Sunday, February 25, 2018


If you want my new address, please message me privately!
Monday, February 19, 2018
We didn't get up too early; I think I finally pulled out of bed around 7:15. The birds outside serenaded our wake-up. Nice!

My first order of business was to get the kitchen in order. Of course, it's the biggest, most complex job. the frog! I started by cleaning the fridge - figured I might as well before heading out to grocery shop. Then I made an inventory of the cupboards (not many 😟) to devise how much shelf liner I was going to need.

After lunch, Ken and I went to Dollar Tree and Walmart for house supplies and groceries. It wasn't much, but enough to get us started. At home, I put away our perishables but left the rest out until I could get the shelves covered (and figure out where I was going to put stuff). That took up a huge chunk of time this afternoon. These cupboards all have weird sizes and configurations, making the kitchen into a giant puzzle.

I didn't get it finished. I'll have to do it tomorrow. Instead, I rabbit-sat outside while the kids cleaned their cages. Alice was on her leash connected to the chair I was sitting in. PomPom sat in my lap (occasionally climbing onto my chest or shoulder) as I attempted to brush her coat. She was in need of some serious attention! I told her the birdies were going to love the fluff I was brushing off of her to line their nests!
Here's Pom getting some lovin' on my lap. Note the huge moving box in the background!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The forecast this morning was for rain. I didn't see much driving over to the church for Seminary, but as Analiese was in class, thunder and lightning started. As we returned to the van, the rain began in earnest.

It kept going pretty strongly, morphing into ice in the early afternoon. Ice formed on the back windows of the house and icicles started dripped off the eaves.
Icy eaves.

Ice-covered window pane.

Ice covering the road in front of the house.
When I went to pick up Jonathan from work, people in the parking lot were scraping ice off of their windshields!

I managed to get all the kitchen shelves papered today. I can't say they're all a pretty job, though. Those bottom cupboards in the corner were a bear to do! I did the bottom shelf lying on my stomach!

I started my efforts to assemble the kitchen. I'm not quite done; hopefully I'll finish tomorrow. It's a smaller kitchen, so I have to be creative in my placement of my stuff.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Ken took Analiese to Seminary and I was going to pick her up. Then I got the message...Seminary was canceled and I had to pick her up from Taco Bell instead. Which I did...after I finished my class's studies and the sun rose.

There was a little ice on the road for which I was grateful. But by mid-day, stuff started coming down. Analiese said snow, but this wasn't light flakes; it was small ice pellets - sleet - and it kept coming. By the time I had to pick up Jonathan from work, the roads had become the icy mess I'm terrified of. I drove VERY carefully, like the little old lady I am slowly becoming.

I pretty much finished the kitchen. I'm missing a few things, though. I haven't located a box or two, I think. A drawer fell apart on me, too...not my fault! I've got a call in to the PM here.

But I was actually able to cook a meal tonight, if you consider scrambled eggs cooking. Hey, it's a pan on the stove, not just heating some things up in the microwave. I call that progress!

Thursday, February 22, 2018
There was no Seminary this morning because the roads are covered in ice. Tomorrow's off, too, but not due to the weather. I was a bit nervous this morning, though, because Jonathan was driving to work on the icy roads for the first time.

No more sleet came down this morning, but it did start raining late morning. This melted the roads clear, which made me feel better about Jonathan driving home. He said the car skidded a tiny bit on an empty residential street going to work, but that was it. Whew!

Despite the weather, the birds have been out in force. The little black birds swarmed the yard in the back and the robins' territory is in the front yard. They are brave fellows, sitting on the bush by the porch on on the front step. We've even seen a couple of cardinals flying around the house as well. They are so beautiful to look at!

Friday, February 23, 2018
It basically rained all day today. I left the house around 10:45 to run errands and it was lightly sprinkling. My first stop was the library (this girls needs a card and some books!) and by the time I got out of there, the rain was really starting to come down.

I drove down to the south end of town - popping my head in at Taco Bell to say hi to Ken - to get a pedicure (in the same shopping area). While I waited, I saw the rain grow steadily heavier. It didn't let up. Not when I went back to TB to grab some lunch, not when I went across the busy street to Walmart, and not on the way home. I wondered if I'd have to get my oars out and row the van home!

It eased up some come evening, but by then I was high and dry at home. Just where I wanted to be!

Saturday, February 24, 2018
A thunderstorm woke me this morning, accompanied by another deluge. It didn't last too long so that by the time Jonathan left around mid-day for work, the sun was actually out and shining strong! First time this week.

