Monday, March 20, 2017
I'm back to Seminary after Spring break. Only one student was missing, and he was sick. Good lesson, though. Putting off the old self and putting on Christ. I love teaching Paul!
I had to hurry home, though, so I could take the van to Ford for it's checkup. They were fast - I was in and out just under an hour! They have really good service at this Ford, I'm going to miss it in Chickasha.
The majority of the remainder of my day was spent gathering stuff and shopping to get things put together for Ken. He's going to Chickasha tomorrow to get the house set up so he's got a place to stay. I had to make sure everything was washed and packed up tonight because he'll be leaving early in the morning to head out there. He has to wait for the utility company to come and turn things one. My waiting game was last week; it's his this one.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Shortly after I left for Seminary, Ken left for Chickasha with the van, loaded with all that stuff from yesterday. I'd had a terrible night's sleep: anxiety for him (and us, getting the house ready and moving AGAIN), for Jonathan (who's supposed to be going to Quetzaltenango from the CCM today) and my brain threw in an extra worry about Analiese. She's supposed to be flying to California this summer ON HER OWN. That's my cute, blossoming girl we're talking about here and I see predators in every shadow (anxiety does that). Near midnight Ken, who was still up, gave me a special blessing that calmed me down enough to go to sleep.
Still, it was a hard morning to face. The internet didn't work at home, so I took Analiese to work at the library with me at noon so she could do her schoolwork (all online) there. Only I found out: the internet was down all over southwest Oklahoma! I sat at work for 4 1/2 hours with nearly nothing to do (I studied some of my work notes and read; Analiese read) until the problem was corrected. Somebody dug somewhere they shouldn't and cut through some fiber-optic cable! We are so dependent on our technology; we couldn't even check out books. And everything I do requires a computer and internet access!
This evening I received a letter from Jonathan's mission president. He made it there safely, but I won't get a personal email until next week. Grunt. Bummer. But I did get a photo of him with his president and the president's wife.
He looks happy and a little thinner. All that exercise at the CCM, I guess.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Another non-terrific night of sleep. It will take me a while to get used to sleeping in a near-empty house. I miss my husband! I miss my boy!
I arrived at work today to find an exterminator laying baited traps for mice. The front desk isn't the only place they've been spotted: they've been in the break room, the director's office, and the storage shelves here in the back. One employee is very nervous about it. Not me, as long as they don't scurry over my feet!
Thursday, March 23, 2017
I had a student who not only slept in class today, he snored. I teased him afterward: "O ye of the deviated septum!" His brother laughed at that. I know it's hard. They have school, extracurricular activities (like Mutual last night) and homework. I wasn't upset; I thought it funny.
Analiese and I met with her teacher this morning. The emphasis now is math, math, math! She only has a week and a half until state testing and math is her only questionable subject. In fact he said, "I saw you working on English. Leave it alone - your English is perfect. Math!" He's a really great teacher.
The wind has really picked up today - 30+ mph. The state has issued a warning. You can see dust and debris flying everywhere. With everything so dry, the likelihood of more fires is very high!
I learned to catalog audiobooks on CD today. My boss said she's not really going to have me do them yet, but wanted me to know, just in case. I'm still honing my book cataloging skills. It's all in the details, trust me!
Apparently the/a mouse was positively spotted today at the front desk. Both ladies who saw it shrieked loud enough to have everyone come running! It's small, grey, and sneaky, wiggling through a small hole under the cabinets. It hasn't taken the bait yet, obviously.
Friday, March 24, 2017
I can't begin to tell you how glad I was for a run-of-the-mill, be-domesticated day OFF! Yes, I still had Seminary, but I was able to go home and even with a list of to-dos, take everything at a slower pace.
I watered my garden (a sure sign that it would rain later, which it did) and weeded. I received a visit from my VTs, giving one of them back the wheat grinder I'd borrowed from her a while ago. I posted some extraneous furniture on Facebook to see if anyone in the ward would like them (who needs two dining tables?), plus I did my normal laundry. I played with bunnies (luxury) and took a nap!
The afternoon I spent cleaning up in Jonathan's room more. See, his room has two closets, one he used and one I used for storage - winter stuff, etc. I threw out a bunch of junk and organized things to get ready to move over to Chickasha.
The wind picked up in the afternoon, with off-and-on sprinkles. It was a heavy, scary wind. At one point, it knocked a dead branch off of the pecan tree in our front yard. It made such a loud thump that I had to go outside and make sure it hadn't come down on the house or anything important. I've been through that!
We had 4H Rabbit Club meeting tonight. This was my time to, sadly, announce our move to my friends there. They had the audacity (they probably thought it humor) to suggest I start a 4H Rabbit Club in Chickasha (they have 4H, just not rabbits). One friend is moving the end of this summer to the City, so she was pleased that we would be closer. Her sons are friends of Jonathan, so she was glad to know he wouldn't be that far from them when he returned. This, of course, depends on a lot of factors...much can happen in two years. Goodness knows, I can't say. Look what changes the last month has brought me!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
I got a good night's sleep for a change, but I still feel quite fatigued. Every moment I close my eyes I want to drift off. I wonder if they wind has blown up allergy stuff that makes me sleepy? It might account for my headache, too.
There are several books on my cart to be cataloged today. I guess I'm pacing myself better this week, combining the cataloging with discarding old files of fliers and relabeling old paperbacks. Still, I have plenty to do today.
My lunch break was just what the doctor ordered. The weather outside is beautiful. Blue skies, fluffy white clouds, cool breezes - it is the perfect Spring day. Mr. Robin was waiting by the tree in the backyard as I left the house to go back to work. It all blew the remnants of my morning headache away!
