Sunday, April 30, 2017


Monday, April 24, 2017
100% class attendance this morning, though only 50% were awake. You have to take Mondays as they come sometimes!

Ken and I tried to buy paint for the bathroom today at Walmart. But they were all out of the blank tint they needed to make the very pale grey-blue I wanted. Rats! I really need to get a-movin' on this project!

The kids and I didn't walk around the reservoir this evening. My heel hurt and I wasn't feeling good - head-achy and blech! Analiese wasn't feeling super, either, with a sore throat. I hope we're not coming down with anything!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
I don't think Analiese was thrilled at the assignments I gave her for today. But we've got to get everything fixed and cleaned up if we want to sell the house. Plus, she's still got to study some math (to keep it fresh in her brain) and learn how to take notes. And it's not good fort her to be idle all day!

This made her happy, though: she got a package today, just for her! It was from Ken's Aunt Cathy. Analiese is going with her to a family reunion in Oregon (with some time in CA, too, to visit other family) in July. Well, Cathy sent her a large duffel bag with her name on it! It is blue (her favorite color) and green...very cute.
What a fun idea! She immediately said, "I can take it to camp(s) as well! No one else there will have that name!" No honey, you're one of a kind in every way!

More audiobooks are on my cart. This week I don't believe I'll be facing the problem of nothing to do. My back was killing me from sitting in the chair for most of my day, so I adjusted my desk to the standing position. Now that I've figured out how to work it...

Okay, I think I should be flattered. This may be a sign of their extreme confidence in my ability to hold the fort. Head Librarian and Library Director are out of town at the Oklahoma Library Convention. The other two day desk people left at 6:00 when I came back from dinner. It's just me and the used-to-be-new gal and the brand-spankin'-new gal. Cross your fingers and pray it's a calm night!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Yesterday's weather hit 92 degrees at its hottest, even though the majority of the day was overcast. Last night there was a very little bit of rain, but this morning was comfortable, not too humid, and clear. Going out to Seminary, I didn't need a sweater and I had short-sleeves on my blouse. By the time I got out of class, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped into the low 50's. Yes...a 40 DEGREE DROP! It was cold! I really don't know how to dress this time of year; the weather never seems to make up its mind.

I spent most of my time at work before my dinner break working on ten children's books. Nearly 4 hours to process, label, and cover them. I think they are my trickiest, most painstaking work! But my boss said I got them all right. Woo-hoo! Next is making sure I get the audiobooks down pat.

I forgot to do my "book review" last week so here's two of my favorites from this week. The first is my absolute favorite: Escargot.
He's a little French snail who wants two things: to be someone's favorite animal and to get to a salad on a picnic table. He's funny and, for a snail, absolutely adorable. Here's my favorite page:

The second book is Priscilla Gorilla.
All I'm going to say about this book is this is the book that would have been written years ago had Analiese gone to school. Only it might have been about sharks. Just sayin'.

Thursday, April 27, 2017
By Thursday, my week and schedule have caught up with me and I'm dragging. A poor night's sleep last night didn't help today, either. So I took an hour nap and felt completely recharged. I highly recommend it!

Work was pot-luck today. I cataloged some audio books, worked on removing Hollis library's withdrawn books from a national database, changed the status of last year's school reading program books to normal, and swapped out two new donated books for their old, worn counterparts on the shelves. Still, I feel good!

Jonathan worked from mid-day until 8:30, so Analiese had to come with me to the library. It's the first time in over a month and she didn't protest. She did, however, find a book, snuggled down in a comfy-ish library chair, and read to her heart's content.

Friday, April 28, 2017
The kids and I headed out to Chickasha today as I'd promised. We saw Ken at Taco Bell and had lunch there. Then we went to the house and did some needed work: vacuuming, putting boxes in our storage area, and shelving books (so I can reuse the bags I put them in). Then the kids spent some quality time with the bunnies. I don't know if Alice or PomPom have missed us, but we have missed them!
Kids watch Alice frolic.

Pom likes to get on top of things and have a look around.

Pretty iris in our back yard!
I even took PomPom out on the back porch to give her a good grooming and brushing. She's been shedding her winter coat.

We stopped over at the local Walmart (bigger than the Altus one) to get that bathroom paint I needed. Analiese needed some jeans, too, so since we were there... It's right across the road from the Taco Bell, so it wasn't hard to find. There's a lot in that specific area, just off of the highway.

