Sunday, July 8, 2018


Monday, July 2, 2018
The bushes - crepe myrtle - in front of my house are so "bloomin'" pretty! The blossoms are a bright pink, which makes me happy every time I look at them.
Analiese has the best view of them from her bedroom window. What a cheery way to wake up!

Today, when we went Walmart shopping, I bought an outdoor cushion for my bench on the porch. I've been working on my porch "project" for a time, and this was the last bit. Now we have a pretty, welcoming front porch,
which is a very Southern thing to do!

The sisters came to dinner tonight because Sunday they were afraid they'd receive a transfer call. They wanted a "last" meal with the Bolton's! But no, neither are leaving, at least for six weeks. They have to put up with us for that much longer.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018
I generally do not bake during the summer.  But tomorrow the Branch is having a dessert competition in conjunction with the 4th BBQ, so I decided to make a Samoa bundt cake. It's a chocolate cake with a caramel frosting, toasted coconut, and chocolate and caramel drizzles. Yum, right?

I was going to do it in the morning, before the day heated up too much. But as Analiese and I started, I found that I didn't have enough brown sugar. Jonathan had the car today, so I'd have to wait until he returned from work around three to go get some.

I did, and the afternoon was filled with me baking the cake. Fortune did not decide to follow me...the batter overflowed in the pan and dropped onto my nice new clean oven. My house smelled like burnt cake. When I tried to get it out of the pan - all pretty and bundt-shaped - it fell to pieces. What was I going to do? Then and there, I decided to make another run to the store. Though I wouldn't start on it until morning, I was going to assemble a new (my creation) recipe: Samoa trifle. Needs must.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When life gives you cake in pieces coming out of the make trifle! My creation was layered thusly: cake, chocolate pudding, crushed coconut caramel cookies, caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, coconut-flavored whipped cream, and toasted coconut. Repeat, with halved cookies for garnish. I don't have an "official" trifle dish, so mine mounded up and pretty much overflowed; I had to transport the sticky mess to church on a cookie sheet!

The Branch BBQ was fun, but the day's heat drove us indoors until the sun set. They had games for the little kids on the lawn, while the men grilled meat nearby, but the older and wiser (including myself) availed ourselves of the church a/c until fireworks time. By then, it was a comfortable 73 degrees and rather pleasant.
We saw the majority of the show, though the lower fireworks were blocked by park trees.
Analiese and a friend walked over to the bridge on the pond and watched from there, stating the reflected fireworks were beautiful!

Thursday, July 5, 2018
I'm feeling rather dragged out today. We didn't get home until close to eleven, mainly because we had to wait for the traffic to empty out of the park and surrounding streets. We were in no hurry, we were very comfortable. It was just late.

While I wasn't spectacularly motivated today, I did manage to put things away from yesterday, water plants, and bake (again, ugh) a banana coffeecake this morning for our dinner tonight. After lunch, I found Analiese sacked out on the sofa napping: the girl partied too hard!

Friday, July 6, 2018
I was all by myself this morning. Analiese went with Ken at 6 a.m. to work the TB breakfast shift and I had taken Jonathan to Walgreens where he started at 7 a.m. So...all alone...I took my shots, ate breakfast, did laundry, and wished I could take a nap. Which I can't, not for three hours after my shots. Bummer.

Back and forth: TB to home. Home to Walgreens to the hospital (Analiese had won a gift basket

from the open house she & Ken had gone to last week!) to home. I got very tired of the yo-yo driving. Plus with no a/c, it's not a very comfy ride.

So I let Jonathan drive Analiese & I to the movies tonight. It was his treat; we went to see Ant-Man and the Wasp. It was clever and funny, like other Marvel movies. The ending credits had a clip that had us going "Wow" and setting things up for the 2nd Infinity wars movie. It's not really spoilers. It was a good movie. The only fly in the ointment was one of the (literally) great unwashed who attended. Somebody obviously didn't realize that coming to a public venue in an enclosed room while unbathed and deodorant-less was socially unacceptable. Seriously, it was bad enough for me to want to go vomit on his lap and say, "There, now you smell better!"

Saturday, July 7, 2018
It was another yo-yo day. In between all of the driving, I spent time outside: first, grooming Pom, who's shedding a lot in the heat, and worked some in the garden. Then I got tired of the mosquito attacks and moved inside. There, I vacuumed, put away laundry, did some necessary correspondence, etc.

This evening, with everyone home from work, we drove to Purcell for a Stake Independence Celebration on a member's large ranch. Apparently they do this every year. According to the address on LDS tools and our GPS, after a roller-coaster drive (Oklahoma is NOT flat!) and dirt/gravel roads, we landed in the middle of absolutely nowhere. Nothing there looked remotely familiar and there was no huge crowd of Mormons. We drifted back to the highway, found a place to stop, and contacted some people trying to get directions. Come to find out, it was easier to find and get to than we had anticipated. Besides swarming with people, the ranch hosted several bouncy houses with water,
a carnival ride, a tractor-pulled train, music, food and fireworks! Analiese ran off with her friend from the Branch and the rest of us pitched our chairs and blanket in a shady area

where some of the Branch members had landed. Besides them, I got to see one of my Seminary students and three girls from camp. Ken really enjoyed himself and the fireworks show in a nearby field was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen a show up that close!

Going home, by the way, was much easier than coming.

Sunday, July 8, 2018
We got home and to bed well after eleven, so this morning I was beyond tired. My eyes didn't want to focus on the organ or sheet music and I kept nodding off during the speakers. No, they weren't boring. I spoke up a lot in Sunday School and RS just to keep myself going!

I don't know what it is, but I seem to unload a bunch of stuff at church lately. Today, I had a Frisbee belonging to the sister missionaries that was left behind at the church Wednesday, a DVD & back massager for a sister in the ward to borrow who's had a lot of back pain lately, and some garage sale stickers I found in the house to give to the RS President who's having a big garage sale. No wonder my church bag feels so heavy!

I bet you can guess what I did when I got home.... I grabbed a Lara bar, ate it, drank some water and...zonked out for a couple of hours. I just can't do late nights well anymore!

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