After lunch, Analiese and I decided to take advantage of the sun and go for a walk. There aren't really sidewalks here, so we resorted to walking on the driest areas, be they street or lawn. At the end of our road are some grazing fields for cattle which we heard, but didn't see. In one field, we saw a road runner!

We walked around the neighborhood, looking to see what we liked about our neighbors' houses. Our favorite is the one on the corner by the railroad tracks, about three houses down and across the road.  The house and outbuildings are fascinating and their gardens have me entranced.

They have hundreds of daffodils in their front planters, pushing up from the ground ready to flower! They have a lot of garden art, too. Do they make it? And apparently they are OSU fans...lots of orange.
They don't know it yet, but we are going to become friends. I have to meet these people!

Did you know the state flower for Oklahoma is mistletoe? Weird, huh? But here in Chickasha, there are many trees loaded with the parasitic plant. Here's one we found on our walk:
When the trees leaf up, you won't be able to see the mistletoe!

Not so romantic up there!

Sunday, February 25, 2018
This Sunday Jonathan wanted to attend the Young Single Adult ward at the Institute in Norman. Ken left earlier for a leaderships meeting, so Jonathan dropped me and Analiese off at the church before heading out to Norman.

I was definitely more awake and aware this Sunday. People I hadn't met last week greeted me. One was a stake high councilman who wished he'd been consulted about my calling. He didn't want me in the Stake, but in the Branch! LOL. Everyone is very happy we are all here. Our records were read in today, too. They didn't waste time.

They didn't waste time in asking me to assist with things, either. On Friday evening I'm driving a group of youth to an activity in Paul's Valley - wherever that is. All I know is that I have two students there and I may see them! Ken says it's at least an hour drive one-way.  I've also been asked if I'd occasionally substitute for Seminary. No real surprise there!

My afternoon and evening have returned to "normal." I worked on studying my Seminary lesson for tomorrow and finishing up my blog for the week (lucky you). Plus, I was able to grill Jonathan on his visit to the YSA ward. Apparently, there are lots of pretty girls there. LOL! He's a very normal young man!

Sunday, February 18, 2018


Monday, February 12, 2018
It took me three tries on my laptop to hook up to my online class this morning. It went smoothly once I did, but afterward, nothing else wanted to work. More internet problems?

I'm still a little light-headed and woozy from yesterday. But my stomach seems to have settled. Shh! I'm still being very cautious.

We're in the wrap-up stages of our move. most stuff that we don't need immediately is gone or packed in the van. Ken went through the garage and I sorted all the keys (this house just kind of breeds them - all weird kinds) to get ready to hand them over to our property manager on Saturday.

The last thing we did today was clean the carpets. I should say, ken did it with Analiese's assistance (she was the go-to girl with the bucket). I wasn't up to pushing around a heavy, water-and-chemical laden machine. I did turn off the heat, open the windows, and set all the ceiling fans whirling. He finished up, and we all left to let it dry.

Analiese and I were invited to spend the night with our ward friends, the Box's. She's from Mexico so, to Analiese's delight, we had an authentic meal. Analiese got introduced to crema Mexicana, Choliula (hot sauce) and lime juice over everything. Me, it brought back some great mission memories. We had family home evening with them and just relaxed. I was glad to have a night where I could spend some time with friends and didn't have to think or worry about moving.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Considering it was a strange bed in a strange house, I didn't sleep too badly. But Analiese and I were up and out at 6:15 a.m., walking through the dark house as the rest of them slept.

After Seminary, we went back to their house to rest and study before heading to the library. The Box's were already gone, busy with their own schedules! Still, I was grateful to come back (I snuck in a little nap) for a few private minutes before going on my busy way!

Day #1 of my last 3 days at work: My primary goal this week is to get as much done as I can. I don't want to leave too much work on my boss's hands. They've been interviewing people for my position, but until they hire and train one, she's got the lion's share of the work!

I had to take my dinner hour at 3:30 this afternoon so as to meet the plumber and square out this problem with the line. He got it taken care of right away (the culprit - clay pipes and a low-water toilet), during which time I went over the house, closing windows, turning off fans, and checking the carpets all over. Verdict? Lookin' good. One step closer, friends. This is really happening!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day! Ken beat me to texting it to each other this morning at 6:00 a.m. (C'mon, why is HE up so early?)He got the card I'd tucked into his clean laundry. He has something for me, but it's waiting for me in Chickasha.