Sunday, March 26, 2017
I enjoyed all of church today, especially Relief Society. We talked about the sacrament from a General Conference talk in October of last year. I remember the talk and really appreciating it. It was nice to review it.
We had linger longer after church. They had themed it a pasta bar, so there was lots of yummy noodle-y dishes out there, including different pasta salads. One was quite unusual...bow tie pasta with ham and pineapple. I actually liked that one! Oh, and someone made a good fruit cobbler with peaches and two favorites!
Ken came home this afternoon from Chickasha. He could have come home earlier, but he wanted to check out the branch there. He will be staying until late tomorrow afternoon. Obviously, we'll be going through and doing stuff. In particular, working on things we forgot or discovered we need (or at least, he does right now).
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Monday, March 13, 2017
We got the house in Chickasha...the one I wanted!
I'm so happy; we'll be able to put all our stuff there, most especially the washer and dryer! And we won't need a storage unit...and we can keep the rabbits! So many blessings!
I sat here today, no laundry done, for hours, waiting for Sears to come look at the washing machine. Nothing is wrong with it, I hope. But it is making a funny noise as it spins. We still have it under a service contract, so we figured now was the time to have a check-up. But it meant waiting all day for the guy to show up. Doesn't he realize I have stuff to do?
I finally gave up at 6:30 p.m. and started doing laundry (they told me between 8 am and 5 pm). So he showed 7:15ish. Too bad, he had to work around my laundry. The gal who was supposed to come look at my dining table didn't show up, either. I so much stuff to do and so little time to do it in, this is driving me nuts. I just found out as well that I need to go to Chickasha Friday to sign papers and write a check. Buzz, buzz, busy!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Early this morning, Analiese and I got haircuts. Her hair had grown to her mid-back and she had the stylist bob it, leaving only her bangs that she's been trying to grow out. The stylist fringed them a little so they blend well with the rest of her hair. It looks cute and perfect for the summer. My cut was just a regular cut with some layers; no biggie.
This was my first full day in the back of the library.
My boss wasn't there the whole time because she was busy training the new gal up front who is replacing me. I made plenty of mistakes, learned a few things, and tried to settle into my routine. One thing I'll have to make sure of is to take my breaks. Otherwise, my eyes and back complain.
Analiese had her share of learning experiences today, too. These days that I'm working, she has to do dinner and have it ready when I come home on my break at 5 p.m. Let's just say her burritos didn't have any refried beans and were extra crunchy because she forgot to cover them. We're both learning and stretching here!
Here's Jonathan's contribution for his last week:
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
I slept in far later than I intended this morning: 8:30 a.m. I've been fighting allergies, so I take medicine at night that makes me very sleepy. My body just wasn't ready to get up until later!
Apparently, I got a week's worth of cataloging work done in a day and a half. Not perfectly, there were mistakes, but not enough to warrant taking a week to work on. So I guess today's lesson is to slow down, pace myself, and go over my work. Because now I'm discarding a lot of big, old, dusty reference books that no one looks at any more for the rest of my day.
Analiese's cooking lesson today was cooking scrambled eggs and bacon. She did the bacon just fine, and decided to use the bacon grease to cook the eggs in. Only, she used all of it...and the eggs kind of swam in the oil. It's okay, we all have to learn these things. A co-worker asked why I just didn't set things up before I went to work. I said this was a good experience for my daughter...stuff she needs to learn!
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Analiese and I were supposed to meet with her EPIC teacher at 9:00 a.;m. at the library, but he forgot. After a quick call to him, some instructions, and a promise for next week, we went home so she could resume her studies. And so I could resume working on my resume. Because when I go to Chickasha tomorrow, I want to stop by their library and see if they have any work available for me. If so, it would be wonderful because then we could move here without waiting for the Altus house to sell and not be separated for long. We shall see.
The price for doing my work so quickly at the library has become cleanup and discard work. I spent more time on old reference books today, as well as some not-used-in-at-least-a-decade pamphlets from vertical files that no one touches in the front. I get to do it Saturday, too!
Friday, March 17, 2017
I arose at 7:30 on my day off to get out the door by 8:30 to go to Chickasha to sign the lease on the house there and put down a payment. I was half an hour out of Altus when Ken called - I'd forgotten the checkbook! I had to go all the way back to get it, which put me way off schedule. I managed to make it there by 10:45 and the realtor was very nice about it.
Well, bummer, the library doesn't have a job opening. But I did talk to them about volunteering, which excited them because they need someone who knows how to shelve books. It may be the best way to get my foot in the door. Once I get there, of course.
I got home in time for our home teachers to come help load a bunch of junk from the garage to the dump. One got hold of a trailer and they loaded it all up and left. One more thing done!
Analiese insisted that this evening we include a St. Patrick's tradition we haven't done for a while. Ken came home from work with Shamrock Shakes (yes, he got them at the competition)
, and we sat down to watch "Darby O'Gill and the Little People." Even with Jonathan gone, traditions are still important.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Got up, got showered and dressed, got a chicken ready and started in the crockpot, read scriptures with Analiese and ran off to work. Only three of us today, and I'm the back person. My boss, who's usually off on Saturdays, came in for a little bit to explain stuff she wanted me to do. We sat and talked a bit; I think (hope) she likes me.
Ken had a meeting in Chickasha this morning, but came home in time with Panda Express (he adores Chinese) for lunch for all of us. He has the rest of the day off, which will be planning and packing to go back out on Tuesday.
