Sunday, April 29, 2018


Monday, April 23, 2018
Another beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are busy nest-building and chirping happily, and the pollen count is up.  You got it, I feel like a zombie. I took a nap this morning and still feel like I could take another.

It doesn't mean I can slack off, though. Mondays are very busy with the mundane, yet important, things. We did manage to get a lot done by mid-day, thanks to Ken pushing us on. He even got me to give him a hair cut. Trust me, he needed it!

For Family Home Evening, I talked a bit about my allergy appointment and some things we could do around the house to help all of us who battle allergies. That's everyone, except Ken. My biggest thing with him is getting him to use allergy filters (his read: more expensive) and keep the A/C on. Yes, fresh air is cheaper - and I love it - but pollen is no joke. Not anymore!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
On the way to Norman this morning, I was able to enjoy more signs of Spring in the countryside. The swallows are out building their mud nests, wildflowers grow by the roadside in purple and coral, and there are lots of wobbly calves walking beside their mothers in the fields. I can't be down on a lovely morning like this!

I got my first allergy injections - one in each upper arm. The left arm gets the pollen/plants shot and the right gets the cat/dust mite shots. It will always be those arms, those shots so we can keep track of any reactions I might have. I also have to keep an epinephrine pen with me for three hours after each injection...and no naps during that time, either (bummer). Just in case.

One of the "downer" things about spring animal activity is all the road kill. I saw two deer, a possum, an armadillo, some skunks, rabbits, and possibly a porcupine. Yuck!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
We had a rainy night and morning. Analiese and I weren't able to go on our walk. Trust me, there are no sidewalks or storm drains here; it's like trying to walk through a swamp. Driving the roads isn't much better. Besides avoiding other cars, you have to avoid enormous puddles. If not, well, cars don't drive well with wet alternators. Experience speaking.

Dinner tonight was a fun experiment: Egg and cheese hashbrown waffles. It is exactly what it says: eggs and cheese mixed in with hashbrowns and cooked on a waffle iron. A VERY well-greased waffle iron. But they tasted great and we ate everything I made. Jonathan wanted to know if they would freeze...I think he was looking for seconds later!

Thursday, April 26, 2018
Yellow wildflowers have joined the coral red on the road between here and Norman. I think I saw a corn field today between the obvious cattle ranches. Plus, a buffalo ranch - squee!  But the major industry out in this part of the state is petroleum. Oil. The big trucks and rig workers come through Chickasha all the time. I see them swarm Taco Bell.

I had to give myself an injection today...under supervision. I was more than a little nervous. The left arm took me a couple of tries, but the right went in smoothly. My "homework" is to practice pulling the syringe open with two fingers on one hand like I will when I "shoot" myself, and then push. I keep an empty syringe on hand to practice with. Open air...not my arm!

It was ladies' night at the Bolton house as Analiese and I welcomed the sister missionaries over for dinner. Ken and Jonathan were both working. Their loss. I made burritos using my homemade refried black beans!

Friday, April 27, 2018
Our morning walk was fantastic! We decided to go toward the hospital and past where a large field was edged by woods. It's cut across by a semi-busy road and as we neared the woods, we saw, at least, TEN deer crossing that crazy road! Luckily, the cars all had stopped to let them pass (very wise, hitting a deer can do serious damage to your vehicle), but it was quite a sight! I wasn't able to get my phone/camera out fast enough to get a picture! I'm so lousy at this. Later on, we had a crane fly overhead. It was all so wonderful!

To be honest, the whole day was peaceful. The sun was shining and I think a robin sat in the tree by our back door and sang all afternoon for our enjoyment. Such bliss!

Jonathan came home from work around five and it was just the three of use for a quiet dinner and evening. I really don't know when we're all going to be together to go out and watch the new Avenger's movie. Analiese has been working hard on her school work so she can go! Ken's gone so much for work and Jonathan's schedule is always changing. But I don't want to go with someone missing!

Saturday, April 28, 2018
Jonathan had work this morning; he had the Honda. Ken was supposed to have today off but had to go in to work for a few hours; he had the van. Good thing I didn't have any plans. I'd have been stuck.