This morning we headed to the library at nine to meet with her teacher for the last time in Altus. Don't worry, he's going to see us in Chickasha. I told him I don't want anyone else. He's worked so hard to get her math scores up and has fought for her in the system. I don't want to give that up!

Day #2 of my last work week.
The Library Director brought Valentine cookies!
I kept trying to work on my books. Everyone kept distracting me with other projects or silly things. My boss bought Analiese her own Squashmallow animal - a panda - and the process was so funny. My boss put it on the corner of her desk, hoping Analiese would say something, which she never did. I kept trying to point it out to her, but she got annoyed...she was busy doing schoolwork! We thought we were going to have to take it and throw it at her head! Finally, we pretty much begged her to go over and read the note my boss had attached. She was thrilled, but seriously, what work just to get it to her!
Analiese sleeping on her panda.

Thursday, February 15, 2018
I knew today would not be easy. Not emotionally.

It started with Analiese at Seminary. Her teacher, in her honor, made breakfast for the class: biscuits and gravy, a line of hot plates! That was amazing, and so sweet!

But that was nothing compared to what I faced at work. I fidgeted nervously before I got there; I fidgeted worse after. They had a nice luncheon of sandwiches, chips, soda and cake.

There were many warm wishes and people I'd invited to join us came.

Still, I had work to do...and I tried. I was easily distracted, I'm afraid. The sister missionaries came by in the late afternoon (I'd invited them) and we sat and talked as they ate for a good bit of time. I jokingly told my boss afterward that she could fire me today!

Both the director and my boss wrote letters of recommendation for me and a gal who's been doing Altus history research for the museum and has been in the back with me evenings gave me a cute metal mailbox that reminded me of my February door decoration!

Saying goodbye as people left for the end of shifts was hard. I cried. I've come to really care for them; it's the end of an era...for me. I expected my boss to be the hardest, but she put me off until tomorrow. She's taking me to lunch. Prolonging the inevitable is more like it!

Friday, February 16, 2018

I think I woke up shortly after eight o'clock. I felt very well-rested. Analiese woke up (with a little help from her mother) at 8:30. After Devotional, she started on her math class and lessons and I got on with a little laundry and wrapping up more.

Ken and Jonathan arrived at 10:45 and the work began in earnest. They made sure that the last minute outdoor work was done: all the trash was picked up and the leaves raked.

I met my ex-boss (now) for lunch shortly after noon. She told me she would start training my replacement this afternoon. Our goodbyes were positive and not very emotional; if she had done it yesterday, I would have. Today, I'm too busy. We are good enough friends now that we will keep in touch (thank goodness for Facebook!) and see each other from time to time.

The afternoon and evening was filled with last-minute cleaning, taking things apart (like beds), and making runs to Walmart for things we need to do so (like tools) and no longer have HERE.

Saturday, February 17, 2018
I can, at least, say that one of the busiest days in memory began with a shower and breakfast. If you call a banana breakfast. Which I do.

We squeezed in Devotional before Ken and Jonathan set out for U-Haul to get the moving truck. Before they even got back, ward members started showing up to help. My final count was at least eight people helping, one of whom cleaned up the dusty mess that was under my bed for me! It was nice because I got to say goodbye to some ward members (cuz I missed them by being sick last Sunday).

All did NOT go according to plan, though. Upon disconnecting the washing machine, we discovered the hot water pipe leaking a lot! The bathtub wasn't draining, either, but this was a bigger problem. We shut off the water and made a frantic call to the plumbers. They showed up just as we got the truck finished, so Ken and the kids went off and I sat waiting for the guys to fix both. They got it done, thankfully, quickly. I had to clean up afterwards, though, and left about an hour behind the others, stopping to drop off the keys at the property manager's.

Things got unloaded fairly quickly, with us and the sister missionaries (I knew they'd be there!). Ken was able to take the truck back before the local U-Haul closed. I just stared at the mess, unsure where to start!

We didn't spend much time on worry, though, but set up the beds and pulled out the necessities from the special boxes I'd packed for to last us through the next couple of days until I get my act together. Then Ken and I headed to Norman to the Institute for the annual "Evening with a General Authority" broadcast and a dinner provided by the Norman stake for seminary and institute teachers and their spouses. They had catered Ted's Escondido (a popular Mexican restaurant chain here) and we really enjoyed getting to know the Norman stake teachers (having mainly known the Lawton stake ones before). Elder D. Todd Christopherson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke about truth. It was a fascinating talk that will leave me thinking and researching for quite a while!

