Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Monday, July 27, 2015
8 o'clock in the morning, and two brethren from the ward were on my doorstep to come evaluate my roof again.  There are some hard choices to be made, expensive choices.  SIGH.  Michele, remind yourself, "You are not as yet as Job.  You are not as yet as Job."

The kids have bad news, too.  The new eating plan (I don't want to say "diet") means less of the stuff they scarf and more of the stuff they should eat.  I told them, less junk, more veggies.  I told Ken, too.  We'll see how long it takes to have them all in full on whining mode.

It is so hot out!  One bank sign read 110 degrees, but I don't think it was quite that bad, unless you count the heat index. The a/c in Ken's car is struggling and the house is fighting to keep us halfway cool.  Wah, wah, wah.  I'm a real whiner today (cyclical hormones - I will NOT elaborate).

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Tough time sleeping last night and it wasn't the heat.  I woke up at one point to use the restroom and then started sneezing and getting drippy-nosed.  Oh, and my brain decided to start telling me what I needed to do for Seminary before this weekend.  I took some allergy pills and told my brain to "Shut up!"  Then, I slept until 9:30.  Gotta get out of that habit.

Busy day back and forth.  Post office - house that Jonathan is pool-caretaking - church (Seminary stuff).  Oh, and Rabbit Club this evening.  We were working on rabbit agility (obstacle course - Alice has absolutely no interest) and prepping for our garage sale next week.

Cooked fish for dinner.  Isn't it pretty?  Tasted pretty good, too.  Poached fish, brown rice, Spinach salad, cantaloupe and black grapes.  Maybe I won't starve after all.  But I can't account for Jonathan...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Today was bug day.  Wasps in the garage (with nest), ants in the bathroom (tiny ones - I think they're trying to escape the heat or look for water - or both), and dead pill bugs (roly-polys, whatever) in every nook and cranny of the floor!  This, of course, doesn't count the mosquitoes outdoors who tend to blood-suck whenever I step foot out of the house.

I swept up the pill bugs and Ken sprayed the wasps' nest and the bathroom for ant.  Looking later, there were at least a dozen wasps around that nest and a couple of emerging ones inside.  Ugh!  Mosquitoes, I have yet to find a real remedy.  I learned in a recent article that they are attracted to heat - and who's the furnace?

Thursday, July 30, 2015
A little more working on Seminary stuff.  I have to get some binders at Sam's Club on Saturday (after my inservice) and then I can get the kids' folders set up.  I also made up a calendar schedule of dates for Seminary (tentative, of course) of days off according to the Altus Public Schools Calendar and the dates I'll need subs for my monthly teacher meetings.  Copies go to students and parents, but also one for the bishop, and one for the Institute Secretary so she can update the church attendance system for me without me having to bug her all the time!  I will tell her it's a present, though not a very exciting one.  But helpful for both of us!

Analiese and I had a fun time tonight for Mom-and-Me time.  We looked at videos on You Tube - the first was about Rabbit Island in Japan.  We heard about it in Rabbit Club Tuesday and wanted to see what it was like.  Analiese has now put the island on her bucket list.  These are amazingly tame rabbits with no predators that swarm on people for food, because all these unchecked reproducing bunnies are eating the island dry.  We also looked at videos of rabbits binkying.  Want a good laugh?  Watch one!

Friday, July 31, 2015
One of my biggest allergy issues right now is itching.  Not on the skin - that's the purview of the mosquitoes, but in my ears, eyes and especially my throat.  Sleeping is difficult when your throat is so itchy and nothing releaves it.  I would drink water or use Chloroseptic, but they are very temporary.  The most effective so far is using On Guard (an essential oil blend) straight on my throat.  Strong and kills it immediately if I can get all the itchy areas.  I'm thinking of gargling some this evening with water to see how that works.

In the meantime, I slept awfully last night.  I don't think I got to sleep until nearly midnight and woke at five with terrible throat itching.  I finally gave up, took some allergy pills, took a shower (sometimes that helps)...and then went back to bed where I apparently slept until nearly 11 a.m.  Not good!  And I still feel tired.  I have to get my energy back.  Seminary starts in a week and a half!

Kittens in the garage AGAIN???!!!???  Apparently these are newborn - their eyes are still closed.  Ken asked me what to do with them.  I have no idea.  All I know is that I really don't want to have more allergy triggers around me.  This is insane.

Saturday, August 1, 2015
Up at six, out the door at six-thirty, I was on my way to Norman, OK (South of OKC, near Moore) for Seminary Inservice.  It was a lovely drive, with only a few sprinkles on the road as far as Lawton.  I saw lots of fields and cows - one field had a bunch of cattle egrets "hanging" with the cows.
There was a little gray cloud cover over the Institute Building, but otherwise, all was nice.

Wonderful, inspiring speakers and activities.  This year we had FOUR Institute directors there, one from as far as Southern Missouri.  All of them had pertinent things to teach and, while we laughed quite a bit, the Spirit was still very strong.  I really enjoyed how they would take the scriptures they were teaching from and ask us what we specifically felt that the Spirit was trying to teach/tell us at that moment...and what we intended to do about it!  I came away with so many new ideas and fresh perspectives to share with my students come August 11th!

The ride home was more tiring, since it was the 2nd 2 1/2 hour stint of the day.  Outside of Lawton, I hit a rainstorm that nearly had me hydroplaning - I had to cut back the speed drastically.  I stopped in Lawton to do a little Seminary and personal shopping and the rain followed me.  By the time I got out of Sam's club it was coming down hard and I got more than a little wet, even with the umbrella that I had the foresight to bring with me.  I was grateful after the last hour leg home, to get my wet dress off and hug my kids (couldn't with hubby - he was sleeping).

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Busy-busy-busy.  Mainly, with Seminary stuff.  Had to make a few copies before church and stuff some stuff in the closet.  During Sunday School, I was in the Bishop's office and we talked/strategized over the upcoming Seminary dates.  After all the meetings, I had a Seminary orientation for the new year with my families (those that were in town).  We are still working on talking one young man into doing Seminary, albeit it will be home study.  He said it would be a lot of work on top of school.  I said, "i know, ask the other kids about it!  You're not alone!"

I'd say I spent a quiet afternoon at home, and the quiet part is pretty much right.  But now I've got a hugely busy week coming up where I've got to get Seminary ready for takeoff and I've got 4H Rabbit Club Garage Sale prep and sale ALL WEEK.  So anything I can do today, I guess I kind of have to do.  At least if I do the spiritual stuff, I won't feel so much like a Sabbath-breaker.

The blog template has changed for easier reading.  Apparently it was difficult to see on the light brown background.  I kind of liked the old-fashion-y pioneer, Oklahoma look, but if people can't read it, what's the point?

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