Jonathan was supposed was supposed to go to a baseball game in the City through Walgreens this evening. Only, no one else in his store wanted to go! So Ken decided we would all go - we've never been to a game as a whole family. We drove to Yukon to pick up a friend of Jonathan's, got to see the temple's renovation progress
while we were there, and then headed to Bricktown (a section of OKC) for the game.

It was the OKC Dodgers (yes, affiliated with L.A.) versus the Iowa Cubs (affiliated with Chicago).

The Dodgers won and we had such a great time enjoying the experience.
I haven't been to a ball game since my mission! We got to sing "Take me out to the Ballgame," and "Oklahoma," duck a fly ball (well, Analiese and I did), and call out encouragement to the home team. It made for a long night - we got home at midnight - but we didn't regret it a bit. We made great family memories!

Sunday, April 29, 2018
None of us were too eager to get up this morning. We all love our sleep and (most of us) like to be in bed by 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.

It was Branch Conference today. We had the two counselors from the Stake Presidency there; the President had to be elsewhere. But it was still nice. They both spoke, along with our Branch President.

Ken had developed a band headache during sacrament meeting, so I took him home second hour to rest. Maybe I should have taken Analiese, too, she fell asleep on the pew, but I didn't and went back to the church. As much as we enjoyed the ball game, I don't think we're going to do it again soon.
Analiese stuck this drawing for me on my board!

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Monday, April 16, 2018
This is the worst time ever to be off of my allergy medication. I've been off of all of it since last Tuesday so I can take the allergy test tomorrow. But with the wind and wildfires,, the air quality is awful. All I've done lately is sniffle and sneeze.

My husband had a hankering for my banana-chocolate chip muffins, so I made some - fresh and warm - for dinner. He wanted nuts in them, so I put in pecans. He's rarely home for dinner, rarely wants anything, so when he requests something, I'm going to do my best to make it for him!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
I've never been so glad to visit the doctor in my life! I had my allergy test this morning. The allergist did skin tests up and down both arms using a plastic grid to prick them with the essence of various allergens. Then I had to sit there for fifteen minutes and NOT SCRATCH. By the time it was over, I wanted to tear the skin off of my arms!
Left arm - the big guy on the right is pecan pollen!
Right arm - those two biggies are dust mites and cat dander!

Yeah, I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, that we were sure of. Some were not new news, like cat dander and dust mites (very allergic to dusting!). Some, however, were a little startling like pecan tree pollen (inescapable here) and timothy hay, which is what we feed to the rabbits! I'm allergic to a couple type of weeds, but not ragweed, which bothers a lot of people.

The result of all this is me going on immunotherapy. I'll be getting shots every other, one in each arm because the animal/mites shot can't be combines with the plant shot...for a year! They'll start me next week in the office for a couple of times and then teach me how to do it to myself. It's a gradual build-up of immunity that will hopefully eventually help reduce symptoms. The best news? My insurance covers it 100%!
My beautiful dinner salad.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Believe it or not, there were a few tiny welts and itchy red spots on my arms this morning. Don't mess around with my allergies!

I do not know if there is a full moon today, but the police and firemen were out in force this morning. Going to get Analiese, I saw two firetrucks with hoses at the ready and a police car blocking off the street a few blocks from the house. Further east, another police car raced across the road, sirens blaring. And at Grand, the main street I have to cross to get over to the church, there was a firetruck, ambulance, and a police car blocking one side of traffic responding to an accident. Busy day!

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. Instead of dessert, we had root beer floats to go along with our chicken enchiladas. It made for a fun, refreshing change!

Ken's Taco Bell finally had their corporate inspection today. Yes, they passed! Hopefully this means he can take it a little easier for a while. He's been working thirteen-plus hours every day lately and even going in for a few hours on his days off!

Thursday, April 19, 2018
After getting home from our morning walk,
Favorite house on the corner has peonies!

Peony close-up

I got a call from Ken. He needed my help scanning and emailing some work records. They had just started a new computer system plus their printer was unable to do it. I think maybe they need to put me on payroll as an administrative assistant! So I picked up the documents, scanned and emailed them at home, and took them back to TB for Ken.

