Monday, March 31, 2014


Monday, March 31, 2014
The month is gone...and I wonder, where is Spring?  Today acted more like summer in the high 80's and distinctly uncomfortable.  Because my stupid windows are all painted shut (okay, maybe three out of the twenty-odd can open) I have to turn on the A/C to cool the house down.  Seriously.

I hurried through grocery shopping today, even though there were several people there for the Walmart Meet and Greet.  I could NOT be late today; Analiese would kill me.  She had her homeschool P.E. again and absolutely loves it.  They stretch, run some laps, play capture the flag, and then divide into groups for basketball or volleyball.  She has discovered volleyball and it is her new passion.  Trust me, she can tell you all about it!

This evening our family went with another one to the church to clean it up and set up chairs for the Court of Honor on Wednesday.  Had to be tonight: a) families are all together, b) I am going to Lawton tomorrow for the cake, punch stuff, and paper goods.  I will leave right after picking up Jonathan from class, so I probably won't even get to Lawton until close to 4:00.  And I may end up doing three things at Sam's: 1) Court of Honor shopping, 2) Ken's work junk food shopping, 3) stuff I need shopping.  Plus, I want to go to at least one more store to look for some stuff (Yeah, stuff.  I'm not saying what.  Maybe I will later.  Because maybe I'll run out of time to do it tomorrow.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
This day was no prank and I was in no mood for any as well.  I have mucho-mucho to do, and no time for goofing.

I played rabbit-herd (instead of shepherd) to the three bunnies while the kids cleaned the cages in the morning.  Fluffer and Alice really enjoyed running around the yard and binkying.  Alice was funny because she kept running around the garden box in the sand.  But Twilight...I had to hold him the whole time.  If I tried to put him down, he bee-lined for one of the girls.  I tried about five times, and then just gave up and held him.  The kids put the girls back first, and then he could get a chance to run around, but he's a lazybones.  Even with Jonathan chasing him, he only ran a little bit and then just stopped as if to say, "I give up.  You caught me."  He wouldn't last long in the wild.

The afternoon was a trip to Lawton.  I'll call it a triple-header to Sam's, because I had three trips in and out of the store.  Trip One: Ken's Candy for work.  Trip Two: Cake & Paper goods for tomorrow.  Trip Three: Home needs.  By the third time, the gal at the exit knew my face pretty well.  And I said I would NOT be back (at least, not till next month).  But the cake turned out nice, and I only have a couple more things to get tomorrow for the evening's festivities.  Almost done - almost over!

Here's a newspaper article about tomorrow's Court of Honor. See for yourself!

Wednesday, April  2, 2014
Yes, I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off (a farm metaphor for y'all).  Atwoods, check!  Walmart, check!  Braums, check!  Flower shop, check!  It's all the last minute stuff, paper goods, water, lemon-lime soda, etc.  I hope it's enough.

We got to the church by five, so that we could finish decorating the cultural hall and set up the stuff for dessert.  We had tables set up to display each boy's interests and achievements.  Jonathan's had a lot of airplane stuff.  Weird, huh?  LOL

We started pretty much on time, which considering three families and all their friends were in attendance, is saying something!  We almost filled the whole gym and I think that was in part because we'd invited the Webelos to come do the color guard and the rest of the pack so they could see how great it was to become an Eagle!

And it was great!  The moms had a hard time not being emotional, but we were in good company.  The Scoutmaster had his moments...and so did our Eagles.  The tributes given to them...and to their families and mentors were really touching.  There were video presentations for each of the boys, too, so we could see how they've grown over the years.  Now, we did videotape the whole thing and had a photographer take pictures, so I hope to post them soon.  For right now, you'll have to deal with my amateur photography here.

The boys were blown away.  They didn't realize what a big deal this was and how great an honor.  Someone came from the AFB to speak and all three boys received letters and commendations from local mayors, representatives, and the governor.  Jonathan got a special letter from the Reagan Presidential Library, mainly because Ronald Reagan is one of his heroes and we've been to that library so many times!

We were so pleased to have all of our local friends that we had invited attend.  The Doshers came and were impressed by the program.  Jonathan's teacher, Mr. Hall came with his wife and the program director at Aviation Maintenance, Mr. Scott, came.  Mr. Hall surprised Jonathan with a shotgun (he had my approval) and a case to go with it.  Apparently a fellow-student is a championship shooter and they are going to go shoot clays sometime in the future.  Hands down, Jonathan won the prize for the boys with most exciting gift!  Even Ken was impressed.  Uncle Mack now says it's time for Jonathan to go learn to hunt deer.  

The cake was just enough, thank heavens!  I also had purchased a couple of fruit trays, and only half of one was left.  Our punch was a great success, too: Braum's Cherry Limeade sherbert with lemon-lime soda.  Everything got cleaned up fairly quickly (we really didn't want to come back another day to deal with it) and we were home by 9:30.

It was a night I'm sure Jonathan will never forget.  I believe he now thinks it was well worth the effort to earn the Eagle, and takes the Eagle Charge seriously.  I am immensely proud of him and the coming years are going to show people just how talented and special he is.  He's been through a lot and, while  I'm sure there's still more to come (isn't there always), I am confident he will meet the challenges head on into adulthood and is going to make one fine man.

