Sunday, March 5, 2017


Monday, February 27, 2017
I had the dubious honor of replacing the toner in the church copier this morning. I did figure it out, but it took time that I really don't have on Mondays, due to working at 9 a.m. I gotta get out of the church on time, early if possible.

Work was a half-and-half day. The morning I spend doing my usual stuff in the front, plus the Head Librarian had me take one of the display cases down. I did not put a new one up. She said she would. After lunch, I was in the back training with my new Tech boss. She sat back this afternoon and let me catalogue, only stopping me if I forgot something or asked her a question. I got through nine books by the end of the day: catalogued, labeled, covered, and put where they belong.

This evening after work was spent on Seminary study. I didn't get much planning done over the weekend, so I have more to do each day this week. I can't wait for Spring Break - I need a rest!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Two doves are building a nest up high in my big and (soon-to-be) shady pecan tree. Some other bird is out there, too, with a sweet song, but I have yet to figure out which one it is. I've narrowed it down to what it's NOT - the doves coo, and the black birds and jays cackle. It's not your little brown wren chirp, either. It's quite distinctive.

It's an overcast morning, nice and cool, but it's supposed to reach 83 degrees today. I spent some of my morning time tending my garlic and onions and transplanting a celery base that I'd been sprouting in my kitchen. Now I'm busing daydreaming of what to do next!

Here's Jonathan's last week:
Half way through the CCM, just got three weeks left, here´s a summary of this last week through today.

February 22
Need to step up my language learning process, because apearntly I´m not working hard enough, pfft. I have to shave again tomorrow, I have figured out I can get away without shaving every three or four days if I´m lucky. Elder Cramer has taken joy in messing with my head, or more specificly with my color-blindness. 

February 23 
Felt like I understood and spoke better Spanish today, still needs work but doing pretty good. Playing volleyball with Latino´s is kinda fun, though to be fair one of the North American districts wasn´t fairing much better. Started on some Spanish flash cards, hopefully they will help. Finally had Anna the "girlfriend" of German our "investigator" in our discussion today, hopefully things will turn out well.

Elder Latu participated in the non sanctioned Likigurt challenge (Likigurt is a type of yogurt drink) and drank 14, and then threw them up later, and the bathroom smelled of stawberry for the next day and a half.

February 24
Another long day, with lots of studying. Poor Elder Cramer has been cutting Latino´s hair for the past two nights, and hasn´t had much of a break, at least he has 6 days left before the big group leaves. 

February 25 
The Latino Elders love learning the Hakka from Elder Latu, still feel sorry for Elder Cramer. Had our first big raun storm, more than what Altus would get in a week. Still trying to get used to leadership meetings, I just hope I don´t have any more problems. Scripture case I ordered should be done soon, and there is one other Elder and Sister going with me to Quetzaltenango.

February 26
One Elder gave a talk in Q'echi', and then we had a musical number also in Q'echi'. Watched the Joseph Smith Restoration movie, and it was super dope, I'm just glad I didn't cry for once. Practiced our district song again, did alright, gotta practice more thought cause we are up next Sunday.

February 27 
Ran into Elder Latu in deportes (sports), and we both ended up on the ground, it was pretty funny. Got a good workout today, Elder Latu makes a great trainer. and I almost lost my temple recommend, nearly had a heart attack. 

February 28
Got to go to the local Zoo today, and it was pretty cool, even the trip up in the bus was awesome, its a crowded city, but its still fun to watch, in the street there was two guys juggle-ing machetes between each other. Had Wendy's for lunch, cleared out my Quetzales between the Zoo and lunch, though to be fair in US dollars the Zoo ticket for adults was only about 5 or 6 bucks.

I took a lot of photos but I still have to wait to send them, sorry.

Elder Bolton

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Mr. Robin was watching me curiously as I left the church today. Mama Dove was safely ensconced in her nest in the pecan tree. Trees are blossoming out all over town. Did I mention I love Spring?

Mama Dove in the tree (blurry cuz it's a distance shot).

I am supposed to be quizzed tomorrow by my Tech boss on my computer cataloguing codes, so tonight at the desk I was writing them over and over to help me remember the numbers and what they stand for. I'm trying to keep it all straight in my old brain. This, along with doing my normal front stuff.

Thursday, March 2, 2017
Sneezy and drippy today. The Weather Channel says our local pollen count is high. My nose concurs. This is the downside of Spring!

I had taken my library notes home to study (some) today. The current cataloger says I shouldn't be nervous - NO ONE knows this stuff that fast (we're talking 10 hours of training). Still, I know the expectations, and my anxious self always cranks them a little higher...

I did...okay, though the Tech boss said I'm par for the course and she'd be nervous if I did 100%! After I've done it hundreds of times, it'll be easier, or so I hope. She had me cataloguing some donations today - board books, large print, and paperbacks. The board books were interesting, no author and very little information, plus a nasty old price tag sticker on the front cover. That took a special solvent to get off, plus a knife to scrape with. Not easy. I felt slick and greasy with the solvent on my fingers the whole evening.

Friday, March 3, 2017
It is one of those days. A lot to do, but little motivation to do it. The flesh is very weak today.

So I took a 3-hour nap. Trust me, I needed it. But afterwards, I got up and got busy, regardless of how I felt. Laundry, shopping, Seminary prep, etc. Little by little, I wore down my to-do list. I think I got my final Seminary stuff done by 9:15 p.m. So despite feeling blah, I was determined.

And I was ready to sleep again! There went my day, ignominious and unsung.

Saturday, March 4, 2017
I do sleep in today, when you consider I don't have Seminary. But I still have to get up eventually because I work at 9.  It's a cool morning, which is more than pleasant for me!

My co-shelver is out sick today. That leaves the cataloger in the back and the other office gal and me. We can handle it. Saturdays are usually pretty slow. We have no groups in the meeting rooms today, either. No biggie.

The office gal brought in pizza today as a goodbye "lunch" for the cataloger. She got me cheesy bread, cuz she knows I like it. Temptress! I am a sucker for cheese! So I didn't go home and had a nice hot lunch.

Analiese and I just had a quiet evening at home watching a movie and petting bunnies. Some may call that boring, but it was very relaxing. It was nice to have nothing to do...that's a rarity!

Sunday, March 5, 2017
Nice testimony meeting. We had a convert baptism yesterday of a gal I've visited with the missionaries. She was so ready! I couldn't go, but she was given the Holy Ghost today. Her family had come, including a member aunt from Washington. That aunt bore her testimony. I know she'd been keeping in contact with the new sister constantly and even spoke yesterday. It was inspiring how great she was at sharing the gospel with her family.

Analiese and I watched the Face-to-Face event (after the broadcast) with President Eyring and Elder Holland this afternoon. Analiese didn't get to go to Lawton yesterday when it was broadcasted first, so we took time to enjoy it today. As Analiese put it, it was a broadcast from people that kids would listen to. I know how much my Seminary class loves Elder Holland!

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