Monday, November 21, 2016
Things didn't start well today. For one, my alarm didn't sound - it vibrated - and I didn't hear it! So at 6:30 I get a phone call from a the church! (Yeah, I heard the phone ring, weird!) Aack! I threw on some clothes and ran over. Funny thing was, being late and forgoing the TV and PowerPoint presentation wasn't a disaster. Actually, the Spirit was very strong.
But...I had no time to was getting home. This is my early morning at the library. Plus, there's other physical complications that had me not feeling so hot. Not a day to start behind.
It was kind of weird, though. The day just flowed by and I couldn't or didn't really keep up with it, but all was fine. We had a luncheon at the library, so I didn't bother going home. And before I knew it, the day was done.
I had to go to Walmart after work to get some necessities after work. That was the worst part of the day. The place was packed starting at the parking lot and the people were crazy. It took me nearly an hour and I just wanted to go home and crash!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
This was the last day of Seminary for the week. Some of the kids were in a mood. Not nearly as nice as yesterday was. Maybe they're all just ready to get out of everything and have time off for Thanksgiving.
Our new bishop was in the building when I went to put the TV away. He said he'd like to visit our class - I said I'd like him to visit our class :D. I also informed him of the upcoming family breakfast at Seminary. I was going to hold off (only a little) on telling him, but he brought things up!
PomPom is getting settled in. Today she explored the sofa
, eventually settling down by my side. Unfortunately, that's Alice's side, too, so I'll have to be careful. Rabbit fights are no less violent than cat fights and Alice can be a ninja!
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
What a morning! I spent the whole time in the kitchen - chopping, peeling, stirring, baking! Thank goodness for my chopper and my apple peeler/slicer/corer! I felt pressed for time - and I was! - because I had to go to work today three hours earlier than normal.
That wasn't bad, really, since I got off at 6 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. Our director had decided we should close early today (thanks!). Work was a nice reprieve from the kitchen and I got a lot of biography book covers fixed and retaped. What else did I have to do?
Oh yeah. I had to go home and keep working. Luckily, Ken had the day off and could help, like taking Analiese to her birthday appointment with the bishop. But it was back to the kitchen for me!
Thursday, November 24, 2016
This year's Thanksgiving didn't feel like the marathon rus of the past. Having dinner at 5 p.m. helped, since I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a turkey in the oven. Sorry, Mom, the sacrifice just wasn't in me!
Ken still didn't have to work (nice!), but Jonathan did this morning, so we told our guests to come by 5 p.m. Dennis & Barbara Whardo, from church, came. It's the only way I can try and thank them for all the help Dennis has given us over the past year or so. He's an angel! I also felt the need to invite two of my library patrons who are also roommates. Everyone enjoyed the meal and the fun we had afterwards. We played games (thanks, Karla!) and, of course, pulled out the two rabbits. The two I'd invited have had rabbits before and fell in love with little PomPom. I wasn't sure she would be here when they left!
So it was a success. On a funny note, Analiese remarked on my "new" technique of basting the turkey with butter and powdered ginger.
I have never basted the turkey with anything else - Ken loves it - and my mother has always basted her turkey that way. "New"?
I made two pies this year.
One was pumpkin, which Analiese wanted and loved. I did NOT make a pecan pie, because the trees decided to take a year off. Instead, I made a caramel apple pie... Jonathan's idea. Hey, look on Pinterest, it'll probably be there. And in this case, it was. It turned out well enough, but I'd make changes if I tried it again.
I did NOT do dishes. Two days of cooking (and cleaning up between times) was enough for me. I didn't even slightly volunteer.
Friday, November 25, 2016
After a good night's sleep, I acutally got up and made breakfast for my family. We had breakfast all together! Will wonders never cease?
Ken went in to work at noon, while Analiese worked on lessons and Jonathan did laundry. He also sat down with me to go over his list of things he will need for his mission. It's quite a bit and overwhelming! Part of it will be his Christmas gift!
He had to go to work in the afternoon. At a quarter to 4 (his start time), Analiese and I got into the van with him to take him to Walgreen's. But the van wouldn't, click. He ended up walking and maybe being a little bit late. I had planned on going shopping afterwards, but apparently not! Oh, brother! Now what? I need a working vehicle.
After Ken got home this evening (luckily not too terribly late), we made some decisions and phone calls. We'll figure things out and make do, but we have to resolve this as soon as possible.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Dennis Whardo, ward angel, came by this morning to look at the van. I gave him the keys and then left with Helen, one of my visiting teachers, to go to work.
The Dude - who's van just died and he had to buy a new vehicle - wondered if maybe he started the curse of the vans at the library. Since other employees have vans, that would be a bad thing. But Dennis came in mid-morning with my keys and the van parked outside. It was just the battery and he took care of that. Whew! We are so blessed to have him in our lives!
I spent most of my non-busy time (because we did get a bit busy - The Dude said that anytime I was at the desk, we got busy) working on the signage for one of the display cases. It is made to look like a cross-stitch sampler. The lettering is done, now I just have to figure out how to "frame" it. It's rather good sized.
Went shopping - try #2 - grocery shopping after work. I do not like shopping at night. It was still crazy there and shopping in the night time makes me feel tired.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Busy-ness is antithetical to having or recognizing the Spirit. I've been getting too busy to ponder, meditate, listen and FEEL the Spirit as often as I should or want to. I need to take some of the time I use on less-worthy things to let the Spirit get through to me.
It's a very windy day today. The trees are changing colors
and dropping leaves rapidly. I actually wore a coat to church. And almost forgot it there. I never keep that sort of thing on or with me. I can't tell you how many times I have left sweaters and such at different places. I lost my good black sweater (well, as good as can be, it had rusty bleach spots on it because I am hard on clothes) last year to that very problem. I am trying to be very careful of my new scarlet (hey, that's what the catalogue called it!) sweater.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Monday, November 14, 2016
I only had four students this morning and they were all late. It was really foggy this morning, which accounting for most of it. At least, for my one student who's learning to drive and is very nervous. So I couldn't really blame her!
I moved around a lot of tables and artificial trees in the west conference room at the library this morning. They're hold a Health Fair for the community tomorrow and I offered to help set up some stuff. This is the first time they're doing the Health Fair, in conjunction with the Literacy Council (they work out of the Library), the Health Department, and the Jackson County Memorial Hospital. We'll see how it turns out.
In the mail today, Jonathan received a tentative itinerary from the church's mission travel department. So far, they have him flying from Lawton at 5:15 in the morning (which means he'll have to be there by 3:15 for an international flight.), to Dallas to Georgia to Los Angeles to Guatemala. It seems crazy to me, but it might change.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
I took Analiese with me to the library this evening. She wants to help with my displays. She loves doing creative stuff and goodness knows, I have plenty to do. Besides the two cases, I'm now doing a wall display over a shelf in the children's section. It'll be cute. I'll post pictures when I'm done.