Then I went and got a much-needed pedicure. My nails were long and least, the big toes were. I went to a different place from the last time, but still in the shopping area behind the TB. I liked these people better and didn't have to wait at all.

Believe it or not, I still have a couple of itchy spots left on my right forearm from Tuesday. Ken says it means I shouldn't take allergy tests. I say it means my allergies are serious business and I'm glad we're going to do something about it!

Friday, April 20, 2018
This morning, it was me taking Analiese to and from Seminary. Ken actually slept in. He asked me last night who would take her and I automatically said I would. He's very tired; he's been working too hard.

It was a pretty boring, regular Friday. I did laundry. I worked on next week's Seminary stuff. I took Analiese with me to the library to return books and get more.

Once Jonathan left for work around 2:30, it was just us girls for the evening. I made a hamburger-rice casserole for dinner and we relaxed in front of the TV watching an anime series of hers on Netflix. She's very into anime right now.

I did get in contact with the Stake YW camp director today. She's supposed to email me with some camp information so I know what to do. Girls' camp has changed so much since I was a young woman. I bet the songs I know are still good, though!

Saturday, April 21, 2018
It rained today; pretty much all day. Trust me, we needed it. It didn't take out all the fires, but a lot of them were contained. I didn't have to go out and check to see if my herb boxes were dried out, either. It also meant I felt very sleepy and not very motivated. Where's my library book?

In fact, Jonathan came home from work in the afternoon to find me taking a nap. Hey, I was tired and had a headache. Like I need an excuse for a nap!

I tried a new recipe tonight: homemade Top Ramen. It smelled great cooking. But it tasted so bland when I served it and the noodles were super-gluey. Of course, part of that was I was using stir-fry rice noodles instead of stir-fry chow mein noodles because Walmart didn't have the latter. Didn't help. Bummer.

Jonathan went to Stillwater (1 1/2 hours away - OSU territory) tonight for a YSA dance. It'll be a long night and a tired morning for him, but he needs (and wants) to socialize with the young adults more.

Sunday, April 22, 2018
The rain is over. The skies are dotted with white, poufy clouds. The temperature is comfortably mellow. It's a perfect Sunday.

Jonathan got home safely from the dance last night in spite of the inclement weather. He had a good time and even saw some friends from his YSA ward.

Ken went to church even earlier today for his first branch presidency meeting. The sad thing was, before that he was at Tb for FOUR hours working on personnel scheduling on the new computer system.

They did a fifth Sunday combined class at third hour today (even though it's the fourth) because next Sunday is Branch Conference. A brother from out of state who talks to businesses, leaders, missionaries, stakes, wards, etc., came and spoke with us about body language and communication. He talked about how our thoughts were communicated through our bodies and how other people perceive us because of it. He talked about recognizing evil thoughts and doubts, turning to Christ so that His light and truth can shine through us!

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Monday, April 9, 2018
Seminary started great. One of my students had gone to Salt Lake City to see General Conference live and he gave a report of his experiences plus his testimony. At times like that, I feel like I don't need to go on. They've accomplished more on their own than I could possibly do!

Ken and I tried a new place in town - literally, they just opened - for lunch today called Legends. It was basically a burger place and it was okay. The prices were good, though.

This is Sister Jones last day in the mission field; she requested to have dinner with us, so it had to be special. I made my million-dollar spaghetti casserole (Jonathan ate three helpings and even Ken admitted it was tasty) and peach cobbler for dessert. I was so sad to see her go...she served half her mission in Altus and Chickasha. Plus, she was always so gently sweet and encouraging. Don't even get me started on her violin!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
After picking up Analiese from Seminary, I took her home - no walk! I had a forty-five minute drive ahead of me to Norman for an appointment with my new doctor. Why so far? He was recommended to me, has an allergy clinic and a weight-loss clinic. Check off "all of the above" for me.