Sunday, February 18, 2018
Church was interesting today, mainly because I was so terribly tired. I could hardly keep my eyes open and by the end of it all, I had a raging headache. Sorry.
Kids walking into the Chickasha Branch building.

The branch (not a ward, too small) members were all very nice. They were happy that Ken finally had his wife with him and apparently he'd been talking. Everyone else in the family had been to the branch before and knew their way around, so I was the only one who needed shepherding!

You can bet, though, that after church, I took my nap! After a little lunch, that is. I hadn't had any protein today and I'm sure that had added to my headache!

I awoke from my nap to find the house strangely quiet aside from the wind that had picked up outside, whistling around the house. Ken was asleep on the sofa, Jonathan was at work, and Analiese was dozing on the floor in her room. If it weren't for the chaos of moving boxes around us, I would have thought it one of those perfectly serene Sunday afternoons!

Ken awoke from his nap and, like a sweetie, he got the dresser set up in the bedroom and put up the dining table. Now I have a place to eat on and work on!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Monday, February 5, 2018
I dragged myself, my laptop, my scriptures and my notes over to the library at 5:45 A.M. so I could do my online video lesson. I also looked over tomorrow's lesson and opened the module for it. I'm actually very grateful for my job and the access to the building when I need this!

We all kept busy-busy today. Ken did a little touch-up painting and I started laundry. After Devotional, we dropped Analiese off at the library to do her lessons for the day and we went grocery shopping. Ken tried working on a plumbing issue under the kitchen sink while I packed some more. Then we went to get a part for the sink, picked up new burners for the stove, dropped off donations at Goodwill, and went to lunch (I liked the last part best). We passed by the library to see how Analiese was doing and dropped off some juice I bought for my boss. Then we went back home to working on stuff - him the sink, me packing and laundry. Then I picked up Analiese, went to the bank, and back home to finish laundry and stuff so Ken could leave at two to go back to Chickasha and wait for the internet people to hook up the house there.

Whew! I'm gonna need a vacation!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The temperatures have dropped below freezing again. There's talk of an ice storm. Gee, I hope not!

One of the problems with it this cold is everything freezing. I don't know if it was the city's sewer system or my pipes but my washing machine backed up dirty water into the bathtub and front toilet plus it spilled over the top of its drainage pipe, onto the laundry room floor and into the back bathroom! This was all figured out just as I was getting ready to leave for work. I mopped up what I could, laid down some towel rags, stopped the washer, and ran out the door.

I tried it again when I went home for dinner. Nope. Same issue. I'm going to have to write out those wet, heavy towels tomorrow and run them through the dryer a few times. Hopefully they're clean enough. Just what I need right now!

We were going to have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Only problem was...I packed my can opener! Have I mentioned that I dislike packing and moving?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Analiese and I spent our morning removing everything that was left in our kitchen cupboards, putting them in boxes or stacking them on the kitchen table. Tonight, the Young Women are coming to clean the cupboards - inside and out. I'm grateful, I hadn't been looking forward to that chore.

Work is a frenzy these days. I'm trying to get as much done as possible in the time remaining so as not to leave it for my boss. They've been looking at resumes and I think they're actually interviewing someone Friday, but they're going to be super-short handed - especially in the evenings - once I'm gone. As much as I sympathize with that, I can do nothing about it. My time has come and I have to go!

It's just me and FD1 again tonight. FD2 called in saying her husband was bleeding from his ear and she was taking him to the E.R. The director (and consequently, her secretary) is not happy about this, FD2 has missed twice in two weeks. We need some solid, dependable people...why is it so hard to get them? This is why I think my boss is so picky about my replacement.

Thursday, February 8, 2018
Seminary was wonderful this morning. I was studying tomorrow's lesson, which focused mainly on Helaman's 2000 stripling warriors. I recorded a comment on it for my students, during which I became so choked up, testifying to my students that they are also valiant warriors in today's fight for righteousness and to not let the adversary tell them otherwise. I felt God's love for them SO strongly. And I love them with all I have, too.

I had little extra rest this morning. Analiese started another online math class this morning. For this one, I even had to purchase her a special calculator. You'd think we'd have figured out a program or app to do that stuff nowadays without resorting to a calculator.

I did not get as much cataloging done today as I would have liked. We were down a person (death in the family) and I had to go up and help at the front desk several times.

Oh, but I processed the funniest children's book today called "The Big Bed."2018-02-08 15.54.27.jpg It's about a little girl explaining to her father why he will not be allowed to sleep in the big bed with her and mommy any more.2018-02-08 15.55.20.jpg Really, it's more of a picture books for adults; it's hilarious.2018-02-08 15.55.27.jpg My boss and I had a great laugh over it!