I was going to have her die-cut some Christmas lights for me, but the die-cut pattern wouldn't work! Such a bummer! I was going to use them and some yarn as a border around the children's section display. Now I've got to think of something else.
Still, she enjoyed having Subway for dinner in our break room, watching videos on the computer, and even finding a book to read. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities for her to help in the future.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Ken has slept poorly the last few nights and only today did I find out why - he has a terrible toothache. But he made a dentist appointment for today at 10:00 a.m. (without the prompting of his wife...he must REALLY hurt!) and even left an hour early just in case he could get in earlier.
He didn't get back unitl over four hours later. Turns out he had a large abcess under one tooth that took a ton of numbing agent and a lot of hard work to remove. His tooth came out apparently in pieces, which hindered the work. Ken said it was a lot like having a jackhammer in his mouth.
So, he's tired, he's sore, and he's on heavy meds. He's on a soft diet for a couple of days with no hot foods through tonight. Good thing he had today off and tomorrow as well. He needs to recooperate and sleep!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Analiese & I were at the library at 9 a.m. to meet with her EPIC teacher. But first...he had to talk to me ALONE. Uh-oh. Girl's in trouble and boy, is she! It appears she's been slacking - especially in math - since the grandparents were here visiting. I've been a little lax myself, because I've been so busy with other things that I wasn't checking...but I am now! So, she's grounded until she catches up - and she'd better get it done before Christmas or it could REALLY hurt!
Ken's doing better today. I had to work in the evening, but I asked our home teacher to come and (with Jonathan assisting - now that he can!) give Ken a blessing. Our home teacher is new, but so very helpful and eager and kind. It was a good experience all around.
Friday, November 18, 2016
My turn today at not feeling swell. Besides being tired - which is kind of a state of existence for me - I feel cold, a little achy, and my throat's a touch sore. Not good. I really have no time for illness.
Still, it is Friday and I have my "stuff" to do. Thankfully, I don't have a lot of Seminary studying because we only have class twice next week. Shopping was fairly crazy at Walmart and the parking lot was nearly full. Who'd have thunk? I mean, it's only the week before Thanksgiving! Besides MY Thanksgiving stuff, I had to get ingredients for a salad to take to church on Sunday. We're having a Linger-Longer after the block.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
No Dude at the library today. His car broke down outside of OKC (when? I dunno). Probably something to do with his band. So it looks like I'll be at the desk all day.
I thought it would be a slow day, too; we only had three people during the first hour. Maybe I could get some display work done. Nope. Things picked up from there and we were humming the rest of the day.
The 4H Rabbit Club leader came by to drop something off - we have a display of 4H Photography Contest winners - and to talk to me. The Rabbit Club is holding their Christmas Party on a Friday. They voted on it. It's on a I can go with my sugar cookies! I guess I've done it enough to make it a tradition that the kids really like.
She also came to offer me another rabbit. At first I was, no, but then she said, "Netherland Dwarf." These are the tiniest rabbits, only 3-5 pounds and they fit in your hands! They have big eyes and shorter ears and are as darling as can be. I've kind of always wanted one and she needs to get rid of one. So tomorrow, she's coming by with my new baby.
My friend Karla's Christmas package came today. For Christmas from last year! ROFL! It was full of games
(she's a game tester, so we get blessed with new and unusual ones people haven't heard of), a t-shirt that was PERFECT for Analiese, a California beach towel (to remind me of home), and some cute fall kitchen towels and potholders. Something fun and brings fresh cheer to our overly hectic days!
Analiese wore her t-shirt to the youth activity in Lawton at the stake center (yes, I let her go to that). It's the perfect geek/nerd shirt
for her and she got lots of comments on it. She met up with a girl she befriended at girls' camp this last summer. They spent the whole evening together and even swapped phone numbers at the end. They are apparently nerds together!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
It was a surprise, but not really. We got a new bishop/bishopric today in church. It had to be coming, our current bishop is leaving soon for a 6-month Air Force assignment. Funny, though, seeing the stake president on the stand, it didn't even occur to me why he was here. I guess it kind of explained why there were more visitors in church today.
So we had a great turnout for the Linger Longer, too. We had just enough food. My jello(ish) salad went over well, and I heard that there wasn't any leftovers of anything. The kids and I (after setting up my classroom) ate and ran, so we could get home...
...for rabbit delivery! Because, sure enough, about twenty minutes after I got home, the rabbit leader called and ten minutes after that, a new fluffy baby entered our home. She's a "blue" (that's what they call that shade of gray) Netherland Dwarf. She's what they call a brooder doe, she's too big to show well, but make a great breeding rabbit. We're naming her PomPom.
(I had told that to a 4-year-old after church today and all she could say to her mother the rest of the meal was PomPom! Oops. Sorry, mom!) She needs a little TLC - she has the snuffles (yes, that's an official diagnosis) and had some fur on her face pulled out by another rabbit. She's a little nervous, but that can be helped with time.
So, how did Alice react? Well, Analiese had her in the recliner, and she jumped out of that, over Jonathan on the sofa (like four feet!) and over to me. At first, we were afraid she'd attack PomPom, so we held her back. But, once I started petting her, and letting her sit on my right side on the sofa in "her spot," she was okay. She doesn't mind PomPom, as long as she doesn't supplant Queen Alice!
Ken thinks she's ugly
(well, he wouldn't look great if someone pulled out his hair in clumps, either!), but that's because Alice really is very regal-looking. So Analiese said one is the Beauty, the other is the Cutie. Perfect. We'll love them both.
I only had four students this morning and they were all late. It was really foggy this morning, which accounting for most of it. At least, for my one student who's learning to drive and is very nervous. So I couldn't really blame her!
I moved around a lot of tables and artificial trees in the west conference room at the library this morning. They're hold a Health Fair for the community tomorrow and I offered to help set up some stuff. This is the first time they're doing the Health Fair, in conjunction with the Literacy Council (they work out of the Library), the Health Department, and the Jackson County Memorial Hospital. We'll see how it turns out.
In the mail today, Jonathan received a tentative itinerary from the church's mission travel department. So far, they have him flying from Lawton at 5:15 in the morning (which means he'll have to be there by 3:15 for an international flight.), to Dallas to Georgia to Los Angeles to Guatemala. It seems crazy to me, but it might change.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
I took Analiese with me to the library this evening. She wants to help with my displays. She loves doing creative stuff and goodness knows, I have plenty to do. Besides the two cases, I'm now doing a wall display over a shelf in the children's section. It'll be cute. I'll post pictures when I'm done.
