Sunday, September 24, 2017


Monday, September 18, 2017
We had a raucous thunderstorm last night and an actual gully-washer this morning. By the time I left the house to pick up Analiese from Seminary, the house was surrounded by a swamp! Driving to the church and back was tricky because the water came up through almost both lanes on each side of the street. The corner where I turn to come home at Broadway and Navajo was completely covered!

I guess this means no house painting today. Rats!

I got my birthday package from my bestie ME today. I didn't care that it's really for tomorrow...I needed the boost NOW! Seven books, a journal, a biscuit cutter, cute mini kitchen tools and two mint truffle bars later
...I felt so loved! By the end of the day, I'd read a snippet of nearly every book!

On account of the rainy day, I made some chicken and rice soup (a new recipe). This is the first "soup of the fall." It smelled and tasted great.
But one batch didn't make much, as demonstrated by Jonathan who had three bowls!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017
It is my birthday today. I am now old. 50. Half a century. Brother.

I started today with a 5:30 alarm because I was subbing in the Altus Ward Seminary class this morning. Yes, Analiese finally had a Seminary lesson from her mother. She said I did fine. One of my old students complained about their current teacher, but I reminded her that everyone has a different teaching style and has much they can learn from! I certainly don't want to get into that kind of an issue! The current teacher is called and set apart for them now, not me. I have my own class to deal with, thank you very much!

Analiese gave me a necklace as a gift that she's made at the family reunion in Oregon.  It is very pretty. Jonathan gave me a nice picture from for our most recent family photo and a large bag of pistachios. Ken texted me birthday wishes and said we'd do something next week. Plus I got phone calls, texts, and Facebook greetings from many friends and loved ones. Thanks, everybody!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
It was another extra-early morning today to sub in Seminary. We had a great discussion that nearly everyone contributed to at the end. I like that!

Analiese is enjoying - for the most part - her EPIC high school classes. Today she had to do a slide presentation on Ancient China. She was very interested and involved in learning about it and in assembling her slide show.  She likes to be creative. Sound like anyone you know?

She made French toast for dinner tonight. She did a good job and it tasted great. She added a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, not going overboard. She's become quite the little cook!

Coming home from the library, I was treated to quite the light show. No thunder, no rain, just clouds filled with lightning headed east. Jonathan texted me on his way back from Lawton that he had a good view of it!

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Not having to get up at 5:30 made 6:00 almost feel like sleeping in! Since I still had to leave with Analiese a little earlier to let her teacher in. I still had his keys.

For my class today, I was able to spend about twenty minutes over the phone trying to help a family operate the online Seminary site. I think the mom got it by the time we finished. I hope so - that family has two of my students!

I finished cataloging all the books I had on my cart this afternoon. This left me time to start sorting withdrawn books by genre again.

Friday, September 22, 2017
I had an utterly delicious "lie in" this morning. You may not think 7:30 is sleeping in, but to me, it was the height of luxury! No alarms. Sweet!

I took Jonathan over to the Highway Patrol office and then to the Tag Agency (think DMV, only much better) to get him his driver's permit. He has to have that for at least thirty days before he can get his license. He happily drove home. Then a little later he drove me and Analiese to Burger King for lunch. It's attached to the EZGo gas station at the end of town and they've been doing a renovation on it, so the place, including the parking lot, is a mess. That's okay. It was good practice for him.

The remainder of the day was filled with laundry, Seminary study, and dinner prep. Jonathan had purchased me a copy of "Hocus Pocus" because ever year I'm looking for it online around Halloween time. So I indulged myself this evening in ushering in the Fall by watching it.

Saturday, September 23, 2017
I knew I was down a person due to illness at the library today. That left three of us to hold the fort. Fine. We can make that work.