I'm so tired tonight. I'd like so much to sleep in tomorrow, but there's Seminary, another online math class for Analiese, and more moving stuff to be done. Seriously, after this move, I'm going to take a rest.

Friday, February 9, 2018
Analiese and I dragged ourselves around this morning. We're both super-tired. We both have a lot to do. She had another math class and I had to face the washing machine. Seriously, prayers were involved.

I got two loads done with no issues. I was so relieved. So I did a third load - ironically it was the rags I'd used Tuesday to clean up the overflow then. And it did it again. I think there's a clog in the pipes that can't handle all the water in a big load. So I sat in front of the washer, pulling the plug when the pipe was about to overflow. Then I drained the tub and threw it all into the dryer.

We threw away a bunch of stuff in the alley dumpster, put painting supplies back in the garage, shuffled things around the kitchen so we'd have room on the table for dinner tonight, baked a frozen (horror!) store-bought pie, and made an easy-to-put-together dinner. Oh, and I did Seminary planning for the next two weeks, just to be safe.

The sister missionaries came to dinner. The new sister - Sister McKee - really loved my pens, stickers, and post-its that I use for my planner (which she loved, too). It was dinner in the midst of chaos, but it was a nice break!

Saturday, February 20, 2018
I feel like I got a good night's sleep. That's good, because there's a lot I need to do today! I'm not working at the library today, but I AM working.

RS sisters are coming over to help us give the house a good cleaning. Analiese and I started by taking everything we could off the tile floors to have them swept and mopped first. Then it was the reverse of that, take stuff from carpeted rooms to tiled rooms so we could dust and vacuum. This included cleaning blinds, trim, and baseboards. Masks up! The dust went flying and I think I emptied the vacuum at least twice.

When our first helpers left, Analiese and I took our lunches to the library to sit in the break room and eat (it's too cold for the park) and let the dust settle at home. But sitting down was almost a mistake. Between our exertions and the Benedryl we'd taken, we both really wanted to sleep!

After that it was detail vacuuming and trash removal. We had more help finishing the blinds and cleaning my gruesome tub (from back up mess yesterday). I think we're as packed as we can be until we leave. I've pulled a shoulder muscle from over-reaching and I ache all over. But it's DONE.

Sunday February 11, 2018
It was the Most. Awful. Night. I had terrible pain and bloating yesterday afternoon and evening. I went to bed, chilled, hoping sleep would help. Around midnight it all hit...and it didn't stop for at least five hours. I've never felt so dehydrates or so weak. I was dizzy and headache-y and afraid to sleep. I ran out of medication and guzzled down water and Gatorade.

So Analiese and I didn't make it to church. And, yes, I had goodbyes to say and hugs to give that went unsaid and ungiven. But if life has taught me one thing it's that making plans doesn't necessarily mean being able to execute them.

Ken came around midday, bringing me medicine, more Gatorade, and crackers. He also gave me a well-needed blessing. I felt better in my stomach the rest of the day, but remained weak, tired and still had a persistent headache. Probably symptoms of the dehydration.

Monday, February 5, 2018


Monday, January 29, 2018
Ken didn't make it to the house this morning until after nine o'clock. I wanted to do his laundry for him (and Jonathan), so focused on the grocery list for the week until he arrived. Analiese and I are rather "bare-bones-ing" it, with minimal meals and minimal effort. I have little time to give to it and two nights this week Analiese won't even be home for dinner. Salads, sandwiches, and frozen meals are pretty much our current staples.

We managed to pack the van pretty full with the efforts of last Friday. In fact, Ken couldn't fit everything in there. I was rather proud of that fact! But I have more to do to be ready for next Monday. Our to-do list grows steadily.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
The CES director over our seminaries and institute around here has made a Facebook page for better communicate. Today, we received an assignment. Who's the student here? (Ha-ha) Actually, it's great, hopefully we can accomplish more and share ideas this way.

With my boss out sick, it was no surprise to find a few boxes of new books waiting for me. I texted her this morning and told her to not worry. I've got her back!

Oh, and my mailbox came down sometime Sunday evening - Monday morning. Was it the cheap double-sided tape I'd bought? Was it the weight of the poster board, times two, as I had them going back-to-back? Was it the outrageous heat we have in the library? I don't know, but I taped them up again with something sturdier (not double-sided), arranged the poster board on both sides of the glass, and crossed my fingers. Not as pretty, but hopefully it will hold.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
We sort-of/kinda saw the Super Blood Blue Moon this morning as we went out to Seminary, though it wasn't bloody yet. Analiese caught the tail-end of it's redness just as class ended, but after that the clouds covered it and I didn't see a thing.