Then we headed back to Altus with a stop in Lawton first. We went to Hobby Lobby for craft supplies for Analiese that she has to take to the Norman Stake's Girls Camp. I had to go to Sam's, too, it's almost a given. But the ride home from there was dreadful! I was SO tired and between the warmth of the day and the sameness of the road, I wanted to doze off! I rolled the windows down and cranked up the music, and made it home in one piece. But, oh! It was hard!

Saturday, April 29, 2017
There was a big thunderstorm last night and this morning. The wind was blowing sheets of rain when I got up and I wondered which route to work would be less flooded. Jonathan went with me and when I went on lunch break, I took him to his work.

So we swam to the library and, upon opening the back door into the garage area, we were bombarded with the klaxon of the fire alarm! That was a first for me (and for our poor new person - her first Saturday!), but I had instructions on my cubicle wall. I dropped all of my stuff on the desk, tore down the instructions, and got to work! I shut off the alarm, called the police who sent the fire department, and called the Head Librarian. I had Jonathan stand guard at the front door, to let in the fireman, while I coordinated coworkers on procedures. Big problem, though. The alarm box was lit on Zone 3 - but what was Zone 3? It was embarrassing to not be able to tell the firemen, though they assured me that most businesses don't know. I had to call the HL back - she didn't know - and she called the Library Director - SHE didn't know! There was no map or instruction sheet or anything! The firemen (mostly older fellows, the younger ones may have been cute - that's for you, Dee - but they looked like kids to me!) reset the light and it went out. They checked all over the building and didn't see anything. The only thing we could figure was that the lights aren't working in the women's restroom, probably because of the storm, which may have set off the alarm. I was maybe expecting some power issues because of the building, but this definitely pumped my adrenaline and woke me up!
They sent THREE fire trucks!

Fire gear around the front desk.

Sunday, April 30, 2017
It's super-windy this morning. There's whistling and shaking all around the house and I wondered if there would be debris flying around. Going to church, I could see branches and stuff strewn everywhere. It stayed this way pretty much all day, interspersed with light sprinkles. I think it affected me personally, because by mid-church my right ear was aching and by the late afternoon my throat hurt. Ken said the wind pretty much pushed him all the way home.

One of my students' sister complained today that "all the good teachers leave before she gets to them." This referred to her attending Seminary next year and me moving! I laughed but it was bittersweet. I would love to stay and teach. Plus...the Book of Mormon! How could I not get the chance to teach it!?!?!?! That's probably the biggest bummer, besides not being able to teach one student for her senior year, after having her for the past three years. We've gotten close, and I will miss her.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Monday, April 17, 2017
No Seminary today. It's the last day of Easter break. I got to sleep in! 😊

Just so you can see how busy my life can be, here's my three basic lists for this week. They're on sticky notes so I can set them up every week and put them in my planner.

I proved myself fearless (or at least less fearful than my son) when a large wolf spider was found in a pile of rags by the washing machine. I truly believe the critter was more scared of us because, while I left him alone at first (Jonathan having freaked out at it's discovery), later I found it scurrying across the dining room carpet. I think it was frantically trying to find a way out. I helped it, trapping it under a glass, but I didn't take it outside without a couple of documentary photos, of course.
But it was funny to see Jonathan jump and yell!

Ken and Jonathan cleared out the front bathroom today, removing all the baseboard and trim. They also began dusting and cleaning off the walls. Now I need to find some paint - pick a color, really. I'm considering a seafoam green or a very pale blue with a touch of gray in it. Something very neutral.

Kent also went to help with the Eagle project of one of my students this afternoon. Considering how many hours he works in Chickasha, plus coming home to work on stuff here, I feel bad about him traveling back and forth. But he wanted to go help, so - bless him - he did.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Greeting me this morning in the bathroom and laundry area were some tiny specks (and I mean teeny tiny) of ants. Lovely. Also, there was another spider (an ant wrangler?) though not nearly as hefty as the big boy from yesterday. Hoorah, my house is an insect menagerie!

My boss checked my work from the weekend and those audiobooks I was so nervous about. They were all okay! Yay, I actually did them right! They have extra steps from regular books, so it made me a little anxious.

Not many books arrived in the mail yesterday or today; I hope we get more this week or I won't have much to do. I have a couple of side projects, but when they're done, then what?