Except...FD2 decided not only to be coming back late from lunch (I had okayed a little bit late), but NOT COME BACK AT ALL! Her father called fifteen minutes after she was supposed to be back, saying she had problems (car?) and he was going to check it out. I told him she HAD to be back here by 1:00 p.m. After the call, I heard nothing for the rest of the day (yes, she has a phone).

This threw everything off. I watched the desk so FD1 could have her lunch (under the assumption that FD2 would have been back long before the other one returned). Then I ran home (unfortunately it left her alone at the library, but what was I to do?) for ten minutes to pick up Jonathan from home so he could help me with the Lego builders group at 3:00 p.m. That was the only break I got!

I was so exhausted by the end of the day! However, I was so extraordinarily grateful for Jonathan's help. It was really cute watching him help a little boy
(the group was ages 3-7) build a "house." I think a little hero-worshiping was going on.  The activity was successful and we had six kids. Here's a showcase of all they worked on (the apple tree in the middle was my contribution!).

The Women's session of General Conference was tonight. I was too tired and my feet hurt, so I didn't want to go over to the church. Analiese was okay with that. Thank goodness for BYUtv! I did enjoy the conference, just even more in my own home on my sofa!

Sunday, September 24, 2017
There was a Linger Longer after church today. Someone decided to bake brownies in the oven during the last hour of church. The Relief Society room is only a few doors down from the kitchen. It was an excruciating hour!

I took a salad. With me working (especially as crazy as yesterday was), I just don't have time for making anything complicated. So I made taco salad, more of a kid-pleaser, but still healthy. I even "made" my own dressing by mixing Ranch with salsa. Hey, it tasted great.

The sister missionaries came by for water refills this afternoon and got to meet Ken. Yes, I actually do have a husband! They were cute, as usual, calling me their best friend. I truly am a friend to the missionaries, with all my heart!

Monday, September 18, 2017


Monday, September 11, 2017
After two days of peace in my lower GI, we're back to square one. The stomach pain is back, along with the headaches, weakness and dizziness. Are we back to last Wednesday? I REALLY need to be over this!

The sister missionaries came over this afternoon to see me. One, because I wasn't there Sunday and they missed me. Two, because one is being transferred on Wednesday and wanted to see me one more time. They are so sweet and their spirits energize me and my testimony!

There was a bat flitting around our backyard this evening. Since this has been such a summer for bugs, I wasn't too surprised to see it. If I'd know they'd come around, though, I might have put up a bat house for them! As it was, I saw a neighborhood cat staring at it, too. I chided the cat, "You leave that bat alone, hear me?"

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
This is getting soooooo boring. Shall we recap?

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Body Ache
  • Diabolic G.I.
I have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow at 2;30. Not that I really think he'll be able to do much. I probably just have to ride it out...but it's sure a big wave!

I tried to go to work. They kicked me out and sent me home and are waiting to hear what the doctor says tomorrow. I really need to work, but apparently a third personal has fallen ill. They're just a bit nervous.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
My G.I. was all bark and no bite last night. Which meant it kept me up for a bit, but it was painless.

Since my doctor's appointment isn't until 2:30 and I need to do whatever I can to feel better, so I went back to bed and slept for four more hours. Being that I'm sick, this can't be a bad thing.

Eating-wise, I had a protein shake for breakfast and a banana with Powerade (change-up, it was on sale at Walmart) for lunch. Right now the thought of crackers makes me nauseous.

At the doctor's they made me wear a mask
until results came back from the flu swab test. It was only a ten-minute wait, but I felt very self-conscious. It came back negative, so apparently that meant I wasn't contagious because they told me to take off the mask. The doctor figures it's a virus and he can do nothing for it. Rest and fluids. What I was already doing. Ride it out. Sigh.

I did go to work for a few hours at the library tonight. I was feeling tired and ragged by the end. But at least I could work.

Thursday, September 14, 2017
I actually felt better today. Still a little tired, but everything else has gone away. I am tentatively positive about this. Erring on the cautious side, I took a short nap.

