Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Monday, July 13, 2015
Is it okay to be afraid of grandparents-in-law?  Ken's grandmother is an intimidating woman.  At least she was seven years ago when we first visited Arkansas.  Generous-hearted, yes, but also an imposing (albeit short) figure.  She and Ken's grandfather are getting up in years and have moved to Arkansas from Texas to be close to her daughter, Laura.  I have been thinking that older = fragile = not so scary.  Wrong.

She called Ken yesterday.  Her question, "Do we have a hitch on our vehicle?"  A hitch???  When Ken visited them in Texas about six years ago, he came back to California with his Honda stuffed to the brim (literally) with stuff she gave him.  Now, they've moved and downsized quite a bit to a little trailer.  Ken and I can see the writing on the wall.  

So now I have the new injunction to "pack light." Because Heaven knows what's coming home with us!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I am not a fan of road trips.  My back doesn't like sitting in a car for hours on end.  So a nine-hour drive to Missouri isn't my idea of a good time.  Still, Ken made sure to take plenty of rest breaks and I got out and stretched a lot each time.

We reached Branson and our hotel at about 6:30.  It's a very nice place - Thousand Hills resort - in the middle of Branson, but feels like it's on the outskirts.  We are going to be very comfy here for three days. Then we went to search out dinner.

Karla had given me a cow calendar with a Chick-Fil-A card for Christmas.  So I still had my July goodie from there.  We picked a bad day to go to Chick-Fil-A - it was Cow Appreciation Day!  The place was packed with cow-decorated people.  Ken thought it was very strange (he didn't believe me when I told him about it) and Jonathan said he'd never do it in a million years!  Analiese would - she has a sense of FUN.  So, instead of dining in like we'd hoped, we took our food back to our room and spent a quiet night there.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Our first real day in Branson consisted of visiting Table Rock lake early in the day.  They've had lots of rain, too, so their lake is overflowing!  We didn't go see their dam, so we couldn't see how much run-off they had.  Still, many trees were no longer bordering the lake but IN the lake.  It was beautiful, albeit warm and muggy, there and we spotted several cardinals and bluebirds.

Late afternoon we spent a fun couple of hours getting family photos taken at an old-time photo place.  It was a good-size set-up with more than one era to choose from - Old West, Old South, Hillbilly, and the Roaring Twenties.  Due to modesty issues, Analiese and I decided Old South was best.  The men looked SO nice in their waistcoats and hats, I think they both really rocked the look.  Analiese was such a grown-up young lady in a blue floral dress with lace trim and a hat with a trailing veil and blue roses.  I was me, I hate having pictures taken.  I only look older and fatter.  

The poses were fun, too.  We all got into it.  My favorite was Ken and Jonathan in the saloon playing poker.  Ken has an ace up his sleeve and Jonathan caught him at it - grabbing Ken's cravat and threating him with a gun!  Ken's face is priceless!  I liked one of the kids back-to-back with Jonathan looking menacing (easy for him to do with his lantern jaw and thick brows) and Analiese looking confidently regal in her stance.  Jonathan had a "ladykiller" pose, too, with him tipping his hat.  He says that one is going on his Facebook status!

When do you get to see the pictures?  Hmmm.  One I want to hold back for our Christmas card.  Others may be printed and distributed as Christmas gifts.  We'll see.

Thursday, July 16, 2015
I started my day out right - by tripping, falling, and hurting myself.  Outwardly, I skinned up my right knee quite a bit, the left and my right elbow a teensy bit.  Inwardly, who knows what damage I did?  I wrenched my neck, left shoulder and elbow.  I came down hard on my left wrist, too.  Gotta keep an eye on that.  Such a stupid klutz!

Our first stop of the day was the Amish Store which reminded me of Tom's Farms in Corona (for all you California people), only better!  We came out with cracked wheat for Ken, some dried lavendar for me, and some nutmegs (the whole things, not the powder - so yummy) for my kitchen.  And a gift for our rabbit-sitter.  Their spice selection was impressive - I would have loved the time to price compare.  I almost got some vanilla beans!