Jonathan started back up at Walgreens today. He was gone by the time I got home from Seminary and was waiting for me by the car (with a self-satisfied smirk) when I left the library for dinner.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
It was one of those mornings: I had a headache and could hardly stay awake during devotional. Nap time! After that, I felt refreshed and ready to go!

It was jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes day for me and my boss at the library. We went out into the creepy garage in order to inventory at least two decades-worth of computer equipment. In many ways it was a blast from the past! I remember many of the old machines and companies from other jobs and computers I've used: Okidata, dot matrix, floppy discs. I filled up three pages of inventory of monitors, towers, printers, etc. That didn't include the keyboards and mice that we didn't count!

It was nasty, dusty work, which made it hard for me to call her in the evening near closing time. She goes home when I go to lunch/dinner and she was going to shower and take some asthma medication! But our library system software froze - both in the back and the front - around 8:30. She did come in, poor dear, and agreed with my diagnosis (not the internet, the program), but all she could do was wait till morning to call them. I try very hard to figure things out without having to call her in, but this was out of my hands. I felt bad having to do it.

Thursday, April 20, 2017
At home after Seminary, as the morning progressed, the wind picked up and the sky grew darker. gave us a 30% chance of rain. I think that 30% is on it's way!

Then, it only spat and sprinkled. What a letdown!

We received only one book from UPS today. Like that'll keep me busy Saturday! Luckily, my boss has been working on a bunch more audiobooks for me. That WILL keep me occupied!

The HL told one of the front desk gals (not the new one, but the young one who replaced The Dude) that she was being "let go" today, but offered to let her stay on until the end of the month. They've already hired and have been training her replacement. The young gal was understandably upset and went home, so it was just the other gal and me in the evening until the HL came at a quarter to nine to help us close. The gal and I were fine; she is very nice and works well. But I do feel sad for the young gal!

Friday, April 21, 2017
There was a little rain last night: the streets are wet. But if there was a thunderstorm, I slept right through it!

Today looked to be sunnier, but about mid-morning things got dark and drizzling. Oh well, a little here, a little there - it's better than nothing!

Analiese and I had a busy day. We did laundry, made cookies, and cooked rice and chicken. Yes, together! She learned a few things and she does like to cook.

I delivered some of the cookies to my boss at the library - she gave me a big hug. It was her suggestion to make oatmeal cookies (I put Craisins and walnuts in them), so it was only fair I gave her some. While there, I unloaded all of my old homeschooling curriculum to a patron there. One thing to check off my moving list!

Then I got a pedicure, went home, assembled the casserole (sister missionaries are coming to dinner), worked some on next week's Seminary, went out and delivered more cookies to a sister in our ward and picked up Jonathan. Went home, put the casserole in the oven. Whew!

Not done! A guy came by to look at our too-huge-for-our-tv entertainment center that'd I'd posted for sale on an Altus FB group. He came back with a guy, a pickup and money (yay!) just as the sisters pulled up for dinner. But that's another thing to scratch off my moving list! My living room is looking larger without it.
I'm feeling good!

The sisters loved the casserole and the cookies (you didn't think I gave them ALL away?) and we had a great discussion on overcoming/facing fears. I left the kids to finish clean up while I finished Seminary and then we all flopped down in front of the tv to watch something light and funny. I'm exhausted, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot. BUSY DAY!

Saturday, April 22, 2017
The young gal isn't going to stick it out to the end of the month. She decided it would be too embarrassing. Poor dear.

I spoke too soon and I imagine my boss laughed yesterday. We got a big delivery of books. Plus, being down to three people again, I had a plenty busy day! And no, I didn't finish them all. They take time, if you want it done right!

After work I took the kids to the new video store in town to look for a good movie to rent. I'll be honest, the place is small and cramped, dark and smelly, and doesn't have a great selection. Plus, when the kids chose a movie off the shelf, they couldn't find it in the back.  After a while of them searching, we chose a second one to rent, but I don't imagine we'll be going back anytime soon, other than to return the movie.

Sunday, April 23, 2017
Great sacrament meeting today. All three talks were excellent. I also really enjoyed Relief Society. The Spirit was very strong talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Ken texted me right after church. He was on his way from Chickasha. He's coming home earlier than expected. Good. More time with us!