I had a list of all of my issues to talk over with him and I spent a good bit of time discussing them and squaring away my prescriptions. I'm going back next week for an environmental allergy test and the next time I see the doctor specifically, we're going to address my hormone levels and see how they might be affecting my health issues. In particular, my anxiety.

I stopped at a Lowe's in Norman afterward to get supplies for a project that Jonathan and I put together this afternoon. Using stair risers and plastic window box planters, we made an herb garden planter. Yes, it's a bit crooked and we probably shouldn't have put it together on the uneven ground.
But it works. I planted rosemary, oregano, dill, chocolate mint, basil, cilantro, chives, and strawberries. I am so happy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Yesterday morning started out with a freeze warning. Today started out with a fire warning. Why? The Oklahoma winds decided to sweep down the plains and things are too dry.

It was outrageously windy! I had to hold on to doors as I was opening/closing them - cars, homes - because otherwise they'd smack wide open. I've had car doors strike other cars in parking lots and hinges busted on house doors! Don't mess with Oklahoma winds!

I made sure my little herb babies were sufficiently moist this morning, but I'll definitely have to check them tomorrow, too. Containers dry out fast enough without extra help!

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Our kitty friends met us on our morning walk again. They did rub up against my legs, but only Analiese petted them.
I'm fighting enough allergies, thank you. But they sure are sweet.

Today really heated up (fire warning still in effect) with temperatures reaching ninety degrees! I turned on the house a/c, but I don't think it's working. The coolest it got in the house this afternoon was eighty degrees!

That's a big problem. Analiese does not do well with the heat. Around dinner time, she got flopped and started complaining of a headache. She ate dinner, but felt nauseous and by seven-thirty had vomited it all up. I put her and Jonathan in the car (no functioning a/c either) and drove them to TB for an hour of a/c, leaving the house windows open. With a rising breeze, I hoped to cool off the house while Analiese recovered.

She was so pale and shaky - it scares me when she gets like this. I got some fluids in her, took her home to cool off in the shower, and by then her room was cool enough for her to relax and sleep.

Friday, April 13, 2018
Though it sure seemed like, Analiese does not have heat exhaustion. She was up all night and by morning still was unable to keep anything - including water - down. She did not go to Seminary and I took her to an urgent care place next to Walgreens.

They gave her a flu swab test. Negative. They had her give a urine sample; that was interesting for a dehydrated girl who can't keep anything down. That didn't show anything. So they said it was a stomach virus. There's not much they could do for it, so she would have to ride it out. They did prescribe some anti-nausea/anti-cramping medicine so she could start to keep at least liquids down. If that doesn't work, she'd end up at the ER with an I.V.  Ugh. Please. No.

She pretty much spent the rest of the day sleeping it off: on the sofa, in the recliner,
in bed. I had to go get Jonathan from work at one point and left her alone (sleeping) for a short bit. Of course, the a/c guy came then to fix things. He did and was gone by the time I got back. Oh well, she was okay and the house is cooling down nicely.

Saturday, April 14, 2018
So we had a freeze last night. That's right: mid-eighties yesterday, mid-fifties today. From a/c to heat. I set up my crockpot this morning for lima beans and ham soup for tonight's dinner.

I went with the Chickasha Seminary teachers to Norman for a small meeting at the Institute this morning. (Jonathan was home this morning with Analiese, so I didn't leave her alone a long time.) After a great spiritual message, we talked about the practicalities of finishing off the year and getting ready for graduation. A lot of classes are really behind because of the OK teachers' strike/walkout. It's going to be interesting for them to get everything in, students assessed, and grades reported before graduation.

The sisters were here for dinner tonight. They were so cold and very happy to have hot soup. I also had a warm berry cobbler for dessert, allowing them to leave all warmed up! The new sister is cute and funny and the two of them look like they get along well.

Sunday, April 15, 2018
I do not think my basil and cilantro like the freezing temperatures last night. Both looked a little sad this morning. The dill, however, looked downright cheerful!

Ken received a new calling today. The stake reorganized part of the Branch Presidency and he was called to be the second counselor. The stake president had called us a couple of days ago and asked him then. I got ANOTHER calling - Branch girls' camp leader. I'm going with Analiese to the Norman Stake girls' camp the first week in June. I'll have an air mattress, of course!