Analiese needed clay for a project for her art history project. Why don't they give me a heads up so I can assemble what I need BEFORE the day of the project. I had to borrow some Playdough from the seminary closet. If there wasn't any there, I would have asked the HL if she had some. She has every craft supply imaginable!

I worked the whole day today with no more fatigue than a normal day. Everyone said I looked better from even yesterday. Cross your fingers, knock on wood, whatever. Things are looking up!

Friday, September 15, 2017
This is the first day in a couple of weeks that I haven't had a nap. We'll see how that affects me.

It's a very busy day. I had more Seminary stuff to work on because I'm subbing in the Altus class for two days next week. I've decided that one of those lessons will also be used for my online live class on Monday, doing double-duty and cutting down on prep work.

Jonathan had behind-the-wheel lessons this morning, but after that we went to Walmart to get stuff for tonight's dinner and to (try and) get paint for Monday (YAY!). They didn't have the light base for the color I finally chose, but I called Ken and he picked it up at the Chickasha Walmart.

The sister missionaries came over for dinner, one of them being new. I made pork chops with apples, Amish noodles, salad, and totally-from-scratch chocolate cake (with Jonathan's assistance). We haven't had a nice sit-down home-cooked meal in a while so we appreciated it!

Saturday, September 16, 2017
I started my work day doing some machine/technology/computer inventory in preparation for an audit next month. I did it out front and on the floor for that hour before the library opens so I wouldn't be in the way of patrons, especially since computer access is one of our more popular options. There's still the back, the offices, and the garage to be done, but like Rome, this won't happen in a day.

I feel completely justified/vindicated. This past week, having sold all the genre boxes on the table on the floor, the library staff got generic boxes of books and put them out. Not a one of them moved. So this morning I replaced them with my genre box collection and sold nearly all I had - about six or seven! In ONE day. We have so many books to get rid of, we have to sell them and my way works. Though now it means I need to sort some more. I kind of ran out of what I had.

Sunday, September 17, 2017
At the last minute, before leaving for church, I was asked to sub for the Primary chorister. I grabbed a piece of posterboard, some yellow star sticky notes, and some little stickers. The Primary is getting close to having their program, so I did a review, writing each song on a star. Then, while the kids sang, I gave them stickers to place around that corresponding star. It worked really well for the Junior Primary, but only so-so for the Seniors. They tend to get cynical about singing time the later we get in the year.

However, the best part was in Senior singing time. Our last song, "I Know That My Savior Loves Me," is very spiritual. I asked them to sing their testimony, especially at the chorus. Oh, the Spirit was so very strong! "I know He lives! I will follow faithfully! I give my heart to Him. I know that my Savior loves me!" It literally made me weak in the knees, it was so powerful!

But I did sing my voice out. After church I was squeaking. You can't say I don't put all my energy into these things!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

TMI...but if you really want to know...

Monday, September 4, 2017
Labor Day: no Seminary + no work = Sleep in! I did, too, deliciously, until 8 a.m. My day is made already!

Jonathan and Analiese helped me with my Seminary social discussion this week by debating Marvel vs. DC comics. It was silly and fun. I hope the kids enjoy it.

Ken had help with the house this afternoon from a brother in our ward and his father-in-law who was visiting from Mexico. This meant we got to practice our Spanish, something Ken adores. The FIL was pleased to have a conversation he could understand. He was very sweet and I spent some time practicing and chatting with him. Especially as he came in to beat the heat; temperatures have rising lately.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Today was a video lesson day for Seminary because of Labor Day yesterday (Did I say "day" enough for you?) I had eleven students, so that wasn't too bad, considering.

Analiese had to be at the library at nine this morning to take a pre-ACT test. This was to see how she stood and where her weaknesses lie so they can work on it for her to take the real thing next year. Her teacher said it would take her four-five hours and she wasn't to get upset because she probably hadn't encountered too much of it - especially science and math. Well, she completed the test in under two and a half hours and aced everything, including science, excepting math and even that wasn't too bad. She was so relieved and I was happy for her. She won't have to do too much extra study to prepare for it. I think she is going to do well in high school and adjust quickly to college, when the time comes.

