Sunday, February 19, 2017


Monday, February 13, 2017
My alarm failed me again! It's so embarrassing...I just want to chuck it out the window, except it's a part of my phone. Guess I should use a real alarm clock. I've really had it with the other.

As my last full Monday as a front library aide, I gave the nonfictions a good go-over. The head librarian was surprised I found so many doubles (three sets) in there, but that's what I do! My dad will tell you, he'd put me on database projects for him when I was in high school and I could always find the bugs!

I haven't received the promised email from Jonathan yet. It's not like I've looked at my email 50 million times...only 25 million!

Rain came today with a vengeance, acting as if it needed to make up for all of winter. It rained steadily for five or six hours, which dripping on and off thereafter. The weatherman (read: the internet) says it should continue through tomorrow evening. All I know is that the streets are flooded.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Obviously, yesterday was NOT Jonathan's P-Day! But what day is it? Momma needs to hear from her boy!

It is still raining outside. It's quite squishy and mucky out there. "Rather damp-ish" is an understatement. I may have to swim to work.

In fact, it turned to snow in the early afternoon, but weirdly. It was in big, very visible (I didn't need my glasses) clumps. What do you call snow that melts before it hits the ground? It's like a slush rain!

HOORAY! About half an hour before I had to go to work, I got the first emails from Jonathan - a group on and a personal one. He sounds SOOOOOO happy! I could feel the Spirit rolling off of his words. This time, I wept for joy! Best Valentine's Day gift EVER!

HERE'S HIS GROUP LETTER (Momma's stays personal):

Week 1 A Gringo in Guatemala I know y'all expected me to write yesterday, but my CCM Prep day is on Tuesdays, so for another 5 weeks you will have to wait untill Tuesdays.

 So as of last Tuesday I was sent off to Dallas early in the morning, in Dallas I met another Elder headed to Fresno California for his mission, and he was from Argentina. From Dallas I traveled to Atlanta Georgia and waited a whole 5 hours for my 4 hour flight to LAX. Once in Los Angeles I immediately was met by some of my missionary group headed for Guatemala CCM (or MTC).

 Then after another 4 hour flight in bussiness class :) I landed in Guatemala. After passing through customs like a breeze we all got on a bus and headed into the city. The CCM is literaly a block away from the Guatemala City Temple ( I got to go today). Then once inside the CCM we were handed our name tags and given our rooms and assigned a bed. I share the room with three other Elders, my companion Elder Cramer from CA, Elder Fowler from Utah, and Elder Latu from New Zealand (he's a big Tongan).

 Meals have been for the most part good and Americanized. I have been "enjoying" my Spanish clasess and was called into Presidente Morris' office on day two to be assigned as District leader of Districto Pablo. So on top of my already busy day I also have a calling, lovely. :l

 On Saturday we had the pleasure of listening to in person .......... Elder Rasband of the 12 Apostles, and boy, the moment he entered the room you could feel the power of his testimony and his spirit, I will try and write my notes from him next week, oh and I got to shake his hand, how awesome is that!

 Just a heads up I will be unable to send photos for a few weeks, because they don't want any viruses here. I cannot look at any weblinks that you might send, and yeah i think that's about it.

 I love you all and will talk to ya'll again soon. Elder Bolton

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Analiese's way of demonstrating that she misses her brother manifested today. She spent some time on the computer looking at photos of him and laughing at some of his goofiness. She even changed the screen background to one of her favorites of him making a silly face!

To counter the snowy-rain of yesterday, today we are having a sunny day in the 50's. At least my garden likes all of the attention. The onions are looking better and the garlic is proudly reaching toward the sun.

I don't have to worry about holiday decorating - Analiese has taken that on herself. Her rolling stone gathers no moss - down came Valentine's today, up went St. Patrick's (such as it was)!

Thursday, February 16, 2017
...and this morning there was frost. No wonder people have trouble with gardens here. I want to plant some rosemary in the center of my box set-up, but I'm waiting for the weather to settle (ha-ha).

I was going to call Mom tomorrow on my day off when I am more flexible, but she called me today. Still in rehab; still bored. But we both gushed over Jonathan's e-mail! If he's grown so much in one week, can you imagine what will happen in two years?

The temperature controls aren't working at the library. The front was warm enough, but the back was worse - 89 degrees! And I'm supposed to start working there next week! Is there anything like a personal air conditioner I can put back there for me? I'll either faint, melt, or sweat a lot and get stinky - not nice!

Friday, February 17, 2017
Another day off, another day I still had to go to the library. This time it was to meet with Analiese's EPIC teacher. I also re-applied for next year, requesting him as teacher again. I do NOT want a different teacher. He's been so good and has helped her math skill so much!

With Ken and I having Fridays off together (so far), we thought it was good for us to spend some family time together. Ken took us to the new Chicken Express (fast food) for dinner; not bad, the chicken tenders were fresh and tasty. Then he dropped us off at my co-worker's Lularoe party while he did something at Walmart. He came back for us and we went to see the Lego Batman movie. It was fairly funny and cute. We won't do this all the time, but we can certainly use Fridays to spend more time together!

Saturday, February 18, 2017
Just three of us at the library today, illness keeps holding employees hostage at various times. But it looks to be fairly quiet. We can handle it, though the New Girl is still a little nervous about the phone and making library cards. It takes time, dear.

Lunch break was spent at home rehearsing a skit Analiese and I are putting on for the Ward Talent Show tonight. We are doing a piece from "Winnie-the-Pooh and the Honey Tree." I'm Pooh, and have the biggest lines, which complicates my old brain which is presumably "stuffed with fluff." Also, Analiese (she's playing Christopher Robin) has the problem of wanting to laugh when I get into character. Can't blame her much, Ken's face twitched with humor when I showed him.

So, I totally flubbed my lines! Analiese had hers down pat, but my tired brain just threw everything out the window! Good thing the ward didn't realize that our skit was severely truncated. And they laughed, which is good. At the right parts, which is better.

Sunday, February 19, 2017
I didn't make it to church today. I had one of those "white nights" when you don't sleep, or at least not much. My back had that "I-am-not-comfortable-in-any-position" ache and I've been nursing a sore on the right side of my tongue most of the week, which now is accompanied by an ear ache. Pain and I are well acquainted. I was up-and-down all night.

The nice thing is, I have Monday off of Seminary and work, so I have time to rest for two days, instead of one. Mind you, I have things I should very much like to do tomorrow, but we'll see how well I can rest today.

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