Monday, July 6, 2015


Monday, July 6, 2015
The day began normally: laundry, menus, grocery lists and shopping.  But by the afternoon, life changed again for the Bolton household.  Ken and his entire department at the prison were laid off today.  Out of the blue, well, sort of.

We had a feeling.  There were signs, like their site not being given useable call leads.  And Ken felt the Spirit telling him that things were going to change.  Just not exactly when.  When became Today.

The last time Ken lost a job, I went into serious freak-out panic mode.  Today, not at all.  A little blue because - SIGH - we're back to square one again.  But really, the things we had considered problems yesterday suddenly became unimportant, or at least much less so.  I can't give the entire credit to myself for holding it together, citalopram (my "happy" pills) has helped me keep it together much better these last few years.  Actually, I got more upset about Jonathan not getting the AFB mechanics job.  Now we think, "Is this all part of the plan?"

Because, we don't know.  I kind of understand Nephi's situation with getting the plates from Laban in Jerusalem.  He didn't know beforehand what he was to do...and neither do we!  If anything, it's a greater incentive to live closer to the Spirit so we can be guided in the right direction.  

I've also been thinking about Joseph Smith's family when he was growing up.  They bounced along from place to place, with upsets and trials and such on all sides.  And they were good people!  So I can't feel a lesser person just because I have my own trials to deal with.  It's life.

Ooo!  The wind is picking up outside; a storm is rolling in.  I hope my roof holds.  That's another thing on hold - repairs!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
T-mnus 1 (termination minus one). Thought it'd be interesting to see how much time passes between jobs. Might be more of a downer, so if I stop, you'll know it started depressing me.

Drippy day, cooler, too. This is July? Not a soaking rain, mainly just misty. A nice break, though, from the muggy heat.

Ken and I dropped the kids off at the library while we went and strategized with the bishop. Since both he and we are leaving on vacation next week, we really couldn't wait. And, yes, we're still going. We intend to relax and enjoy time with Ken's family.

We have our Family Home Evenings on Tuesday, because Ken generally tutors on Monday evenings. Tonight was Jonathan's turn. All he wanted was a blessing. He is taking his FAA certification written examination for Airframe on Thursday and is very nervous. Mind you, he's studying hard and thinking about it constantly. Still, a little reassurance was in order.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Analiese was up at six this morning, her stuff was all packed up and by the front door yesterday afternoon. Why all the preparation and excitement? Girls camp! This is her first year and I don't know a girl who was more excited than she!

I had given her my goodby kisses last night, because I wasn't sure who would be up to take her to the camp leader's house. But by 7:30, she was bugging Ken (the one up) to get ready to take her. She had to be there at eight, and it only takes about ten minutes, but she didn't want to be late! She was the first one there!

Ken and I made a needful and wonderful trip to OKC to visit the temple. We hadn't been in a while and it felt so good! In light of our new situation, we needed the time to contemplate. I wish we could go more often!

Thursday, July 9, 2015
They say that when it rains, it pours.  And when it involves one of your children, it just tears at your heart.  We've already had the battle of the color-blindness issue with the Air Force.  Well, today Jonathan took the written part of his FAA certification for both General and Airframe.  He failed both.

This was another blow to an already tender self-esteem.  He had studied diligently and thought he understood.  Apparently, that wasn't the case and he was in shambles when I went to pick him up from the testing center.  

I'd say, when is this kid gonna get a break, but I know that there is something special waiting for him down the road.  I just feel it.  He's so diligent and intelligent and loyal.  Maybe he's being steered somewhere else.  Maybe he just needs to hold on and work harder.  I don't know.  I told him it's up to him to ponder and pray on the issue.  The price of being an adult is making your own decisions.  It's tough, don't Ken & I know it!  It's just Jonathan's turn to do so. 

But, oh, how it hurts to watch the process.  I love that boy so!

Friday, July 10, 2015
Pretty mellow Friday.  Normal stuff, laundry, working on Seminary scripture mastery, etc.  I took Jonathan out driving again today at his behest.  This time we drove a little through a quiet residential area.  He's getting smoother, though he took one corner a little bit shallow and speedy.  His confidence is increasing.  I don't know if that's good or bad.

At water aerobics tonight we had two men.  That's unheard of!  Usually guys aren't brave enough to hang out with us clucking hens.

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Analiese is home!  She's dirty, tired and talkative.  She would do it again in a heartbeat!  What was the first thing she wanted to do when she got home?  Get Alice out of her cage.

Two missionaries coming to dinner tonight.  We've had one companionship taken from us.  Well, the giant flow of missionaries has ebbed and we haven't drummed up enough work for two companionships.  Still, it will make for a quieter dinner...and maybe some leftovers!

Sunday, July 12, 2015
I look forward to these quiet days of contemplation.  I only played piano in RS today, too, so it was very smooth and easy-going!  

Jonathan has really been fighting allergies, so he went home after sacrament meeting.  I've been drippy and sneezy, too, but not so bad as my boy, who's not even sleeping well.  He gets it from me... I'm sorry!

I'm also sorry that I have no pictures this week.  It wasn't a week for inspiring photographs.  But we'll be on vacation next week, so we're bound to have a bunch!

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