Sunday, July 22, 2018


NOTE: Next week we'll be on vacation, so my blog won't be out next Sunday. But you'll get a two-for-one the Sunday following!

Monday, July 16, 2018
I guess we didn't scare Viktor away with our vigorous Uno game last night. At least, he was still here this morning.

Day three of no anxiety medication. I've had terrible heartburn, headaches, burping, nausea and general unease. But I called my doctor, they called the pharmacy, and I can get right back on schedule. Hoorah!

Ken and I drove with Viktor to Lawton to get another mattress for the bunk bed. Poor guy, he had to ride home squished with the mattress surrounding him
...and that was in the van. Later, he went with Ken, and again with Jonathan, to USAO to try and figure out what they require of him as an international student. A lot of the staff there in the summer are students and not very sure what exactly they needed from him. It was a little frustrating.

We subjected him to more Uno this evening after Family Home Evening. For a while, Ken kept catching him not saying "uno," but he's a smart guy and even managed a few wins himself.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
I didn't expect quick miracles, but I awoke to no heartburn, painful burping, or nausea. Looking at the prescription, though, it has no refills and is from my old doctor in Altus. I hope this doesn't get screwed up again at Walmart in another month. I guess I'd better talk to the pharmacy again.

I'm thinking about calling the endodontist, too, to see if they'll do a different tooth first. The want to do the bottom one first, but I'm having a lot of pain on the top tooth when I'm eating. It still has to be the day after vacation, but I'm not sure I can deal with months of mouth pain.

It was a busy late afternoon/evening. After Jonathan came home from work, I went to visit a friend out in the country...literally. Then I came home, served dinner, and straightened up because the couple who's watching the rabbits while we're gone in Oregon were coming over. They fell in love with the bunnies and were charmed by Viktor. We're all going over to their place on Sunday for dinner and to deliver the buns.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018
The day was kept from being tortuously hot by a thick cloud-cover for most of the day. But when the sun came out in the late afternoon, the temperatures soared!

I took Jonathan to work at seven and Analiese to TB at eleven. Then Viktor and I went grocery shopping. So far, he's been very open and enthusiastic to whatever I've made for dinner. He helped me carry in groceries and made sure I remembered to scan them for Ken.
Part of the Russian "invasion" in my house!

The youth had water games at Mutual tonight on the front lawn of the church, so I stayed to practice the organ while they had fun. Jonathan and Viktor stayed home, bonding through playing a card game called Magik that Jonathan is crazy about right now. It's too crazy complex for me and Analiese gets frustrated with Jonathan constantly beating her. So he's hoping Viktor will catch the craze with him.

Thursday, July 19, 2018
We didn't luck out a second day in a row. The sun was shining early this morning with a forecast high is 107 with 82% humidity. I believe it, though I do not like it! Miserable!

Jonathan went to work. Viktor went with a friend somewhere for the weekend. Analiese went to TB. I went and got a pedicure. I wanted everything trimmed back before we go to Oregon next week. My tennis shoes fit and feel better that way.

Ken actually came home early this evening. Things were going smoothly enough at TB so he could leave them in quasi-confidence. Progress!

Now, don't be too disappointed, but other than exchange cards, we didn't do anything special for our anniversary today. We haven't had the money or the time. Besides, for me it's present enough to get him on vacation next week!
Friend in Altus painted this buffalo for me!

Friday, July 20, 2018
We moved the rabbits yesterday evening from their no a/c concrete-floored room up to the office/dining areas last night. This heat wave has us really concerned because rabbits don't take the heat well. The downside was - with a fan going, too - there was fur all over the dining table in the morning. I ate my breakfast in the living room!

The heat was oppressive. By the time I picked up Jonathan from work at 3 p.m. and it was 111 degrees! That doesn't even take into account the humidity, nor the fact that the temperatures didn't stop climbing until six p.m.!

I still had to work and sweat in the kitchen, too. I had to make dinner for the sister missionaries. I really need to find more hot-weather recipes.

Saturday, July 21, 2018
I didn't have to get up as early this morning to take Jonathan to work. I stopped at Walmart after to fuel the Honda and buy some eggs. I have some ripe bananas I need to deal with before going to Oregon. I figured on making some muffins for us to take with us on the road early Tuesday morning on our way to the airport.

So, horror-of-horrors, I used my oven to make the muffins. I did wise up and put dinner in the crockpot. I'm not totally insane!

My decisions currently are based entirely on how to stay out of the heat. For example, I had to pick up Analiese from TB at 2 pm and then Jonathan from Walgreens at 3 pm. What did I do? I hung out in the TB a/c sucking down a cold drink for forty-five minutes or so. I'm pretty much going to any lengths to keep cool!

Sunday, July 22, 2018
Jonathan took the car because he had work at 6 a.m. Analiese and I therefore went with Ken to church early since he had an 8 am meeting. With one short stop at TB. It's kind of like those horror movies where you scream at the screen "Don't go in there!" But they do. And it's awful.

Some drunk guy in a white pickup jumped it over the curb
and into the TB sign (which is much stronger than I believed, only a few letters were knocked off and the pole itself was merely scratched)
. We had to drive past the TB and around the back to get to the parking lot because the main road was blocked off by police cars,
an ambulance, and the fire department.
Also, landed in the shopping center lot, was an air-evac helicopter.
A veritable circus had come to TB.

Shortly after our arrival, they wheeled the guy into the helicopter and it took off. A tow truck came to get the pickup and the ambulance began packed up. So we went to church, albeit a little late for the meeting. Ken was terribly exhausted (He worked yesterday 6 am - 4:30 pm AND 11 pm - 3 am this morning!!!!) so I took him home to sleep while I went back to be with Analiese and play the organ for church. And hope and pray that no one else from TB had any kind of emergency. Technically, he's supposed to be on vacation NOW. Yeah, right.

This evening we went to dinner at the Branch friends who are watching our rabbits during our vacation. We loaded the bunnies and everyone into two cars (the rabbits and cages took up the van) and headed out to the country to their home. We enjoyed a nice dinner, but had even more fun talking with them and seeing their animals.  Viktor in particular had fun with their dogs and everyone was fascinated with their eleven chickens and one guinea hen!

They adore our bunnies and are going to have a good time getting to know them better. Pom even sat placidly in their lap/chair
, which told me she was going to be calm (I worry about her getting nervous). We ended up staying for three hours; they even invited Viktor to come visit them while we were gone next week!

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