Sunday, March 26, 2017


Monday, March 20, 2017
I'm back to Seminary after Spring break. Only one student was missing, and he was sick. Good lesson, though. Putting off the old self and putting on Christ. I love teaching Paul!

I had to hurry home, though, so I could take the van to Ford for it's checkup. They were fast - I was in and out just under an hour! They have really good service at this Ford, I'm going to miss it in Chickasha.

The majority of the remainder of my day was spent gathering stuff and shopping to get things put together for Ken. He's going to Chickasha tomorrow to get the house set up so he's got a place to stay. I had to make sure everything was washed and packed up tonight because he'll be leaving early in the morning to head out there. He has to wait for the utility company to come and turn things one. My waiting game was last week; it's his this one.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Shortly after I left for Seminary, Ken left for Chickasha with the van, loaded with all that stuff from yesterday. I'd had a terrible night's sleep: anxiety for him (and us, getting the house ready and moving AGAIN), for Jonathan (who's supposed to be going to Quetzaltenango from the CCM today) and my brain threw in an extra worry about Analiese. She's supposed to be flying to California this summer ON HER OWN. That's my cute, blossoming girl we're talking about here and I see predators in every shadow (anxiety does that). Near midnight Ken, who was still up, gave me a special blessing that calmed me down enough to go to sleep.

Still, it was a hard morning to face. The internet didn't work at home, so I took Analiese to work at the library with me at noon so she could do her schoolwork (all online) there. Only I found out: the internet was down all over southwest Oklahoma! I sat at work for 4 1/2 hours with nearly nothing to do (I studied some of my work notes and read; Analiese read) until the problem was corrected. Somebody dug somewhere they shouldn't and cut through some fiber-optic cable! We are so dependent on our technology; we couldn't even check out books. And everything I do requires a computer and internet access!

This evening I received a letter from Jonathan's mission president. He made it there safely, but I won't get a personal email until next week. Grunt. Bummer. But I did get a photo of him with his president and the president's wife.
He looks happy and a little thinner. All that exercise at the CCM, I guess.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Another non-terrific night of sleep. It will take me a while to get used to sleeping in a near-empty house. I miss my husband! I miss my boy!

I arrived at work today to find an exterminator laying baited traps for mice. The front desk isn't the only place they've been spotted: they've been in the break room, the director's office, and the storage shelves here in the back. One employee is very nervous about it. Not me, as long as they don't scurry over my feet!

Thursday, March 23, 2017
I had a student who not only slept in class today, he snored. I teased him afterward: "O ye of the deviated septum!" His brother laughed at that. I know it's hard. They have school, extracurricular activities (like Mutual last night) and homework. I wasn't upset; I thought it funny.

Analiese and I met with her teacher this morning. The emphasis now is math, math, math! She only has a week and a half until state testing and math is her only questionable subject. In fact he said, "I saw you working on English. Leave it alone - your English is perfect. Math!" He's a really great teacher.

The wind has really picked up today - 30+ mph. The state has issued a warning. You can see dust and debris flying everywhere. With everything so dry, the likelihood of more fires is very high!

I learned to catalog audiobooks on CD today. My boss said she's not really going to have me do them yet, but wanted me to know, just in case. I'm still honing my book cataloging skills. It's all in the details, trust me!

Apparently the/a mouse was positively spotted today at the front desk. Both ladies who saw it shrieked loud enough to have everyone come running! It's small, grey, and sneaky, wiggling through a small hole under the cabinets. It hasn't taken the bait yet, obviously.

Friday, March 24, 2017
I can't begin to tell you how glad I was for a run-of-the-mill, be-domesticated day OFF! Yes, I still had Seminary, but I was able to go home and even with a list of to-dos, take everything at a slower pace.

I watered my garden (a sure sign that it would rain later, which it did) and weeded. I received a visit from my VTs, giving one of them back the wheat grinder I'd borrowed from her a while ago. I posted some extraneous furniture on Facebook to see if anyone in the ward would like them (who needs two dining tables?), plus I did my normal laundry. I played with bunnies (luxury) and took a nap!

The afternoon I spent cleaning up in Jonathan's room more. See, his room has two closets, one he used and one I used for storage - winter stuff, etc. I threw out a bunch of junk and organized things to get ready to move over to Chickasha.

The wind picked up in the afternoon, with off-and-on sprinkles. It was a heavy, scary wind. At one point, it knocked a dead branch off of the pecan tree in our front yard. It made such a loud thump that I had to go outside and make sure it hadn't come down on the house or anything important. I've been through that!

We had 4H Rabbit Club meeting tonight. This was my time to, sadly, announce our move to my friends there. They had the audacity (they probably thought it humor) to suggest I start a 4H Rabbit Club in Chickasha (they have 4H, just not rabbits). One friend is moving the end of this summer to the City, so she was pleased that we would be closer. Her sons are friends of Jonathan, so she was glad to know he wouldn't be that far from them when he returned. This, of course, depends on a lot of factors...much can happen in two years. Goodness knows, I can't say. Look what changes the last month has brought me!

Saturday, March 25, 2017
I got a good night's sleep for a change, but I still feel quite fatigued. Every moment I close my eyes I want to drift off. I wonder if they wind has blown up allergy stuff that makes me sleepy? It might account for my headache, too.

There are several books on my cart to be cataloged today. I guess I'm pacing myself better this week, combining the cataloging with discarding old files of fliers and relabeling old paperbacks. Still, I have plenty to do today.

My lunch break was just what the doctor ordered. The weather outside is beautiful. Blue skies, fluffy white clouds, cool breezes - it is the perfect Spring day. Mr. Robin was waiting by the tree in the backyard as I left the house to go back to work. It all blew the remnants of my morning headache away!

Sunday, March 26, 2017
I enjoyed all of church today, especially Relief Society. We talked about the sacrament from a General Conference talk in October of last year. I remember the talk and really appreciating it. It was nice to review it.

We had linger longer after church. They had themed it a pasta bar, so there was lots of yummy noodle-y dishes out there, including different pasta salads. One was quite unusual...bow tie pasta with ham and pineapple. I actually liked that one! Oh, and someone made a good fruit cobbler with peaches and two favorites!

Ken came home this afternoon from Chickasha. He could have come home earlier, but he wanted to check out the branch there. He will be staying until late tomorrow afternoon. Obviously, we'll be going through and doing stuff. In particular, working on things we forgot or discovered we need (or at least, he does right now).

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