I was going to have her die-cut some Christmas lights for me, but the die-cut pattern wouldn't work! Such a bummer! I was going to use them and some yarn as a border around the children's section display. Now I've got to think of something else.
Still, she enjoyed having Subway for dinner in our break room, watching videos on the computer, and even finding a book to read. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities for her to help in the future.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Ken has slept poorly the last few nights and only today did I find out why - he has a terrible toothache. But he made a dentist appointment for today at 10:00 a.m. (without the prompting of his wife...he must REALLY hurt!) and even left an hour early just in case he could get in earlier.
He didn't get back unitl over four hours later. Turns out he had a large abcess under one tooth that took a ton of numbing agent and a lot of hard work to remove. His tooth came out apparently in pieces, which hindered the work. Ken said it was a lot like having a jackhammer in his mouth.
So, he's tired, he's sore, and he's on heavy meds. He's on a soft diet for a couple of days with no hot foods through tonight. Good thing he had today off and tomorrow as well. He needs to recooperate and sleep!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Analiese & I were at the library at 9 a.m. to meet with her EPIC teacher. But first...he had to talk to me ALONE. Uh-oh. Girl's in trouble and boy, is she! It appears she's been slacking - especially in math - since the grandparents were here visiting. I've been a little lax myself, because I've been so busy with other things that I wasn't checking...but I am now! So, she's grounded until she catches up - and she'd better get it done before Christmas or it could REALLY hurt!
Ken's doing better today. I had to work in the evening, but I asked our home teacher to come and (with Jonathan assisting - now that he can!) give Ken a blessing. Our home teacher is new, but so very helpful and eager and kind. It was a good experience all around.
Friday, November 18, 2016
My turn today at not feeling swell. Besides being tired - which is kind of a state of existence for me - I feel cold, a little achy, and my throat's a touch sore. Not good. I really have no time for illness.
Still, it is Friday and I have my "stuff" to do. Thankfully, I don't have a lot of Seminary studying because we only have class twice next week. Shopping was fairly crazy at Walmart and the parking lot was nearly full. Who'd have thunk? I mean, it's only the week before Thanksgiving! Besides MY Thanksgiving stuff, I had to get ingredients for a salad to take to church on Sunday. We're having a Linger-Longer after the block.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
No Dude at the library today. His car broke down outside of OKC (when? I dunno). Probably something to do with his band. So it looks like I'll be at the desk all day.
I thought it would be a slow day, too; we only had three people during the first hour. Maybe I could get some display work done. Nope. Things picked up from there and we were humming the rest of the day.
The 4H Rabbit Club leader came by to drop something off - we have a display of 4H Photography Contest winners - and to talk to me. The Rabbit Club is holding their Christmas Party on a Friday. They voted on it. It's on a I can go with my sugar cookies! I guess I've done it enough to make it a tradition that the kids really like.
She also came to offer me another rabbit. At first I was, no, but then she said, "Netherland Dwarf." These are the tiniest rabbits, only 3-5 pounds and they fit in your hands! They have big eyes and shorter ears and are as darling as can be. I've kind of always wanted one and she needs to get rid of one. So tomorrow, she's coming by with my new baby.
My friend Karla's Christmas package came today. For Christmas from last year! ROFL! It was full of games
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He really approves; he's just being a goof. |
Analiese wore her t-shirt to the youth activity in Lawton at the stake center (yes, I let her go to that). It's the perfect geek/nerd shirt
for her and she got lots of comments on it. She met up with a girl she befriended at girls' camp this last summer. They spent the whole evening together and even swapped phone numbers at the end. They are apparently nerds together!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
It was a surprise, but not really. We got a new bishop/bishopric today in church. It had to be coming, our current bishop is leaving soon for a 6-month Air Force assignment. Funny, though, seeing the stake president on the stand, it didn't even occur to me why he was here. I guess it kind of explained why there were more visitors in church today.
So we had a great turnout for the Linger Longer, too. We had just enough food. My jello(ish) salad went over well, and I heard that there wasn't any leftovers of anything. The kids and I (after setting up my classroom) ate and ran, so we could get home...
...for rabbit delivery! Because, sure enough, about twenty minutes after I got home, the rabbit leader called and ten minutes after that, a new fluffy baby entered our home. She's a "blue" (that's what they call that shade of gray) Netherland Dwarf. She's what they call a brooder doe, she's too big to show well, but make a great breeding rabbit. We're naming her PomPom.
(I had told that to a 4-year-old after church today and all she could say to her mother the rest of the meal was PomPom! Oops. Sorry, mom!) She needs a little TLC - she has the snuffles (yes, that's an official diagnosis) and had some fur on her face pulled out by another rabbit. She's a little nervous, but that can be helped with time.
So, how did Alice react? Well, Analiese had her in the recliner, and she jumped out of that, over Jonathan on the sofa (like four feet!) and over to me. At first, we were afraid she'd attack PomPom, so we held her back. But, once I started petting her, and letting her sit on my right side on the sofa in "her spot," she was okay. She doesn't mind PomPom, as long as she doesn't supplant Queen Alice!
Ken thinks she's ugly
(well, he wouldn't look great if someone pulled out his hair in clumps, either!), but that's because Alice really is very regal-looking. So Analiese said one is the Beauty, the other is the Cutie. Perfect. We'll love them both.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
I parked across the street from the library today because my usual spot was a lake. I didn't really want to wade through it.
I spent my morning dusting the very tops of the bookshelves in the non-fiction section from my perch on a tall step-ladder. I wore a mask this time. No one thinks about the tops often enough and the dust (and bugs!) of ages reposed up there. As it was, I still needed my inhaler. The head librarian told me to only tackle this sort of thing once a week; I think she's afraid I'll get sick.
Upon getting home on my lunch break, my son greeted me, grinning foolishly. The booger (yes! I will call him that!) had received his mission envelope in the mail and had opened it!
I know he was excited...but I wanted to see his reaction. And...he's going to Guatemala, the Quetzaltenango mission.
Serves him right - Spanish-speaking! I told him his father was going to speak only Spanish to him until he left in February.
So, after work (me and Ken) this evening we Skyped with my parents in California, and went on Facebook Live (new to me) to announce it to everyone there. Our computers and phones quickly filled with many congratulations!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ken, Jonathan & I did our civic duties today and voted
, for better or worse. I felt bad for Jonathan, though, because it was his first time and it wasn't easy or necessarily pleasant. But I did encourage him to take pride in exercising his civil responsibility. Several voters at the polls cheered me on with that statement.
