Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday, January 27, 2014
It is flippin' cold!  I could not sleep well last night for the very strong hurricane-type wind that was blowing around the house.  My bedroom pokes out from the side of the house, so the wind shook that room something awful.  It woke me out of a sound sleep, shaking the walls and rattling the windows.

It didn't get about 29 degrees.  By the time I got out of water aerobics it was 20 degrees.  I was hopping up and down trying to get from the building to the van.  And the heater wasn't warming fast enough for me.  It's a short trip home, but I was slapping my hands together or breathing on them.  Then I had to hop from the garage to the house.  Hot chocolate time!

Ken gets so tired Monday evenings.  By then he's worked all Sunday night and on through Monday.  But, thankfully, he has a recliner now.  Here he is using it to it's full effect.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Those bunnies are so hilarious to watch!  Fluffernutter only feeds them in the nesting box and, well, it's getting rather cramped in there.  This last time I was watching.  It was like a boiling box of bunnies (I love alliteration).  They were literally pushing Fluffer up and out of the box trying to feed.  After a while she's had it and jumps out.  Some follow, looking for more.  Some sit in the box for a while wondering, "Where did she go?"

I cleaned the bathroom today and put food back into the bowl for them again.  Fluffer isn't bored anymore...the babies are out and are keeping her busy!  The funny upside to this is that they are all trying to get to the bowl.  Some even like to sit in it as they are eating.  It's a hoot watching everyone try to eat around the sitter.  Here's Tux so adorably eating from the bowl:

I did yoga twice today.  Once in the morning with Analiese and once in the evening with TWO gals instead of one from my water aerobics class. My fame is starting to precede me.  Even my aerobics instructor is thinking about coming.  She is having back issues like mine and knows I use yoga to deal with them.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Oh, it was so hard today telling the kids to come away from the bunnies and do their lessons!  They were sitting on the bathroom floor while the babies would hop and crawl all over and around them.  It was the cutest things and the kids were absolutely enchanted!  Even Fluffer tried to crawl in and around them, wanting in on the fun!

My special fun today was garden planning.  I'd found some free garden planning forms and used them to diagram out my boxes and what I wanted to plant in them.  I also went through my catalogs, choosing what veggie seeds I want to plant.  This is so exciting for me.  In fact, anyone who follows me on Pinterest knows, I am very into gardening now!

I took Analiese with me to water aerobics this evening.  A 4H friend has been going with her mother, so my daughter did too. That didn't go so well.  She found it a little...sedate...for her. She'd rather just swim and play around. That little experiment is over.

Thursday, January 30, 2014
It felt like I spent my whole morning doing Meals on Wheels.  Oh, wait!  I did!  LOL.  I do it once a month (the ladies in Relief Society take turns), taking Analiese with me because she gets upset if she can't go.  We also took a cute young newlywed TDY (temporarily deployed - Air Force lingo) on our rounds so she could see how it worked.  I didn't mind, because with people moving in and out as fast as they do here, it's a chore trying to get to know people.  But it does fill my whole morning.

More garden fun!  I started inserting weed fabric into the boxes.  For those of you worried about me gardening in my crop circle of sand, you will note that it covers the sand.  I will fill it with good garden soil.    You will note in this picture that it doesn't look particularly neat, straight or smooth.  It's not a work of art; it's a dirt box.  The soil will cover it, and the plants will cover that.  Then that'll be something to see!

The babies are one month old today!  They are so much bigger than the wiggle worms they were on the 2nd!

Friday, January 31, 2014
Guess who was up at 4:30 this morning?  Stupid rabbit! Grr!  She'd jumped onto the edge of the bathtub and over the pet gate. After frolicing a bit in the hall (funny, though, she didn't come into our bedroom or Jonathan's), she found she couldn't get back over to her babies and started panicking.  She began scratching at the gate...which woke me up!  I got up to see what the racket was all about and found Fluffer ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE GATE!  I unceremoniously picked her up and tossed her back over the other side (it really wasn't that violent, though I was tempted).  And though I tried to go back to bed and to sleep, nope.  I spent that time in bed figuring out the new cage system I want to install.  I finally gave up and got up.  So now I am tired and trying to figure out when in my busy day I can sneak in a little nap.

I dropped Analiese off at the Sherlock's and Jonathan at the church for his campout, and then I went off to water aerobics.  Then I went home and Ken had dinner ready for me.  We actually had an evening together.

Saturday, February 1, 2014
Ken & I got up early to head to the temple.  The drive was nice and uneventful and the session was moving and inspiring.  We didn't hurry home, but had a nice lunch at Macaroni Grill near the temple.  You see, the rule is, if we can eat the food in Altus, we can't have it elsewhere.  Italian food is the one thing Ken & I can agree on.  I had the loveliest butternut tortelluca (it's like ravioli) with panchetta and truffle cream sauce.

But our restful day was at its end.  After a trip to Lawton (for bunny bedding), we went home, picked up our daughter, got the house ready for dinner with the elders and then left for a baptism.  When that was over, we came home and waited for the missionaries to come over and eat dinner.  I think by the time I got dishes done it was about 11 o'clock.

Sunday, February 2, 2014
SNOW DAY!  And how did my kids react?  Were they eager to go out and play in it?  Nope.  The glamour has worn off.

And church was cancelled.  There was about 4 inches in total and it was coming down through most of the morning.   People in here act about snow the way S. CA does about rain - the end of the world! I drove through it cautiously, but there were people out there more hesitant than I!

Because - church or no church - I had a meeting with two other moms about planning a triple Eagle Court of Honor.  For over two hours we discussed what we were going to do for our boys.  It will be nice, but I came away a little sad, because most of the people who help Jonathan in Scouting and all of our family is far away and won't be there.  Still, I will try to make it special for him.  At least, Ken will be there.

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