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Guess what we did today?  Not much more than what we had to!

Jonathan DID go to Seminary; all three boys made it.  He didn't complain about being tired or doing any work, he just went on and did what he had to.

I made homemade buns tonight to go with BBQ pork sandwiches.  I didn't really want to go to any store today and I'd found a recipe.  I wanted to see if they'd be any good.  Glad to say, it was a success.  Much tastier and cheaper than those things you find in the stores.  I'll have to make a bunch to keep on hand for busy days.

Friday, April 4, 2014
Pretty much an ordinary day: lessons, laundry, driving back and forth and back and forth to the airport...

Went on base this afternoon.  It's been quite a while and the west entrance (where I've gone in before) apparently isn't the visitors entrance anymore.  That's on the south side on Broadway (going toward Lawton).

They were on higher alert today (probably because of the recent Fort Hood shooting), so I had to have my van totally inspected (I had to even lift my hood so they could see the engine).  Then I had to wait to be "sponsored" by a friend in our ward so I could go to her house.  It's quite the process. 

I was "helping" (loosely) her figure out how to reorganize some rooms in her house to help the flow of kids, toys, crafts and office stuff.  Other than being a sounding board, I don't know how much good I was.  The main thing was that Analiese got to spend the night there with a fellow Activity Days girl.  I didn't get much of a goodbye; she was too involved in playing!  I think our last words went like this: Me: "Goodbye!  Try hard not to miss me!"  Her (in another room): "I won't!  I'm busy playing Mario Brothers!"  I feel loved!

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Evidentally, she did miss me.  She had an allergy attack last night, which meant a horrible headache and a lot of sneezing.  They had a dog not too long ago (sadly it has passed), but there was enough hair still left to give her a problem.  She wasn't going to come home until the dad dropped her off on the way to Priesthood Session, but they're bringing her home this morning.

Biker group just rode in front of my house.  Yep, seven of them.  No mufflers for these guys!  I pretty much know where they live, too.  It's down Walnut west of us.  They sit out there with their big motorcycles all the time.

I guess I wasn't paying much attention to the announcements of new general authorities, because I totally missed that Ken's mission president - Lynn G. Robbins - was just made a member of the Presidency of the 70.  It's embarrassing when your sister notices and you don't.  Meri has sharper hearing, I guess.  Or she wasn't sleeping!!

Another nice thing about being able to watch conference at home: Ken got to see some of the Priesthood Session.  And I didn't have to take Jonathan to the church or try to finagle a ride for him!

Sunday, April 6, 2014
What is it about Sunday afternoon session that makes me want to go to sleep?  Maybe it's all that sitting around for hours for two days.  Because that's when I always want to sleep!  Jonathan poked me with his pencil once. I was listening - honest!  Just with my eye closed, that's all.

The kids got to Skype with their cousins in between sessions today.  That's another technology I am grateful for.  California doesn't seem so far away when you can see and talk with others as if they're right in the room with you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Monday, March 24, 2014
So much to do on Mondays, maybe I need to re-evaluate what my plans are for them.  For starters, today Analiese went to a Homeschool PE class in Martha, which is just north of Altus and south of Blair.

She was upset at first because we were a little late.  I had had to go to the Vo-Tech and pay for Jonathan's Aviation courses to become college credits at WOSC.  I had questions, and that takes time.  Then I had to do some grocery shopping, and ended up with a four-times Meet-and-Greet.  I didn't get home until five after two...and the PE was at two.

The nice thing was, the Doshers were there, so they could take her home with them if I didn't get back in time.  I had to run to pick up Jonathan from school and take him to McDonalds.  That place is getting really frustrating.  Still no uniform, and the manager on duty had no idea he was supposed to be there...or even who he was!  They put him to work, and then I went to the Doshers to visit awhile and get Analiese.  She was gushing all the way home about running, playing "Capture the Flag" and learning how to play volleyball.  She is excited to go back!  Plus, she didn't mind the time playing with Charesa at her house!

The bad thing was...Jonathan was supposed to not be worked later than 10 p.m. Ten comes around, Jonathan will walk home, so give him to ten-fifteen.  No Jonathan.  At 10:30 I left a message on my cell phone, which I'd given him to let me know what was going on.  "Are you coming home?"  No response.  At a quarter till eleven, I get in my car and go over there.  He's still working.  I look at the night manager and tell her, "He's sixteen.  He's not supposed to work past ten."  She had no idea.  None of them do!  I took him home, but I was angry.  These people do not have their act together!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The McD's saga continues.  They have been hanging on to Jonathan's Social Security card for over a week now.  They should have just taken a copy and given it back to him.  Every time he or I have asked, nobody knows what's going on.  I went there this morning.  I'm afraid I got a little short.  The manager there had no idea, and their main manager was not in.  When would he be in?  They don't know.  So I gave them my phone number and said to have him call me immediately.  It was important.