Afterward, he had Ken & I take him all over'd have thought he was leaving tomorrow! He got his passport photo taken (at Walgreens, of course), then applied for his passport at the county courthouse. We went to Walmart and got him a camera, then went to a specialty sotre in town to order custom orthotics and good shoes to last him through his mission.
His excitement and energy are palpable. He asked Ken this morning if he could borrow Ken's Spanish scriptures.
He is trying to say the words and phrases he knows in Spanish and doesn't seem to mind Ken's tuteledge, which would drive me crazy!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Coming out of Seminary, I saw tracks of mud on the sidewalk.
Deeply embedded in the mud under the acorn tree, I saw more.
Deer from the wooded area behind the church, are probably coming to eat acorns. I thought it was cool.
I took a much-needed nap this morning. Jonathan's excitement is wearing me out, much as I love it. He went for a two-hour bike ride this afternoon!
Work was spent mainly recovering and fixing up Biography books. One of my duties is to keep the books in my areas in good shape. Since we recently went through and winnowed the Biographies down, I figured it was a good time to put the ones remaining in better shape.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Analiese and I had our annual lunch and pedicure date as a part of her birthday. I'd left my pedicure off for too long and my toes are beginning to really hurt. She picks out the colors, and usually we're both blue, but with different shades. This time I was blue (TARDIS blue) and she chose silver for herself. She's kind of getting into silver lately.
Lunch was at Applebees, which is her traditional choice, too.
They're okay. As long as she was happy, I didn't care. And she was!
The hardest part of working nights at the library is finding something to do. And I'm not allowed to READ. That's right...I work in a library and, even if I have nothing to do at the desk, I cannot read. A patron complained (they complain about everything). I am not negligent; I don't keep people waiting while I finish reading a paragraph or sentence. It's illogical and irks me because I can be looking at anything on the biggie. But because I can be seen reading...? Aren't I setting a good example? How can I recommend books? I have so little time at home anymore. Really!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Even though I had no class today, I got up at my regular time so Ken & I could get to the temple in OKC on time for the 9:00 a.m. session. It's fill-the-temple day for our stake. Considering we have two AFB and an army base in our stake, this was the best way to get the most people out to the temple, holding it on Veteran's Day. It was another crisp fall morning and I even managed a little nap most of the way there.
Somehow, I was still very sleeply in the session. Ken and I, along with the bishop's wife, were the only ward members there, though I thought a recognized a few people from our stake. I'm at the point now where I actually know a few, even with our stake spread out so much!
We took our time getting home, stopping in Lawton for a Sam's trip. The only fly in our ointment... returning home to find that the washing machine had overflowed when the kids were doing laundry. So Ken went to look at that, while I quickly organized myself to go grocery shopping (yes, beyond Sam's) and find something to fix for dinner!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
I woke up to an email from my Dad. Mom's in the hospital. They think it's her heart. They kept her overnight and are running more tests today. Lovely way to start the day!
I am trying something new in the crockpot today. I put some porkchops at the bottom and then a layer of French onion dip. I don't know if I read about it anywhere or what.... Sounded good to me!
Three people at work again today. Considering we were closed yesterday for Veteran's Day, it was really quiet.
The pork chops turned out great! Falling of the bone, they were tasty! Even Ken - the inveterate onion-hater - liked it. And it was SO easy. Analiese said, "Definitely repeatable!"
Sunday, November 13, 2016
We all traveled to Lawton today for Stake Conference. Yes, even Ken. He got the day off today for something very important!
The stake president spoke, so did one of his counselors. The new mission president and his wife spoke, so did the temple president and his wife. Concluding was Elder Stoddard of the Seventy. Much emphasis was placed on the temple and missionary work (kind of duh, I know). But still, enjoyable.
Still, one thing held the Bolton's attention there today. Jonathan was sustained to receive his ordination to the Melchezidek priesthood in the office of an elder. I could have burst, seeing him stand to receive the stake's support.
So, after the meeting, we went to the high council room to arrange his ordination. Ken was mouthpiece and, I think, a little nervous. He'd never done that before! Still, we were all grinning from ear-to-ear before and after. Ward members at conference came up to congratulate us, and some of my fellow Seminary teachers did the same. We looked at the wall of mission plaques that stand in the front foyer. There's an empty spot...for Jonathan!
Yeah, my kids are growing up. Today, Analiese went to stake conference...with LIPSTICK on! I teased, "Your lips are a funny color!" It was my lipstick, too, which apparently she knew the location of. She told me it was a special occasion. Since when did she care about this stuff?
It made for a nice family day today. We had a picnic lunch on the stake center lawn, then came home to play Clue together. Ken had purchased it the other day in anticipation of today. Did you know we didn't have it before? We have several games, but not that one until now. We like to play games.
BTW...Mom is out of the hospital. What was wrong? Something with the muscle in heart, but I guess it wasn't too bad. But she has to see two doctors next week.
I parked across the street from the library today because my usual spot was a lake. I didn't really want to wade through it.
I spent my morning dusting the very tops of the bookshelves in the non-fiction section from my perch on a tall step-ladder. I wore a mask this time. No one thinks about the tops often enough and the dust (and bugs!) of ages reposed up there. As it was, I still needed my inhaler. The head librarian told me to only tackle this sort of thing once a week; I think she's afraid I'll get sick.
Upon getting home on my lunch break, my son greeted me, grinning foolishly. The booger (yes! I will call him that!) had received his mission envelope in the mail and had opened it!
I know he was excited...but I wanted to see his reaction. And...he's going to Guatemala, the Quetzaltenango mission.
Serves him right - Spanish-speaking! I told him his father was going to speak only Spanish to him until he left in February.
So, after work (me and Ken) this evening we Skyped with my parents in California, and went on Facebook Live (new to me) to announce it to everyone there. Our computers and phones quickly filled with many congratulations!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ken, Jonathan & I did our civic duties today and voted
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Okay, It's backwards |
Afterward, he had Ken & I take him all over'd have thought he was leaving tomorrow! He got his passport photo taken (at Walgreens, of course), then applied for his passport at the county courthouse. We went to Walmart and got him a camera, then went to a specialty sotre in town to order custom orthotics and good shoes to last him through his mission.
His excitement and energy are palpable. He asked Ken this morning if he could borrow Ken's Spanish scriptures.
He is trying to say the words and phrases he knows in Spanish and doesn't seem to mind Ken's tuteledge, which would drive me crazy!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Coming out of Seminary, I saw tracks of mud on the sidewalk.
Deeply embedded in the mud under the acorn tree, I saw more.
