Saturday, January 18, 2014


Monday, January 13, 2014
Analiese & I got up early in the morning (when Jonathan went to Seminary) to take a walk - in the dark - to Missile Park south of us.  There are not many street lights, except on the main streets, and they aren't very bright.  Still, we could see well enough, though it was cold.  NOTE: wear something warmer, with a hood and maybe gloves next time.  I wasn't sure how long it would take us; I'd given us an hour up and back.  We made it there in 15 minutes.  I thought about trying another way back (it was pretty much a straight shot - haha, the road curves - off the road east of us), but knowing how I get lost easily and not seeing any other streets I recognized, we went back the way we came.

Rush-rush-rush.  While I am happy that our friend got a job on base; I am sad that he is no longer available to drive Jonathan home from the airport (I know, I am spoiled).  So now I take and pick up.  Today made it a marathon because...
1. I took him to the airport.
2. I went grocery shopping and took it home to put away.
3. I picked him up (about 2 1/2 hours later).
4. We went right away to Lawton.

And yes!  I got my laundry done too, but not put away.  Some things just stretch it a little.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Okay, I'm starting to think I'm getting too busy.  I totally forgot my chiropractor's appointment today (important), misread three emails, and find myself wondering if I'm understanding everything.

I showed up on someone's front porch because she had advertised an event on email.  I did not see the RSVP.  Nobody had (including me), so she wasn't expecting anyone.  She was gracious about it and talked to me for a little bit, but I was embarrassed.

I only could stay there for 30 minutes, because Jonathan & I went to the Vo-Tech to a  Club Meeting.  Really, we went there to pick up my radio (a gentleman there was programming it and getting me a new rubber duck - yes, that's it's name), but it was interesting because these are the people that monitor the weather during the storm months to help give advance notice on tornadoes.  They will be having a spotter training (learning to spot storms) open to the public next month.  I told Ken because I knew he'd want to go.  He always finds weather fascinating.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014
My legs are still a little stiff from Monday, but I went to water aerobics anyway.  I need to get back into my exercise routine.  My knees paid the price, though (they've been worked hard) and my left one, the one I injured on my mission, was swollen and grinding and clicking when I got home.

But, after I took Jonathan to Scouts, I had someone come over for yoga.  She said we could pass (I was on the sofa with an ice pack), but I hadn't done that in a while either, so we took it easy, but did it.  I need my flexibility back (especially if I'm going to keep forgetting chiropractic appointments).

Thursday, January 16, 2014
The babies are two weeks old!  They've opened their eyes and are cute little fluff-balls!  Here's this week's picture:

Don't you want one?  I found out Tuesday at the 4H office (Analiese had Sewing Club) that we can sell them to Atwoods in the spring (I'd give them to 'em!) and they'll sell them to the public for us.  They aren't really show rabbits, but they'll be cute pets (I won't talk about the other use, but it's possible and I won't know!)

We've got them all named now (I know, it's temporary):
Tux - brownish coat with white chin & belly
Pipsqueak "Pip" - tiny, white with black markings
Bruiser - biggest baby, white with grey-ish markings
Crackin' - White with brown, with lightning or crack mark on forehead
Lockheed - Jonathan named it, white with brown, supposed dragon mark on forehead (it's an Avenger's comic thing)
George - as in the monkey, very curious.  White with brown, mark like a lego hand? (think horseshoe) on forehead
Brownie - White with light brown, just a pretty bunny

Friday, January 17, 2014 does not generally think of gardening in January.  That is, if you do not like to garden.  Those of us who do know...January is garden dreaming time (at least, in winter areas.  In California, it mean cold weather gardening: lettuce, broccoli, etc.)

My friend Kristi Fletcher came over today with her kids (they did their homeschool lessons side by side with mine) and helped me start up my first box in my grand scheme.  First, we emptied the old sandbox into the crop circle, then smoothed the sand, pulled a few weeds and got to building "The Box."

Yes, for the record, I am ambitious.  I have a plan for my crop circle garden.  Phase one is a t, or a cross (like the red cross shape) or, as Analiese puts it, a plus sign.  I made up my plan, including Ree Drummond's (the Pioneer Woman) plans for box-building.  We made four three sides of a box (4x4), and then connected them to each other in the middle.  In the end, it will be like five 4x4 boxes (the space in the middle counts as one.  We put the stakes  in the strategic places, but ran out of time to level them & attach them to the boxes.  That will be one layer, and then we'll attach another set of boards on top.  We'll staple weed barrier fabric inside them and then comes the soil.  Sounds like a trip to the nursery soon! 

Actually, we can start planting soon, because onions can be started in February.  Next project?  Bunny barn!

Saturday, January 18, 2014
The kids and I went to Quartz Mountain to go to the Eagle searching event.  It was a beautiful morning, sunny and (fairly) warm with no breeze. At the center, about ten does were around us looking for food. Apparently a buck has been following them around, but we didn't see him.

Sue, the naturalist there, had a powerpoint presentation about bald eagles, and then drove around Lake Altus to try and find some.  We saw five (FIVE!!!) sitting on a sand bar on the far side of the lake, some were looking for fish, some were eating a fish they found, and some were fighting over fish.  Most were juveniles, but a couple were mature with the white head and tail feathers.  We couldn't see them without the help of binoculars or the scope Sue had (it was neat!). 

We went to other spots, but didn't really see them.  We did see the water birds landing on the lake and saw a roadrunner right beside the road (hence, the name), though.  And the view was nice.  One time we were on the bridge observation deck by the lodge, which is pretty.  The only sad thing is the water levels.  The lake is down to 20% water capacity, not good.  Sue says we're into year three of the drought and droughts here last 5-7 years.  I'm voting for five, or a very unusually four.

I made a lovely buttermilk chocolate chip bundt cake today for dessert for the missionaries.  It was very moist and tasty, but it did not want to come out of the pan, even though I really sprayed it!  I also made fajitas and thought that I made a lot...maybe even some leftovers.  Nope.  Apparently they really like fajitas.  If it was any indicator, Jonathan had four.

Sunday, January 19, 2014
Wow!  Today was actually fairly quiet and uneventful.  The chorister is back, the spanish-speaking family didn't stay past sacrament meeting, and I didn't get asked to do anything beyond my callings.  I could actually listen and learn a few things.

So, other than Skyping with my parents in the evening, nothing unusual happened.  Sorry.  Not much else to say.

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