I did have to pick up a new ward member from her work this evening to take her home. She lives in Blair, ten miles north of Altus, but is moving to here to be closer to her job. Also, she doesn't drive but has a bicycle, another reason to move. But I have no problem taking her home today.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Monday, April 10, 2017
They'd been changing the locks at the church the past week. I had received my key to the building, but not to the library. So this morning it was no TV and no PowerPoint. I recognized today how important a tool is is with my class. I have some students with reading disabilities. It was hard to them to read the tiny quote off of my phone - I sympathize, my old eyes have a hard time, too. So I sent a message to the bishop and got my key. On a positive note, all of my students were in attendance today...that hasn't happened in a couple of weeks!

Today we prepped the bunnies to move to Chickasha with Ken. We need to repair and paint the bathroom they are currently in, so they get to move ahead of the rest of us. They weren't happy to go in their carries and I'm sure they didn't appreciate the nearly two-hour trip to get there. Sorry, buns, time to get a-movin'!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Ken took the van yesterday, so I have the Honda. He took that car last week. Now it smells like Fruit Loops! He had received a sample urinal deodorizer (among other things) from his trip to Arkansas last week and had opened up the deodorizer, thinking it would make the care smell better. Reeks, more like it! He had to remove it for me yesterday because it was so strong when I traveled to-and-from seminary that my eyes watered. Today, it still smells strong!

Work was productive in more ways than one today. I cataloged thirty-two books and my boss says I'm doing better, making less mistakes. Plus, I talked to someone who's going to take all of my homeschooling books. And...I spoke to two different people who are looking to buy a home like mine! I appreciate these shots-in-the-arm of hope. I needed it!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
It was clear in the morning when I left for Seminary. When class was over, though, we were socked in with fog again. That made it difficult/crazy to try and cross the high school-bound traffic to get home.

Of my thirty-two books from yesterday, I only made mistakes in two! That's not bad at all!
My boss is worrying less about my ability; we get along great, too.

On my dinner break, I went to Dollar Tree to get a birthday balloon for the last birthday this Seminary year. Hard to believe, but it'll all be over the middle of next month. Bittersweet.

Jonathan is probably going back to work for Walgreen's temporarily. They basically begged him to come for a bit until his things are resolved. But the Literacy gal at the library loves him and wishes he could be there in the evenings helping her - he resolved some computer issues for her tonight and has been patient with some of her students. In between helping her, he had fun checking out the "treasures" in the back of the library. Here he is sporting a sombrero (and an attitude):

Thursday, April 13, 2017
The rain started coming down after Seminary (never before, weird). It kept going off and on, hard and soft, all morning. It's going to be very squishy wet out there.

Jonathan is working on cleaning the bunny bathroom (floors, walls, etc.) so we can fix and paint it. There are terrible (read: gross & disgusting) rabbit urine stains on the tile. I was so afraid nothing would get them off. The first cleaner did absolutely nothing. I went online to desperately find something. CLR's website said that it would work specifically on rabbit stains. Oh did! I mean, amazingly, with no hard scrubbing. I was so pleased that I emailed the company, something I rarely do. But then, I was grateful.

Waded to work today. My boss and I cleaned off her area for most of the afternoon so it would look like my book processing table (stickers, covers, etc.). Then she taught me how to catalog books on CD. I guess I am ready to be trusted with that!

Friday, April 14, 2017
There was no Seminary today (Easter Breaks), but I still had to get up for a 6:00 a.m. video conferencing inservice. But it didn't want to work, so after twenty minutes of trying, I left to go make some breakfast. Sorry.

This afternoon the kids and I went with the 4H Rabbit Club to the Air Force base. One of the squadrons was having an Easter party for their families which included a bounce house, an egg hunt, and real-live bunnies!

Our rabbits, being in Chickasha, weren't there, but there were more rabbits than handlers, so we were able to help. That was good, because Analiese has been missing Alice and PomPom so much. She held on to male Himilayan for over an hour!

Saturday, April 15, 2017
Here's one of my favorite books that I've processed this week. (There were two non-fictions I'd really love to tell you about, because they were fun and fascinating, but they're gone out already). Despite my love-hate relationship here with children's books, "Be Quiet!" had me chuckling aloud. It's about a mouse who's going to have his very-first very-own picture book...with no words, just beautiful art work. That is, until two other very-talkative mice come in to try and "help" him. The results are disastrous and hilarious. If you feel down, pick up a book like this, it will cheer you right up!

Even with one of the front desk workers out, leaving only three of us in the library, it was still a quiet day and I spent most of my time in the back. Mainly, I spent my time trying to figure out how to catalog books on CD. Even with my notes, I'd still have to have to go on the floor occasionally to borrow an already-processed one to see how it compared to what I was trying to do. It was a painstaking, slow process.