Deer from the wooded area behind the church, are probably coming to eat acorns. I thought it was cool.
I took a much-needed nap this morning. Jonathan's excitement is wearing me out, much as I love it. He went for a two-hour bike ride this afternoon!
Work was spent mainly recovering and fixing up Biography books. One of my duties is to keep the books in my areas in good shape. Since we recently went through and winnowed the Biographies down, I figured it was a good time to put the ones remaining in better shape.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Analiese and I had our annual lunch and pedicure date as a part of her birthday. I'd left my pedicure off for too long and my toes are beginning to really hurt. She picks out the colors, and usually we're both blue, but with different shades. This time I was blue (TARDIS blue) and she chose silver for herself. She's kind of getting into silver lately.
Lunch was at Applebees, which is her traditional choice, too.
They're okay. As long as she was happy, I didn't care. And she was!
The hardest part of working nights at the library is finding something to do. And I'm not allowed to READ. That's right...I work in a library and, even if I have nothing to do at the desk, I cannot read. A patron complained (they complain about everything). I am not negligent; I don't keep people waiting while I finish reading a paragraph or sentence. It's illogical and irks me because I can be looking at anything on the biggie. But because I can be seen reading...? Aren't I setting a good example? How can I recommend books? I have so little time at home anymore. Really!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Even though I had no class today, I got up at my regular time so Ken & I could get to the temple in OKC on time for the 9:00 a.m. session. It's fill-the-temple day for our stake. Considering we have two AFB and an army base in our stake, this was the best way to get the most people out to the temple, holding it on Veteran's Day. It was another crisp fall morning and I even managed a little nap most of the way there.
Somehow, I was still very sleeply in the session. Ken and I, along with the bishop's wife, were the only ward members there, though I thought a recognized a few people from our stake. I'm at the point now where I actually know a few, even with our stake spread out so much!
We took our time getting home, stopping in Lawton for a Sam's trip. The only fly in our ointment... returning home to find that the washing machine had overflowed when the kids were doing laundry. So Ken went to look at that, while I quickly organized myself to go grocery shopping (yes, beyond Sam's) and find something to fix for dinner!
Saturday, November 12, 2016
I woke up to an email from my Dad. Mom's in the hospital. They think it's her heart. They kept her overnight and are running more tests today. Lovely way to start the day!
I am trying something new in the crockpot today. I put some porkchops at the bottom and then a layer of French onion dip. I don't know if I read about it anywhere or what.... Sounded good to me!
Three people at work again today. Considering we were closed yesterday for Veteran's Day, it was really quiet.
The pork chops turned out great! Falling of the bone, they were tasty! Even Ken - the inveterate onion-hater - liked it. And it was SO easy. Analiese said, "Definitely repeatable!"
Sunday, November 13, 2016
We all traveled to Lawton today for Stake Conference. Yes, even Ken. He got the day off today for something very important!
The stake president spoke, so did one of his counselors. The new mission president and his wife spoke, so did the temple president and his wife. Concluding was Elder Stoddard of the Seventy. Much emphasis was placed on the temple and missionary work (kind of duh, I know). But still, enjoyable.
Still, one thing held the Bolton's attention there today. Jonathan was sustained to receive his ordination to the Melchezidek priesthood in the office of an elder. I could have burst, seeing him stand to receive the stake's support.
So, after the meeting, we went to the high council room to arrange his ordination. Ken was mouthpiece and, I think, a little nervous. He'd never done that before! Still, we were all grinning from ear-to-ear before and after. Ward members at conference came up to congratulate us, and some of my fellow Seminary teachers did the same. We looked at the wall of mission plaques that stand in the front foyer. There's an empty spot...for Jonathan!
Yeah, my kids are growing up. Today, Analiese went to stake conference...with LIPSTICK on! I teased, "Your lips are a funny color!" It was my lipstick, too, which apparently she knew the location of. She told me it was a special occasion. Since when did she care about this stuff?
It made for a nice family day today. We had a picnic lunch on the stake center lawn, then came home to play Clue together. Ken had purchased it the other day in anticipation of today. Did you know we didn't have it before? We have several games, but not that one until now. We like to play games.
BTW...Mom is out of the hospital. What was wrong? Something with the muscle in heart, but I guess it wasn't too bad. But she has to see two doctors next week.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
It was so terribly warm in the library at first this morning. Luckily, a city electrician came and by afternoon the a/c was least in the library proper. The back rooms were still awful!
I had my first performance review today. I had to tell the Head Librarian where certain non-fiction books were listed in the Dewey Decimal System. I guessed...right! Not like I studied or memorized, I just thought about where those books were when I put them away. All-in-all, she says I'm doing great!
I asked two things of the Head Librarian today. One, could I vacuum in the library before we open on Monday mornings because the floor is gruesome. We only have one older gentleman doing janitorial/gardening stuff for us and at least two other city buildings. Things like vacuuming don't get done often enough. I was getting a little grossed out because of the dead crickets accumulating on the carpet.
The other thing was, could I do the display cases? We have two as people enter the library lobby area and she always seems so busy. She was glad to say yes to both requests. I intend to have more fun with the cases, though.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The morning was spent in last-minute details to get ready for my parents. They're flying out today!
Work was pretty normal. Except (as usual) my big mouth/crazy brain has gotten me in trouble. Now, besides the Monday vacuuming, the Head Library is having me (and the Dude - sorry!) clean off bookshelves. See, nobody's doing that either; and some of it is dirty and gross. The price I pay for being helpful and efficient, I guess.
I got home from work to find my folks there. It was much earlier than Dad's 10 p.m. prediction, for which I was grateful. Otherwise, I might have ended up in bed even later than 10:30 and Seminary still calls in the morning! As it was, it took me a while to get to sleep on the air mattress.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Apparently, Analiese had a hard time sleeping last night, too, due to the heavy breathing and snoring by her parents on her floor. Sorry!
I was so tired and dragged out today, with the teaching, studying, and taking care of stuff at home. Just sitting down to relax and talk with Mom made me want to doze off. I hope I sleep better tonight.
My parents get to enjoy the kids alone tonight, well, at least until Analiese leaves for Young Women's. Ken and I both have work. But after their long day of travel yesterday, I can't imagine them being too energetic to do much.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
I had two girls absent today in Seminary. Things didn't seem to be going well, either, with either sleepyheads or devil's advocates. I had figured class was a washout until one student earnestly thanked me for the good lesson as he was leaving. Those little boosts keep me going...
My father doesn't seem inclined to take it easy on his "vacation." No moss grows on that rolling stone! He went to the gym while I was at Seminary and to city pool later that morning. Then, he went shopping with Mom and Jonathan, came back and fixed the bathroom door, bedroom door, and front door! I think we finally tired him out...he was napping when I left for work.