When he called (in the afternoon, when Jonathan was in school), he was all defensive.  He didn't know it was in there.  He would never keep that kind of thing.  Blah blah blah.  I had Jonathan go get it from him after school.  Jonathan up and told him he quits; that just isn't the place for him.  The manager fires a parting shot, "Tell your mother not to give my employees a hard time."  I don't have to.  From the way they've treated Jonathan from the start, they give their own employees a hard time.  It was ridiculous!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Rain!  Our day started with a nice, fresh rainstorm.  I could just feel my yard soaking up all the wet goodness.  The air smelled great, too.  We'd seen clouds building like mountains on the horizon last night and knew it was coming, but we were praying it would give us more than just a sprinkling.  I am glad to report, it did!

Analiese & I saw a blue jay in our yard this afternoon, when the sun came out.  He was cocky, showing off his pretty coat and crest.  Analiese loves looking for all the different birds around here, and she's found some pretty ones, too!

Tonight I had kids going in two different directions.  Jonathan was meeting with the youth at the Pack's, and Analiese had Activity Days at the church.  I couldn't ask Ken to help...he was so tired (he worked all day and night Tuesday and then through today), so one of them had to be a little late.  Because Analiese gets really upset if we're late (see Monday), we dropped her off first at the church.  Both of the kids got rides home, which I appreciated.  Their leaders (husband & wife) live south of us, so we're on the way home.

Thursday, March 27, 2014
Meals on Wheels deliveries were this morning.  Analiese saw a cardinal in a tree...her second one!  I'm really sad, because I haven't seen one here, I've only seen one when I was in Massachusetts.  She described it - a red bird with a crest.  Yep, that's it.  I'm so jealous.  Like I said, she loves the birds.

The day started off very windy.  It was really pushing at my van and was at its worst when I was taking Jonathan to school.  By the afternoon there was a lot of dust in it and I started feeling sneezy.  It wasn't as bad as last week's and I think it's because of yesterday's rain.  But, the puddles are all dried up now!  So much so, that I could let Fluffer hop around the back yard, which she loves.

The rabbits also love dandelion flowers.  I have tons of weeds in the front and back yard (I've been focusing on keeping my trees alive to the neglect of my lawn) and some are getting yellow dandelion heads.  I feed them to the rabbits which prevents the spread of the weeds (some) and they get a treat. Unfortunately, they don't eat the weeds when we let them hop around the yard.  I guess I need a goat.

Friday, March 28, 2014
Clouds are overhead, making things look a little gloomy.  But no rain is predicted.  Can I pout?

The Relief Society Book Club is meeting here tonight so I have been busy getting the house ready for guest.  We always serve snacks there and so I put together strawberries with dipping stuff (cream cheese dip, cool whip, sour cream & brown sugar) and I made some chocolate-covered strawberries.  Boy, those are heavenly!  And not too hard, either.

I set a pretty table, too.  No, I did not take a picture.  I forgot.  Analiese & I had sewn a yellow table runner to go over a plain plastic tablecloth.  I also purchased some gerbera daisies at Walmart in yellows and oranges.  They looked pretty, spring-ish, and perfect for the table.  I still have those, so here's their picture:

We discussed "The Rent Collector" by Camron Wright.  It was a great discussion about how we don't know people's stories and shouldn't judge them.  Also, we talked about the importance of "story" in our lives, how it explains and helps us understand our world.   I love books and literature, so I was in my element.  There was only seven of us, but we had a nice time!

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Being very lazy this morning.  Yes, there are things to do, but I am not jumping up to do them quickly.  I woke up around 6:30 and heard Ken come to bed after working at Walmart, but I managed to sleep in for another two hours!  Lazybones!

Actually, the kids and I spent the morning working in the fronst yard.  Jonathan mowed the weeds (our grass is dead due to the drought, but our weeds are flourishing.  Go figure!  Analiese and I worked on the front planter on the west side of the front door.  We removed weeds and branches and dead plants.  The most important thing we took out was an ugly old bush of dusty miller.  I have never been fond of it, but the bushes on either side are scraggly and right in the middle of everything.  So, with pruners and a shovel...we got the one out on that side.  Next time...the next side!

Don't laugh - okay, laugh, I did - but my roast for tonight didn't fit in my crockpot, so I had to cook it the old-fashioned way: in the oven.  It didn't turn out bad, it just wasn't as moist as my crockpot version.  I also over-peppered the gravy; I guess I got carried away with my pepper grinder.  But it wasn't too bad.

Analiese and I ate quickly and left Ken and Jonathan with the dishes because we had our first Women's Conference together.  The women gathered together early so we could enjoy ice cream before the broadcast.  It was adorable to see all the little girls stand up in the conference and sing "Teach Me to Walk in the Light."  It's hard to believe she's getting so big, but she was eager to start this new tradition with Mom!

Sunday, March 30, 2014
Sunday started out pretty normal at church until Jonathan noticed Sra. Cruz in the back during the sacrament.  She is the one we visited in December with the missionaries and Nasly.  Her daughter is a member and lives about an hour and a half away and was here for a visit, so she brought her mother to church.  Ken was home sleeping, so I got to go to Gospel Principles Sunday School and interpret (apparently the daughter is more Spanglish??)  Anyway, I liked the daughter and we enjoyed sharing testimonies in English and Spanish.