I went right to church after work for the ward Easter party and dinner. It started at 5:00 and I got off work at 6:00 p.m. I managed to get a plate of food made to take home before they cleared off. But I missed the program they had about Easter week.

Sunday, April 16, 2017
The kids weren't really interested in Easter candy this year (Jonathan is trying to eat healthier and Analiese seriously doesn't care). So we gave it all to Ken...who loved it! I did get Analiese a sweet stuffed rabbit, though, since she misses her real ones so much and we won't be able to see them for at least a couple of weeks. She holds it just like she would Alice!

We were invited to have a meal this afternoon with a ward family after church. But they have a dog, which is no good for Analiese. However, they insisted on packing up food for us and we picked it up. The kids loved it. It was very sweet and generous of them.

Ken missed sacrament meeting in Chickasha today because he had to go to OKC to pick up something (drop off something?) for work. And on Easter Sunday! He got to attend the latter part of the priesthood meeting, but was bummed for missing the sacrament meeting. Good thing we had goodies waiting at home for him to try and console him.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Monday, April 3, 2017
Even though I wasn't teaching Seminary today, I was up early and (after a visit to "Donuts and Fried Rice") off to the church to open the building for my substitute. Then I went home for a quick breakfast before Analiese and I ran to Lawton to be there at 8:30 before her 9:00 a.m. state testing for EPIC at a church there. We battled near London-like fog going - I could hardly see a car's-length ahead of me! Trust me, it was very scary and I was going much slower than usual. Fortunately, it cleared up by the time we got to Lawton.

I dropped her off at the testing site and then made my way to Chickasha to take some stuff there. I also made some measurements of certain areas, to see what we can fit where. The bedrooms are not as spacious as our home in Altus. It looks like Ken and I will get the first bedroom (sorry, Analiese) because it has the largest closet!

After my work there, I went back to Lawton to do some shopping (I even did my grocery shopping there), picked up Analiese, and headed home. Lucky me...I get to do it all over again tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Repeat of yesterday morning, minus the doughnuts and plus Jonathan. He went with us to Lawton and with me to Chickasha. He was curious to see the new house. We thought we didn't need the third bedroom when we rented it, but the Lord knew we would, so Jonathan has a room...or will when we finally get there.

We did some more work at the house there, but didn't get very far. See, yesterday was Math & Science testing for Analiese and she used the whole time. Today was English and Writing...her bailiwick.  And since she's doing 11th-grade work and the test was 8th-grade skills, she was done with all of it in an hour and a half! So she had to wait for nearly an hour at the site while Jonathan and I packed up and headed back.

Testing being over (whew!), we fetched Analiese and went to lunch (There's a Five Guys in Lawton now. It's not In-n-Out, but it was still pretty good), and then went home. I got in a little nap (tired from all the back and forth of the weekend and these two days), studied for Seminary, did some needful stuff around the house, and then went in to work at 6:00 p.m. to get in three hours. I had to take off part of the day due to the testing.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Tired or not, there is always something to be done at home. Instead of sleeping the morning away, I settled Analiese into lessons (she has to catch up from all the intense math study) and sat down with Jonathan to do some planning.

I left them both with assignments while I headed to work. Let me tell you about cataloging children's books: I love 'em and I hate 'em. I love the great art and clever stories of the best ones; I have ever since I took Children's Literature classes at CSUF. But they are a bear to catalog sometimes and even worse to cover. They don't often have enough information for our database and I have to go hunting on the internet. And the physical books themselves...there's no standard size, they can have funky shapes, covers, and constructions. Adult books are fairly standard; children's books often take a bit of creativity to work around.

At home, it was Christmas in March. Analiese's EPIC laptop came today (finally) and we got a big (really, too big, you spoil us!) package from Karla, full of games and gifts. We're going to have a lot of fun in the next few weeks learning to play these games!

Thursday, April 6, 2017
I thought setting up Analiese's school laptop would take a good bit of my time this morning. Nope. EPIC had it pre-programmed and ready - just plug in your password and go! Sweet!

Work was work today, though my boss looks terrible. She's not feeling well and it shows. I seriously hope she can get some good rest in this weekend.

I took both Jonathan and Analiese back with me to the library. He's doing some volunteer work for the Literacy people and will probably do some heavy lifting for my boss in the near future (better him than me!). He needs to keep busy. And Analiese? She wasn't happy, but I will not leave her at home alone in the evenings.