Library work is still the same. Discarding, cleaning, a little relabeling for a change of pace. Note to self: Next week, take the cataloging much SLOWER...
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Ken had to work this morning, so it was just me and Analiese at church today. Everyone is still asking us about the move and I don't have all the answers. The bishop asked if I'd be here until the end of the school year. I said I was pretty sure I would. He pumped his fist and said, "Yes!" in a happy, relieved manned. He must have been concerned about Seminary. I intend (note: "intentions") to finish what I start!
I subbed in Relief Society today. The lesson was on prayer. I let them do the majority of the work: reading, pondering scriptures, discussing and sharing things in groups. The Spirit was very sweet and I hardly had to do a thing at all! This is what I call being a facilitator. Analiese says lessons are more interesting when there's discussion and participation. I agree!
We got the house in Chickasha...the one I wanted!
I'm so happy; we'll be able to put all our stuff there, most especially the washer and dryer! And we won't need a storage unit...and we can keep the rabbits! So many blessings!
I sat here today, no laundry done, for hours, waiting for Sears to come look at the washing machine. Nothing is wrong with it, I hope. But it is making a funny noise as it spins. We still have it under a service contract, so we figured now was the time to have a check-up. But it meant waiting all day for the guy to show up. Doesn't he realize I have stuff to do?
I finally gave up at 6:30 p.m. and started doing laundry (they told me between 8 am and 5 pm). So he showed 7:15ish. Too bad, he had to work around my laundry. The gal who was supposed to come look at my dining table didn't show up, either. I so much stuff to do and so little time to do it in, this is driving me nuts. I just found out as well that I need to go to Chickasha Friday to sign papers and write a check. Buzz, buzz, busy!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Early this morning, Analiese and I got haircuts. Her hair had grown to her mid-back and she had the stylist bob it, leaving only her bangs that she's been trying to grow out. The stylist fringed them a little so they blend well with the rest of her hair. It looks cute and perfect for the summer. My cut was just a regular cut with some layers; no biggie.
This was my first full day in the back of the library.
My boss wasn't there the whole time because she was busy training the new gal up front who is replacing me. I made plenty of mistakes, learned a few things, and tried to settle into my routine. One thing I'll have to make sure of is to take my breaks. Otherwise, my eyes and back complain.
Analiese had her share of learning experiences today, too. These days that I'm working, she has to do dinner and have it ready when I come home on my break at 5 p.m. Let's just say her burritos didn't have any refried beans and were extra crunchy because she forgot to cover them. We're both learning and stretching here!
Here's Jonathan's contribution for his last week:
Wow! Alot has happened this week and not just here, I am
happy to hear all the wonderful news from the outside world. But since y'all
want to hear about me, I guess I had better move on.
March 8th
Way more productive today, not like Elder Cramer (the Elder
from my photos from last week) and I slack off, but better than usual.
Practiced with distrito Alma, which mostly consists of Elders going to my
mission, which is dope. Had lasagna for dinner, not as good as mom's, but still
really good.
And Elder Lloyd trimed my unibrow, the other Elders act like
it's a big deal, whatever.
March 9th
Had a rough on the fly lesson with Hermano Garcia (one of
the head hefes), Elder Cramer and I did an excellent job, but still dificult. I
love hanging out with Elder Lloyd and Mitchell, they make me laugh so much, but
they also know when to quit which is good too. And I realized our districts are
organized alphabetically, Elder Cramer does not believe me but I know its true.
And allergies kicked up today.
March 10th
Today was alright, I just need to relax a bit during
lessons, the teachers say I know what to say, I just get a little nervous. Nice
thing is Elder Astorga from distrito Lehi is a great friend and believes in me
and helps me out a lot, not like Elder Cramer doesn't, but it helps when they
are a native. I also accidently slaped Elder Lloyd in the face in Ninja. (I
haven´t played in days, and his eye is still a little red)
March 11th
Much better today, one of our teachers was out again, but
our temp. teacher has been great. An Elder from another district dislocated his
finger during volleyball, and a Latino Elder broke his foot, how? I have no
idea, I swear Latinos are weaker than North Americanos.
March 12th
Had two excellent devotionals from Elder Holland and Elder
Anderson of the 12 Apostles. Had another "friendship game" where as a
district we sit in a circle and say one great thing we like about each district
member, which is really great for everybody.
March 13th
I feel like I did alright today speaking Spanish. Deportes
was awesome, even though it was just my district and Senaü ( the Q'echi' guys). Also did a bit of yoga with Elder
Fowler, even though it's probably been over three years since I have done those
poses. Had an great lesson with Solange, learned more of her need, and I have
been proudly talking in those lessons without my notebook, which is extremely
dificult. Oh and for those who don't know, in Guatemala they do not use padré,
except for Padré Celestial, its papá.
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Custom leather scripture case |
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spine of scripture case |
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Elder Bolton, Elder Cramer y maestros (teachers) |
Elder Bolton
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
I slept in far later than I intended this morning: 8:30 a.m. I've been fighting allergies, so I take medicine at night that makes me very sleepy. My body just wasn't ready to get up until later!
Apparently, I got a week's worth of cataloging work done in a day and a half. Not perfectly, there were mistakes, but not enough to warrant taking a week to work on. So I guess today's lesson is to slow down, pace myself, and go over my work. Because now I'm discarding a lot of big, old, dusty reference books that no one looks at any more for the rest of my day.