I don't know if this is good for rabbits or not, but I've been feeding them dandelion flowers.  The weeds haven't been sprayed for poison (yet) and the rabbits really like them.  Hey, I figure they help keep down weed propagation!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Monday, March 17, 2014
Happy St. Patty's Day!  Believe it or not, it is a holiday we actually pay some attention to, mainly because we see it as a time to recognize some of our heritage.  Analiese likes to play the leprechaun, and invariably we find our milk has turned green in the morning.  This year I think she went a little overboard, but fortunately, there wasn't much milk to speak of in the jug.  I have a hard time facing green milk.

The kids wondered if I would see Green Bowler Hat Guy at Walmart in honor of the day.  Nope.  Actually, I haven't seen him in a while...unless he shaved, cut his hair, and lost the hat.  Then I wouldn't recognize him!  In reality it was Senior Shopping Day at Wal-mart and I felt very young.  I got to chat with several nice senior ladies and even helped one find something on a shelf.

Analiese went with me, for the purpose of buying new church shoes and a new bra (ugh).  Well, they didn't have any shoes worth speaking of that didn't have a high heel (seriously?) and the bra choice was limited, too.  I mean, who buys an 11-year-old an underwire bra?  I don't like them personally, but do 11-year-olds need to worry about that stuff yet?

We stopped at Atwoods for some rabbit food.  Couldn't resist a peek at the chicks!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I am trying to set up a compost bin/enclosure thingy with two sections.  Jonathan & I tried to drive fence poles (metal) into the ground.  We had something to drive it in with, but didn't think we needed to make a hole in the ground first and then drive it deeper.  So we didn't get very far...not even past the first one.  I am still thinking and rallying around how I'm going to do that; I guess I'll have to borrow someone's post digger (yes, I know someone who has one I can borrow).  When the six poles are driven in, I will be winding that orange plastic netting/fencing around them and attaching it with cable ties.  Then I'll have two piles: one for dumping stuff into and a working pile.

Since that didn't work too well, the kids & I took a field trip instead up north to the Southwest Landscaping and Nursery place.  The owner goes to the Garden Club meetings and I've wanted to go for a while.  They have several greenhouses that we toured (well, one person enjoyed it) and bought some bush beans seed (I have everything else on order, but the beans I wanted was out of stock).

After that, we stopped at a rodeo center on the way back to ask about horse manure.  You can imagine how excited the kids are about that (not).  But they are part of the Western State College campus, so they're closed until next week.  I know someone with a truck and trailer who can help me load some (for free!) to take home to put in my beds.  It's the best stuff for gardening.

The afternoon and evening was "Everybody Visit the Bolton's" Day.  I was glad to have Tarah from my ward come over to visit and share with me her essential oils diffuser (to help my allergy-related cough and congestion).  I like to have people just come, sit down and visit.  It makes home homey.

Then I forgot Sue from water aerobics was coming to do yoga, so at 7:30, while Jonathan & I were watching something on Netflix, she knocked at the door.  That was okay, too, because I haven't done yoga in a while and needed a good stretch.  But as we were doing our relaxing end savasana, the missionaries knocked at our door.  Two are being transferred, and they wanted to come say goodbye.

In between all of this visiting, the wind picked up.  When Tarah left, the sky looked brownish gray; if I hadn't known better, I would have thought it California smog.  Then I started to smell dust in the air, even in our closed-off house.  The wind just howled around the house; it's a bit disturbing.  When Sue and the elders came by, it was all I could do to hold on the door as they came and left!  And it kept up well into the night!  It is one thing I have to get used to or I won't be sleeping well often.

But I confess, I did stay up later than I should and I can't blame that on the wind.  Once the kids were in bed, I called my friend in town, Michelle.  For all we live in town, we have a hard time with our schedules getting together.  And we enjoy each other's company!  We were on the phone for nearly two hours; that beats my mom!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Dust lies everywhere.  Anytime anyone goes outside, they come back in and sneeze for a while.  There's stuff I'd like to do outside, but just dare not!

I picked up announcements today for the triple Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  It's a week and a half until the event and well time to get them out!  They look really nice.  I think it is going to be a very special evening.

Analiese and I worked on a sewing project this evening.  We are making a table runner for my kitchen table.  I am hosting the RS Book Club next week and I want to have the table decorated Spring-like.  I'll put down a white table cloth with the runner over it.  I think I am going to serve strawberry cupcakes with lemon frosting and then have fresh strawberries with dipping stuff on the side.  Plus water.  I always like water.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014
Girding up my loins, as it were, I tackled the garage and shed today.  Really, the shed is a big storage room on the side of the garage, but I don't always want to say "the storage room off of the garage," so I just say "shed."  And to be honest, it wasn't just me; the kids were instrumental in getting it done.  When we first moved in, we just dumped stuff on the floor in the shed and left it there.  After time, the place has become an obstacle course and finding anything was always a guessing game.  It was driving me nuts, so I had made the goal to clean it up during spring break.