Friday, April 7, 2017
Analiese had a dental appointment this morning to have two baby teeth pulled (my children are stubborn about losing teeth). Jonathan and I dropped her off to go run errands...we got a lot done! We refilled water at Walmart, gassed the van, paid a bill, dropped off donations to Goodwill, and went to the chiropractors to figure out an insurance snafu. I felt like we had a productive morning!

Analiese said it felt funny to have her mouth numb, but by evening, it had worn off. Pain? Nope, not really. Good for her. Though I made black bean soup (her favorite) for dinner, just in case.

We were going to have a craft night. We were going to put spacer beads on Analiese's chains that she hangs charms from (she has a lot) so you could see them better, not all bunched up. Problem was, the heads didn't go over the end of the chain. Bummer. Have to think of something else.

Saturday, April 8, 2017
My boss came to see me this morning, mainly to show me how to replace the ink in the book label printer. It ran out Thursday, which kind of stopped what I was doing...luckily it was nearly the end of work. She could have replaced it yesterday, but decided to come in and show me. That was good, I really needed to know how, I just felt bad she had to come in on her day off. She did look better, though. I was happy about that.

Analiese has been invited by the Chickasha branch and the Norman stake to go to their girls camp. I spoke with the YW leader there and she thinks it would be a great idea for her to go and get to know the girls in the branch and stake. She is going to be one busy girl this summer!

This evening the kids and I watched "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" for our Saturday movie night. I had seen it in the theaters with a friend, but my kids hadn't seen it before. I enjoyed it the second time and they seemed to like it. Analiese loves everything Harry Potter, so it wasn't hard pleasing her.

Sunday, April 9, 2017
Ken stayed in Chickasha long enough to go to the branch there. Then he came home here in time for some special visitors. A ward member who's been at BYU-Idaho came down to visit his folks and brought his fiancee...and we had a special visit from them! She's a cute gal and knowing him, she must be a special gal!

Ken's watching the movie now. I had to sit with him during one scene because, when I saw it in the theater with my friend, we both laughed at it and our socially-awkward non-romantic husbands. He laughed at it, too, and agreed it was pretty correct.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Monday, March 27, 2017
Another busy day with Ken home, focusing on stuff needing done around here. I had his laundry to do, plus we went to lunch and shopping - our only chance to be together!  He fixed the front door (again - sorry, Dad!). I packed some things up from Jonathan's room and cleaned off the dining room table.

A family in our ward came today to take the dinner table. We had two tables and really only needed one - why move both? We're keeping the heirloom table from Ken's grandparents. The other was given to us by my grandmother, but it wasn't an heirloom, just a useful table that served her - and us - many years. Now it goes to a serve a growing family. It's nice and sturdy - good for their three boys!

After Ken left to go back to Chickasha and we ate dinner, Analiese and I went for a nice casual walk around the reservoir. The weather was perfectly beautiful and we saw a lot of neat birds. At one point we sat on a swing bench overlooking the water, just talking. It was so calm and relaxing!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Today was a hurry-up-and-wait sort of day for the weather. Everyone kept saying storm/tornado season. I took my rain coat to work...and forgot my umbrella. It was grey skies, then blue skies. Windy, then nothing. The radar would show stuff headed our way, which then conveniently went around us.

I started sneezing shortly before I had to be at work and was pretty miserable the whole time I was there: sneezy, drippy, and then the onset of a sinus headache. Oh joy. But I got a lot done before my lunch break.

The tornado watch alert came on my phone around 3:30. We started watching the weather more closely, then. While I was on my break at home, the library called me. "Don't come back; we're closing now." The storm really didn't hit us until after six, but it hit...with heavy rain, wind and thunder. It looked to be a long, wet night.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
If Analiese hadn't woken me, I would have been late for Seminary again. As it was, it was 6:15 and I had to hustle, shower-less, to the church. It was all my fault; I'd turned my phone off at one point and forget to turn it back on!

It's very damp and mushy outside with off-and-on rain. I hear Lawton and south into Texas and Wichita Falls got hit hard. Apparently in some places they had base-ball sized hail. We got hail so tiny that melted so quickly I wasn't sure it WAS hail. The wind drove the rain so hard into the window that I thought it only sounded like hail.

It rained off and on for most of the day but by the time I left work for my dinner break, the sky was clear and the sun shining. My garden looks very happy right now!

