Sunday, November 1, 2015


Monday, October 26, 2015
One of my stalwart readers (you know who you are) made the comment that I didn't show any before or after pictures of the roof or ceiling fixes.  To be honest, I was embarrassed by the moldy, falling out ceiling and the fact that it took so long to get it fixed.  So today, I took a few pictures of the work in progress, so you get an idea.

This first part is actually a volunteer boo-boo.  One of them stepped through the ceiling.  At least, they didn't get hurt.  I can't really complain about volunteers.  They are helping me!
This is around the fireplace, which is the worst of the mold and damage.  The chimney outside is covered with uneven rock and it's hard to work around it.  The roofers were supposed to come around today and try to fix it.  They didn't.

Here we are in front of the bathroom in the laundry room.  This is where the sloped ceiling from the original house meets the flat roof of the addition and water was pooling.  We literally had a hole here for several months.  Not anymore.

This is the corner of the bathroom where once a waterfall fell.  There was a hole in the roof. When we found it, we put a piece of plywood covered with a tarp over it to stop Niagara.  But the damaged remained on top and underneath.

Obviously, it's a work in progress.  I'm trying to be optimistic about it.  So today, while shopping, I grabbed some paint chips in the colors I liked.  Powder Pink (top one) is for the bathroom, Blue Cloud (or maybe the Pearl Drop - top and middle) for the laundry room, and Celery Sticks (the top green) for the dining room.
 Now, I can't really justify the laundry room or bathroom, it's pretty much just the ceiling that needs painting.  But the dining room will need painting.  Right now it's two walls darker green, two walls mustard-y, with white trim.  It will look light and lovely in Celery Sticks.  Though, it also probably means that the back door needs painting, because right now it's a weird sort of brushed raspberry.  The paint chip back has coordinating color suggestions.  Maybe I'll use one of them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Ten Commandments Day in Seminary!  We watched 10 commandments videos (well, we tried), sang a song, did some hand motions, played hopscotch 10 Commandments-style, made a 10 commandments craft, and did a 10 commandments match-up.  Oh, and had chocolate milk and doughnuts.  Sorry, we were so busy having fun I forgot to take pictures.  And the sleepy kids who dragged in today, marched out energized (and a little sugar high).

Ken and Dennis finished repairing and "texturizing" the ceilings in the dining room, laundry and bathroom.  Now it's about clean up and painting.  Ken hates painting and isn't looking forward to it.  I can't handle the dust and clutter.  So I told him that if he'd do the dusty, dirty clean-up, I could handle the painting (I have a secret weapon, though...I've had people volunteer to help me paint!).

Analiese and I went to RS Book Club tonight.  I was technically the hostess, since I was the one sharing and introducing the book, but we had it at the Haines because my house is in no shape for visitors.  We read "The Princess Bride," what a hoot!  It's nearly the same as the movie, mainly in part because William Goldman wrote the book and the screenplay and because he was friends with Rob Reiner, the director.  I did surprise the ladies, though.  They thought he really was abridging a book. Nope, it's all part of the satiric joke.  It was so much fun to talk and laugh about and, yes, you can find book club discussion questions for it online.  Inconceivable!

Oh, and I refuse to be apologetic about parenthetical asides anymore.  I love parentheses and adding quippy, snarky things to my writing.  William Goldman did it hilariously in "The Princess Bride."  So now I feel justified! (Just sayin')

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
It's a windy cold morning.  My students came in looking rather wind-torn,  The stars were out clearly this morning, I could even see the Venus/Mars/Jupiter phenomenon.  Look it up, if you don't know. But it's clear enough to see with the naked eye - even a lousy one like mine!

No breakfast this morning because I (FINALLY) made it to the blood lab and radiology today.  I got home from Seminary, changed clothes, and dashed over.  My doctor's office is next door to the hospital, so both lab and x-ray were close by.  The poor lab gal was having a hard time finding a vein, looking on both arms.  I'd have preferred the left, but got stuck with the right.  Usually, I'm pretty hydrated.  Not this morning, I guess.

This was my first time in the hospital, but directionally-challenged me managed to find radiology by sight.  I guess there's hope for me yet.  I didn't have to wait long, but as I was waiting, Dr. Tran walked by.  I was a little bashful about it because I was supposed to have done this on Monday.  Life happens, things don't always happen...even when the doctor wants them.

Now I'm just tired.  I've come home, had something to eat and fluids, finished up lessons with Analiese and I want to sleep.  I have a VT appointment at noon.  Can I sneak in a little nap?

Today on the roads that the highways run through town (Main & Broadway), we've had some fun-looking wide loads.  One truck had a single windmill blade on it - you know, those gigantic windmills?  I drove past the truck...that thing was long!  It sure gave me the perspective of the size of those things.  Inconceivable!

The second truck was much funnier, in my opinion.  It had a big cotton bale inside it.  And apparently the bales scrape against the bottom of the truck, because the bottom of it was dripping white fluffy stuff.  Too bad I can't use my camera while driving!  Jonathan says I'm irrationally interested in the cotton.  Well, it's like we grow clouds around here!

Ooo!  We have sister missionaries in our ward now.  They just came today.  Yes, we still have the elders, but (understandably) I have a fondness for Herms (hermanas - Spanish - mission slang).  I told them I'd take them to Walmart tomorrow to get groceries (Like I don't have anything to do.  But how could I say no?).  They have to share the pickup with the elders.  Analiese may even want to come along for the ride.