So we took everything out, sorted them into piles, swept the floors (lots of bunny bedding and leaves all over) and put it back specific places: Garden, Tools, Pets, Storage.  Even Ken noticed the difference when he came home from work.  That says something!

In between this, taking a lunch break, I went to have lunch with Tarah (see Tuesday) at Taco Mayo.  They'd been advertising fish tacos, which I adore and have been craving (and couldn't be found here anywhere), and so I had to have one!  Actually, I had two and, for not being California, they weren't bad.  They certainly hit the craving spot but, sadly, are only available for a limited time.  Taco Mayo'd be my best friend forever if they'd put it on the regular menu.

Tarah and I had a great visit and, after over two hours, I guess I had to go back to finish the shed.  The kids had swept it all out and everything went back in smoothly.  Ken was so delighted with the shed (and a tutoring check that will help cover our tax bill immensely!), that we had Arby's to celebrate, while watching "Catching Fire" on our Roku.  It was one of the most relaxing evenings we've had as a family in a long while!

Friday, March 21, 2014
Woke up with a major headache this morning.  Can't seem to lose it.  Probably a side effect from yesterday...dust will do it to me every time.  I've tried Tylenol and various essential oils.  That sucker just won't leave me alone!

And on such a beautiful day!  The sun is shining, there's a light breeze, the birds are chirping, and the squirrels are back!  Apparently they believe Spring has come, because they are bounding about the trees and the roofs.  Jonathan caught one on camera fairly close:

One of the few things left on my Spring Break to-do list: wash the van.  I didn't have much to do with it beyond putting quarters in the machine.  Jonathan handled the sprayer; Analiese worked with the brush.  The dust and mud on it made it's color nearly indistinguishable.  Now, it's that gray-green again.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Lazy day!  I got up late, slugged around for a while.  I don't think we even had devoitional until 9:30.  Probably the last time in a while I'll get to be lazy, so I took advantage of it.

I did have to do a quick store run to get stuff (namely produce, which doesn't last long in stores here) and get dinner ready to put in the crockpot (Family: Did you know you can put together Mock Taco meat in your crockpot?  Nice and easy on low for the day and Bingo!).  Oh, and I made brownies, for dessert.

I had to clean off the dining room table.  I had stuff on it from all the shuffling from the garage and working on high school transcripts for Jonathan.  Sometimes it just means shuffling it somewhere else until I can put it back, but I do try to actually put some away.  With a clean garage, it's much easier to figure out where things go!

Jonathan went to McDonald's today for employee training.  After about 6 hours of video - which he probably could have figured all out in 2 - he came home tired and hungry and headachy.  We didn't let the missionaries eat it all (I even saved him a brownie).

Ken is helping Nasly (the gal from Honduras who was baptized in December) fill out an online application to work at Walmart.  She's so funny.  Plus, she's helped my Spanish to get better!

Sunday, March 23, 2014
Nice, normal Sunday.  Nice quiet afternoon after church.  Starting organizing the stuff for the week: lessons, menu, grocery list, errands & chores.  Oh, and we found on Amazon Instant the 2nd half of Doctor Who Season Seven!  Made for a nice evening! (Okay, I'm a nerd!  Sue me!)

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Monday, March 10, 2014
You can tell people are anxious for Spring around here.  The fashions have changed.  The Fall fashions of hunter's camo have morphed into the Spring collection of overalls with a variety of shirts under them (in the summer, some will even ditch the shirts - Can we say "Ew!"?)

I did something daring today.  I bought a new bathing suit.  For me, that's taking a risk.  I hate clothes shopping and particularly loathe bathing suit selection.  I'm lumpy in all the wrong places and it's never a pretty sight.  And, I had to settle for a two-piece, which is not my preferred.  But the one pieces were hideous and if I wanted a skirt or shorts on the legs (TMI, but I don't shave down there), I had to settle for that.  Still, it didn't look too bad, and my bulgy tummy was covered.

So, since I had a new suit and my sinus infection is pretty much over (I'm going to be congested a bit for quite a while; I just live with it), I went to water aerobics.  Between being sick and my old, really embarrassing new suit - and the pipes busting at the pool - I haven't been in a while.  Quite a workout; I'm going to feel that for a couple of days, I think.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Jonathan had filled out an online application for McDonald's last week.  The manager had told him to come back this morning to talk to him.  It wasn't really an interview, mostly just a set of his expectations - be on time, don't call out sick all the time, work hard - and basically...Jonathan has a job!  They need to get him set in a uniform and fill out some paperwork, and then he's a workin' man!

I got to be Power Tool Woman again today.  I had purchased some plywood (an adventure in itself - we had to tie-down the rear door of the van to keep it in the van) and needed to get it cut and in place for something I'll tell you later about.  Jonathan was nervous watching me do it (so he should be, I'm notoriously clumsy) and I asked him if he wanted to do it for me.  Chicken!  He said no!  It isn't the straightest cut in the universe (far from it), but it'll serve it's purpose.

