Monday, December 9, 2013


Monday, December 9, 2013
I did the unthinkable today.  I ironed.  There are few reasons, if any, for me to iron.  Today was one - my tree skirt.  It's a white batten burg lace skirt embroidered with holly and "The Boltons."  I got it from a catalog years ago, but it is beautiful and I love it.  And every year, it must be ironed.  Thus...

We got our new webcam up and running today.  Well, we had to Skype with Andy to figure out the microphone.  My dad got us a new one for Christmas; I mean, our old one was several years old and just a little fuzzy.  This is one is very tres moderne.  

We are having dishes wars here.  I really get tired doing them after I've also made a meal.  So I said someone better do them, or I wouldn't cook for the rest of the week.  To this point, they are still unmade.  We shall see if they eat for the next few days...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
NOTE: Jonathan did the dishes last night.  Reluctantly, disgruntledly.  But then, he is also the most interested in eating around the house.  It was to his advantage to do so.

Things I do NOT like about winter:
1. Ice - of all kinds.  Slippy, nasty, deceptive stuff.
2. Dripping water.  Because of the temp, I have to have water dripping out of each faucet in the house all the time so the pipes won't freeze.  The sound drives me buggy.  Not to mention the visions of water bills dancing in my head.
3. So much flippin' clothing!  I don't own that much stuff.  And I constantly have to rearrange layers to adjust my temperature.  
4. Mud, debris & water.  As in, all over my floor.  Even with a special mat to scrape shoes off with.

Time to Vent:  This is the THIRD try to make pumpkin bread this week.  Every time the stuff just sticks to the pans.  I've sprayed more stuff, made sure to get them out exactly 15 minutes after they're done, but no go.  And they sunk a little in the middle...what's up with that?  I've made this recipe before (in CA) and it turned out lovely.  The only differences this time are a) we are in OK (?), b) my oven is electric (I would eagerly put all the blame on my oven...I hate using electric), and c) it's not canned pumpkin, it's pumpkin I baked in my oven and then pureed. I have so much more to bake but I can't continue wreaking them.  Time to switch recipes, but to what?

Waiting for Jonathan's air rifle 4H class to start, we saw a killdeer.  What's a killdeer?  We didn't know either until we looked the mysterious bird up on my bird app.  Look it up.  They're cute.  And apparently they don't mind slushy snow puddles to hunt for bugs in.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
I think Wednesdays are lazy days for me because I've worked so much up to this point that I'm tired and don't want to do anything.  Like I get to stop family's world would come to an end!  Still, I am not particularly motivated today.

However, in behalf of my daughter and the Rockin' Rabbit 4H Club, I made sugar cookie dough today.  Just the dough.  Not the cookies, that's for tomorrow.  I procrastinated about them enough; I had originally thought to make the dough yesterday and the cookies today.  Sorry, Charlie.

What the Sam Hill did I do to my knee?  I don't even remember wrenching it or stumbling or anything.  I did spend a large part of my day (inside) in flip-flops because I got my monthly pedicure today.  We all know how great (not) flip flops are at supporting ankles and knees.  Somehow, around four this afternoon, my left knee (old mission war wound) started aching.  I went to water aerobics anyway, because I haven't been in several weeks.  I did take it easy on the knee, well, as much as I could.  Yet now it hurts worse than ever.  Doris, my instructor, said to ice it and elevate it.  One is possible, the other is...well, it's freakin' winter!  Still, the pain is starting to make me desperate enough to bury my knee in a snowpile outside...those that still remain.

You know it's cold outside when you see the dripping water on the side of your house slow down and if someone stopped time.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
 While I consider cookie baking, and sugar cookies in particular, one of the near-sacred rites of Christmas, I will also admit...It makes a big mess!  Analiese was thrilled with the whole roll-and-cut operation.  My cutters are just like the ones my mom used to have - old-fashioned prints.  Unfortunately, they also have a tendency to stick to the dough, regardless of the amount of flour you put on it.  Some cutters just won't co-operate, like the dumb reindeer.  That is why you'll never see reindeer cookies in my batches.  But we managed to roll out, cut, and cook up at least 4 dozen cookies, enough for all the kids in the Rabbit Club to decorate several. 