Let's work I unpacked five boxes of books (about 72-75 total), cataloged six more DVDs plus some large-print books, re-organized my book label collection, and helped my boss go over the book order inventory list. Busy day.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
I had a rough night. I spent most of it in the bathroom with horrific stomach cramps.

So this morning I awoke feeling rather flat. Like a zombie, except zombies wouldn't feel dizzy, headache-y, and have the need to be near a bathroom at all times. This meant that after Devotional, I went to bed and slept it out as much as I could until 11 a.m., when I got a shower with the intention of going to work.

By 11:30 I realized that wasn't going to happen. The zombie feeling wouldn't stop and I still had a very close relationship with my commode. I reluctantly called in sick.

And spent the rest of the day on the sofa or in bed. I ate toast and crackers and drank a lot of water or Gatorade. I vegged out until I dragged myself to bed for the night at nine, praying for a better day tomorrow.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
I slept through the night with no nocturnal toilet visits! I was a little tired, but there was no dizziness, headaches or cramps!

To be on the safe side, I took a short nap in the morning. Then I jumped in the shower.

Like a stalker, waiting in the shadows for its victim, it hit me. I am grateful that my toilet is but mere feet from my shower. I groaned, but took some medicine, crossing my fingers that this was just a final shot.

No such luck. I was ready to walk out the door to go to work when it hit me again, this time adding the cramps back in. What am I supposed to do? I called my boss...again. Apparently there's a nasty stomach bug going around and lucky me found it.

Back to bed for a three hour sleep (really too long to call a nap). Veg day #2 - no bueno. 😖

Friday, September 8, 2017
Today's illness analogy is brought to us by the Great Plague. I am waiting to see if the death carts are going to pick me up and cart me to an unknown mass grave. However, I am not to the point of blaming rats yet.

I continue to feel dragged out. I thought I'd try to get a pedicure I really needed. I hadn't been ill in the night. So I went, no problem. Decided to go get gas since the van was nearly empty (those prices were enough to make anyone sick to their stomach!) and that was okay. Well, as I got back the house, a Pepsi truck was on the road in front of my driveway and I was feeling hungry. My stomach was saying it's hungry, so I figured a small trip to McD's for a late breakfast sandwich with OJ. Right, some real food!

BAD IDEA. It didn't take 30 minutes and I was home and sick all over. Stomach is stupid. I hate crackers and Gatorade.

Saturday, September 9, 2017
The last time I was overtly ill was yesterday morning. No stomach cramps, either. Just fatigue and dizziness and my left eye keeps twitching?  I'd missed so much work, I figured I go in, work quietly and gently (not too fast or eager) in the back, rest on my lunch break and make the day go okay.

I lasted three hours. I made myself last three hours. By then I had stabbing upper stomach pains, felt dizzier and wanted to sleep. My co-workers said I looked like death and persuaded me to go home. Which I did after a Walmart run for - you guessed it - more cracker and Gatorade...with a little soup thrown in for good measure. I even went home and ate some of it. It sat heavily for a while but, no rejection.

Then I slept. And repeated the last few days ritual. This is boring, but I haven't been able to do much else.

Sunday, September 10, 2017
Progress! I had a banana for breakfast.

I threw up the white flag of defeat today and only left the house to drop the kids off at church. It's been the bed or the sofa all day. Ken came home to find me groggy from the latest sleep-fest. I still have stuff to do, sick or not. Like this blog. Pray this thing goes AWAY!

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Monday, August 28, 2017
Still not feeling super awesome. But that doesn't matter. Mondays are too busy to be sick.

Like my online class, every Monday at 6:00 a.m. Today I had fourteen students, including one who listened over speaker-phone. Luckily the siblings pair up on the computer, so I don't have fourteen screens to try and make heads of.