Analiese had 4H Sewing club this afternoon.  She came home with a packet of stuff she needs to work on.  Apparently the girls aren't doing so well on basic skills.  Right now they're working on closures, in particular, buttons.  So she's supposed to sew a button every day.  I think I can keep her busy.  I have a box of buttons she can practice with, but more importantly, I have some things that need buttons put on or redone.  I am certainly supportive of her efforts - ha ha!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Went to the doctor this morning.  When my "happy pills" run out of refills, I have to go see him again.  He noticed a rattling in my chest - no duh!  He was coughing, too.  Everyone pretty much is, you could hear them throughout the office.  So on top of my refill, he gave me an inhaler prescription.  I went to Wal-mart later to get them and - ouch! - that inhaler cost me $57 (no insurance - don't tell Obama)!  My other pills are just $4 and I'm happy with that.  The inhaler, luckily, will last me a while so I don't need to refill it as often.  My pocketbook wasn't happy!

Okay...the reason for the plywood.  I had to put some down on my livingroom floor to displace the weight of what was delivered today...a piano!  Someone in our ward wanted to get rid of theirs and offered it to us.  It's old, like from 1900.  It doesn't have a bench anymore, so I use my keyboard one for now.  It will need a little tuning, a few keys stick, and eventually it will have to be restrung, but I have a piano!  Trust me, the keyboard is not the same thing.  Different feel, different sound, a whole different way of playing.  I feel that I can actually practice on this now!

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Made a trip to Lawton today.  I was going to go tomorrow after Jonathan got out of school, but Ken took the day off of work (he's been working so hard, all alone at the center in the prison, he needed a mental break), so he stayed home and looked after the kids while I went to Lawton.  Not only did I need to get stuff for his work (candy incentives for employees), but I had to order the cake for Jonathan's 3-way Court of Honor and go to the Scout Office/Store for it, too.

That ended up being a wild goose chase.  First, I went to the Scout Store.  They didn't have the tablecloth I wanted, but would order it and have it when I came back in April to pick up it and the cake.  Then I went to Sam's, did Ken's shopping, and went to order the cake.  To be honest, the gal in the bakery was super nice and helpful and said that if I got a graphic and a copyright release from the Scout Office, they could put the badge on the cake.  Great!  So after that I went BACK to the Scout Office and asked them for it.  No go.  That kind of thing only came through the National Office.  Somehow I didn't think it would be a speedy process. SIGH.  So back to Sam's, where we put our heads together to make a nice cake...but with no Scout emblem on it.  Them's the brakes!

When I got back, Ken & I went to the Maldonado's, who hadn't been in church for two weeks.  We get there and find out that Sister Maldonado had surgery...and nobody knew.  I mean, Ken's her Home Teacher and I'm her daughter Nasly's Visiting Teacher.  We chewed them out a little.  She said that her girls knew to call us if there was an emergency...but we're not just there for emergencies!  And isn't a surgery serious enough for a call?  Anyway, we made it clear that they should let us know, so we can help.

As it was, I picked up Nasly and took her with me to the Relief Society birthday dinner.  Her English is improving, but she needs to practice it.  Since I was pretty much the only person in the room who could speak with her, she had to use it!  I would walk around occassionally and talk to other sisters so she could talk to others.  I think she did well.  Also, I'm teacher her to lead music so she can be the Relief Society chorister.  They really need one, and she so wants to serve!  The dinner was nice and fun and I think she had a good time.  She sure is a cutie!

Friday, March 14, 2014
When I took Jonathan to Aviation Mechanics today, I stayed for a little bit to talk with his teacher and the program head.  They were also taking class pictures today and provided a t-shirt to each student.  I'm including one here of Jonathan in front of one the planes they practice on.  He's doing so well and they really like him!  I guess I'm super-proud!  And, look, he's happy!

For Mom & Me Time tonight, Analiese & I made pretzel bites.  It's amazing the difference the baking soda water bath makes...they really tasted like pretzels.  She could have been a little more liberal on the cinnamon-sugar, but that's how we learn!

Saturday, March 15, 2014
The sky is teasing me.  It's gray, and sometimes lets down a sprinkle or two.  But no real rain.  Please?  Please?

Other than prepping stuff for dinner with the missionaries tonight, I spent a pretty restful day.  Watched some Netflix with the kids, crocheted a little, worked on the Primary lesson for Analiese's class tomorrow....  I could really get to enjoy these kind of days!

Going to bed and what do I hear? Rain! YESYESYESYES!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014
The wind picked up again...Ken says it dried up all the rain we got last night (till about 3:00 a.m. it was raining, he said).  It's still gusting out there (and they say Chicago is windy!) and I'm not looking to go out in it.  It'll mess up what I managed to get my hair to do...

Teaching Analiese's Primary class is interesting.  I guess I'm glad it is the weekend before Spring Break and a lot of people are out of town, otherwise I might have had nine girls to deal with!  As it was, with the five I had, keeping them clamped down enough to get a lesson in edgewise is a challenge.  So much energy in one little room!  Basically, between breaths (theirs) I would interject scriptures, stories, questions and instructions.  Her teacher has been given an assistant, but both were out of town.  When I spoke with Lynn (the assistant) on Thursday at the RS dinner, she said at first she didn't understand why Jennifer (the teacher & Activity Days leader) needed one.  After all, it was only nine girls.  But after her first Sunday...she knew!  If we could bottle it and sell it...we'd be millionaires!  