Oh, and the clean up is a bear, too!  Those cutters are intricute...which means every nook and cranny holds dough and flour!

Family Home Evening tonight was going to the city park and looking at the lights.  They literally take three months to put up, but it's amazing, going around the park and even the strip of land across the road from the park.  We had to laugh because it was a very regional lights display, with cowboys and covered wagons and Indians (excuse me, Native Americans) and buffalo.  Also, there was a cross and a big nativity display.  These people are not afraid of their God, their guns, and their flag!  Take that, California!

Friday, December 13, 2013
People have asked me how to make comments on my blog.  I'm ashamed to admit it, but, I don't know.  I'm only modestly technically literate.  If someone knows, please tell me.  Then I'll pass it on.  I want to hear your comments, honest!

I didn't realize until this afternoon that it was Friday the THIRTEENTH.  Not that I care or think it has any value at all.  Analiese might think her day's been cursed, though.  The 4H float has been cancelled which means no riding in it for tomorrow's parade.  It's a bummer, and she's crushed.  But the building they are working on it in won't open up to them until 9:00 tonight.  That just doesn't work, nobody can come then!  So for the first time in years, 4H had to cancel its float.

Still, tonight was the Rabbit Club party.  They had pizza, drinks, and desserts, plus games and crafts.  They painted salt-dough ornaments (yes, some were rabbits!) and decorated our cookies.  The cookies
were a hit, kids always find them irrisistable.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and no one got bored.  My kids played Twister (first time for Analiese) with their friends and really loved it.  Also, someone brought in cupcakes with the 4H symbol on it...and fondant rabbits.  They were SO cute!

Saturday, December 14, 2013
Last night was a bad one for sleeping.  At about 2:30 a.m. I awoke and couldn't go back to sleep until after 4:00 a.m.  So you can imagine the zombie I was getting up at 6:30 so I could pick up my basket. When I came home I told Analiese (Ken & Jonathan were already gone off helping someone move) to let me sleep a little.

Which she did, until a bit before 10:00, when I took her to our friends', the Doshers, church to do a Home Depot workshop.  We'd only seen them the night before at the party, but it is always fun to talk to them.  The daughter, Charisa, showed me a picture of their week-old baby bunnies.  We have to go over for a visit, because baby bunnies are the cutest things!

Our afternoon (Analiese's and mine) consisted of decorating more sugar cookies.  No, we didn't use them all up yesterday.  That's okay, what with my pumpkin bread-baking fiasco, a few plates of cookies to give away is not a bad idea.  Plus, we fed some to the missionaries tonight at dinner!

Sunday, December 15, 2013
It's another, chock-full-of-Michele-at-church Sunday.  I led music in Sacrament Meeting, but luckily my special music number came through.  We had a lovely violin duet of "The First Noel" with a stellar pianist accompanying.  The violin is my favorite instrument and two of them was a treat beyond imagining.  

I was in Primary for the rest of the time.  The kids are singing next Sunday so I was working with them. The little kids loved the dress up, but then they always do.  The older kids you have to cajole, joke, and bargain with.  Still, they're pretty good singers and follow music directions well.

Tonight was the play at the Dosher's church.  The kids were cute; what is it about kids doing a Christmas play that always strikes at your heart?  They had refreshments afterwards and we spent a good time talking.  Jonathan, over with his friends Geordie and David, and myself with Michelle.  It's funny how already we enjoy so much talking and doing things together.  And I'm so grateful for her boys and her daughter, Charesa.  They are good, wholesome kids and I'm glad they are friends.  I feel confident in them being good examples to one another.  I really believe the Lord guides us to people.


  1. Shelly. I only know how to comment with my Google account. You have to choose a profile" which in my case would be my Google account.
