Monday, September 30, 2013


Monday, September 30, 2013
The weather has cooled down considerably and I love it!  The kids bundle up in the morning, but I revel in the crispness.  It still warms up in the afternoon, but it is not at all bad.  I could live with this weather all the time!

The bunnies are getting bolder now.  They know that they can get off the sofa now, so they take every opportunity to try and get off to explore.  If it weren't for the fact that they would chew on furniture and electrical cords and probably leave little "presents" everywhere (at least Twilight would, she's the least litter-trained), I might let them roam a little.  What we really need is a pen for them to run around in outside. 

They get so happy when they can run around (usually in the bathroom) that they jump and binky.  If we sit on the floor, we are less intimidating, so they'll come over, sniff at us, nuzzle us and then binky or shake their heads happily.  It's nice to know that they like us and the freedom they have.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
It's October!  The weather is confiming the fall-ness of it!  I love it.  Analiese is busily making her Halloween/Birthday plans (she always combines the themes together).  The sight of pumpkins and decorations around is fun to see.

Got back to yoga this week.  The ladies mentioned how, without it, they noticed they were stiffer!  I'm glad they can see obvious benefits from it; that brings them back!  Me, too!  I was stiff the last few days and was eager for my stretch!

It's Homecoming week for the local high school.  Apparently, the school flower must be the mum, because the flower shops (all four that I've seen) are advertising mums for Homecoming.  They also said something about a "mum ring."  I wonder what that is.  I am curious enough to go into one of the shops and ask!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
My daughter debuted on the radio today doing a spot for 4H month.  She had to write it herself and read it on a microphone at one of the local radio stations (there are at least 4 in Altus).  Apparently they were on air by this evening, because one of her friends in Activity Days heard her!

Yes, busy evening.  Activity Days for Analiese, Scouts for Jonathan, Yoga for me.  Luckily, they were all  at the church building at roughly the same time.  This was my first night class, and only one person showed up.  I was a little nervous, because she is very pregnant, but she's also very fit and does yoga on her own.  Basically, it ended up not being a class, but doing yoga side-by-side.  It was actually a good work out!

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thursdays are supposed to be our Family Home Evenings (Monday I have water aerobics, so it makes us run too late).  But Ken had tutoring and then a one-on-one with our home teacher at Braum's (addictive ice cream place).  He's been a little antsy to have someone to talk with (who's not a child or is married to him, I guess).  He had a good time, though; he and Casey seem a lot alike.

Friday, October 4, 2013
I am exhausted, but it's been a good day.  Analiese & I went on a field trip to the Museum of the Great Plains in Lawton.  There were people in period costume talking and demonstrating things about frontier life.  Analiese liked the trading post; I thought the blacksmith was neat.  We met up with some homeschoolers from Altus and Analiese exchanged numbers with a girl from Duncan who is alike as peas in a pod to her!

After that was a trip to Hobby Lobby (if you're going for an hour drive, you have to get as much done as you can) for some Halloween stuff and then to Sam's for gas ($3.10 a gallon - read 'em & weep, California friends!), dinner, and a lot of shopping.  Both of us had very tired feet. hour to get home!  Analiese entertained herself by watching a large electrical storm to the north flash in the sky.  Me, I concentrated on the roads.  Not that it's hard...Lawton is a straight shot from Altus.  You leave Lawton, drive for about an hour, and get to Altus (there are side roads along the way that lead to other small communities, but this is in one town and out the other!).

The day's not done yet!  I have some cookies I have to finish (I had to get vanilla at Sam's) for tomorrow night's dinner with the elders.  And I need to put away laundry.  Neverending chore.

Saturday, October 5, 2013
I think Fall has finally hit.  Standing in line for my basket this morning, I was dancing around to keep warm (well, it was 7:00 in the morning).  Yes, I had at least my hoodie on.  But I think I am going to need something more for winter.  Brisk - At least you know I'm awake!

General Conference started today.  I am happy to say that, while my kids did draw a little in front of the television, they paid good attention.  They thought that the sessions went by fast, which is funny because when they were little, those sessions seemed endless!  But they could, and did, comment on the speakers and what they had heard and enjoyed.

In between sessions, we decorated the house for Halloween.  Last year we didn't do any decorating at all, so Analiese was excited to do so today.  Plus, I had purchased two Cinderella pumpkins with my food basket this week, and I put them on either side of the fireplace.  They are cooking, not carving, pumpkins, but until I get to them, they can function as decorations.