Friday, March 14, 2014


Monday, March 3, 2014
Okay, I am not a fan of the "selfie," and I don't have a phone that can do this, so I tried with my camera.  How do people do it?  Anyway, I just wanted to show the riot of curls at the end of yesterday.  Wash, a little scrunching gel (with scrunching), and - bing!  Curls!  No, I was not born with all those curls.  I had curl in my hair, some.  Mom used to put my hair into ponytails and sponge rollers on the ends so they'd be organized curl.  In high school, I even got a perm!  I know, why?  It was superfluous, but everyone did it in those days.  I looked like a poodle for the most of my senior year.  It wasn't until I started having children, did my wave & curl become a tsunami.  I don't brush my hair except to get the snarls out to wash it - and it becomes a static, fuzzy mess.  After a shower, I just finger through it.  The worst part is, as it gets longer, the more the curl pulls out, so it's flat on the top and fuzzy on the bottom.  I put it up because I can't handle it.  I am not good with anything relating to fashion (as you probably well know.)

Oh, and Analiese just told me how to do a "selfie."  How does that kid know?  Is that how those weird photos all get on my camera?

It's on! The kids and I have struck a fighting, teasing, etc. for a whole week and I will buy them fried chicken from the Walmart deli next Monday for dinner.  Jonathan adores fried chicken; I hate cooking greasy things, plus they don't agree with me. If this will work.... Well, we'll see.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Jonathan is on the search for a job.  He had tried United Grocery at first and, why not?  It is right across the street from our house - very convenient.  But he didn't move fast enough (he's nervous about it all and drags his feet some) and so didn't get a job.  So after school today, I took him around some local fast food places for applications.

Some are online, some aren't.  But he's thinking about things like never before.  How much money should he ask for (minimum)?  Who are his references?  When is he available?  Lucky me, I get to answer some of that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wow!  We actually got some rain today.  Not much, really, just enough to make mud of the dirt on my van.  And to make mud of the dirt in my back yard.  Didn't even qualify for an umbrella.

I had a little quiet time to myself this evening.  Jonathan had Scouts; Analiese had Activity Days.  Just as I was leaving to pick them up, my brother Niles called.  Thank goodness for the technology of bluetooth!  That way I could talk to him on the way and then the kids could on the way home.  I ended up having a later night that expected, but we don't get to talk often, so I wasn't about to cut it short!

Thursday, March 6, 2014 
Something is coming up! Literally. I was clearing away dead leaves in one of the front side planters. This is where the rosebushes and the a/c unit it wasn't easy trying to pry the dead leaves from around them! Between the a/c unit and the fence, under all those leaves was a surprise. Something is growing and, I imagine, more happy to be able to see the sun. They are long, blade-like leaves, rather like some spring bulb. There are some in the backyard too, on the opposite side of that fence in a corner. Once they all bloom & die down, I am going to dig them up, divide them (if necessary) and replant them somewhere where they will be noticed and appreciated. What will they be? Daffodills, tulips, hyacinths? I'll let you know! 

Friday, March 7, 2014 
Tonight was the Young Women's Camp Fundraiser. They served us dinner - pulled pork - and then the fun began. They had a dessert auction, apparently they do this every year. Bro. Sherlock was the auctioneer and played the part well. Between him and Brother Page - who kept starting the bidding by yelling "$5!" to the point that they starting calling him Five Dollar Luke - they had everyone in stitches. There were TONS of desserts - they covered three long tables - and I literally felt nauseous and a little dizzy around all that sugar. The ward is very supportive of these events. Me, I made mint cookies & cream fudge. Fudge can't lose, right? Ken loves fudge (face it, he's a chocoholic) and I wanted to try something other than regular old fudge. It turned out sooooo yummy, with a chocolate fudge layer topped with a mint layer that had crushed mint oreos in it. It was warmly received and the winning family generously opened the package and passed around the love. Ken says that's the either open it up and pass it around...or "donate" it to the missionaries. It'll be a wonder if we don't find them in a sugar coma! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014 
The missionaries came to breakfast this morning. Normally, they are here for dinner, but we were supposed to go to an awards banquet for the local Eagle Scouts, so we had changed it from dinner to breakfast. They kind of dragged themselves into the house. I think they were coming off the sugar of the evening before (and who knows how much of it they ate!). I prepared bagels (three kinds) and cream cheese (two kinds), had Ken cook up some sausage, and I made a big pot of oatmeal, setting out toppings for it. I had purchased a fruit tray the day before, so they could have some yummy healthy goodness, too. It was probably one of our quieter meals with them - it can get fairly lively with the four of them - and they couldn't linger. Still, it was a nice change, especially since it didn't leave me with dishes until late at night. Another surprise came today. After I came home from Garden Club (my favorite time of the month!), Analiese & I saw that our neighbors had visitors in their front yard. Now, I see plenty of horses in the country and on the outskirts of town, but this was the first in our neighborhood. Analiese was enchanted. And I couldn't resist taking a photo! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014 
Just a normal Sunday, nothing special happening here. Didn't have any extra stuff to do, nowhere to go. If you think I'm disappointed, think again. It was nice not to have to much. A restful Sunday is welcome.

