadway and Walnut was halfway there where I turned off of Navajoe (yes, the spelling's right - that's how it's spelled here. One day I'll take a pic and prove it!)  So, I was a leeeeetle wet when I got home.  Weird weather.

And it only got stranger.  By the afternoon, we were in the low 80's.  What was up with  that?  Then, as the sun started to set, the wind picked up and we heard about a tornado warning in Olustee (don't ask me where it is, but it's not too terribly far from us).

So tonight became a soup night.  I made my famous black bean soup that I have to consciously double every time because my family loves it so!  I serve it with oven-baked nachos and top it with sour cream and cilantro.  It's vegetarian, which is a surprise that my family likes it so much, but very hearty.  I can't eat more than one bowl...but Jonathan can!

Friday, November 6, 2015
I always wake Analiese before I go to Seminary, usually pulling her blankets off and tickling her legs.  This morning, I woke her with a "Happy Birthday, Princess," and a hug and kiss on her head. Nice way to start the day!

For her special day, I took her to lunch at Taco Mayo, an Oklahoma Mexican food chain we like here in town.  Then we proceeded to get our annual dual pedicures.  She chose a sparkly sapphire blue, while I had a sea blue.

Saturday, November 7, 2015
Ah, delicious sleep!  I woke shortly after nine, but only to bustle.  Because after I took a shower, I had to take Analiese over to the city gym so she could work at the Concession stand to earn $ for the 4H Food Science club.  Actually, she thinks it's great fun, so it was no burden for her.

Meanwhile, I had to go to Walmart and buy a new microwave.  Yes, we bought a new one when we moved here, but it hasn't done so well.  Yesterday, all the slamming, and programming, and careful manipulating would not get it to start.  And, next to our toaster, we use the microwave a lot.  SIGH. Life has been so expensive lately.

Currently, I am sitting in the hallway, with all the doors closed, watching Alice so Analiese can clean her cage.  We can't leave her here on her own...she pulls up the carpet.  Because of al the work on the house, she hasn't been able to run around much, so today's been a happy day for her, as she binkies and explores.  She rubs her chin over everything, owning it.  So she owns my crocs, and my toes, my jeans, my tablet...

Sunday, November 8, 2015
Today was Stake Conference/Regional Conference.  We left the house at 8 a.m. even though conference didn't start until 10.  But for the sake of a good seat...

It may seem confusing, but we had two meetings because they released our Stake Presidency and called a new one.  The Regional Conference was the original meeting set.  Elder Keetch from the 70 presided over the first meeting.  The other was a broadcast from Salt Lake with Elder Oaks of the Twelve presiding and Elder Robbins of the Presidency of the Seventy conducting (yes, he was Ken's mission president).  Both meetings were great.  I really felt Elder Keetch's talk pertained to our family personally.  Both Elder Robbins & Elder Oaks' talks meshed together for a great message about simple living - physically and spiritually.

We had a little picnic lunch in the parking lot before heading home and then...oh, boy!  For a day of rest, it was a busy one!  Study for Seminary, Skype with Niles in Alaska, Choir Practice....  Between all that and thinking of what I need to get done tomorrow, I feel really tired!

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