Monday, July 2, 2018


Monday, June 25, 2018
I was going to go walking this morning, but more rain came last night. It was a damp muddy mess outside! So instead of walking, Ken & I went to Lawton to do a Sam's Club run. We were running low on TP and other necessities.

That made me later for those other Monday "quehaceres" (things to do/chores) like laundry. Ken took me to lunch and we did our Walmart grocery shopping. We quickly ran home to put stuff away (and Ken did a little TB errand) because then we headed out to the local college - USAO (University of Science and Arts Oklahoma) in town. A member of our branch is the history head there and was hosting a Civil War Symposium. Ken, Analiese & I attended (later, her EPIC teacher told her she could get history credit for attending if she wrote a paper about it!) and then went to the administration offices to check out the ACT testing schedules and learn about concurrent enrollment. Analiese will only be a sophomore this year, but we're getting her ready to study some at USAO in the fall of her junior year. Not something to put off at the last minute!

After that we came home to have a simple dinner (Jonathan had been at work all day) together and then went to the movies for FHE. We saw the new Incredibles movie. I laughed a lot - which is the sign of a good movie. A few laughs means you mildly entertained me but a lot - that's a good one!  It was - I won't give spoilers, but JackJack is the best in the film!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Finally, Analiese and I got out to walk. It was only a short one, though, because I had to be in Norman for an allergy appointment by ten. But, hey, we did it! As it was, leaving the house for our walk, we saw Mr. Stinky nosing around across the road. I said, "Please stay there," but the contrary critter walked across the road
, up to my house, and along the side to the back! Ugh! We did see him a few blocks down later on our walk, but he makes me nervous. One squirt and the neighborhood is pungent for hours - and you can smell it inside and out!

I'm now on vial set three for my allergy shots. Still no idea if it's working - they say you won't see any results (if you even do) until the sixth month. So I guess you could say I'm doing this thing on faith. There have been no indicators from my doctor or allergist that cause me to be suspicious. I know it's not a cure-all and doesn't work for everyone. But trying something new is better than the so-so palliatives I've been taking for years!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Analiese's and my walk was postponed until around 9:30 because I'd slept in until nearly eight. I forgot to set an alarm and was up last night late being ill. The day was warmer, walking so late, which only confirms my emphasis on trying to walk as early as possible.  Today is supposed to reach 103 degrees. Too hot!

I went through the beginning of my online Seminary training for this year. Most of the technical remains unchanged, so I don't think it will take up a lot of my time. The spiritual training will - and should - take up the bulk of it. Even if I have been through it before, it never hurts to refresh my memory and spirit. It's the most important thing, anyway.

Thursday, June 28, 2018
It's going to be another hot one today! The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory. Our 8 a.m. walk was already sweaty...ugh!

I had lunch today with a sister in the Branch who has reach out a hand of friendship to me. ASIDE: This is probably an anxiety thing but, what is it that makes people want to befriend me? I can see people being mistaken at first - Ken did puff up my "bio", as it were, before I arrived - but now that I've been here a few months, surely they see there's not that much to me?   Anyway...we had a lovely time and really hit it off. I'm grateful she was willing to take the time to get to know me...and me her!

I had something to do at the church after that, but our lunch appointment had gone late and I had to get Jonathan from work first. It was so terribly hot and no a/c in that car is a killer! Even though I'd just had lunch, I bought some cold water at Walgreens. I had to stay hydrated and cooled down until I could return home to that a/c.

I didn't want to go anywhere else after that. Analiese had to work this evening, so I asked Jonathan to take her. I was not going back out in the heat!

Friday, June 29, 2018
I was supposed to go to Purcell this morning to visit a Seminary student. That got canceled, which made me sad, but also meant I could sleep in.  Good thing, too, because my stomach was bad again last night. It seems like the moment I lie down to sleep, it starts to rumble.

Other than the menial laundry, I spent the majority of my day watching the seminary devotional and working on seminary stuff. I'd apparently missed the devotional when it was initially shown. I worked on some technical issues, too, for things I want to do to prepare for the new school year. Not sure I was successful, but I keep on researching and trying.

Saturday, June 30, 2018
Around 7:30, my phone rang, waking me out of a deep sleep. I didn't get to it in time, but I call him back. Ken: in desperate need of Analiese right away. Jonathan was getting ready himself for work, so I woke up a rather grumpy teen girl and drove them both to work.

I had the house all to myself...whatever should I do? Well, I set up dinner in the crockpot because the missionaries are coming. I did more seminary work, at least as much as the Internet would let me. We've been having issues with that. A shower was nice and I did a little extra grooming in anticipation of the sabbath tomorrow.

I picked up Analiese later and, with Ken following, dropped the car off to Jonathan. Then he drove us home and he sped off to the city and northward for supplies. Apparently last night they had $1000 over their regular sales and were out of a lot of foodstuff. I kept working on dinner and Analiese cleaned cages...until an unexpected thunderstorm dumped a lot of rain and lightning (directly overhead), making for a soggy afternoon and evening. Thankfully, the sister missionaries came in their car; I can't imagine them biking in that weather!

Sunday, July 1, 2018
I awoke to another thunderstorm this morning. Lest you think it brought cooling relief, let me tell you the reality of it: It's a sauna out there. Muggy and warm and no relief at all!

Analiese had a youth meeting this morning, so she left for church early with Ken. I went later when Jonathan dropped me off on the way to Norman for the singles ward. He hasn't been able to go in at least a month, and was very happy he could do so today!

I didn't have to play the organ today. A sister visiting a family in town volunteered. Didn't break my heart!  I hadn't had a chance to practice on the organ at all this week, though I did on the piano at home! I did lead the music in RS, though. That's never a big deal, at least to me. I volunteered to help teach sisters how to lead music and we could take turns, at least in RS, to give them a chance to learn and have more people capable for the future.

After church, Analiese and I took a nap. You'd think Ken would want one most of all, but he didn't. Instead, he went to be really early while I chatted with my CA BFFs and the kids watched old Disney cartoons on YouTube. It was a peaceful way to end our day!

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