Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Monday, February 3, 2014
The snow is rapidly melting.  So, much to the sorrow of my son, classes were not cancelled for today.  Driving wasn't bad either, because the streets were fairly clear.  And I don't know what it is, some freak of nature, but the roads running east and west are clear and the north and south are slushy.  Some great mystery, here.

I had to get more bunny food today.  Those cute little fluffy guys...they eat a lot.  But I did talk to Atwoods (that's the farm/ranch/home store that I get my rabbit stuff from) and they will take my bunnies in a month when they're weaned and sell them for me.  Ken is relieved because they are going through food fast.  Me, I'm relieved because then my term as a zookeeper will have come to an end and Fluffer can go back outside.   I sweep up that bathroom every morning, if I didn't we'd be knee-deep in bunny poops!

Please note that not all Pinterest items are truthful or accurate or tasty.  I realized this afternoon that I had forgotten to purchase flour tortillas earlier in the day and we were going to have tacos for dinner.  Being too reticent (and lazy) to go walk across the street and get some, I decided to try my hand at making them, from a recipe off of Pinterest.  I followed the instructions (they said to follow precisely), but the dough wouldn't form a ball in my food processor. So I added a little more water until it did.  Then, it said I'd need to cook them for only 20-40 seconds on each side.  They lied.  It took more like two or more minutes on each side.  By the time I got all sixteen done, it was later than I wanted.  And they were not soft, like the recipe said.  They also claimed that these would be better than store-bought.  Not true.  Rather bland and chewy.  Pin busted!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
I have yet to decide if I am an overachiever, a masochist, or an idiot (or some bizarre combination of two or more of these).  Apparently the tortilla smack-down did not phase me (enough) and I wanted to try making my own granola.  I'd found - on Pinterest, of course - a simple recipe involved only peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, vanilla extract and oats.  It smelled really good while baking and crisped up nicely whilst cooling.  Determination wins out - success!  This cheap and I can make a lot (the recipe was small) and my family all liked it so it will make a good cereal to start the day (though Analiese though it would make a great snack).

Flush with the victory behind me, I also decided to try a soup recipe for tonight's dinner.  This was a creamy chicken noodle soup, with butter and cheese in with some veggies.  It took me a bit to coordinate it (it made a lot - used 12 cups of water!), but when the kids sat down to eat it, they heartily approved!  So two successes and one failure in two days is not bad at all.  Take that, tortillas!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014
I need to announce this: I AM PROUD OF MY SON.  It's a hard course, and he's not as experienced as most of the other guys in class, but he is at the near top of his class and holding his own in Aviation Mechanics.  The head of the program had him in his office today.  There's been rumors (apparently true) that they will not be including high schoolers in the program next year because they really need adults to go and get through the program (more quickly than the high schoolers do) because the need for aviation mechanics is great.  Having said that...the head of the program told Jonathan that he was doing so well and they were so impressed with his progress, that he would be allowed to continue the program next year, even though that took a place an adult could fill.  The head also told Jonathan that he and all of the instructors would be working closely with him to see that he not only got through the program, but succeeded. Hopefully even getting him a place on the presitigious "A" team of mechanics at the AFB.  This has been quite a challenge for my son, but he's stuck with it and studied hard and I has so grateful to see that all his work has been recognized.   I know the Lord has opened up these opportunities for him, and has guided him to where he is now.  This is where he is supposed to be, doing what he's supposed to be doing.

Tonight I was with the Young Women teaching them a little yoga.  We had five (?) girls and their leaders sprawled out on the floor.  It was really funny, because they giggled a our stretches and some of my comments. (Hey!  It's true that your balance goes off as a young woman when you start developing in front!  I didn't make that up!)  Okay, I encouraged some of it - horse pose & lion face, any one?  But I think they enjoyed it and I got a good stretch out of it. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014
More snow last night, but it's sugar snow.  The other stuff from Sunday melted quickly and caused no problems.  However, our temps are down really low, like in the single digits or lower from the wind chill factor, and so now we have ice.  I can handle snow; I do NOT like ice.  But I only slid a teensy bit once taking Jonathan to school.