We went downtown to Lake Taneycomo to have lunch at the same restaurant - White Fish Market - that we visited on our last trip here.  It juts right out into the lake and has such spectacular views.  Analiese had fish and chips like last time and this time Ken joined her.  Jonathan and I had burgers, but there the comparison ends.  His had two patties of "steak burgers"; I assume some superior grind of meat with a bun on top, middle and bottom.  It also was full of cheese, bacon, onion threads, and other yummy stuff.  He cut it in half and still ended up eating it in layers.

Even though I hate being in pictures, I took a selfie here that I thought came out fun.  I had to have a buffalo photo bomb!  LOL!  

I tried to take another one by the lake outside the restaurant, but it was hard to see in the sunlight.  It is an awful one of me, as usual.

We spent the afternoon walking the promenade and poking in and out of shops.  Bass Pro Shops was, of course, on the agenda.  But Analiese likes to visit the Sugar Shop to see all the fun candy (gives you a toothache just to go in!) and what she called the Geek Store - a toy, game, and novelty shop.  

We tired out eventually (my wrist was really aching) and went back to our place.  Ken and Analiese went swimming and Jonathan kept me coming while I iced my wrist.  We spent our evening together watching Animal Planet (since we don't have cable at home) and watching shark shows.  Analiese loves sharks!

Friday, July 17, 2015
Expectedly, it was a rough night.  Pain creme and ibuprophen accompanied me to bed.  Still, I got pretty good sleep, considering.  This morning was a pack and check out and drive to Arkansas!

The drive from Branson to Russellville takes us straight through the Ozarks - twisty turny!  I'm SO grateful my kids are good travelers.  They can even read in a moving vehicle, which I cannot do.  Still, the views were gorgeous!  I can imagine heavenly it must be in the fall with color!

Two and a half hour rides sure beat the eight hours from Tuesday!  It was pretty much hills and trees until about five miles before our destination.  You have to watch carefully along the highway for the turnoff to the farm, it's easy to miss, mainly because ten acres of woods in front of it.  It makes for a very quiet, secluded life and I like it.

We were warmly greeted by Ken's grandparents, his Uncle Mack and Aunt Laura.  But being the middle of summer - warm and muggy - we brought our greetings indoors quickly. Right off the bat they tried to feed us - Ken's grandfather is the family chef - but we had stopped for lunch in a nice rest area.    

And that's how the rest of the afternoon and evening went - trying to feed us.  We did eventually have some chicken and dumplings and some carrot cake.  We had a little taste of the smoked ham he had also made.  Later they tried to ply us with ice cream.  How are these people all skinny if they eat all this stuff all the time?  

But it was pleasant talking, reminiscing, and sharing experiences.  Ken has brought a recording device to record memories of his grandparents for family history.  His grandmother keeps relaying stories about her family's past and he wants her to wait until he can sit down and record it!

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Woke up to a lovely, quiet morning.  The grandparent are still out in their trailer, Ken went off with Mack somewhere, Laura spent the night with her grandkids about an hour away, so the kids and I had canned cinnamon rolls - making sure to clean them up quickly in case Grandma comes in.  She nearly washes dishes as you use them!

Today is a horse show in town.  Uncle Mack is riding in it, as is the young cousin, Lauren.  The day is hot and I really have no desire to go out and sweat in it.  Plus, there are hard benches to sit on and I am still a bit stiff and achy from my clumsy fall Thursday.  So Ken took the kids for the first part of the show where they saw Mack ride (and win) in his division.  Later, Aunt Laura would take Analiese to see Lauren ride.

Laura brought the kids' cousins over earlier.  Hayden is sixteen and is a tall boy.  Lauren is from September to November older than Analiese and she is tall, too, taller than Analiese to my daughter's disgust.  Hayden played the typical uninvolved teen who stayed on his phone the half hour he was there and then went off with some friends, but Lauren sat with Analiese and look at old photos on my iPad.  Plus, Analiese showed off pictures of our rabbits.  Not exactly horses, but it's what we do!

My day was quiet and restful.  I spent a bit of it talking with Ken's grandparents, especially his grandmother.  She showed me the trailer they sleep in (they spend most of their time at the house).  Mack and Laura have a sweet arrangement with her parents there.  Raymond does all the cooking - and a good job at it, too!

Sunday, July 19, 2015
A quiet day at the farm.  We spent the morning having a quiet devotional as a family.  I called my folks in California later, but we just relaxed, played games and talked with family.  Tomorrow, we've got some hustling to do.  Today, just peace and enjoying each other.

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