Monday, May 28, 2018


Monday, May 21, 2018
Shot paraphernalia.  Thought you'd like to see my new "habit." LOL
I put the van in the shop this morning. Nothing was wrong, I just wanted (besides a regular oil change) to have it looked over before I took it with a group of girls to camp. I really miss the Ford dealership in Altus, however; they were so good. These guys got my area code wrong so I didn't get a call from them when they were finished. I called shortly after two, only to find out the van was finished by 9:30 in the morning!

Before going grocery shopping, I had Ken take me to the hardware store to get some mosquito bait. Not just because it's going to be bad this year, but because it's already getting pretty awful in our backyard. Jonathan got eaten up while mowing the back lawn this afternoon!

Ken took Analiese to do some online TB training after dinner. She has thirty days from her hiring date to complete it. She can't do it from home, she has to do it using the corporate server, or something to that effect. All I know is it won't work here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018
This morning Analiese and I went to the Chickasha library right as it opened to meet with her teacher for the last time. Literally. He's moving up in EPIC to be a "principal." While she worked on her benchmark testing, he and I discussed teacher options in Chickasha. Apparently one of the teachers here is a math teacher, so we signed her up with him to start for the fall.

After she was done with testing, I took her to TB to help Ken. He had three people call out for the busy lunch hour! So I was at home alone doing stuff until I had to pick up Jonathan from work at four. Kinda getting a little of the empty nest feeling. Not sure I like it!

Then I had to go back to TB to get change for Ken and wait for Analiese to finish her shift. It took her a while to finish - she had to wait for her replacement to arrive - so we ended up taking TB home for dinner. It gets so old so fast.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Our morning was delightful. Momma Duck was out with her five babies teaching them how to find food in the pond.
Goz the gosling was eating grass by the road with its Canadian parents watching nearby.
We found a nest of an unknown bird in the hollow of the tree.

Ken was down five people at lunch today. Analiese went in for a few hours. She's doing drive-through now and I guess she's pretty good at it. Ken's boss likes her!

I ended up being chauffeur for the rest of the day. With Jonathan along, I picked up the sister missionaries on this end of town and drove them to their apartment on the other side to get their car. Then we went to TB to pick up Analiese, followed by dropping Jonathan off at Walgreens. Then I took Analiese to the bank to open an account - her paycheck has to go somewhere - after which we went to Walmart to purchase t-shirts that we're tie-dying for girls camp at YW tonight. I want one, too!

At YW, Analiese attempted to make a "fireworks" pattern on her shirt. I just did purple and yellow in sections to make stripes. We all worked on the front lawn of the church so we wouldn't get dye everywhere!

Thursday, May 24, 2018
Analiese didn't have Seminary today. I'd say I slept in, but I was awake by seven. That's okay, I needed to get things done in the kitchen before the Appliance guys came to deliver our new range. I told you about the dial issue, but the front two burners wouldn't light without a match and I've been smelling gas lately each time I've turned on the oven. It was too old to get parts for, so the owner is replacing it.

I didn't think we'd get a new one. I thought they'd give us a recycled/re-engineered/whatever one. But the guys delivered a new one. Very nice, shiny, still run on gas. Too clean and pretty for me to want to touch it! Though Ken didn't hesitate to cook on the top this evening.

Friday, May 25, 2018
Analiese's last day of Seminary was breakfast and an auction. The students get points for doing things throughout the year and then they traditionally have a fun auction on the last day. After my organ practice, I stayed to enjoy the friendly competition. We had donated some gift cards to the auction and they were very popular!

But we didn't get our walk today. We were late getting out of Seminary because of the auction and as we headed towards the park, it began to rain. It grew hard quickly and I was soaked just getting back to the car!

I met our neighbors to one side last week. This morning, the paramedics came to their house. I watched carefully as they went in and out and then left. I went over to see if they - an older couple - were okay. They were on their way to the ER. He has COPD and was having problems breathing. I gave them my phone number and told them not to be shy; call me if you need anything.

Jonathan took me to the movies for my belated Mother's Day present. We went to see the new Star Wars movie - Solo. We had fun finding all of the Easter eggs and seeing the references to the old, original movies. I really enjoyed the actors they casted for the classic roles; Lando in particular was fantastic!

Saturday, May 26, 2018
Analiese was gone for the night on a Youth camp out with the Branch and another ward. Jonathan and I slept in until about eight. I was going to get a pedicure this morning, but realized when I got to the nail place that weekends are super busy and not a good idea. I should know that by now.

Other than that, I had no need to go anywhere. The sisters were coming to dinner this evening so I worked on a light dessert to go with this hot weather.

But the sisters didn't come. I don't know with what, but they were sick. I wondered if working out in the heat has made them feel ill.  One in particular looked very pale.

Ken then told me not to fix dinner. Jonathan was at work and he'd brought home some TB for Analiese, who'd returned from camping. We went to a local Italian restaurant. The food was good, the service was good. But for some reason I can't pin down, I wasn't really satisfied. Maybe it was because my stomach felt bad later, but I don't think I was happy with it before that. I don't know.

Sunday, May 27, 2018
Ken had to run off to TB again, so Jonathan dropped me and Analiese off at church. That left me to wonder how we were going to get home.

I had the "pleasure" of testing the YW going to camp for head lice. During third hour, I went to the YW room and had opening exercises with them. As they started their lesson, I went behind their chairs and began my inspection. I tried to be very hygienic: I had gloves, a rat-tail comb, and some hand sanitizer that I used to wipe down the gloves and comb between girls. They all took it well; Analiese said it felt good, like a light massage. I get to do the other girls who weren't there today on Wednesday during YW. Yippee.

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