Monday, December 23, 2013


Monday, December 23, 2013
Well, I roto-rootered my sinus passages today.  Really, I just was following an oil protocol to try and clear up my stuffy & painful sinuses.  Warm water in my neti pot with 2 drops of lavender and 2 drops of tea tree oil.  Ay-yai!  It burned for a good hour and I thought, "What the heck did I just do?"  But I've been clear and free all the rest of today.  I will swear by it, but not swear that it is harmless.  It is strong!

Gave away the last of my Christmas goodies today to the Doshers.  They just moved into their new home on Saturday, so we went to see the new home...and the baby bunnies!  Their Holland Lops just had four babies about 2 weeks ago.  They just opened their eyes on Tuesday and we were told today that it was the first day they've actually been hopping around.  They are so cute - they fit right in the palm of my hand!  In a way, they look like tiny shih-tsu dogs, with rabbit ears.  One was crawling all over Analiese.  Yes, they are trying to get us to take one and, no, I haven't broken down yet.  Where would I put the thing?  Just what I need, another rabbit.  So far, they've named them after Princess Bride characters - Inigo, Fezzig, Wesley & Buttercup.  Regardless of sex, though, because its too early to tell.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
If I was to name today's episode, I'd call it "Mouse Mischief."  Yes, we have a mouse; no it's not a pet, it's a PEST.  The kids kept claiming that they saw something skitter across the bathroom floor at night.  I saw some mouse droppings in the bathroom, near where the rabbits' litter box is at and knew what was up.  Last week I set up a snap trap with a tiny bit of Snickers on it (not a waste of good candy, they really like Snickers).  However, the clever fella managed to get the Snickers off without springing the trap.  So yesterday I bought sticky traps that fold into boxes.  Another tiny bit of Snickers went into the middle of the trap, and it went into the bathroom.

This morning, Jonathan exclaims, "Mom the box is gone!"  Now how the heck could a teeny mouse move that whole box?  I looked all over the bathroom, the box was gone!  I had no idea how it could disappear. I went into the kitchen to tell Ken about it and, by the trashcan in front of the furnace closet, was the mouse!  It's tail was stuck in the box and it was trying to get under the closet door.  When I moved the trashcan to see it better, it darted into the box to hide.  Bad move!  Now it was irrevocably stuck!  It squeaked piteously; Jonathan had a moment of weakness and felt sorry for it.  I knew better; it could bring disease or parasites, primarily to the rabbits, so it had to go.  I had been tempted to offer it to the cats my neighbor feeds on her front porch (mainly because my wicked self wanted to see the cats get stuck with the sticky trap, too), but Ken threw it outside in the dumpster in the alley.  I am not sure that it is the end of the mischief, so I'll put out another trap tonight.  I think they're getting into the house through the water heater closet which is in that bathroom.

The kids are antsy today, that's not a big surprise.  I think they are most excited about seeing their cousins over Skype than anything else.  They hovered around the computer most of the afternoon just waiting.  We did a little "skyping" before dinner, but they had to wait until after our dinner (and the cousins - 2 hours ahead) before we could see each other open presents.  Andy had apparently set something up on my parents' TV so we could see everything going on in the livingroom.  It wasn't quite the same as being there, but still fun.  My kids thought it was funny to write messages on small white boards (backwards) and show them to the camera.  Ken thought it was funny to do weird dances and make faces in the background.  It was still a good idea.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!  I have a sinus infection that is trying to setting into my chest, so I had a bad night of it.  Kids don't want to sleep on Christmas - adults do!  And I couldn't sleep very well.  Trying to make merry while you feel exhausted and flat is a chore.  

Still, with Ken's help, I got up a nice breakfast of skillet hash browns, oven eggs (so easy), english muffins, bacon, juice, eggnog, and sliced pumpkin bread from Grandma Carr.  The favorite by far was the skillet hash browns, and even Jonathan got enough to eat to fill him up!

After clean-up, we had scripture study and a special Christmas Devotional given by Jonathan.  Then it was present time!  Jonathan's favorite gifts were the balaclava (ski mask) and the bacon box.  The bacon box was full of fun things I'd picked up that were bacon themed - I wanted them for a joke - like bacon-flavored popcorn, bacon seasoning, a bacon cookbook, bacon dental floss and bacon lip balm (He said he'd never use THAT on a date!).  Actually, he was pretty happy with all of his gifts, including a book he wanted, a new church shirt and tie, and an air pistol from his grandparents.