Jonathan wiped down the bathroom walls for me today as I spackled in (I guess putty isn't the right word anymore) holes and cracks.  Ken is still working on getting the outside trim painted white before the next rain storm (due Friday), but wants to do the bathroom next which, yes, has to be done, because the ceiling in there was the wall color.  So I went to Walmart this afternoon to get painting supplies paint!  Hey, it's not Bubblegum, Fuchsia, or Hot Pink, just a pale pink that will look great with the silver hardware in the bathroom.

Thursday, October 29, 2015
On the way to Seminary, a little cottontail bunny tried to run out into the road.  I swerved a little (quiet, residential street) to miss it and it ran back to the side.  Stay safe, little bunny!  It was tiny, I think it was a youngster.

I almost had a fainting student today.  I should have known how sensitive she was about blood when we talked about the river of blood when we studied the ten plagues of Egypt.  Today, we talked about Moses sprinkling oxen blood on the Israelites as a symbol of their covenant with God.  She got very quiet...and very pale.  It took a little talking it out of her and she was fine by the end of class, but she scared me a little.  We're so removed nowadays from the food we eat and how it's produced, that these things seem foreign, scary or gross to us.  Not so back in history.

This afternoon was fun, taking the new sister missionaries to Walmart.  It surprised them that I ran into two ward members in the store.  What I didn't tell them is that not only did I do that, I also ran into two ladies from water aerobics.  It's not hard to do here!

Also, Analiese and I drove them around town a little, showing them the reservoir and the main streets. Analiese is excited to have sisters here.  To her, they are much cooler than elders!  I agree, but I'm prejudiced.

Friday, October 30, 2015
The rain came as promised...and on time.  Which meant driving to Seminary in it.  I went over today in class, too, argh!  The tabernacle is a lot to talk about.  My two homeschool students say they took a week to study it on their online course.  No wonder!

Last night, the kids and I painted mini pumpkins for the Trunk or Treat at the church tonight.  I had to finish mine this morning because it took forever to dry.  I also found out that, after my daughter's last painting venture for the Fair, she'd let FIVE brushes dry out covered in paint.  Ruined!  I was not happy.  I like to use good brushes and I told her she owes me for them!

Besides the normal daily Friday things, Analiese and I were busy with making chili for the ward party tonight.  This is no ordinary chili, it has no tomato base.  It has tomatillos, poblano chilies, cilantro, black beans, pork and corn.  It is VERY good, much different from your run-of-the-mill chili.  I took a picture of it before they served it at the dinner and it was a good thing, because they ate it up!

After than (and picking up Jonathan), was carving our pumpkin.  Analiese designed it and Jonathan did the carving.  Obviously, she decided to do a rabbit.

And guess who got to be a rabbit for Halloween?  I found rabbit ears and tail at Dollar Tree, so it was very affordable.  I even painted my face a little. Analiese approved.

The party was fun, with at least 8 different kinds of chili, mine being the only non-tomato one.  They had cornbread and chili trimmings and a dessert table.  One sister did a brain cake - how cool!

After dinner they had a costume parade, then games for the kids.  While they did that we adults set up a trick-or-treat alley in a hallway since the rain was off on on.  Then, before closing for the evening, the Activity Days treated us to a dance lesson for Thriller.  Analiese will use any opportunity to dance!

Saturday, October 31, 2015
Jonathan didn't get home until 11 last night, so we all slept in a bit.  I think I got up just before 9:30. That is LATE for me. Of course, it also threw off my morning.  I like to get things done early!

So, after family devotional, I went and did a little necessary shopping.  Then I rushed home to take Analiese to a park by the reservoir for a 4H activity (general 4H, not any particular club). Then I went home to be with Jonathan for a little bit, before having to pick her up again.

It's a beautiful day.  After the rain yesterday, today is cool, crisp and bright.  I really love this weather.  I feel alive and energized.  A little chilly might mean I have to put on a sweater occasionally, but that's okay, too.  I think Fall is my favorite time of year.

Ken came home on his Walmart break just in time for us to all have dinner together.  That is a rare occurance!  But we were happy about it, because it was our fun family Halloween dinner, with placemats and treats.

After dinner, Ken went back to work and I took the kids to the Doshers, where they were going to hang out with them and a couple more friends.  Now, the Doshers, besides have rabbits (we met them at Rabbit Club), also have a dog and a cat.  Analiese took some Benedryl and promised not to touch the dog, but I couldn't stay.  Touch it or not, I would have problems with the cat. Bummer!  Michelle (the mom) and I get along great!

So I spent my Halloween evening alone watching TV.  I really couldn't do anything else, because I had to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters.  My porch light is motion-sensored (not our idea, previous owners) and none of us has been able to figure out how to make it just stay lit.  So I hung another light outside and actually had eight kids come to the door.  That's double last year!  Yay, get rid of my candy!

I closed up shop and picked up the kids around 10 o'clock.  Cat or no, I did stay for about half an hour longer to drink some cider and chat with Michelle.  It was hard to break away...we could keep this up forever.  We really get along!

Sunday, November 1, 2015
October flew by and I really don't expect less of November.  I've got to get my act together and get this house ready, preferably by Thanksgiving,  Not that we're expecting guests, but I'd like things nice.  C'mon...Thanksgiving.

They called a ward chorister today.  Sister Sperry has been wanting a ward choir since they moved into the ward (they'd been in the ward before and back then, there was a choir).  So, Analiese and I went to choir tonight.  Ken totally refused to go; Jonathan wouldn't go after we told him we'd be doing Christmas music.  What does he think?  In choirs, we usually start on Christmas music in August!

LOTS of altos (of which I'm one), a few sopranos (plus three young boys who are currently with them), five tenors, and three bass.  It was a fun group, though, and I love singing Christmas music.  It's my favorite music!!!

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