My boss is still sick, but feeling better enough to be bored. She texted me back-and-forth for over an hour this afternoon. I teased her that my boss was going to be angry that I wasn't getting work done and was texting my friend all afternoon! Ha! She said I was providing moral support to encourage her healing. At least she hasn't lost her sense of humor!

The mailbox is still on the door. My super tape job held. Today's library temperature has cooled significantly, without us doing a thing. This is so weird!

Thursday, February 1, 2018
I saw the good and not-so-good sides of Altus humanity in a five-minute space on my way to work this afternoon. I had a green light to go straight through an intersection when a guy in a pick-up from the other way turned right in front of me (he was looking at his phone). Little did he realize his truck and/or life was spared by my paying attention and braking in time. Ergh!

The better incident happened as I parked on the side of the library where the employees enter, by the garage. Leaving the car, the wind whipped an important paper right out of my bag! I would have chased after it, but there was a pick-up heading towards me, so I figured it was a loss. Not so...the driver of the pick-up pulled to the side, got out, and retrieved the paper for me! I was extremely surprised...and grateful!

In the middle of cataloging this afternoon, my boss texted me about ILLs (Inter-library loans). I was never taught how to do them; I was specifically told I was NOT to do them! But they are time-sensitive, and with her being sick all week, she needed them looked after. I went tot the secretary, who supposedly knew how to do them, for help. I'll be honest, she did most of it (I guess since I'm leaving there's no point in teaching me?), but it held me up for about an hour. For the secretary...more like two or more!

Friday, February 2, 2018
One of the first things I'm going to need to do after the move is buy some new shoes. They all seem to be falling apart at the same time! To be honest, some of these shoes are at least seven years old. They have "lived" a good life. But to go all at once? And now?

Today I had only myself to help me pack (Analiese did help a little later in the day), so I struggled to stay motivated. It's amazing how much dust eyes, nose and throat were complaining! I didn't want to take extra allergy medicine, though. That would know me out and I'd get nothing done.

The sister missionaries stopped by briefly late afternoon. For a moment my heart stopped - had I signed them up for dinner today? I had nothing prepared! Nope, they just dropped by to chat a little before going on to their next appointment. I was glad for their sweet distraction.

Saturday, February 3, 2018
This is my LAST Saturday working at the library. Next week is my cleaning day with the R.S. at home. I can't believe I'm moving in two weeks!

Six boxes of books greeted me this morning. I had to use the three-shelf cart for them rather than the two! And I had more than one invoice to compare them all against. No lack of work today!

My boss came in today for a few minutes. She had cabin fever like crazy. But she's not up to snuff, I can tell. It's going to take a while for her to get her energy back. I don't think she's going to be ready for a full eight-hour day come Monday. We shall see.

I was all alone by myself again this evening. Analiese went with the youth up to Norman for a tri-stake dance. I guess Ken was driving kids up from Chickasha, so he was there, too. He promised not to hover or glare at boys who were too attentive! The internet still wasn't working, so I spent my time working on a few projects and chore before heading for bed to try and sleep without anyone here. 😢

Sunday, February 4, 2018
I tried to sleep, but couldn't really until Analiese came home, sometime after midnight. I mean, I was in bed, with my eyes closed and everything. Just no daughter, no sleep. Then, after I went to sleep, I came to at one point to realize Ken had come home and was in bed. I wasn't expecting him until Sunday afternoon!

So I was sleepy in church. With the internet at home not working, I spent my Sunday School hour in the clerk's office (bishop's idea) to work on my Seminary lesson for tomorrow. If it isn't up by tomorrow morning, I may have to go to the library early and use their wifi so I can have class!

I got a goodbye gift today from a sister in my ward (the one I did the tree of life with and the prickly pear jam). It was a set of measuring spoons shaped like hearts. The best part of it was when she said, "I cannot measure all the love I have for you!" I told her I wasn't ready to cry yet!

This evening there was an open house at a ward member's for ourselves and another family that's moving around the same time we are. It was very nice (though the guys were all gathered around the TV for the Super Bowl)
Panorama shot of the guys at half-time!
and I was glad to see and talk with some of these wonderful people we've gotten to know these last four years. They've been such a blessing in our lives!