Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Monday, December 16, 2013
Analiese is sick.  This is a fairly rare occurrence in our household; for the most part, we're fairly healthy (allergies don't count).  Sore throat, headache, mild fever.  And lethargy.  When you know how much she bounces, it's an anomaly to see it otherwise.  Getting her to stop talking and let her throat rest has been a chore in the morning, but this afternoon she was worn out enough to be quiet and - even take a nap!  Still, I don't like to see my babies sick.  Hopefully, it'll just get through her system and go.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Analiese is much better.  Well enough to keep on talkin'...and do her lessons.  She says she hates being sick because it is so boring.  Mom just says "rest" and nothing else.  For an active kid, it's torture.

Took Twilight back to the vet to get weighed to see if he's losing weight.  Nope; he's gaining.  However, now he has ear mites, so I had to get meds for that.  I have to put drops in ALL of the rabbits' ears, because if one gets it, chances are so will the others.  Preventative medicine.

Analiese had a 4H Sewing Club party today.  I don't stay for those; they have plenty of help and heaven knows I'm no seamstress.  But I guess she had a good time and was good at the sewing games - identifying sewing notions and sewing machine parts.  The prizes?  Thread spools & elastic! LOL!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
 My day started out in pain.  I can't even say where it came from.  But my left shoulder blade is in pain, all the way up to my neck and down my arm.  It's a lot like that time a year ago August where I couldn't sleep all night for the pain. And I have so much to do.

Like baking cookies.  First it started that Ken needed cookies for this Friday for the prison employees party.  Okay.  Then, Jonathan's aviation mechanics class is having a luncheon this Friday.  More cookies needed.  Finally, Jonathan announced on Sunday that the youth are going caroling Wednesday (that means today) and that he needed a dozen cookies.

But not sugar cookies, these.  I've had enough of that work.  Instead, I made peanut butter cookies with a snickers mini bar inside them.  Also, I drizzle them with chocolate.  Dreamy!  And I figured I needed to triple my recipe to get enough.  Good thing I didn't quadruple it...I nearly burnt out my mixer's motor with the triple!

After finishing the cookies, my shoulder was screaming and I was exhasted.  I decided to lay down for a bit.  At four, Jonathan woke me up because...I forgot I was supposed to pick up Nasly Maldonado for her baptismal interview at four at the church!  Now, late doesn't mean much to Hispanics, who find time more fluid than us angst-ridden Gringos, so they were fine.  But the elders and their zone leaders were on a time schedule, and still had to get back to Lawton.  It got done...and Nasly is fine & ready for baptism.  Did I tell you I get to speak at her baptism on Baptism?  In Spanish?  On Christmas Day? I think I'll write it in English and have Ken translate it for me rather than me try to do it in Spanish.  Things are gradually coming back to me, but not that much.

Thursday, December 19, 2013
The elders had given me a blessing for my shoulder yesterday and today it feels much better.  Which is good because...guess!  It stars with a b and ends with a y.  And you associate it with bees.  I am beginning to thing I should like to hibernate for the whole month of January.

I delivered meals in town for Meals on Wheels.  I had planned to do it next Thursday, the day after Christmas, but a gal in our ward wanted to switch.  It usually takes me an hour, but I had four more people than usual and I had to drive a little ways south of town to deliver another!  Still, I am beginning to recognize and know some of these people.  And I sure hope they aren't all alone for the holidays.

I am expanding my culinary baking expertise...I am making pumpkin biscotti.  Why?  a) I still have lots of pumpkin, b) Ken had me make baskets for his two co-workers that have mugs and cocoa in them, so why not biscotti to go along? c) why not try something new?  We shall see how they turn out.

Tonight, for Family Home Evening, Ken took us out to dinner and a movie.  We went to Fat Daddy's (I know, what a name!), a place he'd heard was good and wanted to try.  Not exactly a calorie-free zone, however.  He and Jonathan both wanted to try a certain appetizer - chicken fried bacon.  I tried one piece - it was super salty.  But Jonathan (who is a bacon fanatic) was in heaven.  Actually, the food there was very good.  They made their own ranch dressing; I think most of their stuff is made there.  I had a grilled chicken bacon ranch sandwich and it was very tasty.

Afterwards we went to see the 2nd part of The Hobbit.  I was outraged when the movie ended. Okay, so I didn't know they're doing it in three parts! Still, it wasn't liked the book, much.  When they say "based on the book" they mean, LOOSELY based.  It was good; I enjoyed the dragon a lot.  Orlando Bloom as Legolas was different (Legolas is NOT in The Hobbit, the book) because they used some CGI to make him look younger.  It was kind of creepy.  But Martin Freeman was excellent as Bilbo - I really agreed with that casting.

Friday, December 20, 2013
Feeling a little azure blue today.  Maybe because the sky is overcast, the air is cold and the windy is very nippy.  Actually, I am thinking of California, family and friends and Christmastime.  And I'm missing them today, the familiarity of both location and people.  They are posting pictures and talking about the events in their holiday time and I feel so far away from them all.  Most poignant is the fact that my friend and her family were sealed in the Los Angeles temple yesterday and I wasn't there for it.  That hurts.  I am happy for them, I'm proud of how far they've come to get to this point...but I sure wish I could have been there!

Analiese and I went to the local Intermediate school today to see her friend in the band have a Christmas concert. For a bunch of 6th graders, they sounded pretty good.  I hear that they have more kids wanting to join than they have room, so they had to whittle them down to the better and more dedicated students.

Saturday, December 21, 2013
We had our ice storm last night.  It is a weird wonderland out there...rain and ice covering everything.  It was fascinating to look at because icicles hung on anything they could.  I found the car antennas looked really cool - even up to the ball of ice on the top!  Trees, though, didn't have a good time of it.  None of ours lost branches, but I did see some in town.  Power lines don't like the ice much, either, and we lost power for a little time.

My throat is hurting some and I'm developing a cough.  I guess I am joining the others.  Analiese is doing better and Ken is pretty much over his.  My turn.  Good thing I don't have to sing tomorrow!

Sunday, December 22, 2013
I can't say it was a busy busy Sunday, because we only had the first hour today.  But it was funny.  I had to arrange for all the music, which came through, but with only a short talk in the middle, the bishopric ended up asking me to lead hymns for the congregation to sing to fill up the time.  It was neat, though, to see the talents in the ward.  We had not only singing (Analiese did a solo) and piano, but also guitar (Jonathan), harp & glockenspiel!

The missionaries invaded our home shortly after church because we are helping them with Nasly's baptismal program.  It's half English, half Spanish, and had a little tweaking that Ken was able to easily assist with.

The rest of this day has been pretty calm, which is good because my throat is very sore.  I made it through church with the singing (the chorister kind of has to sing), but it's all gone now and I need to rest it.

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