Appropriately for the weather, I made split pea soup for dinner with the elders.  I was a failure, though, because I bought rolls at Sam's yesterday instead of making them.  I kind of made up for that with my snickerdoodles.  Other than oreos, I really don't do store-bought cookies.  Besides being a Cookie Monster, I am a cookie snob.  Homemade is much better!

Sunday, October 6, 2013
It was nice and cozy, sitting in the livingroom and watching conference. The kids got a little squirrely during the first session, but that was because Analiese brought Alice into the livingroom. She jumped quickly off of Analiese's lap and spent some time hiding behind the sofa.  Jonathan finally wigged far enough under the sofa to grab her. But I firmly suggested that we have no rabbits for the afternoon session.

Some pretty red flower is growing in the side planter of my house. I think it may be monarda - bee balm, but I'm not sure.  It's a nice sight, though!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Monday, September 23, 2013
For the record, I really don't like doing laundry.  Well, most of the process is no big deal.  But folding it is a drag!  Especially sheets.  Even with You Tube videos and Pinterest pins, I still can't fold them.  Call it a could be worse.

No real exclamation points people at Walmart today, though I did see green bowler hat dude again.  He doesn't count; I already saw him before.

Tried a new dish out on the fam tonight.  I had yellow summer squash in my basket and I had to do something with it.  So I cut it fries-size, battered it in egg, flour, milk, sour cream, S&P, and rolled them in parmesan.  I baked them (I do not fry)...they tasted really good hot and fresh!  Ken didn't care for them, but that was because they were about an hour old when he got them.  Sorry, I had to cook them before I left for water aerobics.  The kids liked it, though.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
A trip to Lawton I just did not want to make happened today.  Ken's been having trouble with his car: steering noises and not wanting to start.  There's no Honda dealer in town and nobody here wanted to handle it - "Take it to a dealer."  The nearest one is in Lawton.  Hence, the trip.

Problem #1 - Jonathan getting to Aviation Mechanics Class.  Solved: Friend from ward who takes class too drove him both ways.

Problem #2 - Analiese.  Solved: Homeschool friends took her for the day.  She had a great time (they are in 4H Rabbit Club, too, so she had more rabbits to play with.)

Problem #3 - Time & Distance.  What if it takes more than one day?  Lawton is over 50 miles away.  Would I rent a car?  Would I rent a hotel room?  Instead, on the urging of a ward sister, I asked if anyone was going to Lawton and could take me home today or take me back there Wednesday (or whenever the car was ready).  Solved: My VT (RS Pres., too) picked me up and, as we were running errands, the dealer called & said all was well, fixed and ready.  So I got to pick it up and take it home today.

Problem #4 - Money.  Solved: The cost of a new battery, some steering fluid, and labor.  Not bad.

Final Assessment: Very Blessed.

By the way, Jonathan got to taxi in an airplane today for class.  His instructor was impressed with how well he handled it.  So far, his best day in class ever.

I was told today by someone to quit complaining about the distance to go to do things.  "Everyone around here doesn't think it's far." (Meaning OKC, which is 2 1/2 hours away).  Since to go anywhere involves distances around here, I suppose so.  Still, I am not a road trip person and 2 1/2 hours means a day-long trip as far as I'm concerned.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Today we decided rabbit cages needed cleaning.  I had stopped yesterday by Tractor Supply in Lawton to get the cage parts I needed for one of them, so we could place them side-by-side.  In the meantime, the rabbits went into the bathroom while we scrubbed at the cages and Jonathan figured out the framing.  By the way, bunny poop isn't so bad; it's the pee that's noxious.

These rabbits are funny to watch together.  They really like running around the bathroom.  When a bunny is really happy, they do this thing called "binkying" which looks like a hop and an epileptic seizure at the same time.  Jonathan's Twilight is a very happy bunny, so she binkys all the time.  Today, though, every time she did, Fluffernutter followed her and did the same!  It was cute and funny. I even caught calm Alice doing a binky today.  Must have been a good day for rabbits.

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Church carpet was still drying this morning from yesterday's cleaning, so no yoga this week again.  Rats.  No wonder I am feeling stiff.  Still, there's lots of requests for doing a night class and I think this next Wednesday we'll try.