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Monday, February 24, 2014
Okay, major bummer here.  OK state taxes are, shall we say, big?  And, unprepared as we are, it's a big surprise.  It means tightening our belts for the next two month to pay for it.  So, I'm so soil for my garden box.  It's one of several things to cut back on, but I was so excited to have my garden.  But, pioneer stock that we are, we'll make do.  Maybe I'll be able to get soil in time to do my summer veggies; if not, I will plant stuff in the boxes on the sides of the house in the backyard.  I wanted flowers in there, but that can wait.

Ken wants to start working extra hours at Walmart and is a bit panicky.  Me, I feel really calm about it.  The Lord has taken care of us so many times; we'll be fine.  We'll take things back, squirrel away the money, and be okay.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
It was like a scene from a horror film - blood everywhere.  Daubs of red here and there, on the tile, in the tub, smeared on the walls.  What happened here?

It should have been a room full of fluffy cuteness.  All the babies were visiting Mama Fluffer, hopping around, trying to convince her to feed them.  But somebody did something.  Was there a fight?  Bunnies do that, I've found a few tufts of fur in cages when the older ones have been together, but the babies?

Examining the babies, one by one, we find that fat/fluffy Bruiser has torn one of the nails on a front paw.  Rats!   You can't exactly put a bandage on a bunny.  So I went to favorite store in get some styptic powder - an antibiotic powder used on animals.  Bruiser didn't much care for it, and being held while we tried to get the bleeding to stop.  Lucky him he got to get a little extra love from Mama Fluffer that night...even convinced her to give him a drink!

Oh, and the bathroom was a horror to clean!  I felt like I was cleaning up a crime scene!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The weather here is such a tease. Cold or warm?  Windy?  Rain?  Snow?  And you have to look every day, if not two or three times.  We need rain so bad, that every time I see it listed, even at 30% chance, I pray that it'll come.  Nope.

Any wonder I call weathermen false prophets?  To be fair, they have to deal with the mercurial temperament this region has.

Thursday, February 27, 2014
We took Crackin' to the 4H office to see Mr. Gary.  Crackin's the most nervous of the babies and we've worried about him going to a family.  We thought maybe Gary would want him - he's got a lovely half-rex coat and is a beautiful calico with deep brown.  But Gary's got enough boy rabbits, if Crackin' was only a girl...   Good news, though, Gary thinks he's not too shy and should be okay with a loving family.  Yes, we care about where our babies go.

We sold his brother tonight.  Gisela Maldonado brought over a friend and her mother to our house. Apparently their pet rabbit just died and she wanted another.  We took her to see all the was so hard for her to choose.  Eventually it came down to Brownie and Tux.  I will admit that Brownie is the prettiest one...color, shape, etc.    But Tux has that neat look...almost like a wild rabbit.  She chose Tux and seemed so happy.  I told Gisela to tell us how Tux was doing....and what her friend decided to name him.  We knew those names wouldn't last forever.

Friday, February 28, 2014
Today's the day - Get Rid of Baby Bunnies Day!  Okay, it's bittersweet; they've been fun and fluffy and a definite learning experience.  But...they've chewed all the trim on the baseboard in that bathroom and eaten through a 25 lb. bag of rabbit feed every week for the last month.

So after Jonathan got out of school, we went to favorite store in town.  They bought my bunnies for $6 apiece...and sold them for $20.  The kids wanted to be there to see them off, but there were no tears, only concern that the bunnies were cared for.  We put them in the cage and said our goodbyes.

Fluffernutter's back in her cage, but miffed to have no babies around.  And the bathroom...somewhat cleaned out.  It's going to take work to get it back to normal.  Like serious bleach and steam cleaning. Replacement trim...paint.  Explosion, maybe?

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Garden seed orders starting to roll in.  Even though the big plans are shot for this year, it doesn't mean I can't plant anything.

New to the table tonight...French Onion Soup.  In the crockpot.  Well, I sauteed the onions first.  It turned out...okay.  A little sweet.  I used apple juice instead of beer and it had a little brown sugar in it.  But it wasn't bad.  Instead of putting bowls in the broiler, I toasted homemade French bread on the griddle and tossed swiss cheese on top in the bowls.  Some liked it; Analiese evidentally didn't.  Ken wouldn't even try it.  But I'm looking for cheap dinner options; meat is expensive.  Soup is cheap.

Temperature dropping.  Supposedly a storm tomorrow.  I'll believe it when I see it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014
Triple-header again.  I can understand why Sis. Shields didn't come to lead music from Mangum - it was starting to hail some.  Whaddaya know?  Weather!

During Sunday School there was a huge clap of thunder.  During the rest of the meetings the hail kept coming down.  Like little icy ball bearings.  I walked VERY carefully to the car.

And stayed snuggly in the house for the rest of the day.  We got some more snow, too.  A little bit.  Not enough, but hopefully a start.  Goodness knows I keep praying for water.