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Early morning library visit to Analiese's EPIC teacher again. Hopefully for the last time for a little while. She took a practice test in math today and we identified some weak point for her to work on between now and Monday.

My boss kept me busy today. I learned about preparing audiobooks for processing. That means taking them out of their cardboard boxes and sleeves and putting them into sturdy plastic ones. It involved a bit of time at the chopping block...I mean the paper cutter! Gotta watch me with those sharp things!

I also learned about cataloging some kids books from a publisher that provides very little information; so you have to go hunting online for it. Plus I processed a few more paperbacks from off the floor. My work table (across from my desk) was piled high!

Friday, March 31, 2017
This was a buckle-down day for Analiese. We spent hours - literally! - going over math, formulas, and some science. I am trying to get her to take notes - the brain-to-hand-to-paper evidence on memory and understanding is staggering! I think we will work on that skill more this summer in preparation for high school studies this fall.

Our rigorous study session was interrupted by her lunch and my taking a short trip to the library to get my paycheck and then to the bank. Then...back to work!

This evening, though, we paused to go to WOSC to see the production of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." I've always been fond of that show. I knew two people in the cast, one in the orchestra, the set director (one of my Seminary students), and the director (who lives in our ward). Several ward members were there to see the show, as well as people I know from 4H and the library. We sure enjoyed it and it looks like the cast had fun. The sets were awesome, Megan! 💗
Cute friend Sarah and Michele, the World's worst selfie taker
Chris Sherlock, he of the best line in the show, with Analiese!

Megan's marvelous desert set.

Saturday, April 1, 2017
THIS IS NO APRIL FOOL'S - I have to pick up Jonathan at the airport today. He's coming home to take care of some things. We're not going to say more about it, so please don't ask or vocally conjecture. He needs all of our love and support. Here's a section from an article in the July 2016 Ensign about suggestions for dealing with an early returned missionary:

For Loved Ones: 5 Ways to Help Missionaries Who Come Home Early

Don’t judge. People who come home early are in the process of healing or fixing something, whether it’s their body, mind, spirit, or even family. Be kind to those who are striving and struggling.
  • Stop asking questions. While it’s genuinely nice to have people care, probing questions can be harmful. Even if you have kind intentions, don’t interrogate an early-returned missionary. Show your love through other kinds of support.
  • Help them stay busy. It’s difficult to adjust from the order and activity of a mission to the downtime and new choices at home. Help them find productive, fun, and wholesome things to do.
  • Let them receive their own revelation. Whether or not missionaries choose to go back into the mission field is between them and Heavenly Father. Encourage them to seek heavenly counsel and trust them to receive their own answers.
  • Be a friend. Most likely, this will be one of the most difficult trials in an early-returned missionary’s life. Many have their faith severely challenged. That doesn’t mean that they cannot be happy or progress, but they need a friend who is willing to love them unconditionally.
  • Thanks for your love and respect. We're going to need that (and prayers) for the next bit.
  • Sunday, April 2, 2017
  • Okay, I don't know why Blogger insists on double-spacing everything now (I think it had something to do with the Ensign article), but I apologize. 
General Conference was an awesome blessing this weekend. Yesterday, because I work in the back of the library and am all by myself on Saturdays, I could listen to the sessions. I was so grateful for that...last October I was really bummed because I missed them and then hurried had to watch them before Seminary on Monday!  I only missed the last talk - Elder Andersen's because I had to leave to go to Lawton.  But it all seemed tailored to me and my family. I LOVE CONFERENCE!

Today was wonderful. My whole family sat around the television, watching. Jonathan, dressed in a suit in front of the TV, took notes and made comments. Since I'm a fanatical note-taker, it warmed the cockles of my pen-and-paper heart (guess what Analiese is learning this summer? Wah-ha-ha!).

I gained so much courage from seeing President Monson stand - old, tired, worn out in the work - giving us the counsel from the Lord that I'm sure is most vital as he contemplates the closing of his life. So many people spoke about the Holy Ghost and the Godhead, that means it's very important. My particular motivation to act came from Elder C. Scott Grow of the 70 - I want to try to pursue the desires of God ahead of my own better. 

With all the craziness surrounding life (not just mine), I find General Conference a place of great peace, hope for the future, and movitivation to keep me going for the several months. In our house, we call General Conference the Super Bowl of the Church (only better). The highlight of the season and something we look forward to every 6 months!