It's funny how my kids love history.  Analiese just finished one history book and was excited to see the next one come in the mail.  Jonathan had to pour over it, too, going "ooo" at the things we'd be studying and the projects we'd work on.  

Lots of chirpy birds out today, especially blue jays.  They are so distinctive and pretty-looking, but very noisy.  I remember how the jays used to compete with the squirrels at my grandparent's home there in Lake Arrowhead.  It makes me wonder if it's any different here.  Do jays eat pecans?  Because that's the squirrels' first love, here.  We saw a baby squirrel on our neighbor's roof.  Such a tiny tail!

Had a small blackout this evening; lasted all of 45 minutes.  Still, it's a worry because I can't open up most windows in the house.  Oh, well, it's over, but I wonder what would happen if we had a longer one.  Even the fans wouldn't work then!

Friday, September 27, 2013
Birds were noisily chirping again and the squirrels were running around trees and over fences.  To be honest, I enjoy all their chatter and bustle.  It's nicer than motorcycles revving and delivery trucks backing up, beep-beep-beep!  I feel a part of the outdoor world when the animals are all busy doing their things around me.

Though I am not appreciating a return of the mosquitos, which once again are proceeding to bite me and my family.  They itch terribly here!  And, I don't know why, but we keep finding wasps in the house.  At least five now, around one or two a day!  I've looked all around the outside of the house and can't find a nest.  I hope they're not up the chimney!  That could be bad.  Maybe I should just spray bug killer up in there and hope for the best? I'm rather scared of the idea.

A breeze picked up this afternoon; supposedly a big storm is rolling in.  I hope it means some rain.  More than that I could do without.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Ever had one of those days where everything you had planned turned upside-down?  Even though I had things planned to the minute, things just worked out differently, which made me run around crazily trying to get things done on time.  I don't like that!

First, Analiese & I were supposed to man a concession stand for the 4H club at a local sports event.  Only, when we got there, no one was there!  It was probably cancelled on account of the weather last night, but still!  It would have been nice to know!

Then...trying to make two banana cream pies for dessert with the missionaries tonight.  I am not the most apt pie-maker, and pie crust is a hurdle!  I had done it once in my food processor and it had turned out splendidly, but I couldn't find my recipe today and had to try another one.  This one shrunk while baking!  And I found out I didn't have enough go to United and get some.  Then, I didn't have enough milk...send Jonathan to United to get some (luckily it's just across the road).  And the eggs didn't blend well into the custard and I had to pull out strands of cooked egg!  They weren't the prettiest of pies by far, but at least they tasted good!

I had to hurry and finish the pies in order to go get my veggie basket. Only, when I got there, just in time, the truck had only just arrived.  Which meant waiting to unload it and then to sort and organize baskets!  That took an hour out of my day that I did not have!

Sunday, September 29, 2013
Do you sometimes wonder why you are where you are in life?  While I've had those times, often, right now I feel fairly confident that we are supposed to be here.  All the things that have happened, and all the opportunities I see here for growth, make me feel that this is our place, right here, right now.

For example, yesterday I met another local homeschooler who is a part of a group here.  Guess what? Her name is Michelle!  Considering this is the SECOND homeschooler named Michelle here, I am feeling like this is a direction I'm being pointed to.  We are going to participate in a couple of their activities soon and hopefully, we can make good friends in the process.

Today, besides teaching in Gospel Doctrine, I got to really use my Spanish.  A sister in our ward from Honduras just had her 18-year-old daughter move from that country here and the missionaries are teaching the girl.  Mom had to work today, so we brought the girl and her younger sister (who's in Analiese's class & Activity Days, but speaks perfect English) to church with us.  During the 3rd hour, when Relief Society was combined with Priesthood, I sat next to her and quasi-translated (I had help, one of the missionaries had a Spanish church magazine with the talk in it that the bishop was referring to).  My Spanish is really rusty, but I did fairly well and could answer her questions.

Just the missionary opportunities my whole family has had since we moved here have been uplifting.  Even if we wanted to, we can't really hide and claim we don't know anyone!  We're more involved in our community than ever before!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Monday, September 16, 2013
I did not sleep well last night; I just couldn't get to sleep. Finally, around midnight I got up to watch a lightning storm & then read some of a boring do-it-yourself manually to get me sleepy.  It must of worked, because I crawled into bed a few minutes later and was out.  But it means that today, my beginning of the week, lots of stuff to do day, is dragging. I want a nap; there's no time for one.