There was a Halloween luncheon at the library today. I made caramel apple cider which I took in my crockpot. It is so good! Now that tastes like fall!
Friday, October 28, 2016
Jonathan had carved a small pumpkin for me last night for Seminary this morning. To introduce our devotional theme for the next week, I brought up the parable of the pumpkin, which pretty much ended in "let your light so shine before men." Then I gave them a copy of the story with some candy pumpkins. I don't know about them, but I thought it was cute.
Ken had the day off today, so we made a trip up towards Lawton to the Wichita Wildlife Reserve. The day was lovely, sunny, with a cool breeze.
The buffalo didn't come close, but we saw plenty of prairie dogs (their funny little tails bounce when they run)
and even had a traffic jam of longhorn cattle (including calves) hold us up while they crossed.
Mom really loved seeing that.
Their Visitors' Center was interesting as ever and it hit family (Ken, the kids & I) are a funny group who love to laugh and be silly. We got especially crazy in the gift shop.
Dad and Mom were ahead of us, looking at stuff and we were goofing off. And I loved that moment...we're a great family!
Dad treated us to lunch in Lawton at the Santa Fe Cattle Company.
We've been there several times and really like it. I had a great baked potato soup and a club sandwich with a chipotle mayonnaise.
Back in Altus, we had to get busy. Jonathan had work and we had to prepare for the ward Halloween party and dinner. I made a great salad (spinach, green apples, craisins, walnuts, feta cheese & raspberry vinaigrette) and cheesy chile cornbread muffins. None of what I brought made it home. The muffins (a new recipe) were particularly good and very moist.
Analiese looked awesome in her costume. She put it together herself, being very creative. She was a (her words) a Victorian steampunk goth. Still, it looked great and she seemed so elegant and regal.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
I set up a pork roast in the crockpot before heading out to the library this morning. We're going to all (yes, all six of us!) have a nice sit-down dinner this evening.
I was so tired at work today, even though I slept well last night. After lunch, I felt even worse! I wanted a nap! Ken - my sweetheart - saved me around 4 p.m. with a Dr. Pepper. Good thing, because it carried me thought the rest of work and home to get dinner on the table. Ken and Jonathan helped and it all went off well. It tasted good!
However, I let them handle dishes. I needed to work on next week's Seminary. No matter how tired, busy, or full of visits, that still has to get done.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Sacrament meeting was full today for the Primary program. Lots of grandparents, aunts, and uncles came to see the kids.
The bishop was very sentimental today. It started with him telling me warmly that Jonathan is READY - spiritually - to go. Then, during the third hour, he taught about fasting and serving the less fortunate, getting emotional. He's really a good bishop.
I got in a good nap this afternoon. It was well needed. I've been exhausted. Then, I made part of Analiese's birthday cake for tomorrow and normal Seminary preparation. In between visiting with my parents....
Monday, October 31, 2016
The library was very quiet for a Monday. We had a few kids to pass out non-edible (bookmarks, erasers, pencils, plastic rings) to.
All the desk people dressed up. I was a generic Halloween thing - I had a jack-o'lantern t-shirt, Halloween scarf, earrings, and a orange with black polka dots hat. But, the best of all was the Dude - who was a lobster. His foam costume seriously hampered his movements. I took advantage of this, asking him to do things for me so I could see him trying to write or work on the computer around the claws. Did I laugh!
At home, we celebrated Analiese's birthday early since my parents are here. We had chicken and dumplings that Ken had put together yesterday, and the caramel toffee poke cake that Analiese adores. I think she was pleased with dinner and the gifts later. She got a watch with matching bracelets and an Amazon gift certificate from the grandparents, and a stuffed penguin phone holder from us.
We'll be taking her to the movies at a later date as a present.
We had ONE single trick-or-treater.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
My parents left with my children for Oklahoma City right when I left for Seminary. They wanted to be there at the zoo right when it opened so they could get scooters. The grandparents, not my kids, thank you. Ken and I followed after I'd returned home. We went at a leisurely pace, enjoying the weather and time together.
It was such a lovely day. Bright, but not too warm, and with a gentle breeze. The zoo wasn't crowded either, and we could go where we pleased.
The yawning otter.
A red-tailed hawk (not enclosed in a cage) sitting on a nearby tree branch.
Trees turning autumn colors.
Baby giraffe.
A python feeding on a rabbit (Hey! It was cool!)
On the way home, we stopped in Lawton (yes, again, it's convenient) for dinner at Panda Express. Ken tries to get there whenever he can - he loves Chinese! Getting home at a decent time, we all went to be early...but happy!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
I took Mom with me this morning to get the CD of pictures from our family photo shoot. Then I drove her around town, showing her the reservoir and visiting the library. There, she met my boss and co-workers.
Later, when I got to work, the first thing they had me do was put up the display cases for November. The Genealogy workshop was tonight and they didn't want the cases empty. I was able to get one done (enough, apparently) for when people first enter the library. This one was for National Aviation month. I even hung clouds of batting in there.
Not bad for my first time.
As the sun set, the storm rolled in. People bravely came for the workshop and another meeting that was being held. But...I didn't bring an umbrella (figures)! We had quite the electric show outside, but no loss of power inside. At closing, I ran to my van, bag zipped so as not to drench everything!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
We had planned on going up to Quartz Mountain today for a picnic. But one look at Mom's swollen feet told me maybe we ought to stay home. Plus, having rained last night, we couldn't have enjoyed a picnic anyway. Instead, we had a take-it-easy kind of morning.
I did the second display case this evening. I only had a few books on Thanksgiving (?), so I did half of the case as Thanksgiving, and the other half as National Native American Month. Since Oklahoma is full of Native American tribes, this wasn't hard to fill. It turned out well, at least that's what my co-workers say!
Friday, November 4, 2016
This morning was a flurry of packing plus double-checking to make sure everything was going back to California that should! Before I even let my folks walk out the door, I had everyone check and double-check all the rooms!
They wanted to leave for the Will Rogers Airport (OKC) at noon, so Ken and I took them out to one last lunch at Arby's (which apparently is no longer prevalent in California and Dad has missed it). Then, they were off. The house seems emptier, but at least I think everyone had a nice visit.
Ken had the day off, so we spent most of the afternoon banking and shopping, coming home in time to take Jonathan to Walgreens. The plumber came by later (Dad had arranged it) and fixed a few toilet/pipe issues that had been spotted.
I had some Seminary work to do, but I was actually able to sit down with Ken this evening and watch a program with him.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Somehow, my alarm for this morning was switched OFF. I woke up half an hour later than I should (thankfully it was no more than that) and ended up rushing out the door to be at the library on time.