Analiese's cooking lesson today was cooking scrambled eggs and bacon. She did the bacon just fine, and decided to use the bacon grease to cook the eggs in. Only, she used all of it...and the eggs kind of swam in the oil. It's okay, we all have to learn these things. A co-worker asked why I just didn't set things up before I went to work. I said this was a good experience for my daughter...stuff she needs to learn!
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Analiese and I were supposed to meet with her EPIC teacher at 9:00 a.;m. at the library, but he forgot. After a quick call to him, some instructions, and a promise for next week, we went home so she could resume her studies. And so I could resume working on my resume. Because when I go to Chickasha tomorrow, I want to stop by their library and see if they have any work available for me. If so, it would be wonderful because then we could move here without waiting for the Altus house to sell and not be separated for long. We shall see.
The price for doing my work so quickly at the library has become cleanup and discard work. I spent more time on old reference books today, as well as some not-used-in-at-least-a-decade pamphlets from vertical files that no one touches in the front. I get to do it Saturday, too!
Friday, March 17, 2017
I arose at 7:30 on my day off to get out the door by 8:30 to go to Chickasha to sign the lease on the house there and put down a payment. I was half an hour out of Altus when Ken called - I'd forgotten the checkbook! I had to go all the way back to get it, which put me way off schedule. I managed to make it there by 10:45 and the realtor was very nice about it.
Well, bummer, the library doesn't have a job opening. But I did talk to them about volunteering, which excited them because they need someone who knows how to shelve books. It may be the best way to get my foot in the door. Once I get there, of course.
I got home in time for our home teachers to come help load a bunch of junk from the garage to the dump. One got hold of a trailer and they loaded it all up and left. One more thing done!
Analiese insisted that this evening we include a St. Patrick's tradition we haven't done for a while. Ken came home from work with Shamrock Shakes (yes, he got them at the competition)
, and we sat down to watch "Darby O'Gill and the Little People." Even with Jonathan gone, traditions are still important.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Got up, got showered and dressed, got a chicken ready and started in the crockpot, read scriptures with Analiese and ran off to work. Only three of us today, and I'm the back person. My boss, who's usually off on Saturdays, came in for a little bit to explain stuff she wanted me to do. We sat and talked a bit; I think (hope) she likes me.
Ken had a meeting in Chickasha this morning, but came home in time with Panda Express (he adores Chinese) for lunch for all of us. He has the rest of the day off, which will be planning and packing to go back out on Tuesday.
Library work is still the same. Discarding, cleaning, a little relabeling for a change of pace. Note to self: Next week, take the cataloging much SLOWER...
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Ken had to work this morning, so it was just me and Analiese at church today. Everyone is still asking us about the move and I don't have all the answers. The bishop asked if I'd be here until the end of the school year. I said I was pretty sure I would. He pumped his fist and said, "Yes!" in a happy, relieved manned. He must have been concerned about Seminary. I intend (note: "intentions") to finish what I start!
I subbed in Relief Society today. The lesson was on prayer. I let them do the majority of the work: reading, pondering scriptures, discussing and sharing things in groups. The Spirit was very sweet and I hardly had to do a thing at all! This is what I call being a facilitator. Analiese says lessons are more interesting when there's discussion and participation. I agree!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Monday, March 6, 2017
I had fun allergy times this morning. My left eye itched like crazy while my right eye was puffy and painful. Apparently, they are confused and can't decide how to suffer in tandem!
The high school sign read 59 degrees as I left Seminary this morning. When I left work at 6 p.m, the bank sign read 82 degrees. Welcome to March in southwest Oklahoma.
I catalogued some books on my own this afternoon and then Janet looked them over. I had one consistent mistake: a certain tag code that I needed to change or revise. At least it was just the one! Now I know what to look out for. I truly believe I am catching on.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The wildfires north and northwest of us have effected the air quality here. I had a terrible night's sleep. I woke up at one point and wondered if Ken (who was still up) had burned something or if the house was on fire! I ended up having to sleep with a mask on. It wasn't much better this morning; the air was brown. I covered my face when I went outside to go to Seminary. My lungs hurt!
The smoke smell had pretty much dissipated by the time I had to go to work. My first two hours were in the back. Things there are flowing better. Next week I'll be back there all the time, so I'll be getting in lots of experience. I haven't done books on CDs, videos, or original cataloguing (only copy cataloguing), but as I grow more familiar and comfortable, we'll add them in.
Apparently they've hired my new replacement for the front and shelving. She starts next week.
Here's Jonathan's update for the week. ...and there's pictures! Mom is happy!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
The birds have congregated outside and are having a very noisy conference! All sorts, too, jays, wrens, doves, blackbirds, etc., but more than I can count!
Of course, it is a lovely day. The air is finally clear and the temperature is just right. I planted rosemary this morning. I've missed it so; I had such a lovely bush of it in California! This one goes in the center of my boxes - the prominent place!
Someone actually smoke marijuana in the library - the nonfiction section - this evening. I didn't catch them, but I sure did smell it! I thought it was just cigarette smoke ('cuz what do I know?), which is bad enough, but my co-shelver went over there and pronounced it lowgrade pot. Lovely. Who smokes ANYTHING around library bookshelves? I think we have a description of the guy, a shady-looking fellow who had wondered all over the building this evening. Gee, won't the head librarian be pleased? (eye roll)
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Analiese and I had dental check-ups this morning. She has two stubborn baby teeth that won't come out. She is supposed to try to wiggle them and coax them out in the next three weeks, otherwise the dentist will extract them. Then we get to talk orthodontia. Oh joy.