Several banks & pharmacies in town electronically post time, date & temperature along with other stuff on their boards.  It's funny, driving through town, because all of them post different temperatures.  One is really off, like 3-5 degrees higher than everyone else.  I just take all the numbers and average them and figure I'm pretty much in the ballpark for the temperature.

Monday is Ken & my date night.  Since it's close to my birthday, he took me out to dinner.  We drove 1/2 an hour to Mangum to a Mexican restaurant that one of his co-workers suggested.  It was okay, but my chicken flautas weren't very flavorful and the refritos were salty.  Ken had steak (he doesn't like Mexican & luckily they served more than that) and french fries.  We took home cream cheese flautas to share with the kids for dessert - very rich!

We had a rainstorm going up to Mangum and back.  We need the rain desperately, but the strength of the storm was a little scary on the road going.  Also, I'd straightened my hair and bought a new top for the occasion (don't like looking like a slob on a date), so I was worried about going Poof! - poodle hair!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Nice yoga class this morning - 7 people (8, if you count me).  Trying to figure out Sun Salutations in a chair so those who can't or don't want to get on the floor can do them.  Funny thing, we all ended on the floor today!  But that meant I could do some good stuff to twist my body - pretzel-like.  Now, what they thought of it...I'm not sure.

More rain today.  Jonathan's right, it will bring more ants (they bury deep in the heat and come out when the rains come).  It'll bring the mosquitos back, too, unfortunately.  But the rain is needed so badly.  The local lakes and reservoirs here are recording elevating waters...good!  But the temps still stay warm, so it's unbelievably muggy, like trying to breathe water.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Jonathan's alarm didn't go off this morning, so I got an early wake-up call to take him to Seminary.  Ugh!  I was really sleeping, too.

We've tracked in so much dried grass, leaves & mud (it's red around here, one day I'll post a picture.) because of the rain. I have rugs and such, but they have a saturation point.  So, today I'll be a vacuumy-sweepy-moppy kind of person.  

Oh!  And I get to make my birthday cake today - Almond Joy Cake (Wendy, jealous yet?).  Ken said he'd do it, but he's so tired & busy. Besides, I'd rather he cleaned up the bathroom after the bunnies tonight.  Wah-ha-ha!  Diabolical!

Thursday, September 19, 2013
It's my birthday!  La-la-la-la-la!  Jonathan made orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast (from a can, but still good).  I had my yoga class this morning and stretched them out a bit more with some warrior poses.

I was SUPPOSED to have a 90-minute deep tissue massage today.  My special birthday present.  But, no!  The gal was late and I waited 30 minutes before I figured she just wasn't coming.  I was very disgruntled, because it was going to be the highlight of my day.  No massage left everything else feeling anticlimactic.

I had to make my birthday dinner, too.  Ken felt sad about that, but he's working too hard to have time for that.  The kids were supposed to help, but I wasn't going to yell & bug them on my birthday.

We also had rabbit 4H tonight; this was our FHE.  We took Alice to show them, since we've been worried about her not eating and being too skinny.  Come to find out, Himalyan rabbits don't eat much and are supposed to be boney.  But she does feel lonely in her cage by herself, so we've been putting her with the other two at night.  She's been much more responsive.  Jonathan & I are trying to figure a way to merge the two cages together so there's more room, but they're together.

Friday, September 20, 2013
The sky is gray and it's quite windy outside.  The weather actually feels cooler - the Weather Channel says it's 78 degrees.  There's a big storm over southern OK & northern TX, but will we get rain?  As one meteorologist says, it's feast or famine for OK.  Some areas get almost 3 inches, others, like Altus, can expect maybe .17 inches.  I'd sure like to see more.

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Today I was a yo-yo.  Go here, for Bountiful Baskets.  Go there, take Jonathan to 4H.  Go back, and pick him up (and wait for another hour and a half, because they weren't done).  Go to the store for water & ice.  Take Jonathan to the missionaries' apartment.  

Too, I had so many things scheduled.  The elders came to dinner, and asked us to host (tonight!) a Spanish-speaking part-member family they were teaching.  They needed the help with the Spanish, and for Analiese to play with the young daughter to keep her from disturbing us.  Luckily, our three rabbits are real attention-getters.

