Monday, August 3, 2015


Monday, August 3, 2015
From the start, I could tell this day wasn't going to go exactly as planned.  I woke up to find my daughter cleaning up water and putting a bucket in the hall in front of the bathroom.  Unbeknownst to me (and apparently the weathermen, because the Weather Channel said no rain until next Sunday) we had a rainstorm over head and it was dropping a lot of water.  Into my house.

It didn't stop there.  I had laundry from Friday still waiting for me to put away (explanation: Sometimes that doesn't get done on Friday if Ken goes to sleep before the laundry is done.  This time I was in Norman on Saturday and Sunday, well, we I don't do that stuff on Sunday) and Monday's laundry waiting.  I wanted to make some more muffins for the garage sale's bake sale this weekend...but first I had to shell half a cup of pecans, which is more work than you think.  And more of a mess.  Then, I realized, I had no eggs.  Oh, well, I still needed to go grocery shopping.  So, after going to the library (books are read and due tomorrow) and the bank, I went to Walmart.  Shopping is even more of a chore now because it's become My Food vs. Their Food and you can imagine which group is more tempting!  Plus, I still have to stay under budget!

Go home, put groceries away.  Schedule mirror repair on van for Wednesday with Ford dealer in town.  Whites for some reason are not clean, run them again.  Make muffins.  Maybe now I'll take a "break" and sit down and work on some Seminary stuff.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
No rain today, and much work.  Immediately after morning family devotional, the kids and I went over to the houses (yes, two) to help set up the yard sale. Because of yesterday's (and last night's) rain, the tables were covered with plastic and tarps.   A sheltered area was bowed down with a heavy weight of water.  They were very happy to have Jonathan (a healthy young man!) to help, though he did get a good soaking trying to get the water off of the shelter.

Analiese and I spent several hours hanging and folding clothes.  There were so many boxes and bags of clothes!  We had clothes racks and ladders and a bazillion hangers, that weren't quite enough.  I made do by first taking t-shirts off hangers and folding them onto 3 card tables.  Still not enough hangers.  Next, tank tops, folded into a plastic bin.  Nope.  Shorts on a table, folded (they didn't stay on the hangers anyway).  Still not enough.  Bras, pjs, underwear on a table.  Then jeans folded on a table.  Still not enough, but it had to do.

Around one we bailed, it was SO hot, even in the shade.  That's okay, there's still so much Seminary work I needed to do.  Plus, my laundry wasn't put away yesterday.  And I had the Family Home Evening lesson to prepare.  

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
After a little fix on the van at the Ford shop, Analiese and I went back to the yard sale set-up.  Even more hot.  People are already coming by to look at stuff...and buy.  Our rule is, if they want to buy it even though the sale doesn't start until tomorrow...sell it!  Our stuff came out (a 4H-er brought a trailer to our house to take it.  Yes, we had clothes and shoes, but things that had to go to make room for the heirlooms from Arkansas went to the sale.  

By noon, we were feeling pretty worn from the heat.  I took Analiese and her friend, Charissa, to McD's for lunch - and not through the drive through!  We needed the a/c!  We did go back for another hour of torture, when I had to go home and sleep off a headache.

I felt better after a couple of hours.  Ken and I took the kids to Lawton for a fireside and we had our anniversary dinner, albeit three weeks late.  We went to this place that I had found online, a burger and beer place (no beer for us, of course) that was packed, including the parking lot.  My turkey sandwich on sourdough was okay, but the sweet potato fries were fantastic!  Waffle cut and with special garlic salt, they were the best I've ever had!  I could have had them and not the sandwich.  

Thursday, August 6, 2015
If you can believe it, today was even hotter.  There was a heat advisory on the weather app today. And the first real day of the yard sale.  Three days for a yard sale seems crazy, but one of our members is a yard sale specialist (not me - I hate them!) and she advised it.  Trust me, without naming numbers, even before the sale officially started, we made GOOD money.  

Today I worked on sorting books.  I took allergy meds before going, which was good, because books are musty and dusty.  People have given so many donations, that it has been a challenge getting it all out.

I quit again by noon and spent the afternoon working on Seminary lessons for next week.  Because I'm working off of an electric book on not a physical one, it's been harder to plan.  I can't write all over the pages, highlight like crazy and make plans.  Not easily.  I finally got through physical, if not spiritual, planning, but it was hours and I was finished for the day.  Ken was sleeping, Jonathan went to Institute class in Lawton, so I fixed some dinner for Analiese and myself and vegged in front of the tv.  Burned out.

Friday, August 7, 2015
We did NOTHING about the yard sale today.  I had a doctor's appointment (no worries, just a normal female-type exam) and other things to do, so I said no-go to the 4H group.

It didn't mean I wasn't busy.  After the doctor, I went to the church to do some more Seminary set up and make copies.  The road just before the turn off for the church building runs right in front of the high school here and the city was out repainting lines on the road.  It took a little maneovering to get around them and the local traffic.  