Analiese was no less happy.  She received a rabbit charm for her bracelet, a book she had wanted, a Lego figure to replace a lost one, a bracelet loom, and a sewing machine.  She was thrilled about this because she hasn't been able to finish sewing projects at 4H because they meet only once a month and she didn't have a machine.

Ken got See's from my friend, Michele (we ALL know how he loves that), a belt, cologne and body wash that he likes, and a new bluetooth headset since his old one died.  I got an Eagle Scout bumper sticker for my van (Jonathan knew I wanted one), some good books and a pin from Michele, a couple of cute t-shirts from Ken, and a cute essay of advice from Analiese (I'll try and post it sometime, it is really marvelous and she did it all on her own).

Ken smoked a beef roast for our Christmas dinner, which we had with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and jello salad.  I also excitedly had found a recipe for Ponche Guatemalteco, which is a warm fruit punch that I haven't had since my mission and felt really good on my irritated throat.  We invited our Honduran friends for dinner and they brought some enchiladas and a gelatina that tasted a bit like flan.  Analiese sat down at the end with Gisela where they chatted and giggled the whole time while Ken & I enjoyed Rosa & Nasly's company.  Jonathan was a little grumpy, mainly, I think, because he didn't understand much of what was going on.  Analiese complained a little, too, but I just told her she needs to study her Spanish harder!

But the best part of our day was going over to the church in the evening to have the baptism for Nasly.  Ken & I had both been asked to speak; I wrote my talk in English the way I wanted it and had Ken translate it for me.  She just glowed after her baptism and bore her testimony so fervently.  I told Ken that while I had wanted to stay home for Christmas this first year in Oklahoma, I now knew we could be a part of Nasly's baptism.  I've really had to grow, dust off my Spanish, and reach out to help her and her family, so I've gained as much from her as she has from us.  Sunday she will be confirmed, and Ken is going to do that.  Elder Vance, the only Spanish-speaking elder here who has worked so hard to teach her and get her ready for baptism, baptized her.  He was pretty happy, himself, to have a White Christmas!

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Another bad night of sleep.  Yesterday was not restful enough and the drainage just keeps me from sleeping.  Ken suggested last night that I have a sick day today, and I think he is right.  Analiese isn't doing too great, either, so it's not a bad idea.  Lots of rest, lots of fluids...going through lots of tissues!

Friday, December 27, 2013
Feeling somewhat better.  Enough so to realize that the kids are getting a little antsy.  Time to go out!

Due to lack of familial communication, my children got duplicate sets of books.  So we took one set to a local bookstore to see if they'd at least give us store credit.  They did, which was great.  The downside was, this bookstore is becoming less and less of a bookstore and more of a music/movies/weird collections and paraphenalia store.  Analiese found some My Little Pony stuff to make her happy, but Jonathan had to deal with me and let me have his store credit and give him the dollar amount to spend at Walmart instead.

In between the bookstore and Walmart, we stopped at Atwoods, our favorite Farm/Ranch/Home store.  Jonathan had received a Daisy BB gun for Christmas, but he needed a C02 cartridge and BBs. I knew Atwoods would have them both.

After all that, it was time to head home.  I was tired from the post-illness exertions.  It was time for a nap.

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Call me a party poop, but the time has come to take down the tree.  I'm feeling well enough to deal with it.  Plus, we're expecting company for New Years with young kids and I didn't want them getting into my nice stuff.  But, with the water damage to my boxes, I found myself going to Walmart - AGAIN - to get plastic storage boxes.  They're better anyway than cardboard.  I also think we're going to need a new tree next year; ours is looking pretty pathetic.  But we'll wait and see.

My paranoid anxieties have morphed since moving to Oklahoma.  In California, any strange sound in the night was someone trying to break into my home.  Now... Is it a mouse?  

Sunday, December 29, 2013
Another paranoid thought popped up when I awoke early this morning to a very brisk wind.  Will a tree branch break?  Will it fall on the house?  Will it fall on the power lines?

Only one hour of sacrament meeting today.  I think there were less people this week than last.  No one thought to bring bread for the sacrament, so Ken & Jonathan quickly dashed to our house and got our loaf in the fridge (luckily it was an almost-whole one, otherwise the only bread would be frozen!).  I was supposed to lead the congregation in hymn-singing after the one speaker, but he took up the whole time.  That was fine with me.  I don't have much of a voice still anyway.  Or much energy.  Time to go home & take a nap!

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