Sunday, July 5, 2015

Going Fourth!

Monday, June 29, 2015
Jonathan is out of class for the summer (though he still has some certification exams with the FAA to take).  What to do with all that free time?  Part of it is spent studying, but he decided to spend this morning cleaning out his closet.  Look!  He found his Davy Crockett coonskin cap - and it fits! (sort of)

He thinks now is a good time to learn how to drive, too.  I've taken him out to the church once in Ken's Honda.  So tonight, I took him there again, did a little backing in and out of parking spaces and then... it was time for a challenge.  I took him to the reservoir, which is full and lovely, BTW.  Check out the geese!  

There are hundreds of them!  And we drove around and around and around.  He actually made it up to the speed limit a time or two - 15 mph!  It was good for him because he could practice turning into and out of curves, around parked cars, and learning to avoid joggers, bicyclists, children, dogs, and geese.  Not bad.  He's cautious, which is good as long as he stays that way.  My nerves?  Well, that's what anxiety meds are for!  I did fairly well, though I can't wait for him to smooth out his braking ability.  And I grit my teeth and brace for impact near curbs.  I can't help it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Today was a totally boring day.  So instead, I'm including photos of the guinea pigs, Cookie and Hazel, that we watched for three weeks.  Much more interesting.  Cookie is the white with black and brown spots, Hazel is all brown and is smaller.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Analiese got her hair cut today.  What with her going to Girls' Camp next week, she needed a cooler (shorter) and easier do.  Here's the before (Monday at lunch) and after (today):

The kids and I spent our afternoon doing drawing and sketchings.  Analiese was still working on her poster from class (doing all 25 days on it), I was working on some stick figures and simple drawings a-la-Ed Emerbley (from his book "Make a World") and Jonathan was copying cute baby Disney cartoon alligators.  

Made the kids jealous and went with Ken on a date to the movies to see Jurassic World.  The first movie, Jurassic Park, should have been titled People Doing Stupid Things.  Each sequel afterwards should be More Stupid People, Continuing to be Stupid People, etc.  This one should have been called  Still Stupid After All These Years!

Thursday, July 2, 2015
While Jonathan was out mowing someone's lawn, I went over to the church this morning to practice hymns on the organ and to do a little more Seminary room clean-up.  The saddest part was taking down the pictures of the 12 Apostle because I have to redo their order after the passing of Elder L. Tom Perry.  Read an article about his life today in the New Era, too.  You could totally tell who he was in the pictures without having to read the captions - that killer smile of his!  He was such a happy, positive man with a bull-roar of a voice.  I will really miss him come Conference time!

Friday, July 3, 2015
President Packer, president of the Quorum of 12 Apostles, died today.  Two so soon!  He was a great educator and I really respect him for the great lessons and illustrations he taught.

We Skyped tonight with the family back in California and with Niles in Alaska.  As a three-way conversation goes, it was unusual.  For one, with the party in the background in Norwalk, it was hard to hear.  Also, Niles had connection issues that he finally resolved by putting on a headset.  It was fun to see family, though, and all the nieces and nephew who keep growing up!  Man, I feel old!

Saturday, July 4, 2015
Busy, busy day.  Ken got home from Walmart, grabbed Jonathan and the stuff he needed for cooking pancakes, and ran over to the church to get started.  I waited and went later, because I had to take Analiese over to the 4H Cooking class (she's going to miss the class on the third, so she didn't want to miss today!).  I got to the church in time to eat a couple of pancakes, chat a little, and get Jonathan home so he could mow the front and back.

Because...we had guests coming!  Our homeschooling/4H friends, the Doshers, came over for BBQ, games and firework watching (what you could see).  No, I did not take pictures.  Yes, I was busy talking.  Everyone had a great time - those kids all get along like a house afire!  And George, Michelle's husband (yes, another Michele/Michelle), teased about how when homeschool moms get together they just blab-blab-blab!  I think they all left at about 11:15ish.  We were all tired, but so glad we had them come!

Sunday, July 5, 2015
Just so you know, my Sunday triathalons still happen.  Today, in point.  I played the organ (no footpetals, thank you, just the bass converter!) for sacrament meeting, taught a Primary class the 2nd hour, and played the piano for Relief Society.  I could have taught Gospel Doctrine, too, but that would have meant a cloning procedure.  I teasingly told Jonathan he could have should have seen the look of horror!

Ken did not have a good night at Walmart.  I'm not sure what happened, but he texted me saying we'd want to stay away from was messy and he smelled.  Then he texted me that he would need to do some laundry today (??!!).  THEN...he texted me and said he was feeling sick and wouldn't be at church.  He's sleeping now, so I'm not sure, but I think there's a story in there somewhere.

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