Sunday, October 23, 2016


Monday, October 17, 2016
No Seminary again. I could sleep in until 7:30. So very, very nice.

I didn't get the anticipated chew-out about my video stupidity today. I waited all day with baited breath. Nothing. But then, the Head Librarian wasn't in. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow.

I kept pretty busy; after all, it is Monday. I took a longer lunch break so I could work on my Seminary lesson. Why? Because after work I had to do a little shopping (and get something for a belated birthday for a Seminary student - oops!), then come home and work on cleaning my bedroom. Everyone has "marching orders" this week - the week before grandparents come. Today, it was bedrooms.

I have a little volunteer petunia in my lawn. Surrounded by weeds. Brave little flower! I told Jonathan not to mow over it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Had a little freak-out today at the end of Seminary. Someone - we didn't know who - came in the building. We heard the door! After getting the kids out and safely off to school, I went hunting. Apparently, it was someone working on Internet/wiring/sound/? for the building. I locked up and left him there, but I wished they'd have warned me he was coming.

We had family pictures taken this morning at City Park. A sister in our ward is a great photographer and took them for us. We did family shots, individual shots, group shots. I was okay until she had me do a face-to-face with Jonathan. Then I got emotional! It is starting to hit me...and it hurts!

HL didn't say anything at work either. I guess they think (?) I've figured it out. Kind of strange. It's not like I didn't deserve it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
I had to get all of my Seminary studying done right off this morning because I took the van into the Ford place for it's check up around 1 o'clock. It took a little over an hour, but it didn't hinder me getting to work on time. The worst part was being in their waiting area, reading my book, with the t.v. blaring soap operas at me. They're annoying at best and scandalous at worst.  But there were other people there and I wasn't at liberty to turn it off!

The air conditioning is out at the library! It is so warm, especially out among the bookshelves. I worked out there for a little while, but came back to the desk for some relief from the heat in the way of a desk fan.

We had fun, too, though. We decorated the desk area for Halloween. I brought a few extras from home (goodness knows I've got plenty to spare!), and we enjoyed getting in the spirit of things.

Much easier to enjoy than dealing with holidays the Hallmark way!

Thursday, October 20, 2016
This morning was spent at the library - but not working. Analiese and I were there meeting with her EPIC teacher. He focused totally on her math today, which is where her greatest weakness lies. But, he was very patient and encouraging. I really like him. He showed her all the options she had for studying, practice, and where to get 24/7 help.

After that, we visited Ken at Taco Bell. Their rolled chicken tacos are out again - and we just had to have some - ha! We had great service from this handsome fellow at the register (wink). We saw a fellow library employee there with her family and spent some time getting to know them better.

The a/c is still out at the library, despite promises of a fix! Fans are out everywhere and it's cooler outside the building than in. But then, with all the computers and tech we have, it's no surprise. They generate a lot of heat. Still, it's not fun to work in.

Friday, October 21, 2016
SO busy today. Besides normal Friday stuff, I invited the missionaries to come to dinner. My sneaky plan was to have them come so I would be more motivated to clean my dining room. It a point. There's still stuff to be done and I'm running out of time.

We were having stew - an overabudance from Ken's endeavors on Tuesday. I decided to make homemade rolls (Analiese said, "It's been forever since you've baked!"). That took more than two hours to do, what with two risings, etc.!

After that, it was shopping, then I got home in time to take Jonathan to work. Then, back at home, I was getting ready for the missionaries. After their visit, is was the clean-up. I managed to sit down with Analiese for a little bit before bed, but my day was gone!

For a day off from work, it wasn't very restful!

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Marching orders given at home, I left for work a little early, since I have to open things up. No, the ac/c is still out. In fact, I guess I missed all the fun yesterday when a bird flew into something electrical on the roof (exit bird) and they were without power partially (I guess that was weird) for thirty minutes.

But it influenced my day. The copier and the printer both had to be unplugged and replugged in to reset. Otherwise, no worky.

Oh! Ken got a job lead today - a good one - from one of my co-workers. Please pray for him. It's tailor-made, something he'll like, and good pay. Nowadays it's who you know that get's you jobs!

Sunday, October 23, 2016
I took my kids to church early (so someone else didn't have to) and then went back for my neighbor and her kids. No go. The kids had gone back to Texas and she wasn't there. Oh well. It happens.

I could NOT sit still in Sunday School today. I knew Jonathan was in an interview with the Stake President for his mission. I went out of the classroom and waited in the hall until he came out. All went well and the Stake President will submit everything tonight. He says it's been taking around three weeks on average for missionary calls. Oh my! It's happening. Exciting! Scary!

Here's me...dealing with all the madness! Have a great week!


  1. The special kind f insanity only a Mom can know - and experience. You've raised a great young man Sis, you should be proud.

  2. The special kind f insanity only a Mom can know - and experience. You've raised a great young man Sis, you should be proud.