Actually, it was a nice discussion.  Hna. Maldonado's 18-yo daughter just moved here from Honduras, but isn't a member of the church and doesn't speak a lick of English.  Only one of the elders speak any Spanish, and that sketchily.  So Ken was helpful (enthusiastic, I told him to let Elder Vance do most of the talking) and I tried to do my part, though my Spanish is rusty.  The girl is cute, though, and we had a nice talk.

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Normal Sunday...sort of.  Our regular chorister didn't show up, so another sister led the opening and sacrament hymns.  Unfortunately, her husband is the organist, so no one was with their little ones and the youngest proceeded to take marker and draw all over himself.  After the sacrament, I went over and whispered that I'd take care of the rest hymn and closing.  Ken was on our bench and my kids are old enough to know better.

Then, after Sunday School, I got asked to sub for next week's lesson.  On top of that, the bishop has asked me to be the Sunday School president and get people to say prayers and open the meeting.  OK.

But tonight, no meetings, no appointments.  Maybe I can do "normal" stuff.  If I can figure out what that it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Monday, September 9, 2013
Mondays are my least favorite day to write on because they are so predictable. Do laundry. Teach kids. Go shopping.  Still, I try to find little gems that make the day brighter.

Like this: Duck Dynasty must be a contagious disease around here. What with hunting season and the supplies for it at Atwood's (animal blind or deer feeder anyone?) and all the heavily bearded guys around town (saw one on a mower at the college), it's a wonder we aren't all out there with our guns and calls! LOL

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Yoga was good today...for me. I had such a headache and backache going in.  Coming out, however, there was energy and bliss!  I'm grateful for the opportunity.

Crazy animals! Suicidal cats? (I saw two of them dead in the road today.). Squirrely squirrels chasing each other up & down trees, especially the one near the rabbits' cages.   They are fascinated by the big furry thing with large ears that are locked up below.  Fluffer was funny today, too, running around in circles and jumping over things in the bathroom like a steeple chase!  Is the moon full?

The weather has done some cooling off. We're only hitting low to mid 90's. It's much more comfortable for longer periods outside. Now, if only the rain will come!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
For some reason, I have felt so tired lately.  Maybe it's because I was rushing around and not getting enough sleep last week.  Still, it was too much for me and at about 9:30 this morning, I took a nap.  And felt better enough afterwards to do some housework.

And funnily, after water aerobics tonight, I feel wide awake!

Thursday, September 12, 2013
It must be getting close to harvest time.  Actually, I know it is.  I see big rigs with round bales of alfalfa running through town.  Also, the cotton fields (these are the two big crops around here) are blossoming out into white puffs.  I kind of hope I get to see how they are harvested.  I'm curious.

Ken is so frustrated with his job right now.  It's a bad mixture with his Aspbergers and at times he is angry, others he is depressed.  I feel at a loss what to do for him.  Hugs & love are nice, but I guess they don't solve the problem.

I did get him to feel a little less frustrated by giving him meal ideas for my birthday. Also, we went on Pinterest and looked at the humor things.  A good laugh before bedtime is like good medicine.

Jonathan got his first "report card" from SWTC & the Aviation Mechanics course.  He's got an 82 - a B.  I think that's great considering he started a week late and has never had trigonometry or physics before.  He's really holding his own and I think his teacher really likes him.  He's one of the few high school students in his class and the only homeschooler.  The teacher has faith in his ability to do well, and so do I!  Jonathan said he was glad I wasn't one of those parents who demanded A's.  No, I just want him to try, to study hard, and to know he's capable of doing well.  Which is true!

Friday, September 13, 2013
Rain?  Could it be?  With only a 30% chance, it's pretty slim.  But, this morning was so nice & cool outside that I sat there reading to Analiese.  Of course, I'm not sure how much she got out of it, because her eyes were more fascinated with the squirrels running around.  Jonathan counted five, maybe six, of them in nearby trees.  All I ask is that they leave me some pecans to have.  But it was a lovely morning.

Saturday, September 14, 2013
I was supposed to be in Lawton this morning for a RS Women's Conference.  However, I am not.  Planning going for weeks and - poof! - changes practically overnight.  Part of it was, I have much to do today and, with Jonathan going to OKC for most of the day and into the night, I didn't want to leave Analiese alone for hours.  Well, Ken is home, but is in bed asleep.  Pretty much the same thing.

