Sunday, June 24, 2018


Monday, June 18, 2018
We had Ken's Fathers' Day "dinner" for lunch today since Jonathan had to work yesterday and this afternoon. We'd been marinating rib-eye steaks in Italian dressing for a week and he grilled perfection. You really ought to try steak (chicken is good, too) that way. It was succulent! He also grilled potatoes, which is my favorite way to eat a baked potato, and I roasted some broccoli in the oven with garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and Parmesan.
We topped our meal off with the chocolate icebox "cake" that I'd made over the weekend.
It was all so very flavorful and delicious, but we were nap-ready by the end of it. Too bad, I still had grocery shopping for the week to do and laundry. And Jonathan went off to work with a VERY good meal!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Obviously, it's summer. While Ken was up early to go to work and I was up answering the call of my bladder, the kids weren't up until at least an hour and a half later than that. Must be nice.

Analiese and I met with her new EPIC teacher for the first time at the library today. Our old one is now a "principal" for EPIC and is actually over this one. So, at least, I can contact him if I'm not satisfied. But the new guy seems to be pretty with it, even if still a little new to the charter school. His strength is math, which is what I need for her.

At this point, with big summer activities calmed for a while, I have to come up with things to keep Analiese occupies. I don't want her spending all of her time on the computer or watching TV. We want to go back to walking, which means not sleeping in so late because I want to walk before the day heats up. I've given her one special assignment already: straighten out the bobbins and spools of thread that got all tangled in our move. I had a difficult time finding things last week when I was working on her trek skirt.
Trying to study scriptures: Jonathan is not helping!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
I've already messed up the getting-up-and-walking plan. I awoke at 9:30 after a fitful and interrupted night's sleep - the menfolk were up early and were NOT quiet. Analiese wasn't too disappointed, though, because we had a small rainstorm this morning. Convenient.

I made blueberry muffins - and the resulting mess - for our breakfast-for-dinner this morning so as not to have the hassle of doing it during the warmest part of the day. I got flour all over the floor, streusel all over the counters, and fresh, exploding blueberries all over the oven. But by dinnertime, it was all made up for in fabulous, homemade flavor!

The rain, having spent itself out this morning, did not mar the pool party the YW and YM had at a member's home this evening. I went to pick her up, spending an additional hour there chattings, and off-handedly mentioned that my daughter would be the last one out of the pool. She was - she's a veritable fish! She loves to go swimming.

Thursday, June 21, 2018
After taking Jonathan to work this morning at seven, I proceeded to go to Norman to the Institute for a Seminary workshop. We were given our summer "homework" to prepare us for next year's course of study: Doctrine and Covenants. There's so much additional church history information on the Gospel Library app that we need to explore to help enrich our lessons and their studies!

I stayed afterward to confer with the secretary, who is also my technical "consultant" for online seminary. As usual, nothing stays static: I will be the online teacher now for four stakes - Lawton, Norman, OKC, and OKC South. Before you begin to worry about overload, let me tell you some of the parameters and rules we've set down. The class is capped at fifteen and each student much meet ALL of the technical requirements - no more weaseling out of the camera - and they must be diligently attending, reading and doing assignments. We have too many kids on the waiting list who want the opportunity to learn. It's a rigorous (the Church's words, not mine), yet rewarding program and those who dedicate themselves to it should be able to reap the blessings of it! It's not about being snobby or elitist, it's about being fair. The kids who will really dedicate themselves to it should have it. There are other resources available for the others, don't worry.

Friday, June 22, 2018
I had another day of chauffeuring. I took Jonathan to work at a quarter to seven just as a rainstorm began. That continued as an hour later I took Analiese to TB for a short online training while I went across the road to Walmart to get something I needed for dinner. Then I picked her and and we went back home.

She had changed her clothing and we had just finished her daily workbook assignment (for the Seven Habits for teens that I had purchased) when Ken called. He was down people; she was needed for an 11-5 shift. That left me at home alone for a few hours working on laundry and prepping for dinner with the missionaries. And getting a little nap! Then I was back out again to get Jonathan at three.

I asked him to pick up Analiese at five because by then I was in serious dinner-cooking mode. Plus...I was heartily tired of driving like a yo-yo!
I couldn't get a good close-up, but all of these birds sitting on the power lines outside my house are Mississippi kites - a predatory bird related to hawks. For some reason, they like hanging out here! 

Saturday, June 23, 2018
A brief, but powerful, electrical storm accompanied by strong winds knocked our power out in the middle of night. I woke up when Ken's phone rang with TB wanting to know what to do. I felt a headache coming on, took some Tylenol, and went back to bed!

Jonathan took the car to work today, so I hoped Ken didn't need me for a bank change run or Analiese because I had no transportation. Usually, TB lunch hour is when they hurt the most for people, so by 1 p.m. and having had no phone call, I figured we (and they) were fine.
I am using my talents to pet two rabbits at once. If I don't, Alice - the white and black one - will pick on Pom (grey & fluffy)!

We were all home for dinner tonight - a rare occasion. Ken had got home around four and Jonathan was off at five. I had dinner ready shortly thereafter and we actually all sat down together! With us running in all different directions these days, you never know when we will be able to do that!

Sunday, June 24, 2018
Jonathan had to be at work this morning by six, so he took the car. That meant that Analiese and I had to go with Ken to church when he left for his morning meeting around eight-thirty. Analiese just curled up on a pew and took a nap. I wasn't so lucky; my body doesn't cooperate like that. So I just did a little work in my planner and waited for church to begin.

Third hour, during RS, was interesting as we discussed the concept of ministering. I think we came to the conclusion that we should just love each other as Jesus did, serving as we saw needs, and dispensing with any pride, insult, or preconceived notions. I'm starting to feel more like the group: at ease, smiling, joking, and sharing with the other sisters.

Analiese had a YW presidency meeting and Ken had Branch business to do, so we stayed about an hour longer after church as well. Just before we were able to leave, a heavy electrical storm came, accompanied by a downpour. Did I know it was coming? Did I have an umbrella? No! Ken went and pulled the van up closer to the front doors and we made a mad dash, getting wet in the process.

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