Sunday, June 3, 2018


Monday, May 28, 2018
Analiese finished her online TB training this morning. Ken said he'd never seen anyone do it so quickly and accurately - even with things she hadn't been through yet - even for himself! In fact, he said she probably did better than he did!

I have a slight toothache coming on. A visit to the dentist is probably in order. I really don't have time in the next two weeks to go; so I hope my tooth will behave itself for the time being. (Eye roll here.)

Our grocery shopping trip today had a lot of camp necessities thrown in. All of my sunscreen and insect repellent at home had expired. The stuff doesn't last forever, unfortunately. I tried to get some repellent that doesn't smell so much. Aerosols and perfumes really choke me up!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
I finished my first set of allergy vials the middle of last week, so I went to Norman this morning to get the second lot. It's a little stronger formula, so I start back at a smaller dosage and build up as I go along.

After a little camp shopping, I made a stop for lunch on the way back home. What happened next I call an OK Experience: I listened to four older men talk about how they get rid of animal pests. One said he took his grandson's BB gun and shot mockingbirds that kept trying to attack him and his wife when they went outside (defending the nest). Then he elaborated on how it was effective keeping cats out of his planters, too! Only in OK! Hilarious!
Overpass in Norman, OK

Just as I was getting ready to assemble dinner and shove it in the oven, Ken texted requesting Analiese to work from 5-10 at TB. She had been looking forward to the recipe I was trying out, so I put it on hold. Jonathan and I had to settle for frozen pizza.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Analiese and I drove nearly two hours to Altus today for a visit. Analiese spent the day at a friend's house from our old ward. I went to the library to see Janet (ex-boss) and the library staff.

It was nice to visit with everyone. I got to see their summer program displays for the new reading program: Libraries Rock! I also met the gal who has replaced me; Janet says she's working well. Then Janet & I went to lunch and had a lot of catch-up time.

The only thing that marred the day was the extreme heat and driving for hours in a car with no air conditioning. We got home totally wrung out and exhausted. But the day wasn't over, Analiese had YW and I had to go to do another lice check. I slipped out for a moment, though, to go to Walmart and get ice cream bars for everyone. I needed cooling off!

Thursday, May 31, 2018
My busy day got busier as decided to make that trip to the dentist. The pain is under a crown with a root canal on the bottom left side. They discovered an infection and are sending me to an endodontist to take care of it. has to wait until after camp. I'll be surviving on Tylenol for pain.

After my appointment, I went home to meet with my co-cabin mom from the branch. We worked on our "goodie bags" for the fourth year girls. They are teal bowls with tissue, a nail polish (in either teal or coral), some Hawaiian punch packets that mix into bottle water, and a hand mirror that reads "you're strong" (from the theme).
We're also giving them leis as they come into the cabin.

The sisters came to dinner and really loved the French Onion Chicken Casserole I made. So did the kids. Jonathan came home from work and gobble up his helping! We also had more ice cream bars, which were greatly appreciated. This heat is a killer!

Friday, June 1, 2018
Analiese had a friend and her brother come over this morning. Along with Jonathan, they spent a few hours playing games and noshing on animal crackers. We also introduced them to the bunnies, which were a big hit. I'm glad she's made a friend in YW here. They have a lot in common and are constantly gabbing about it - drawing, Marvel, manga (anime), etc.

It became a kind of impromptu game day for them. When the friends left, a friend of Jonathan's wanted to Skype and play D&D with them. My kids are bigger nerds that I ever was!

Analiese went to work this evening, so it was just me and Jonathan. We rented "Justice League" from Redbox and had more fun mocking it more than anything else. DC is really a Marvel wannabe. The film was very formulaic, dull plotted, and the jokes fell flat!

Saturday, June 2, 2018
Alice decided to chew on the edges of my journal pages this morning while Analiese was cleaning the cages. I kept moving it further away from her, but the sneaky fur ball kept trying to reach it. Finally, I had to put it up high..try and get that!

I spent the more part of today gathering and packing. Analiese and I are sharing most of our toiletries; there's no need for both of us to carry things. I'll have a few last-minute things to pack Monday morning, but that's it.

I made some banana-coconut muffins this afternoon with ripe bananas I had on hand, They turned out moist and tasty, but were very messy. Lots of crumbs. Sometimes, when we're shopping, Ken wants to buy a muffin mix...but homemade aren't hard and taste so much better!

Sunday, June 3, 2018
I did NOT feel good this morning. My tooth ached, my head ached and - even after a full night's sleep - I felt exhausted. Was I coming down with something?

Ken sent me back to bed. Me: "But I have camp tomorrow." Him: "Exactly!" I slept all three hours that he and Analiese were away at church. And felt like I could sleep more afterwards.

The headache was persistent all day and only dimmed at dinner. Ken had invited the sister missionaries over and we didn't have much in the way of leftovers. But I had the makings of spaghetti in the cupboard, so that's what we had. And more ice cream bars.

Analiese went to the church to see the online fireside with President Nelson and his wife. I think it's so cute (maybe wise, she's a brilliant woman) to include her in so many things. I watched it at home. He is so inspiring and had some great goals for the youth to achieve. I hope they all appreciate how invested he is in them!

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