Also, Jonathan got home with the missionaries sometime after 9:00 p.m.  They stayed and talked a while, and then I had to finish making salsa, red taco sauce (yes, different), and getting the beans ready for the crockpot this morning.  By the time I hit my bed, it was after 10 and it took me a bit to go to sleep.  Wasn't exactly eager to get up early, in fact, I got up around 8:00!

Gray still, no rain.  North of us got rain yesterday and this morning.  The lakes that we get water from are being replenished.  But nada here.  I got a few sprinkles on the van, but nothing to talk about.

Jonathan left after noon today to go to OKC with his friends.  They are going to hang somewhere (a rock climbing gym) for a few hours and then go to the multi-stake dance that is being held at some convention center.  Luckily, I am not the driving parent and grateful to the one who is, because they'll be getting back around 1:00 a.m.  If it was me, it probably wouldn't happen.  As it is, I told him to wake me when he gets home, because I am not staying up for him.  I don't get enough sleep as it is.

Analiese had me paint tribal markings on her face today since I didn't do it yesterday.  It was part of her studying the Indian Immigration Act and the Trail of Tears.  It only made it more fascinating to her to find out that a) she has some Cherokee blood and b) they ended up here in Oklahoma.  I painted from her lower lip under her chin red and two white lines that went down on her right face over her forehead, eye, and down her face (we saw a picture online).

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Nothing as reassuring as a soft bunny in your lap.  Really, you just pet the stress away!

Today I subbed in Analiese's Primary class.  When the Sunday School teacher asked me where I was afterward, I said I was teaching a room of squirrely girls.  She laughed, especially when I said mine was the squirreliest of all!  Still, they are a cute bunch!

A sister in RS today asked if there was anything I couldn't do.  I replied, "Math."  Later, after I thought about it, I told her, "Woodworking.  I lack the tools and the skills.  Though I really want  to."  Now that I think about it, I should have said, "Swimming."  That skill comes after the resurrection when there's no fear of drowning.  Because that's a big anxiety/fear of mine.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hold on tight, folks!  This is going to be one fast roller-coaster ride!

Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor day was, well, laborious.  Besides the normal Monday stuff, Ken was off and at loose ends, so I had to find things for him to do.  Also, we had company for dinner, so I was busy baking rolls and planning out dinner.

The Butcher's, a couple here in Altus, came to dinner.  Jeremy works with Ken at Wal-Mart and he and his wife, Angela, are taking the missionary discussions.  They are very nice, so we invited them to come have dinner with us.  Besides the nice meal, we had such a great time talking and, afterward, playing games.  Ken feels comfortable around them and I'm glad, since he has such a difficult time socializing.  It's nice making new friends!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Today was drive-hither-and-yon day.  This morning it was to the church and back for yoga, later it was taking Jonathan to the airport for aviation mechanics and in the afternoon taking and picking up Analiese from 4H Sewing Club.  Kindly enough, Jonathan decided to bike to and from the church this evening for Cub Scouts (he's helping).  In between all that was baking two sets of bars - PB&J and Nutty Chocolate Caramel - for the 4H Concession booth at this weekend's fair.

I found out from Mr. Strickland what type of rabbit I have - a mutt, basically.  Her mother, Peaches, is a cross breed of some unknown sort, and her father is full New Zealand (Jonathan thinks this means she'll be big, but I don't know).  Anyway, she can still show, just not in ARBO (American Rabbit Breeders Organization) shows.  She's going to be lovely, once she gets fattened up.

I think we have cicadas in our trees.  I can't see them, but they are loud enough to hear through closed doors over fans and a/cs.  It sounds like a weird clicking, hissing, rattling.  At least they're relatively harmless.  The crickets are out, too.  You see them all over, including dead in front of buildings and smushed in halls and walkways.  None in my house yet, thankfully.  Their noise drives Ken batty.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
One thing from last night that made me laugh.  Jonathan is now working with the Webelo scouts as their den chief and yesterday was his first time with them.  When he came home, he asked me, "Was I that energetic at that age?"  I laughed and laughed.

I dropped my bars off at the 4H office today.  April, the secretary, said she would have to taste them to see if they were acceptable!  I told her not to bother, we already had!

Tomorrow's the crazy day, so I'm off to bed early!