The Dude wasn't here today. It was me, a cataloger, and the researcher, who was running a bit late. It meant I spent most of my day behind the desk. I didn't get much floor work done, but it was a relaxing, easy day. I even had a patron give me a banana today. Yes, a banana. A nice one, too, not all spotty and mushy. I wonder how she kept it so well in her bag?
The weather (I think) has FINALLY decided to act like Autumn. It rained again sometime last night and it is overcast and cool. People are a little more bundled up. Not me. I like this weather and am perfectly comfortable.
Jonathan got an email from the Stake President today. "Have you received your call? If not, it's in the mail!" I guess he can see on his computer the status of submitted missionary paperwork. Ahhhhh....EXCITING! We should probably have it by Monday or Tuesday next week!
As part of Analiese's birthday, Jonathan & I took her to see Dr. Strange. Her YW President & husband coincidentally sat behind us! Still, we had a great time and got home early enough to get a good night's sleep (setting our clocks back first - free hour!)
Sunday, November 6, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! Hard to believe, but my little girl is fourteen. You know, I remember it raining the day she was born...
Because it's raining out there today. Not just tinkley-sprinkleys, like Ken says. Nope, Real, fill the gutters and the roads rain. And, sadly, both of my kids aren't feeling well. Analiese has been fighting allergies and stuff all week and Jonathan was complaining all last evening of a sore throat. Apparently he spent a rough night (I'm guessing from all the Kleenex strewn by his bed). I'm not taking them out sick. They'll stay home and I'll go to church.
Church was wonderful today. The Spirit was strong with testimonies, hymns, and just overall revelations. Despite the rain, despite sitting by myself, I was filled. I enjoyed a funny interlude in the women's bathroom as I tried (with a visitor) to fill the paper towel dispenser. It took between us at least ten minutes, but we left laughing and friends.
A cold, wet rainy day is perfect for napping. Says I. The kids are still sick, so I had no demands on my time. Sounded like nap time for me! I had a cozy one, too. Life is good.
It was so terribly warm in the library at first this morning. Luckily, a city electrician came and by afternoon the a/c was least in the library proper. The back rooms were still awful!
I had my first performance review today. I had to tell the Head Librarian where certain non-fiction books were listed in the Dewey Decimal System. I guessed...right! Not like I studied or memorized, I just thought about where those books were when I put them away. All-in-all, she says I'm doing great!
I asked two things of the Head Librarian today. One, could I vacuum in the library before we open on Monday mornings because the floor is gruesome. We only have one older gentleman doing janitorial/gardening stuff for us and at least two other city buildings. Things like vacuuming don't get done often enough. I was getting a little grossed out because of the dead crickets accumulating on the carpet.
The other thing was, could I do the display cases? We have two as people enter the library lobby area and she always seems so busy. She was glad to say yes to both requests. I intend to have more fun with the cases, though.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
The morning was spent in last-minute details to get ready for my parents. They're flying out today!
Work was pretty normal. Except (as usual) my big mouth/crazy brain has gotten me in trouble. Now, besides the Monday vacuuming, the Head Library is having me (and the Dude - sorry!) clean off bookshelves. See, nobody's doing that either; and some of it is dirty and gross. The price I pay for being helpful and efficient, I guess.
I got home from work to find my folks there. It was much earlier than Dad's 10 p.m. prediction, for which I was grateful. Otherwise, I might have ended up in bed even later than 10:30 and Seminary still calls in the morning! As it was, it took me a while to get to sleep on the air mattress.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Apparently, Analiese had a hard time sleeping last night, too, due to the heavy breathing and snoring by her parents on her floor. Sorry!
I was so tired and dragged out today, with the teaching, studying, and taking care of stuff at home. Just sitting down to relax and talk with Mom made me want to doze off. I hope I sleep better tonight.
My parents get to enjoy the kids alone tonight, well, at least until Analiese leaves for Young Women's. Ken and I both have work. But after their long day of travel yesterday, I can't imagine them being too energetic to do much.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
I had two girls absent today in Seminary. Things didn't seem to be going well, either, with either sleepyheads or devil's advocates. I had figured class was a washout until one student earnestly thanked me for the good lesson as he was leaving. Those little boosts keep me going...
My father doesn't seem inclined to take it easy on his "vacation." No moss grows on that rolling stone! He went to the gym while I was at Seminary and to city pool later that morning. Then, he went shopping with Mom and Jonathan, came back and fixed the bathroom door, bedroom door, and front door! I think we finally tired him out...he was napping when I left for work.
There was a Halloween luncheon at the library today. I made caramel apple cider which I took in my crockpot. It is so good! Now that tastes like fall!
Friday, October 28, 2016
Jonathan had carved a small pumpkin for me last night for Seminary this morning. To introduce our devotional theme for the next week, I brought up the parable of the pumpkin, which pretty much ended in "let your light so shine before men." Then I gave them a copy of the story with some candy pumpkins. I don't know about them, but I thought it was cute.
Ken had the day off today, so we made a trip up towards Lawton to the Wichita Wildlife Reserve. The day was lovely, sunny, with a cool breeze.
The buffalo didn't come close, but we saw plenty of prairie dogs (their funny little tails bounce when they run)
and even had a traffic jam of longhorn cattle (including calves) hold us up while they crossed.
Mom really loved seeing that.
Their Visitors' Center was interesting as ever and it hit family (Ken, the kids & I) are a funny group who love to laugh and be silly. We got especially crazy in the gift shop.
![]() |
This one's for Karla & ME... |
Dad and Mom were ahead of us, looking at stuff and we were goofing off. And I loved that moment...we're a great family!
Dad treated us to lunch in Lawton at the Santa Fe Cattle Company.
We've been there several times and really like it. I had a great baked potato soup and a club sandwich with a chipotle mayonnaise.
Back in Altus, we had to get busy. Jonathan had work and we had to prepare for the ward Halloween party and dinner. I made a great salad (spinach, green apples, craisins, walnuts, feta cheese & raspberry vinaigrette) and cheesy chile cornbread muffins. None of what I brought made it home. The muffins (a new recipe) were particularly good and very moist.
Analiese looked awesome in her costume. She put it together herself, being very creative. She was a (her words) a Victorian steampunk goth. Still, it looked great and she seemed so elegant and regal.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
I set up a pork roast in the crockpot before heading out to the library this morning. We're going to all (yes, all six of us!) have a nice sit-down dinner this evening.