This was the old cataloger's last day at the library. I'm now the official cataloger. I'm keeping in touch with her, though. I may need her help!
Tonight's fun took on a furry shape. The other shelver saw it first as it scurried under the circulation desk. A mouse! This is no surprise to me as I've seen books on the shelves with obvious chew marks. It did disturb my co-workers, though. I saw it at one point out of the corner of my eye, but that thing was fast! (This means no pictures. I am not a Nat Geo photographer.) I recommended in a note to the head librarian (who must wonder at the craziness that goes on during the night shift) a sticky trap with a piece of Snickers bar on it.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Time to reveal a SECRET - we're moving! Ken's been made a store manager at the Chickasha (Chick-uh-Shay) Taco Bell. Chickasha lies halfway between Lawton and Oklahoma City, about an hour and a half away from Altus. So, any plans we may have had for Altus have now gone Kaput!
Today all three of us went there,
looking for a place for us to rent. We haven't much time, Taco Bell wants Ken there by March 22nd. They're very short-staffed (50%) and are in need of good leadership. So we looked at three rental houses and two duplexes. We did put in a form for a house on the west side of town...we'll see. It's a terrific price for the size of it. If we get it, there will be more descriptions to come. Ken will stay there while we wrap things up here and get this house sold. Crazy times ahead...again! So much for my quiet, mellow summer plans.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The library was busy this morning and a lot of our patrons needed our help. Can you say "Tax Season"? We get all kinds of requests about documents, forms and faxing. It was only the three of us, too, because I don't start in the back until Tuesday and the new person doesn't start until Monday. It was slower in the afternoon, so I spent a little time in the back getting my "new" desk ready.
It's a gray day with rain pending (Please come!). I didn't water my garden today in anticipation of precipitation so sky...don't let me down! I also set up the crockpot with ham-and-bean soup. On my lunch break I came home and made cheddar biscuits to go with it.
No rain, but it is colder. Analiese and I had a cozy night in. The soup and biscuits were perfect and I made some cookies later. We settled in with an old Doris Day movie, courtesy of the library and just relaxed. That is a special treat in my book!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
It was plenty chilly today, feeling more like winter than spring. It was overcast going to church and I (me, the hot one) regretted not bringing a sweater, at least!
The cat is out of the bag at church now. Ken was released today as ward chorister, but then, he has to be in Chickasha by the 22nd. I still have some time, lucky me. We'll see how long it will take to sell the house.
I'm so grateful for my home teachers! They are going to help us with some stuff this week and want us to make a list of needs, so we can get them done. One of their wives made the worst face when I said we were moving. I asked, "Is Chickasha bad?" "No," she replied, "I just don't want you to go!" Awwww, don't make it harder!
Ken and I went to an open house this evening to say goodby to another family leaving. To be honest, this time of the year in our ward, going toward summer, is leaving time, especially with our Air Force families. The man was in the bishopric and the wife was the Relief Society president. They have the cutest boys, their blonde youngest is so fun to watch. And the wife is the kindest person. I'll miss them.
I had fun allergy times this morning. My left eye itched like crazy while my right eye was puffy and painful. Apparently, they are confused and can't decide how to suffer in tandem!
The high school sign read 59 degrees as I left Seminary this morning. When I left work at 6 p.m, the bank sign read 82 degrees. Welcome to March in southwest Oklahoma.
I catalogued some books on my own this afternoon and then Janet looked them over. I had one consistent mistake: a certain tag code that I needed to change or revise. At least it was just the one! Now I know what to look out for. I truly believe I am catching on.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The wildfires north and northwest of us have effected the air quality here. I had a terrible night's sleep. I woke up at one point and wondered if Ken (who was still up) had burned something or if the house was on fire! I ended up having to sleep with a mask on. It wasn't much better this morning; the air was brown. I covered my face when I went outside to go to Seminary. My lungs hurt!
The smoke smell had pretty much dissipated by the time I had to go to work. My first two hours were in the back. Things there are flowing better. Next week I'll be back there all the time, so I'll be getting in lots of experience. I haven't done books on CDs, videos, or original cataloguing (only copy cataloguing), but as I grow more familiar and comfortable, we'll add them in.
Apparently they've hired my new replacement for the front and shelving. She starts next week.
Here's Jonathan's update for the week. ...and there's pictures! Mom is happy!
So I realized last weeks title was incorrect, so this week
is named part two. It is named so because my group is now the oldest group here
in the CCM. So oops left that out from last week.
March 1st
Started to meet with the new Latinos and North Americans,
just my district in sports so it wasreally quiet. Hope my new scripture case
comes in tomorrow, and met the Latino Elders headed for Quetzaltenango tambien
March 2ond
Got my scripture case today and it looks super dope. ( I
will try and send photos next week) And I got myself a Guatemala patch and
corbata (tie). Over half my district now is in some sort of leadership postion,
Elder Cramer is now our Zone leader, and the Hermanas have their own callings,
music and whatnot. So now I won´t be alone in the meetings! :)
March 3rd
Had a super lit (a term from Elder Cramer) first lesson with
our new "investigator" Thomas. Learned how to say colorblind in
Spanish, cause Elder Cramer loves messing with my head. It was nice and windy
March 4th
Had a review of my first "investigator" lesson
from day two of the CCM, and boy did I suck, as I was watching the recording, I
was banging my head as I watched my former self not speak for the first five
minutes of the lesson, it was painful, physically and mentally.
Anyways learned a lot of Spanish, thanks to the Latinos, and
got some more practice for tomorrows district musical number in church.