Analiese is doing much better today. In fact, she's ravenous, wanting to eat everything! I'm more worried about her fluid intake and being careful about WHAT she eats!

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Monday, April 2, 2018
Because the Oklahoma school teachers are out on strike (protest, etc.), there was not public school today. This also meant there was not Seminary, either, for Analiese. My class had its video lesson. I have students in Texas as well as OK and most of them are homeschooled so I didn't see a reason not to have it. Plus, I want to get through the lessons and the second assessment before the middle of May and Seminary graduation.

We got a lot done at home on our normal Monday. Analiese still had her lessons because EPIC is a charter school and not affected by the strife in the capitol. However, while I remembered to get chicken out to defrost, I forgot to put it in the crockpot. Terrific, now what? I ended up making chicken macaroni and cheese, spicing it up with a bit of paprika and cayenne pepper. Jonathan usually dislikes mac and cheese for its blandness. He liked this one. I may experiment with other flavors in the future. How about Mexican mac and cheese?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Still no teachers and no school which meant Analiese and I got to sleep in this morning. This was a relief. It was very windy last night and I had been up and down in the night with sinus pressure and pain.

The sister missionaries are coming to dinner tonight. I'm making crockpot pork carnitas for the first time. If I had realized I needed to cut it up in advance of cooking it, I would have purchased a boneless pork. It took a bit getting it all off of the bone. Ah, well, live and learn. It sure smelled so good cooking all day!

I also made chocolate chip cookies. It was the easiest "dessert" I could think of on short notice (I'd forgotten to figure it in yesterday when I was grocery shopping). That made my kids happy, though. And my husband; chocolate is always a winner here.

That pork was terrific! After coming out of the crockpot, I shredded it, mixed it with some of its juices and milk, and baked it (covered with foil) on a low heat in the oven for another hour.It was tender and juicy and flavorful. Everyone really enjoyed it. I had a second helping without the tortilla and fixings...just the wonderful pork! Definitely worth repeating!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Another no-Seminary day for Analiese, though we've been reassured that it will be back on for tomorrow, per the Area Authority here. I totally understand, they don't want them missing out on the daily gospel instruction no matter how the public schools are functioning.

Yay! I finally got rid of over a month's worth of recyclables today when the truck came. It's not waste management's fault - it hits much closer to home. In the near-year of living away from us, Ken NEVER put out recycling (we didn't have that program in Altus). I don't mind doing my part, but with all the moving materials - papers, boxes, etc. - it was really stacking up. I had that bin cram-packed full! They only pick up recycling twice a month, so I had to pay attention for when they were really coming!

This evening I practiced the musical number I'm working on with the violin duet with them at the church. Oh, we all did so much better! The song was so spiritual, it gave me the chills. And somehow, we figured out the timing in the four measure section that had us hung up before. We're performing it this Sunday and, to be honest, I can't wait to share its beauty, reverence, and Spirit with the Branch!

Thursday, April 5, 2018
Seminary was on again, so I practiced the organ at the church while waiting for Analiese. I have subscribed to a BYU podcast (free) for church organists. It included practice music, assignments, etc. I feel like I'm back in school.

Ken took me to TB, after Analiese and I had had our walk, to be a "shopper." He wanted me to try their crispy chicken tacos...and test out their service. I ordered two, one of each sauce. One I liked, one I didn't. This gringa doesn't like spicy. But they did label them wrong, so Ken had to go talk to them.

This evening, the kids and I went to the University of Science and Arts Oklahoma (USAO) here in town to view their chalk art festival. I took lots of pictures of some of the really cool art.

So you know how big this is, that is Analiese at the top

My favorite

Natural to have lots of Native American art

This one was bigger even than the whale!


For Jonathan - Napoleon Dynamite
We were too late for all of the vendors they supposedly had, so we left and ordered pizza from this little place in town that is so good. Then we dropped by a RedBox to rent a movie. Nice, laid-back evening.