Ken and Angel Cousin worked outside again; sanding and weed-whacking. The time has come to select pains and get ready to paint the house. I'm really praying we can get this house on the market before the end of September!

Before sending Ken back to Chickasha, I cut his hair (reality: clippers) and made sure he had another piece of his birthday pie, cuz goodness knows, if he left it, one of the child-locusts would devour it! I'm proud to say, he really enjoyed it.

Confession Time: I generally write in my journal during the week and transcribe most of it into my blog come the weekend. Well, after Monday, my journal went missing and I wasn't feeling well enough to really search for it. And I don't play catch-up - if I didn't write down Tuesday on Tuesday (Wednesday on Wednesday, you get it), I don't go back. As tired and not feeling awesome as I was this week, this means everything is kind of a blur. But I'll try and give some highlights.

Tuesday I muscled my way through all of my book orders (about 30) so that I could spend the rest of my week at work sorting through withdrawn books to put them in their genres to sell. We sold all seven boxes I put out last week and I interpreted it as a good sign. We have to get rid of them, there's no room for them and they're either going to fall over and knock somebody cold or crowd us out to where we have nowhere to move. Or they could catch on fire, which is my own personal anxiety nightmare. Plus, I know the HL is pulling more books and we've got to have a place for them! Aack!

Wednesday, about halfway through my work day, I received a nice surprise. the LD had seen my desk chair leaning over drunkenly (note: the chair, not me) and decided I needed a new chair. So she sent me out to a local office furniture place (yes, we have one) to pick one out. Me! Pick out my own chair! Their money, my chair! Sweet! I don't think I even took half an hour. They delivered to the library while I was on my dinner break, and I came back to my new sweet seat.
I wrote the LD a nice note, I was very and my back!

Thursday, I had another reprieve for my back in the name of Jonathan. His bike tire had gone flat earlier in the week and he'd have me drop him off to work in the morning. Then, he'd walk to the library at the end of his shift and come home with me on my dinner break. Yesterday, I'd had him move a few boxes for me. Today, I made plans...and so did my boss! We moved a bunch of boxes (not just books, some computer equipment), to which I rewarded him with a large soda from the gas station down on the corner. Even the LD was impressed with his willingness to help.

Friday I got my haircut first thing in the morning. I should have taken a picture (but didn't) of the little rings that formed on the floor immediately after she'd cut them off. It's amazing how much my hair curls. Now that it's shorter, the curls don't get pulled out as much. Looks better, not so dragged out.

I also took Jonathan to get a new innertube for his bicycle. I guess this means no more library manual labor. Pity. I was enjoying it!

I chose a paint color for the house, too, though I didn't start loading those 5 gallon buckets onto my cart just yet. The color is the one here on the bottom: Bonjour Beige (tres chic!).
It is close enough to the original color; just a little darker, but will fade in time. I'm good with color so I feel good about that.

Saturday I didn't even mess with boxes of books, instead I focused on two boxes full of DVDs that HL and my boss found in the garage on Thursday (with Jonathan assisting). Apparently the movies had been donated THREE YEARS AGO and HL had stashed them there with the intention of merging them into our cataloged collection out front. Yeah. So I started in on them. Out of 150-200 videos, I got cataloged...12. Yep. It's not so easy as you might think. If I can pull the information off of them from a collective library website, that works nice and smooth. But only two did that. The rest I had to do original cataloging...which means from scratch. That takes a bit of time, especially since I haven't done a whole lot of them before and I still go a little slowly.  It's a long term project, with books in between.

This was where I found my journal: On the end table, by the sofa. Not even really covered up. But apparently I hadn't looked very hard. Hey, at least it's found!

Today (Sunday), I felt well enough for all of church, with just a tiny headache at the end. Ken had come up from Chickasha last night, so we were all able to go together. It's been nice to have the whole day together.