March 5th
Had a really good day today, all of my district, including
me went up and shared our testimonies. (which has not happend in quite a while
from what I heard afterwards) Then as a closing song my district and I sang Oh
esta, todo bien! ( Come Come Ye Saints in English) We sounded excellent, so good
in fact that Presidente Morris ( In charge of the CCM) not only wanted us to
sing it again that day before a devotional, but again in two weeks time for
another devotional with an area authority present.
A couple quotes from some old devotionals we watched
"The more you press for miracles, the less likely you
will get one" - Elder Bednar
"You must ask and act in faith, and then you will have
the power (to preach)" -Elder Bednar
"Salvation is not a cheap experience!" -Elder
March 6th
Talked with and Elder Astorga from Guatemala headed for his
mission in Barcelona Spain, who speaks excellent English and is a great help
for Spanish, and Elder Familia from La Republica Dominicano and he is going to
Quetzaltenango also! Elder Familia is really good with the piano, and musical
instruments in general.
I tried out some yoga in deportes, I did alright for a guy
who hasn´t done yoga in over 3 years. Learned more words, but that should be
happening everyday anyways. :) And Elder Astorga said my report in the District
leadership meeting was perfect (languisticly speaking), which is proabably a
stretch, but it made me happy.
And that about wraps things up for today, I sent some photos
today, and I will forward my group photo from the first week with all the
Elders in it today as well.
Untill next time!
Elder BoltonWednesday, March 8, 2017
The birds have congregated outside and are having a very noisy conference! All sorts, too, jays, wrens, doves, blackbirds, etc., but more than I can count!
Of course, it is a lovely day. The air is finally clear and the temperature is just right. I planted rosemary this morning. I've missed it so; I had such a lovely bush of it in California! This one goes in the center of my boxes - the prominent place!
Someone actually smoke marijuana in the library - the nonfiction section - this evening. I didn't catch them, but I sure did smell it! I thought it was just cigarette smoke ('cuz what do I know?), which is bad enough, but my co-shelver went over there and pronounced it lowgrade pot. Lovely. Who smokes ANYTHING around library bookshelves? I think we have a description of the guy, a shady-looking fellow who had wondered all over the building this evening. Gee, won't the head librarian be pleased? (eye roll)
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Analiese and I had dental check-ups this morning. She has two stubborn baby teeth that won't come out. She is supposed to try to wiggle them and coax them out in the next three weeks, otherwise the dentist will extract them. Then we get to talk orthodontia. Oh joy.
This was the old cataloger's last day at the library. I'm now the official cataloger. I'm keeping in touch with her, though. I may need her help!
Tonight's fun took on a furry shape. The other shelver saw it first as it scurried under the circulation desk. A mouse! This is no surprise to me as I've seen books on the shelves with obvious chew marks. It did disturb my co-workers, though. I saw it at one point out of the corner of my eye, but that thing was fast! (This means no pictures. I am not a Nat Geo photographer.) I recommended in a note to the head librarian (who must wonder at the craziness that goes on during the night shift) a sticky trap with a piece of Snickers bar on it.
Friday, March 10, 2017
Time to reveal a SECRET - we're moving! Ken's been made a store manager at the Chickasha (Chick-uh-Shay) Taco Bell. Chickasha lies halfway between Lawton and Oklahoma City, about an hour and a half away from Altus. So, any plans we may have had for Altus have now gone Kaput!
Today all three of us went there,
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Buffalo mural on Chickasha bank. Lousy photo because we were driving past it. |
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The library was busy this morning and a lot of our patrons needed our help. Can you say "Tax Season"? We get all kinds of requests about documents, forms and faxing. It was only the three of us, too, because I don't start in the back until Tuesday and the new person doesn't start until Monday. It was slower in the afternoon, so I spent a little time in the back getting my "new" desk ready.
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Computer for cataloging. Little label printer on right. Note the colorful touches (via moi). The fan on the top is a necessity! |
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Desk where I label, stamp & cover books. Note the other colorful touches. Jonathan's pic proudly displayed on the side of the file cabinet. |
It's a gray day with rain pending (Please come!). I didn't water my garden today in anticipation of precipitation so sky...don't let me down! I also set up the crockpot with ham-and-bean soup. On my lunch break I came home and made cheddar biscuits to go with it.
No rain, but it is colder. Analiese and I had a cozy night in. The soup and biscuits were perfect and I made some cookies later. We settled in with an old Doris Day movie, courtesy of the library and just relaxed. That is a special treat in my book!
Sunday, March 12, 2017
It was plenty chilly today, feeling more like winter than spring. It was overcast going to church and I (me, the hot one) regretted not bringing a sweater, at least!
The cat is out of the bag at church now. Ken was released today as ward chorister, but then, he has to be in Chickasha by the 22nd. I still have some time, lucky me. We'll see how long it will take to sell the house.
I'm so grateful for my home teachers! They are going to help us with some stuff this week and want us to make a list of needs, so we can get them done. One of their wives made the worst face when I said we were moving. I asked, "Is Chickasha bad?" "No," she replied, "I just don't want you to go!" Awwww, don't make it harder!
Ken and I went to an open house this evening to say goodby to another family leaving. To be honest, this time of the year in our ward, going toward summer, is leaving time, especially with our Air Force families. The man was in the bishopric and the wife was the Relief Society president. They have the cutest boys, their blonde youngest is so fun to watch. And the wife is the kindest person. I'll miss them.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
I had the dubious honor of replacing the toner in the church copier this morning. I did figure it out, but it took time that I really don't have on Mondays, due to working at 9 a.m. I gotta get out of the church on time, early if possible.
