Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Monday, January 6, 2014
Oops!  Almost put down 2013.  Habits are hard to break!

I have given myself two projects for each month: an indoor and an outdoor project.  January's outdoor project is prepping my veggie garden area; the indoor project is of my least favorite activities.  So you can imagine what my dining table looks like at the moment; papers everywhere.  They are in piles, just some of them are not as neatly stacked as others.  Then, too, is the problem of my daughter who just cannot NOT touch things.  Oh, look, I made that!  Oh, can I see that?  I should make her file it all, except she would spend more time oohing and aahing rather than getting work done.

It was a fairly quiet Walmart experience today.  I first put the van in for an oil change while I went shopping.  I met up with my Visiting Teacher who works at Walmart towards the end.  She asked, "Didn't I just hear your name from the auto department?  Is your car okay?"  I ignore most things coming over PA's and you'd think, working there, it'd become white noise to her.  But it was nice to know she cares.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014
The wiggle worms are getting BIG.  They are starting to sprout fur, too, and are getting some color; that pink skin is white now.  They are filling up the box.  Fluffer is eating all the time, presumably to produce enough milk.  She is also constantly knocking her food bowl over and driving me crazy.

After dropping Jonathan off at the airport, Analiese and I went for my monthly pedicure.  She decided that seafoam green (Ken calls it seasick green) was a perfect New Year's color.  So my toes look gangrenous.  We also went to purchase some fabric for her to make a laundry bag at her next 4H Sewing Club meeting.  She's more excited, now, because it means she can finish it at home on her new sewing machine! 

Our final stop was the jewelers where we'd had her latest charm soldered onto her bracelet.  Actually, she had three put on: the new rabbit charm, a small temple she'd been given, and a "topaz" from a necklace Jonathan gave her a few years back.  So now her bracelet looks like it's filling up - five charms!  I tried to take in an old fine herringbone bracelet for repairs, but they're not sure they can fix it.  It is very delicate and I've yet to find someone who can.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014
One of the babies is all black but for a white belly.  Jonathan came up with a name for it: Tux (as in tuxedo).  He's really quite clever with names; if I ever get close to publishing something, I'll let him title it.  I'm not good with titles or names (though I think Fluffernutter is perfect!).

The city is taking down the Christmas lights in the park.  All the rebar candy canes that lined the paths are gone and most of the light displays are lying flat on the ground.  I wonder if it will take as much time to take it down as it did to go up?

Went to water aerobics for the first time in umpteen many weeks.  It felt good (well, the water was cold until I got moving), but my pulse was racing!  I wonder if I will be sore tonight?

Thursday, January 9, 2014
I have more things to do than time to do them.  I've got at least three different things I could do tonight; I'd rather be sleeping.  Why do people schedule things all on the same day?  Also, this is our Family Home Evening night.  Guess I won't be doing that!

I decided to go to the Relief Society activity.  We watched a "chick flick" at another sister's home.  It was a cute movie, and I had a few laughs at it.  Too, they had goodies for us, though I was happy with popcorn.  I'm always happy with popcorn!

The bunny babies are one week old today.  So you can see the growth, here is last week's picture:
Now here is this week.  They are so much bigger and their fur is coming in!  Ken says they are no longer ugly:
There is a tinier one (lying horizontal on the bottom) who we call Pipsqueak, or "Pip" for short.  We don't know if there's a problem, or it's just smaller like it's daddy.  Here's Fluffernutter feeding them, standing up:

Friday, January 10, 2014
I made a big Oops! today.  Apparently the Rabbit Club met last night (not their regular night) instead of today.  Guest speaker or something.  Anyway, I do not always read my emails as closely as I should.  Analiese wasn't happy with me.  Look, I'm getting tired here!

Tonight I was getting ready for bed when I heard a noise in the bathroom.  I decided to check on Fluffer.  She had jumped up on the bucket and into a box on top of them that I had scooped bunny poop into.  It was in a plastic grocery bag and she'd managed to get her head into one of the holes.  It didn't choke her or anything, just frustrated her.  She really needs something to play with.  She's so bored in there.

Saturday, January 11, 2014
Marathon day!  Running from here to there...all day long!  It started at 7:00 a.m. (really 6:30, when I had to get up) picking up my baskets.  I got home from there, put away my produce, had a quick shower and breakfast and then took Analiese to the church at 9:00 a.m. for the Primary Meet-Your-Teacher breakfast at the church.  That lasted longer than I anticipated - nearly 11:00, so we couldn't make it to the Home Depot workshop at the Dosher's church.  We got home and Jonathan grabbed some lunch so he could go with me to my garden club meeting at noon.  From there, at 2:30 p.m., I took Jonathan to 4H Lego Robotics (he had gone with me to my meeting so I didn't have to come all the way home).  We left there at about 3:20 so I could go home, bake my dessert, and help Ken with his dumplings for dinner tonight with the missionaries.  WHEW!

The garden club meeting was great!  They know so much!  Greg from SW Nursery came and I grilled him for information.  Also, I had let the RS sisters know and our Pres., one of her counselors, and another sister (Kristi, my friend) came!  I think we doubled their numbers!  We learned what we need to do now to get our garden ready and looked at seed catalogues.  The RS Pres. invited the club pres. to come speak at our February RS meeting.  And my RS friends asked lots of questions, apparently impressed with these fountains of knowledge.

Sunday, January 12, 2014
Church was great today!  The spirit was strong during the music in sacrament meeting; we had a great discussion in Sunday School on the pre-existence and the war in Heaven; and the Relief Society lesson fit right into it with a conversation about the nature of God.  The Maldonados stayed for all of the meetings, so Ken was with them in the investigator's Sunday School class, and I translated in Relief Society.  I am so grateful, though, that the church has put the new manual in Spanish on it's app so I could have them read along in Spanish with the lesson!  Technology can sometimes be a great blessing!

It was a warm day today - 75 degrees!  That's unheard of around here.  Still, it was a beautiful day, we didn't need our heaters - or our a/c!  Ken thinks that's a win-win.  It is windy, though, and it gusts around the house...which at night sounds a little spooky!

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