Friday, April 6, 2018
It's supposed to rain today. The skies are gray, but no precipitation is in sight, yet. It's supposed to freeze tonight. This is Spring?

I was going to let Jonathan take the car to Walgreens since I only needed a vehicle for Seminary and Ken didn't have to be to work until ten a.m. (after having worked the night/morning until three a.m.). That is, until the phone call came at a quarter to six from TB. I had to go to Jonathan and apologize...and take him to work. Not happy with the TB people. Seriously.

The only real rain we ended up getting was a misty sprinkle when I picked up Jonathan from work and we dropped by the library. But I never needed a jacket all day. Not on our walk, not going anywhere. You never know temperature around here. It's all a big guessing game.

Saturday, April 7, 2018
So, the real storm hit last night. There was ice on the north windows when I got up in the morning. I could hear the little pit-pat sound of the tiny ice bits (not really snow) falling. The outside temperature said 25 degrees. Going out, I felt it.

I drove to the church this morning to practice our number for Sunday again. I saw white bits gathered in cracks on the ground, at the base of trees, and outlining roof tiles.
The sidewalk in front of the church was dangerously slick! The poor Spring flowers...the tulips looked like tattered rags hanging from stalks.

We had a late dinner tonight because Ken wanted us to "shop" TB through the drive-thru. He sat in the back of the van as I did the ordering. Then, he went back into the restaurant afterwards to tell them how they did. I don't mind doing it, but I really dislike eating dinner so late.

Sunday, April 8, 2018
We had another freezing night, but no precipitation. That stuff had melted away quickly yesterday. I had Jonathan take me to the church early in order to warm up my hands - literally - on the piano,

I ended up playing/accompanying for the meeting. That was fine with me. I needed all the practice and warming I could get. Yeah, I was getting a little nervous.

We had our musical number after the Branch President bore his testimony. Usually, we don't do musical numbers on Fast Sunday, but this is Sister Jones' last Sunday before leaving for home. The President made an exception.

Yes, I flubbed parts, but I managed to maintain my tempo. Actually, I didn't even really notice after one point when I got so caught up in the music and the Spirit - it was all so strong! I just flowed with it and didn't care, enjoying it for what it was. We'd borne our testimonies through music. It was wonderful!

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Monday, March 26, 2018
Back from Spring Break, we had a good Seminary class today. We were talking about the importance of heeding the words of the prophets (they've come from God) and about recording spiritual experiences. It led us up to General Conference for this weekend. I think all of us will be a bit more attentive to all the speakers!

Ugh, but it's a hot, muggy day! Finishing class, I removed my earphones to find I'd sweat all around them. The humidity was a precursor to a big rain storm coming in, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I find humidity oppressive and hard to breathe in.

Ken and I drove all over town (well, on the northeast side by the Union Pacific station) looking for this Mexican restaurant he was sure was there. I think we passed it two or three times before we realized that was it! The food was pretty good, but the real miracle was that Ken actually liked it! Usually he doesn't; he thinks Mexican food is nothing but onions. This time, he said he wouldn't mind going back. I guess he can still surprise me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
It rained all night, accompanied by lightning. It has been drippy wet all morning, too. Both Analiese and I were feeling well enough to resume walking, but not up to slogging through puddles, mud, and squishy grass!

My head has hurt all day. It's those sinuses and it has focused over my right eye. I took a nap that helped for a short while. But it hasn't completely gone.

Because it was a rainy day, I decided it was a good soup day. I made a cheeseburger soup, creamy with butter, milk, and Velveeta. Jonathan usually doesn't care for Velveeta, but he liked it in the soup...two helpings worth!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Even though the morning was still damp-ish, Analiese and I took our regular walk at the park. We did not regret it! The brisk morning air was invigorating and we found a new bird - a heron had decided the park's pond must be a good place to hang out. He was a bit shy, though, and I wasn't able to get a very up-close-and-personal picture.

In anticipation of dinner with the sister missionaries tomorrow - and wanting to do something special for Easter - I baked some cupcakes today and snuck a treat in the batter. I put small filled Cadbury eggs inside each one before baking them. The batter rose and covered each egg as it baked, hiding them from sight. Analiese and I will decorate them tomorrow.