Work was a half-and-half day. The morning I spend doing my usual stuff in the front, plus the Head Librarian had me take one of the display cases down. I did not put a new one up. She said she would. After lunch, I was in the back training with my new Tech boss. She sat back this afternoon and let me catalogue, only stopping me if I forgot something or asked her a question. I got through nine books by the end of the day: catalogued, labeled, covered, and put where they belong.
This evening after work was spent on Seminary study. I didn't get much planning done over the weekend, so I have more to do each day this week. I can't wait for Spring Break - I need a rest!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Two doves are building a nest up high in my big and (soon-to-be) shady pecan tree. Some other bird is out there, too, with a sweet song, but I have yet to figure out which one it is. I've narrowed it down to what it's NOT - the doves coo, and the black birds and jays cackle. It's not your little brown wren chirp, either. It's quite distinctive.
It's an overcast morning, nice and cool, but it's supposed to reach 83 degrees today. I spent some of my morning time tending my garlic and onions and transplanting a celery base that I'd been sprouting in my kitchen. Now I'm busing daydreaming of what to do next!
Here's Jonathan's last week:
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Mr. Robin was watching me curiously as I left the church today. Mama Dove was safely ensconced in her nest in the pecan tree. Trees are blossoming out all over town. Did I mention I love Spring?
I am supposed to be quizzed tomorrow by my Tech boss on my computer cataloguing codes, so tonight at the desk I was writing them over and over to help me remember the numbers and what they stand for. I'm trying to keep it all straight in my old brain. This, along with doing my normal front stuff.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Sneezy and drippy today. The Weather Channel says our local pollen count is high. My nose concurs. This is the downside of Spring!
I had taken my library notes home to study (some) today. The current cataloger says I shouldn't be nervous - NO ONE knows this stuff that fast (we're talking 10 hours of training). Still, I know the expectations, and my anxious self always cranks them a little higher...
I did...okay, though the Tech boss said I'm par for the course and she'd be nervous if I did 100%! After I've done it hundreds of times, it'll be easier, or so I hope. She had me cataloguing some donations today - board books, large print, and paperbacks. The board books were interesting, no author and very little information, plus a nasty old price tag sticker on the front cover. That took a special solvent to get off, plus a knife to scrape with. Not easy. I felt slick and greasy with the solvent on my fingers the whole evening.
Friday, March 3, 2017
It is one of those days. A lot to do, but little motivation to do it. The flesh is very weak today.
So I took a 3-hour nap. Trust me, I needed it. But afterwards, I got up and got busy, regardless of how I felt. Laundry, shopping, Seminary prep, etc. Little by little, I wore down my to-do list. I think I got my final Seminary stuff done by 9:15 p.m. So despite feeling blah, I was determined.
And I was ready to sleep again! There went my day, ignominious and unsung.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
I do sleep in today, when you consider I don't have Seminary. But I still have to get up eventually because I work at 9. It's a cool morning, which is more than pleasant for me!
My co-shelver is out sick today. That leaves the cataloger in the back and the other office gal and me. We can handle it. Saturdays are usually pretty slow. We have no groups in the meeting rooms today, either. No biggie.
The office gal brought in pizza today as a goodbye "lunch" for the cataloger. She got me cheesy bread, cuz she knows I like it. Temptress! I am a sucker for cheese! So I didn't go home and had a nice hot lunch.
Analiese and I just had a quiet evening at home watching a movie and petting bunnies. Some may call that boring, but it was very relaxing. It was nice to have nothing to do...that's a rarity!
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Nice testimony meeting. We had a convert baptism yesterday of a gal I've visited with the missionaries. She was so ready! I couldn't go, but she was given the Holy Ghost today. Her family had come, including a member aunt from Washington. That aunt bore her testimony. I know she'd been keeping in contact with the new sister constantly and even spoke yesterday. It was inspiring how great she was at sharing the gospel with her family.
Analiese and I watched the Face-to-Face event (after the broadcast) with President Eyring and Elder Holland this afternoon. Analiese didn't get to go to Lawton yesterday when it was broadcasted first, so we took time to enjoy it today. As Analiese put it, it was a broadcast from people that kids would listen to. I know how much my Seminary class loves Elder Holland!
I had the dubious honor of replacing the toner in the church copier this morning. I did figure it out, but it took time that I really don't have on Mondays, due to working at 9 a.m. I gotta get out of the church on time, early if possible.
Work was a half-and-half day. The morning I spend doing my usual stuff in the front, plus the Head Librarian had me take one of the display cases down. I did not put a new one up. She said she would. After lunch, I was in the back training with my new Tech boss. She sat back this afternoon and let me catalogue, only stopping me if I forgot something or asked her a question. I got through nine books by the end of the day: catalogued, labeled, covered, and put where they belong.
This evening after work was spent on Seminary study. I didn't get much planning done over the weekend, so I have more to do each day this week. I can't wait for Spring Break - I need a rest!
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Two doves are building a nest up high in my big and (soon-to-be) shady pecan tree. Some other bird is out there, too, with a sweet song, but I have yet to figure out which one it is. I've narrowed it down to what it's NOT - the doves coo, and the black birds and jays cackle. It's not your little brown wren chirp, either. It's quite distinctive.
It's an overcast morning, nice and cool, but it's supposed to reach 83 degrees today. I spent some of my morning time tending my garlic and onions and transplanting a celery base that I'd been sprouting in my kitchen. Now I'm busing daydreaming of what to do next!
