Sunday, December 18, 2016


Monday, December 12, 2016
Another alarm error occurred this morning on my phone (my fault, actually) and it made me late for Seminary again. And on a Monday - that's the worst day to be late on because I'm so time crunched between Seminary and the library. Everything went okay except two of my students were missing. We have assessments this week - not a good time to be absent!

Lots of patrons found me to be chipper and happy this morning - surprising them. I didn't feel so chipper, but apparently I pulled it off. One patron raved over my display cases. That made me feel good!

I am prepping tonight for the Assessment Preview tomorrow. I'm going to have them work in pairs at stations while I sit back and watch them quiz each other. It's pretty easy for me. The prep for tomorrow will be even easier!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Analiese had EPIC testing at the library this morning, so I went over with her at 9:00 a.m. to let her teacher in. She was there for about three hours - pretty intense - but she came out smiling and felt she did well...even in math!

I left her there for those three hours because I had stuff  to do. First was a bank run (very important) and then a little Christmas shopping. I went home, washed some towels, paid some bills and then waited for her phone call to pick her up. As a reward for her hard work, Jonathan and I took her out to lunch at Taco Mayo - a TB alternative she likes.

Tonight at work, a fellow employee brought in a huge platter of all kinds of homemade cookies. I am such a cookie monster, so this was enormous temptation. Some, though, were really too cute to eat!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016
We had Assessments today in Seminary. It was a piece of cake for me, but wasn't to hard on the kids, either. They all passed! In fact, they did it well enough in time to set up in the gym for me for our family seminary breakfast tomorrow.

The rest of the morning and afternoon, was ME getting ready for the breakfast. I had some last-minute purchases, plus Jonathan went over to the church with me to finish the set-up. I also cooked two breakfast casseroles at home that I'll reheat at the church tomorrow morning.

They told me at the library that the police have caught the two individuals who have been breaking into businesses and churches - including ours. The names haven't been released yet, probably because one of them is a minor. But at least this craziness can stop!

Thursday, December 15, 2016
The breakfast went over without a hitch this morning. Well, except for one student and her family. She's really sick, poor thing. Everything turned out nicely - my casserole was good - and the "program" turned out well. I especially liked the bishop's comments about his experiences growing up and attending Seminary. Even he had a Seminary blanket! I had to laugh, because some of my students do, too. One of my students (my artist) brought me a gift. While I appreciated it - I love markers - I really loved the card she made me. She drew me some cute/funny cartoons and wrote the best, encouraging message. I always cherish her drawings, but this was extra special to me. I'll keep it forever.

Friday, December 16, 2016
Analiese's teacher from EPIC called first thing this morning. Apparently she's made a HUGE improvement in her math scores! Still not where she needs to be, but a significant improvement. He knows she's been struggling and working hard and thought she ought to know. This made her happy, as well as her mother!

The missionaries - just the elders - came to lunch today, not dinner. After calling me to inform me last night, my plans for the day completely changed. But I used what I had in the house and made a burrito casserole that everyone liked. We had a nice visit and I gave them a cocoa kit to help stave off the cold. They also showed us a Mormon channel video that moved me deeply, testifying of the prophets and servants of the Lord today.

I ended up doing my regular grocery shopping after taking Jonathan to Walgreens at four. I'm glad, though, that I took Analiese with me. I had woken this morning with the middle joint of my left thumb swollen and throbbing. I can hardly move it, which is excruciating anyway. I've taken Tylenol and prayed that my genetic predisposition to arthritis hasn't caught up to me. So Analiese was a big help to me by carrying things.

Tonight it was just the two of us, so we settled down with frozen pizza, made cookies, listened to Christmas carols on Pandora, and played with bunnies. Quite cozy.

Saturday, December 17, 2016
My thumb is still swollen and stiff and hurts to bend (so don't bend it, dummy!). But it isn't throbbing like yesterday, so that's an improvement.

Yesterday was a weirdly balmy 74 degrees, but the temperatures are dropping fast and they're predicting a low of 12 degrees at some point. Even for me, that's cold! They've (meaning the meteorologists) talked on and off about some snow, but I think we probably won't get any. So far, it's shaping up to be a dry winter. Fine with me. I don't like ice, to state it mildly.

Okay, so we got a fine, sandy type of snow. It was very light, for only about two hours.
White stuff in the cracks...that's snow.
The worst thing was a huge drop in temperature. The wind, in particular, makes it pretty brutal outside.

One of my seminary families came caroling to our house this evening. Of course, we had to bring out bunnies to reward them for their kindness. One of my students said he wants one...after petting PomPom. She is such a doll with those tiny ears and huge eyes.

Analiese did the lion's share of rolling and cutting sugar cookies tonight

because my thumb is still stiff and tender. But it was nice giving her the opportunity to learn and pass on a tradition that started with my mother. She loved it and we got a little silly as it got messy and we got more tired.
Flour-faced selfie!

Sunday, December 18, 2016
Bitterly cold. The weather app read 12 degrees, but feels like negative 1. The wind is really awful. I wore slipper socks - the height of fashion - on under my sandals for church. I don't have any closed-toe dress shoe. And my toes were grateful for it.

The ward missionaries made up a couple of gift baskets today with the video "Joy to the World" in it and other goodies for members to take to others and help spread the message of Christ. I thought immediately of my friend, Valerie, and her family. So after church we went to their farm, braving the dirt road (not enough precipitation to make it either muddy or slippery) to drop it off. If she didn't have a dog (though I love her corgi, Widget - he cracks me up) or if Analiese wasn't allergic (which would be even better) we could have stayed longer. She's one of my favorite people here and I love spending time with her.

After a visit from our home teachers, Analiese and I decorated our sugar cookies in an untraditional way that I discovered on Facebook. I thought they'd be cute to send out for Christmas treats. It's a gingerbread man cookie turned upside down and decorated to look like a reindeer's head.

So funny!

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