Thursday, September 5, 2013
I am so tired.  This morning Analiese & I delivered Meals on Wheels in the town.  It was a shorter list and we got it done quickly, which was a relief since I had to take Jonathan to school by 11:30.

As I was taking him to school, Ken texted me.  He was picking up Chinese food locally to take back to the prison for the workers and visiting big wigs.  It was a huge order and he wanted me to come help load the van.  When I got there I found the food wasn't ready and he'd already been there half an hour.  We sat there for quite a while until I had to leave (I left Analiese home alone).  He evidentally didn't leave there to go back to Granite until around 2:30 p.m.  He ended up staying at work much later, which put him in a terrible mood.

Meanwhile, the kids & I (and the rabbits) left the house at 4:30 to go to the Expo Center for the Fair.  We entered our rabbits for judging and put them in the show cases.  Analiese's friend Charesa had saved cases near her for us.  They had a moment where they showed the kids how to show their rabbits.  Analiese was a bit confused by it and had a hard time controlling Alice.  We are going to have to practice before we ready to try showmanship.

We all won ribbons - Alice got 3rd place, Twilight got 1st place, and Fluffernutter got 1st place (no ego there, she was the only Mixed Breed Doe).  Still, the kids were thrilled/

We had a good time talking with friends from 4H and homeschooling there and Analiese participated in a Farm Yard Olympics with two 4H friends left her tired, hot, dirty, but happy.  We got home late, with Ken right behind us (he went out with the missionaries after coming home).

I think we'll participate more in the fair next year.  I think I could win in the baked goods category.  The things I saw didn't look any better than anything I could make.  Sorry for the brag, but truth is truth!

Friday, September 6, 2013
The main part of my day was spent prepping food for tomorrow, since I'll be gone the majority of the day.  I had to cut up and brown sausage, chop veggies and assemble the crockpot dish I wanted for the elders on Saturday, plus I had to get the chicken and potatoes cooked and veggies cut up for the salad I need to take Saturday for Super Saturday luncheon.

My afternoon and evening was spent with Analiese at the fair at the 4H Concessions stand.  Even though she adamantly insisted that she could make change, the 4H people said an adult should take care of the money.  So I made change while she and her 4H friends took orders.  Other 4H adults did the cooking and making orders.  The concessions are run solely by 4H and it is their biggest money maker each year.  They sure got busy at dinnertime!

We did get breaks, though, to see the sights, such as they were.  I got a free massage from a gal in town advertising her business (guess what I want for my birthday?  Deep tissue!)  Plus, we got to see the turtle races (cute) and the weiner dog races (funny).  I enjoyed watching the pig judging where a small (6-7 yo?) boy guided a pig 3x his size around a ring with a crop.

This fair was small, but our opportunities to feel part of the community and 4H were priceless.

Saturday, September 7, 2013
This day, this weekend, has been too darn long.  This morning started out with a 7 a.m. trip to pick up my bountiful baskets.  Luckily, they were all set up (they are getting more & more efficient) and I had my order and was out of there in ten minutes, tops.

Then it was a quick run home to put away my produce, get a shower, get the crockpot set up, make my salad, and get the kids out the door so I could get Jonathan to the fairgrounds to work at the 4H concessions and then Analiese went with me to the Relief Society Super Saturday.

I was tired before I even got started.  I had planned on doing three projects, a wooden nativity scene, a wooden flag block piece, and a Christmas tree block piece.  I got it all painted, but not assembled.  I spent most of the time sitting and talking.  By a quarter to two, I was done and went home.

But, as much as I wanted a nap, I didn't have time.  I baked brownies for the elders, brought the bunnies in out of the heat, and got dinner on the table.  For the first time, I left clean up to Jonathan, Ken & the missionaries.  And clean up of the bunnies' bathroom mess to Analiese.  Tonight I shall sleep like the dead, I think.

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Being visible in a small ward means...triple whammies!  I got asked to teach a little yoga to the young women next month, substitute for Seminary, and substitute a Primary class next Sunday.  Three organizations...three assignments.   No wonder I feel tired.  Just thinking about it.

And there was no time for a nap, again.  After lunch we rescued bunnies from the heat, read our scriptures and went off to the baptism of a Primary girl.  Analiese was to sing with her class and I was asked to play the piano.

There's plenty to do this upcoming week, but hopefully I can rest a little better.  And make all of my aerobics & yoga classes.  I feel better when I do!