I was going to practice the organ and piano at the church this evening while Analiese was at Mutual. But they had a "murder mystery dinner" in the overflow/multi-purpose room right next to the chapel. They had a great time, as evidenced by their noise level. I popped in to the Book of Mormon study class, instead.

Thursday, March 29, 2018
We had quite a thunderstorm last night. At one point, a crack of thunder right overhead woke the whole house. It was like a cannon - Boom!

Despite all the rain, we still went walking. Our friend the heron was still there. We also saw a scissortail flycatcher (state bird) in a nearby tree. Analiese didn't realize they have pink chests!

We had so much fun this afternoon decorating our cupcakes - bunny butt cupcakes.
I took care of the frosting and she did the coconut. She snipped the big marshmallows in half and I used a pink cookie marker to draw on the paw prints. They turned out so cute!

The sisters loved them! They loved the surprise inside, too, which wanted to stick to the bottom of the paper cup. We fed them an early Easter dinner of ham, funeral potatoes, and green beans. It was all worth the effort to see them smile and and laugh (at the cupcakes). They work hard; a fun treat was in order!

Friday, March 30, 2018
Analiese took some of the cupcakes to Seminary. No surprise, they were well-received. They're starting to learn that having the Bolton's around brings benefits!

Coming out, we saw the heron out flying over the park...and then we saw another! There must be fish in the pond attracting them.

We took our talking this morning in the neighborhood, enjoying more spring flowers. Our favorite house-on-the-corner has more kinds of daffodils

coming up, some tulips,
and even lily-of-the-valley!
The redbud trees are so gorgeous right now, with bright pink

or fuchsia flowers.
TB Redbud
Dogwood - across town. I haven't seen one since I was in Massachusetts!

We made some friends, too, two kittens in the garden on the corner. I guess they decided we were nice people. I even dared to pet one - it purred! - but I had to keep my hand in my pocket until I could get home and wash it. The last thing I need is a cat allergy reaction on top of my sinus issues!

The Relief Society birthday dinner was tonight. I didn't feel terrific - that sinus headache on the right was back - but figured I needed to go and get to know the sisters in the branch better. We had a taco salad bar, punch, and cake. There was a short program and that was it. I was glad: short, sweet, and nice.

Saturday, March 31, 2018
I had to start my General Conference participation in my car listening through my phone. Isn't technology wonderful? Still, running a TB errand for Ken, I could hear - and sustain - the new prophet and the two new apostles. The Spirit couldn't be restrained even in the car! How I love the Lord and His Kingdom!

My favorite talk today from both sessions was from Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the 70. He spoke of failure and it's necessity for our growth. He's quite the speaker and this is the second talk of his in the last few months that I've really gotten excited about!

Jonathan had to grill some burgers this afternoon for Ken. The men were have a BBQ this evening over at the church before the priesthood session of conference. Ken got home from TB right about 5 o'clock and the two of them left for the church about 5:30 with the dinner starting at six and the session at seven.

Jonathan came back from the session saying he'd received his personal witness of President Nelson during the prophet's talk. That thrilled me...we all have to receive our own witness. I was glad he had his.

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Happy Easter! I love these glorious times when Conference and Easter happen together. The messages from conference always seem to reinforce the testimony of Christ's life and mission.

There have been many changes and announcements these last two days. It's like moss isn't allowed to grow on our rolling stone of the church anymore. There's a vigor in the tones and attitudes as the church leaders have spoken. One spoke particularly about us needing to mature spiritually as he introduced one of the new programs.

The prophet was amazing as he spoke, urging us to draw closer to the Spirit. He also encouraged us to make more room in our lives for more temple attendance...and he announced seven more temples. One is for India, it's first! And Russia is going to get a second! How wonderful!

He was cute, too, in his sense of humor as he announced another new temple...for Utah. His face just crinkled up into a grin as he waiting for the laughs to subside. You could tell he understand and joined in on the fun. He has so much energy and you could really feel him infusing the church with it and his vision!