Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Monday, January 20, 2013
Oh, baby bunnies are so adorable!  Four have jumped out of the box today and it is so funny to see them hopping around on the tile floor.  They are nearly irresistible, you just want to pick them up and snuggle!  Tiny ears, tiny tails, everything!

Kristi & I worked on the box some more today.  We screwed the box into the stakes and started adding on the second layer of wood.  I ran out, though, so I need to go to the hardware store for more.  And, while I remembered to wear work gloves (funny how one nasty splinter will do that to you), I still injured myself.  By the time we finished the last board available, my right thumb was screaming at me.  We massaged it a bit - it hurts just at the base whenever I try to flex it - but it's going to be a long night.  What did I do this time?  It was probably from holding wood to the stakes or vice versa.  Some of those boards are weathered and warped and I had to pull on them.  I was using unusual muscles!

Tuesday, January 21, 2013
They are all out!  Even Pip (though I worry he can't get back into the box)!  And...this is so funny to me...they encircle Fluffer (mom) and try to feed.  She pushes them aside, after all the dairy is closed, but they keep coming back.  She looks so tired - like the mother of seven toddlers - which she is!

I went to the chiropractor.  After forgetting last week I was heartily embarrassed, but pain helped me overcome.  My neck and shoulders were understandably sore, but I really needed him to look at my thumb.  He said I overextended it (obviously) and did some chiro trick - and the pain went away.  Alleluia!

Oh, Pip can get back into the box. For such a scrawny little thing, he's a great jumper.  He jumped out of the box (not just flipped himself over the edge like the others) and over his siblings in front of it.  Way to go!

I wish to thank all of my Facebook friends who recommended brussel sprout recipes to me.  I used my sister-in-law's (Jenna) recipe where I sliced them in half, put them in a buttered skillet, and sprinkled them with garlic salt.  They cooked until the underside was brown and crispy.  My kids and husband all liked it, for a surprising change.  The kids and I ate meatloaf (Ken doesn't like it, so had extra veggies), which Jonathan adores and inhales.  But at least we have a winner for a new veggie.  I had never had them before.

Wednesday, January 22, 2013
Today was a fairly quiet day.  I mean it included going out to the airport and back twice for Jonathan's class, going to water aerobics and then taking the kids to Scouts and Activity Days, doing some yoga with a friend, and then picking them up.  (Okay, Ken did the Scout & Activity Days transporting.  I was very glad he was available to do it and awake enough!)  I do feel there's a lot of back and forth all the time, but nothing's very far in town, so I'm okay with it.

Thursday, January 23, 2013
Cold!  Darn it, it got cold again!  I wouldn't mind that cold so much if it would at least bring a little rain.  Though as cold as it was today (I don't think it hit 30), it would have been snow.  And the wind - it bites!

Oops!  I fell down on my housewifely duties today.  Jonathan & I got involved watching an interesting movie on Netflix and the time ticked dinner.  By the time it was done, we were looking at 6:00 and nothing even started.  Ken suggested going out and Analiese chose Long John Silvers.  Ugh!  I can't eat there anymore.  It's all oily, greasy food, even if they do make good onion rings.  Yes, they have rice (that looks weird), corn (a small wrinkly cob), and green beans (looks like canned to me), but it doesn't really count!  Can't anyone serve a decent salad around here?   Apparently not, because the restaurant that Analiese & I went to for her birthday - the Grapevine Cafe - is closed, and they had some lovely salads.  People didn't like their "new" menu, but I did.  Maybe it was a little too metropolitan and non-greasy for them.  Sorry, but all that fried stuff gives me heartburn and makes me feel bloated.

Here's the babies, 3 weeks old.  Getting them to all stay in one place and not move is a challenge!  They are beyond adorable:

Friday, January 24, 2013
I am really proud of myself.  I bought a present for my husband today.  See, Christmas fizzled, I bought him a belt and not only did he go out and purchase one for himself before Christmas, the one I got was too small.  So today, when I dropped off our old tv at Salvation Army, I saw that they had several recliner chairs.  Not the prettiest of patterns, but they are lazyboys - which is a great brand!  I bought one for him - for $20!!!  It's a vinyl-type with a blue chevron pattern on it and I had to spray it with Febreeze at home a couple of times to get the smoke smell out, but it's great and he loves it!  I lay an afgan over it to keep it from looking know.  But it's cleanable, he has the recliner (he's wanted one for a while and the new ones were outside of our price range) and he is very happy.  He just wants something he can sit in front of the tv on and fall asleep!  Works for me.

Tried a new pizza crust recipe I found on Pinterest.  It only has two ingredients - Greek yogurt and self-rising flour (had to get me some of that).  Prognosis?  No go.  It was very sticky and didn't roll out well, I mainly pushed it on the stone into a weird circle-ish shape.  It baked thin and crisp and was just not fantastic.  I think I'll stay with my old recipe.

Analiese & I worked with her new sewing machine today.  We almost finished her laundry bag project.  We had a little hit and miss (learning how to thread a bobbin a new way, for one), but we got it done.  And she was so happy to able to actually finish a 4H project at home!

Saturday, January 25, 2013
Showed off my baby bunnies to the Dosher's today.  They have babies, too, about a month older than ours.  But ours are bigger...they said so.  Well, Holland Lops (theirs) are a smaller breed.  Still, it was fun to coo over these cute, funny fuzz balls!

My inner carpenter was channeled today.  I bought some lumber for the boxes and some more screws and then went home with Jonathan to finish putting those boxes together.  I even got to use power tools!  It scared Jonathan watching me figure out how to work a skill saw, but I did it.  I even remembered to put on goggles.  Not the best cut you ever saw but it suffices (look, I don't cut well with scissors or knives, either).  Now the cross/plus box is finished and next up is stapling in the weed fabric.  

That didn't happen today, though, because I had to work on dinner for the locusts - I mean, four missionaries!  LOL!  I made chicken pot pie and just doubled it, putting it in a 9x13 pan and laying the pie crust on top.  Not a scrap remains; they (and Jonathan) polished it off.  I wonder what would happen if I made something truly awful?

Sunday, January 26, 2013
Boy oh boy!  Did I ever wish my husband was in Relief Society today!  I was there, in between Rose & Nasly, interpreting as best I could with my iPad in my lap on the church website in Spanish so they could follow along with the Conference talk lesson.  But Nasly (good girl, I'm really proud of her) had a  question.  Which she asked in Spanish.  Which I had to interpret into English.  Then the sisters would respond and I would interpret back.  It is not as easy as it sounds.  To be honest, I think my husband must be a genius.

For one, I wasn't sure I understood her question well enough.  And another thing...everyone spoke so fast with no breaks!  When was I supposed to remember what they said, think about the Spanish words in my head and say them?  Yep, my husband's ability has certainly gone up in my estimation.

I do love that family.  Nasly is so excited to be a member of the church.  I told her today that I am one of her visiting teachers (and what is visiting teaching).  She was happy and wanted to know when she could be one, too.  She also really wants a calling.  She sees that we don't have a full-time RS chorister and wants to know if she can be one.  I talked to the RS president who was so happy!  She's been worried about how to make them feel included.  She's glad I'm there to help and if Nasly wants to lead music, we'll teach her!

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