Monday, December 2, 2013


Michele Trivia: What is my least favorite chore?
That I actually do?  Because I hate ironing...and never do it.  I think Ken has maybe seen me pull out iron maybe a handful of times in our married years.  I buy wrinkle-free.  No irons!
Chore I hate to do: Laundry.  Egad, the stuff is endless and endlessly boring!  Yes, the kids put their own stuff away, but I have Ken & mine, plus the towels and sheets and what-not.  I will only tolerate it twice a week - Monday & Friday - I cannot fathom how some people do a bit each day.  Then it would feel eternal.

Monday, December 2, 2013
Jonathan is still in the throes of ecstasy...Thanksgiving leftovers are yet to be completely devoured.  Though, he's working on it!  I think he's had turkey, potatoes, stuffing & gravy every day for lunch (or dinner, as was Sunday) since Thanksgiving.  Yes, I had a lot of leftover food - I made a ton of stuffing - but I didn't worry because I knew I had my teenage eating machine to help me out!  He adores Thanksgiving and maybe had been a bit wary because this wasn't his grandmother's thanksgiving meal.  Luckily, we managed to soothe his fears and fulfil his culinary fantasies.  Thus his Thanksgiving was filled with gratitude for a meal well done. ROFL

Tonight was Ken & my dinner date night.  We tried one of the Mexican places in Altus - El Rey.  Our prognosis?  Eh.  He had this seafood soup thing that was okay, except for the crab marshmallows (fake crab).  I had fish tacos, in name only.  California, I miss your fish tacos!  No, really, I'm dying for one.  These tacos had little flakes of fish with a little lettuce and tomatoes, with a side of ranch dressing and some smoked pepper salsa.  NOT what I wanted.  Also, the menu said horchata, but they didn't have any.  Apparently the owner makes it when she comes in.  And she didn't come in today.  So other that saying I'll be back in the summer for two gigantic cups full of icy-cold horchata, I wouldn't return.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Today's craziness went as follows:
9:30-10:30 - yoga
11:00 - Vet (Twilight has an eye infection)
12:00 - Jonathan to class
1:00 - Chiropractor

The vet and his staff LOVED Twilight's velvety coat.  They literally went into all the offices telling people, "You gotta come feel this rabbit's coat!"  It is addicting, I admit.  Plus, he's a pretty sweet rabbit, when he's not trying to impregnant every female rabbit in the vicinity.  He loved the attention the humans gave him today, I could tell!

The Chiro literally pulled my head away from the rest of my body today.  He wants to see me again Thursday.  SIGH.  "Was I really that bad?"  I guess so.  He said that, having had an adjustment last week, I shouldn't be so stiff in my neck and shoulders.  I need to get back into the full-time swing of aerobics and yoga.  They help me more than I realize!

This evening, I took Jonathan to 4H shooting at 5:00, got my casserole into the oven and heated, and went over to Doris' home for a Christmas party (she's my water aerobics instructor).  All the ladies, and a few of their husbands, were there.  Good food, good fun.  I do laugh a lot around them.  I made that potato casserole known as "Funeral Potatoes."  Maybe that's just a Mormon name for them, because when I told the ladies what it was called, they all laughed.  I even won a prize tonight - Christmas kitchen towels and pot holders - they will be cute in my kitchen.  It wasn't a long night, but I was glad I went.  This is one of my friend groups that I have learned to cherish here in Altus.

But more invitations!  Geri, who's in my ward & the aerobics class, invited me to the Quilting Guild's luncheon on Thursday.  Ay-ay!  I would not commit.  I am not sure about the weather (big storm supposedly rolling in Thursday morning) and I have Jonathan to get to class as well as Analiese to worry about.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Have you ever had a marching band go past your house at 7:30 in the morning?  I did!  They were practicing for the Christmas parade (which is supposed to be this Sunday but will probably be postponed until the next due to the upcoming storm).

This afternoon found myself ALL ALONE in Lawton (sounds like the title of a mystery book).  We were all supposed to go as a family tomorrow, but because of the expectations of a storm, Ken wanted me to get stuff done today. to Target (good sale on Christmas lights), then to Hobby Lobby (to get stockings), and then my Sam's x2 (once for Ken's work, twice for our family).  I got home in time to put stuff away and then get the kids from Mutual & Activity Days.

BLESSING ALERT: Ken was offered the management position for the call center.  It means better money and a possible annual bonus.  It also means paying off debts quicker and cutting down some Walmart hours.  Yippee!  Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, December 5, 2013
In anticipation of the coming storm (really, people are paranoid about it), Ken didn't have to go in to work today or tomorrow.  Even though the morning was cold, he went outside with the kids to rake and bag up leaves (our yard was a mess!)

By the time I came back from taking Jonathan to the airport, flakes were falling.  When I left to go to the chiropractor, snow was really coming down in clumps.  Ken, Analiese & I went to Walmart and already the parking lot was paved in white!