I was so tired at work today, even though I slept well last night. After lunch, I felt even worse! I wanted a nap! Ken - my sweetheart - saved me around 4 p.m. with a Dr. Pepper. Good thing, because it carried me thought the rest of work and home to get dinner on the table. Ken and Jonathan helped and it all went off well. It tasted good!
However, I let them handle dishes. I needed to work on next week's Seminary. No matter how tired, busy, or full of visits, that still has to get done.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Sacrament meeting was full today for the Primary program. Lots of grandparents, aunts, and uncles came to see the kids.
The bishop was very sentimental today. It started with him telling me warmly that Jonathan is READY - spiritually - to go. Then, during the third hour, he taught about fasting and serving the less fortunate, getting emotional. He's really a good bishop.
I got in a good nap this afternoon. It was well needed. I've been exhausted. Then, I made part of Analiese's birthday cake for tomorrow and normal Seminary preparation. In between visiting with my parents....
Monday, October 31, 2016
The library was very quiet for a Monday. We had a few kids to pass out non-edible (bookmarks, erasers, pencils, plastic rings) to.
All the desk people dressed up. I was a generic Halloween thing - I had a jack-o'lantern t-shirt, Halloween scarf, earrings, and a orange with black polka dots hat. But, the best of all was the Dude - who was a lobster. His foam costume seriously hampered his movements. I took advantage of this, asking him to do things for me so I could see him trying to write or work on the computer around the claws. Did I laugh!
At home, we celebrated Analiese's birthday early since my parents are here. We had chicken and dumplings that Ken had put together yesterday, and the caramel toffee poke cake that Analiese adores. I think she was pleased with dinner and the gifts later. She got a watch with matching bracelets and an Amazon gift certificate from the grandparents, and a stuffed penguin phone holder from us.
We'll be taking her to the movies at a later date as a present.
We had ONE single trick-or-treater.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
My parents left with my children for Oklahoma City right when I left for Seminary. They wanted to be there at the zoo right when it opened so they could get scooters. The grandparents, not my kids, thank you. Ken and I followed after I'd returned home. We went at a leisurely pace, enjoying the weather and time together.
It was such a lovely day. Bright, but not too warm, and with a gentle breeze. The zoo wasn't crowded either, and we could go where we pleased.
The yawning otter.
A red-tailed hawk (not enclosed in a cage) sitting on a nearby tree branch.
Trees turning autumn colors.
Baby giraffe.
A python feeding on a rabbit (Hey! It was cool!)
On the way home, we stopped in Lawton (yes, again, it's convenient) for dinner at Panda Express. Ken tries to get there whenever he can - he loves Chinese! Getting home at a decent time, we all went to be early...but happy!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
I took Mom with me this morning to get the CD of pictures from our family photo shoot. Then I drove her around town, showing her the reservoir and visiting the library. There, she met my boss and co-workers.
Later, when I got to work, the first thing they had me do was put up the display cases for November. The Genealogy workshop was tonight and they didn't want the cases empty. I was able to get one done (enough, apparently) for when people first enter the library. This one was for National Aviation month. I even hung clouds of batting in there.
Not bad for my first time.
As the sun set, the storm rolled in. People bravely came for the workshop and another meeting that was being held. But...I didn't bring an umbrella (figures)! We had quite the electric show outside, but no loss of power inside. At closing, I ran to my van, bag zipped so as not to drench everything!
Thursday, November 3, 2016
We had planned on going up to Quartz Mountain today for a picnic. But one look at Mom's swollen feet told me maybe we ought to stay home. Plus, having rained last night, we couldn't have enjoyed a picnic anyway. Instead, we had a take-it-easy kind of morning.
I did the second display case this evening. I only had a few books on Thanksgiving (?), so I did half of the case as Thanksgiving, and the other half as National Native American Month. Since Oklahoma is full of Native American tribes, this wasn't hard to fill. It turned out well, at least that's what my co-workers say!
Friday, November 4, 2016
This morning was a flurry of packing plus double-checking to make sure everything was going back to California that should! Before I even let my folks walk out the door, I had everyone check and double-check all the rooms!
They wanted to leave for the Will Rogers Airport (OKC) at noon, so Ken and I took them out to one last lunch at Arby's (which apparently is no longer prevalent in California and Dad has missed it). Then, they were off. The house seems emptier, but at least I think everyone had a nice visit.
Ken had the day off, so we spent most of the afternoon banking and shopping, coming home in time to take Jonathan to Walgreens. The plumber came by later (Dad had arranged it) and fixed a few toilet/pipe issues that had been spotted.
I had some Seminary work to do, but I was actually able to sit down with Ken this evening and watch a program with him.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Somehow, my alarm for this morning was switched OFF. I woke up half an hour later than I should (thankfully it was no more than that) and ended up rushing out the door to be at the library on time.
The Dude wasn't here today. It was me, a cataloger, and the researcher, who was running a bit late. It meant I spent most of my day behind the desk. I didn't get much floor work done, but it was a relaxing, easy day. I even had a patron give me a banana today. Yes, a banana. A nice one, too, not all spotty and mushy. I wonder how she kept it so well in her bag?
The weather (I think) has FINALLY decided to act like Autumn. It rained again sometime last night and it is overcast and cool. People are a little more bundled up. Not me. I like this weather and am perfectly comfortable.
Jonathan got an email from the Stake President today. "Have you received your call? If not, it's in the mail!" I guess he can see on his computer the status of submitted missionary paperwork. Ahhhhh....EXCITING! We should probably have it by Monday or Tuesday next week!
As part of Analiese's birthday, Jonathan & I took her to see Dr. Strange. Her YW President & husband coincidentally sat behind us! Still, we had a great time and got home early enough to get a good night's sleep (setting our clocks back first - free hour!)
Sunday, November 6, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! Hard to believe, but my little girl is fourteen. You know, I remember it raining the day she was born...
Because it's raining out there today. Not just tinkley-sprinkleys, like Ken says. Nope, Real, fill the gutters and the roads rain. And, sadly, both of my kids aren't feeling well. Analiese has been fighting allergies and stuff all week and Jonathan was complaining all last evening of a sore throat. Apparently he spent a rough night (I'm guessing from all the Kleenex strewn by his bed). I'm not taking them out sick. They'll stay home and I'll go to church.
Church was wonderful today. The Spirit was strong with testimonies, hymns, and just overall revelations. Despite the rain, despite sitting by myself, I was filled. I enjoyed a funny interlude in the women's bathroom as I tried (with a visitor) to fill the paper towel dispenser. It took between us at least ten minutes, but we left laughing and friends.
A cold, wet rainy day is perfect for napping. Says I. The kids are still sick, so I had no demands on my time. Sounded like nap time for me! I had a cozy one, too. Life is good.
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