The bunnies are five weeks old today.  I won't include a picture here, because I am going to do a separate blog parading them individually so you can see and get a good idea of them.  I will, however, post here a picture of the horrific (and embarassing) mess I face every morning that I "get" to clean up.  This is why I feel like a zookeeper (and no pity from Ken, he says it's my fault falling for helpless little bunnies):

Ken drove us all over to Lawton this evening for our monthly work & family shopping.  I have yet to convince Analiese (of all people!) that she needs to layer clothing to keep warm.  And I still reminder her to wear a hat, gloves & scarf.  Her excuse?  "I'm from Southern California!"  Really?  You'd think she'd layer more, not less.  Do not blame me if the kid comes down with pnemonia.

Friday, February 7, 2014
The strip of road right in front of our house clears of ice and snow quickly; more so than the others in the neighborhood.  Why?  Because the other side of the road is the back of United Grocery Store and the big trucks come through constantly for deliveries (well, mainly in the morning).  It's not a pretty sight, but I don't mind the cleared road at all!

Today officially qualifies as "Winter Sucks Day."  I do not generally use such language, but I really had it up to that (or down to that) level.  First, my brand-new (as of June last year) washing machine decided not to work.  It may be the pipes and the cold.  It had better be (That's a dire warning to Sears).  Then, going to Wal-mart I noticed that THEIR water machines were out of order due to frozen pipes (United's  has been out for the same thing for weeks).  Where, pray tell, am I supposed to fill my water jugs?  Yes, Altus water is so bad that nobody drinks it.  I know there's a machine on base, but, in case you hadn't noticed, I don't have access to the base.  Plus, I hear theirs goes down often for the same reason.  Freezing cold temps in the daytime, an uncooperative washer, an unexpected trip to the laundromat, and no water at Walmart.  Gee, I wonder why my head hurts this evening?

Saturday, February  8, 2014
Early wakeup (well, for a Saturday) at 7:00 a.m. so I could get a shower before driving out to Duke for my basket.  Don't ask why, it's a really dumb reason that might reduce me in your estimation.  But it meant for a new adventure in a new direction in a different town.  I took Jonathan with me for support and because he's handy and strong enough carry my basket.  15 miles out and back, a little foggy, but the roads were clear.  We got our basket quickly and made our way home.  Actually, it was a fun little trip because Jonathan can be entertaining when he wants.

Got home to take care of my basket (no more brussel sprouts, but I do have leeks and asparagus to figure out this week).  My breakfast included a lovely ruby red grapefruit we got - it was SO good!  Then I rushed to get the dishes sorted and the lettuce soaked (to get the dirt off) and spun and I ran to get in church dress for a 10 a.m. baptism, where I played the piano.

Are we done yet?  Nay, nay!  Run home to change again and to heat up some extra of that creamy chicken noodle soup for the Garden Club potluck.  Then I went to that meeting, where I stayed until about 1:00 p.m.

Yet?  Nope.  More cleaning up, getting lasagna ready for dinner and - a grave miscalculation or dishonesty in advertising.  I thought I'd make some french bread for dinner.  It would be cheaper (true) and easier (doubtful) than running across the street to buy some rolls.  In fact, my cookbook read "Quick & Easy French Bread."  I was all gung-ho, we'd get this done in no time.  First rise, 1 hour, punch down & rest for 10 minutes, shape and...oh no!  Another rising for 1 1/2 hours!  Quick?  Did you say this was quick?  I hadn't figured into things that timing (the moral of the story here is to read through your recipes all the way first, which I apparently don't do), so they sat resting on my bedroom floor by the space heater to rise (hey, warmest place in the house), while I ran to the store to get rolls.  Which in the end tasted nasty and my kids complained about them, because they are spoiled by homemade bread.  I am not sure that they believe me, but they are pretty lucky kids.  Many have never had homemade bread at all!

The day is over.  Dinner is over.  Ken is mercifully washing the dishes.  I am going to bed.

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