Analiese & I had to pick up Jonathan while Ken paid for the stuff (special employee discount today) and we went s-l-o-w-l-y up the road and highway to the airport.  We slid a little, once, and I really had to put on and grind those brakes so as not to hit the car in front of me.  I told Analiese I was going to go home and have an anxiety attack. 

Nothing was as relaxing as getting into the house and saying, "I'm done! Ain't goin' nowhere, nohow!"

We figured that, since we were housebound, it was a good time to decorate the tree and house.  Things were going great until we got to the box of ornaments - everything inside it was wet!  Somehow it must have been under a leaky spot of the roof in the storage room off of the garage.  Some things had to be tossed, some just dried off.  Also, we couldn't find our Christmas tree lights.  So, tomorrow, I'll have to go get some.  Had to put of the decorating until tomorrow.  You never know what happens to your stuff when you move!

Friday, December 6, 2013
Made the kids shovel walks and porch today.  Sorry, but I feel for the poor mailman who has to trudge around in it, so I call it service.  As it was, in some places it was over three inches thick.  The wind blew snow into all kinds of drifts, so it was hard to tell what the actually snow count was.

I did not go and get lights today.  Call me chicken, but those roads are pure ice!  As it was, I did have to walk across the street to United and get some spinach for my salad for the ward dinner tonight.  I waited until the last minute (in case the party was cancelled and I didn't need to go), but it was still semi-trecherous going that made me glad to get inside afterwards!

Despite the weather and the roads, the ward Christmas party was well attended.  The committee (of which I was NOT one) did a good job of decorating and preparing.  At one end of the hall they had a creche display and a tree.  In the Primary room they had crafts for the kids and in the room next to it was Santa.  "Santa" happened to be Jonathan's Scout leader, so I thought it was funny to have all three priests go and sit on Santa's lap!

They had a nice ham dinner, and lots of people brought things to have with it.  I brought my spinach salad with apples, dried cranberries, walnuts & feta cheese with a vinagrette.  Yum!  Actually, there were too many good things!  After dinner was a video presentation by the Primary (cute) that I think they will post on Facebook so everyone can see it.  We had a little caroling and a spiritual message, and ended the activity with everyone cleaning up.

The nice part was, my whole family could attend...that meant Ken, too!  His OKC work party was cancelled due to the weather and road conditions (the worst of the storm was between here and OKC), so he was able to join us.  That's a rare occasion these days.

Saturday, December 7, 2013
The temperature this morning, according to the Weather Channel, at 8:30 a.m. was 8 degrees.  That's right.  Single digits.  Now, I never kept track of that stuff on my mission (nor did I have such access), but I don't remember being that cold in Massachusetts.  Maybe.  But today was pretty BRRRR!

And I made another foray out into the white, icy world.  Both kids wanted to go to friends' houses and I still needed to get the tree lights.  This time was no less scary.  We dropped Analiese off, but I had a hard time getting out of the housing tract.  The road up to the light and the main road was sloped up and covered with ice!  The wheels on Ken's Honda spun (rubber burning); Jonathan tried to get out and push.  Eventually I just backed up and found an alleyway that led to a gas station and onto the main road - all flat.  The rest of the trip was uneventful...but I never let my speed get over 20 mph.

I had Ken go with me to get my basket this afternoon, only to find out that the truck was late.  I guess it got stuck in Lawton and had to be towed out.  Ken & I helped (when the truck arrived) unload and do up baskets, and - Man! - was it ever cold!  My hands in particular do not like the cold (the neuropathy doesn't do well), and I was losing feeling in them, fast.  But the pick-up place was inside and that work was comfy I got some extra broccoli for my troubles!

It was cold enough to turn on the gas heater in the dining room.  The elders were here for dinner, as usual, but that cold just seeps through into that room.  Ken didn't see the reason for doing so, but the rest of us were chattering our teeth!  Sorry, I'm a S. Cal. girl and my blood isn't thick enough yet.

Sunday, December 8, 2013
No church today.  The snow melts in the day and freezes at night, making driving treacherous.  It feels weird staying home on a Sunday again, with no conference or anything.  We watched an old church Christmas video and had our regular devotional, but that was it.  And it feels wanting.  I'm glad the First Presidency Christmas Devotional is tonight.  I need that!

Slowly I am learning the art of layering.  Part of me getting so cold yesterday was that, underneath my coat, I only had on a t-shirt.  I have rarely thought of layers in the past, because I've always been so warm.  Actually being cold is a different sensation.

Analiese's rabbit, Alice, seems to like to sit on my chest and take a nap.  I call it the "shelf."  She is very comfortable and I guess feels safe.  However, it does make it difficult for me to want to get up and do something.  It's like having a sleeping baby on your chest.  The kids say it's because I radiate heat.  I say it's because I don't bother the poor rabbit and let her rest there.

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