Monthly pedicure was next.  On their tv, the news said the heat index was 115 degrees!  Boy, was I glad for my decision to not be out in the heat.

Then there was Wal-mart for water and ice.  The water in Altus is yucky and borderline dangerous to your health.  We go to the store for it's water-filtering machine.  Lugging jugs of water around town isn't fun, but in this heat, it's vital.  The ice, too, because a) I won't make ice cubes out of Altus water (see above) and b) my fridge's ice maker isn't able to be used (location) and c) I won't use the precious jug water because I'd have to go to the store more often for refills. 

Analiese had her very first babysitting job this evening.  It was for a family in our ward with four kids, but no babies or diapers.  She's not ready for that.  It probably was more like a playdate, because the two oldest (twins) are only a couple years behind her in age.  Still, it gave the parents a few hours to go shopping without the kids and Analiese a chance to try her hand at babysitting.

Saturday, August 8, 2015
Last day of the yard sale - thank heavens!  Not a one of us really wants to do it again, unless we can find an indoor venue.  Just our luck, this was the hottest week of the year!

I didn't jump up to get there too early today, either.  I had some laundry to put away and I wanted Analiese to clean her rabbit's cage.  Plus, we had family devotional.  I think we made it there around 9:30.

All of the baked goods we made have sold.  My muffins were a definite hit!  Cold drinks were always welcome, too, so those side enterprises worked well.  It looked at first like people had hardly made a dent in our stuff (we had so much!), but by the end of the day, things were pretty well picked through.  All of my furniture was gone, half of the shoes donated were gobbled up.  At the end, we bagged some clothes for donations to various groups in town (the VFW, a nursing home, and a children's home) and then a guy came and took the rest of the stuff for us (probably for his own yard sale, but who cares?).

One thing that had been up for sale was a Wurlitzer electronic piano, still functional.  Analiese would play it from time-to-time so people could see it still worked.  When asked where she had lessons, I told my fellow 4Hers that I had taught her.  Then, they wanted to know if I would give their kids lessons!  I could...but I don't feel that proficient.  I had a year of lessons when I was 13, and self-taught for the rest.  My fingering is atrocious, though I am working to make sure Analiese gets hers right.  I'm still debating, it isn't the first time someone here has asked me to teach them piano.

FOR THE RECORD: I do NOT live in the boondocks!  Why this forceful statement?  Some people have made the impression that I do.  But I will tell you this honestly, tonight I traveled TO the boondocks.  I can now say I have visited the boondocks.  But I do not live there.

Here's the scoop: the kids were invited to a party with a young returned missionary in our ward.  I picked up someone else and proceeded to drive the kids towards Lawton.  Just passing the AFB south entrance, we turned left...onto a dirt and gravel road!  For twenty minutes, we traversed this barely-passable-as-a-road road and I feared that I might get a flat, puncture something else valuable in the car, or drive into a ditch!  Little Honda Civics aren't built for this kind of travel.  Jonathan said I was driving too slow...there was no way I was going faster!  I had to avoid ruts and bigger rocks and hope and pray that no one would come the other way down the road, forcing me to the side!

After what seemed an interminable time, I finally could turn left onto a paved road.  Ah, Civilization!  I now know what defines it...paved roads!  Still, we passed field after field of cows or cotton and eventually turned right onto another (paved) road...with no sign.  I get lost easily, this whole thing had me very nervous.  But apparently it was the right road and the second house on the left (the first was a big farm, so we aren't talking just a little drive) was the home of the party.

Getting out, Jonathan told me I could take the paved road we had turned off of straight and it would lead me to the Altus airport, from which I could easily get home.  Why didn't he take me that way in the first place??? He told me I was being wimpy, but I should have made him try to drive that dirt road!

Pick up was a little easier, except it was in the dark.  And, Iike I said before, no street sign.  I had done the Hansel-and-Gretel type thing when I'd gone home before and counted stop signs.  Three stop signs, turn left at next street, if you can find it in the dark.  I did, we got home safely, though my nerves were shot.  Good grief, I now know what the boondocks are!

Sunday, August 9, 2015
We had ward conference today.  The bishop gave a very good talk.  I like our bishop a lot.  He's so good with the youth.

I asked Ken to give me a blessing today.  My throat itches constantly and often I have itchy ears and eyes, plus sneezing fits.  We both feel it's the mold in the house causing it.  Solving that problem is going to take some time.

The kids and I went to visit the Box family on base this evening.  We had hamburgers and played games, which is something we all enjoy.  They are a fun family, the ones Analiese babysat for on Friday.  The wife is from Mexico, so we have talks about our experiences with language.  Plus, she thinks I'm funny.  We like each other.

I'm tired, though.  Big week, so much going on.  Adventures galore, and too much heat!  I'd say I'm looking forward to a peaceful, quiet week, but I know that isn't going to happen.  Back to lessons (Analiese), back to school (for Jonathan), back to Seminary.

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