Here's Jonathan's last week:
Half way through the CCM, just got three weeks left, here´s
a summary of this last week through today.
February 22
Need to step up my language learning process, because
apearntly I´m not working hard enough, pfft. I have to shave again tomorrow, I
have figured out I can get away without shaving every three or four days if I´m
lucky. Elder Cramer has taken joy in messing with my head, or more specificly
with my color-blindness.
February 23
Felt like I understood and spoke better Spanish today, still
needs work but doing pretty good. Playing volleyball with Latino´s is kinda
fun, though to be fair one of the North American districts wasn´t fairing much
better. Started on some Spanish flash cards, hopefully they will help. Finally
had Anna the "girlfriend" of German our "investigator" in
our discussion today, hopefully things will turn out well.
Elder Latu participated in the non sanctioned Likigurt
challenge (Likigurt is a type of yogurt drink) and drank 14, and then threw
them up later, and the bathroom smelled of stawberry for the next day and a
February 24
Another long day, with lots of studying. Poor Elder Cramer
has been cutting Latino´s hair for the past two nights, and hasn´t had much of
a break, at least he has 6 days left before the big group leaves.
February 25
The Latino Elders love learning the Hakka from Elder Latu,
still feel sorry for Elder Cramer. Had our first big raun storm, more than what
Altus would get in a week. Still trying to get used to leadership meetings, I
just hope I don´t have any more problems. Scripture case I ordered should be
done soon, and there is one other Elder and Sister going with me to
February 26
One Elder gave a talk in Q'echi', and then we had a musical
number also in Q'echi'. Watched the Joseph Smith Restoration movie, and it was
super dope, I'm just glad I didn't cry for once. Practiced our district song
again, did alright, gotta practice more thought cause we are up next Sunday.
February 27
Ran into Elder Latu in deportes (sports), and we both ended
up on the ground, it was pretty funny. Got a good workout today, Elder Latu
makes a great trainer. and I almost lost my temple recommend, nearly had a
heart attack.
February 28
Got to go to the local Zoo today, and it was pretty cool,
even the trip up in the bus was awesome, its a crowded city, but its still fun
to watch, in the street there was two guys juggle-ing machetes between each
other. Had Wendy's for lunch, cleared out my Quetzales between the Zoo and
lunch, though to be fair in US dollars the Zoo ticket for adults was only about
5 or 6 bucks.
I took a lot of photos but I still have to wait to send
them, sorry.
Elder Bolton
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Mr. Robin was watching me curiously as I left the church today. Mama Dove was safely ensconced in her nest in the pecan tree. Trees are blossoming out all over town. Did I mention I love Spring?
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Mama Dove in the tree (blurry cuz it's a distance shot). |
I am supposed to be quizzed tomorrow by my Tech boss on my computer cataloguing codes, so tonight at the desk I was writing them over and over to help me remember the numbers and what they stand for. I'm trying to keep it all straight in my old brain. This, along with doing my normal front stuff.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Sneezy and drippy today. The Weather Channel says our local pollen count is high. My nose concurs. This is the downside of Spring!
I had taken my library notes home to study (some) today. The current cataloger says I shouldn't be nervous - NO ONE knows this stuff that fast (we're talking 10 hours of training). Still, I know the expectations, and my anxious self always cranks them a little higher...
I did...okay, though the Tech boss said I'm par for the course and she'd be nervous if I did 100%! After I've done it hundreds of times, it'll be easier, or so I hope. She had me cataloguing some donations today - board books, large print, and paperbacks. The board books were interesting, no author and very little information, plus a nasty old price tag sticker on the front cover. That took a special solvent to get off, plus a knife to scrape with. Not easy. I felt slick and greasy with the solvent on my fingers the whole evening.
Friday, March 3, 2017
It is one of those days. A lot to do, but little motivation to do it. The flesh is very weak today.
So I took a 3-hour nap. Trust me, I needed it. But afterwards, I got up and got busy, regardless of how I felt. Laundry, shopping, Seminary prep, etc. Little by little, I wore down my to-do list. I think I got my final Seminary stuff done by 9:15 p.m. So despite feeling blah, I was determined.
And I was ready to sleep again! There went my day, ignominious and unsung.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
I do sleep in today, when you consider I don't have Seminary. But I still have to get up eventually because I work at 9. It's a cool morning, which is more than pleasant for me!
My co-shelver is out sick today. That leaves the cataloger in the back and the other office gal and me. We can handle it. Saturdays are usually pretty slow. We have no groups in the meeting rooms today, either. No biggie.
The office gal brought in pizza today as a goodbye "lunch" for the cataloger. She got me cheesy bread, cuz she knows I like it. Temptress! I am a sucker for cheese! So I didn't go home and had a nice hot lunch.
Analiese and I just had a quiet evening at home watching a movie and petting bunnies. Some may call that boring, but it was very relaxing. It was nice to have nothing to do...that's a rarity!
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Nice testimony meeting. We had a convert baptism yesterday of a gal I've visited with the missionaries. She was so ready! I couldn't go, but she was given the Holy Ghost today. Her family had come, including a member aunt from Washington. That aunt bore her testimony. I know she'd been keeping in contact with the new sister constantly and even spoke yesterday. It was inspiring how great she was at sharing the gospel with her family.
Analiese and I watched the Face-to-Face event (after the broadcast) with President Eyring and Elder Holland this afternoon. Analiese didn't get to go to Lawton yesterday when it was broadcasted first, so we took time to enjoy it today. As Analiese put it, it was a broadcast from people that kids would listen to. I know how much my Seminary class loves Elder Holland!
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