Sunday, October 16, 2016


Monday, September 10, 2016
Today is Columbus Day, a Federal holiday. This means the library is closed and I don't have to work. But even though I don't have to go to work, I still had Seminary. After that, though, I got to go home and eat a leisurely breakfast - life of luxury!

Well, that was short-lived. I still had to do Seminary study, pay bills, work a little on the garden. Ken and I went out to lunch and shopping. This is our current version of a date because, with our schedules, we are often ships passing in the night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2016
Found this "little" fella outside our classroom at the church this morning.
He's bigger than a quarter and I've seen bigger of his breed. But I didn't say anything to the class and luckily, he lived past class time. After that, I do not know what became of him.

Catch-up time at the O.K. Corral (aka the Library)! Back to the grind. It was nice and - trust me - necessary to have a day off. But no work means no money! Bummer.

This is Happy Harold, my library bag.
I take him to work every day to carry books and stuff back and forth. As he hangs on the hook, he looks so happy. It makes me laugh to see him there.

Apparently, we handled things well enough last week because the Head Librarian was smiling and there were no big chew-outs. They're letting us be alone in the evenings now as well.

Things are really quiet at night at the library. It goes slowly and sometimes all I have to do is read. As if that is a bad thing!

Wednesday, September 12, 2016
No time for play after Seminary this morning. After devotional this morning I was out the door to a desperately needed haircut. The curlies were crazy and needed taming! I should have taken a the cut pieces hit the floor, they made rings! I cannot tell you how different this is from my hair as a youth. Wild!

After the haircut was visiting teaching. The drive there was a typical fall day in Oklahoma, which means wild winds and dust flying. You can actually feel your car being pushed by it! Anyway, I went to visit teach the mom of two of my students before they headed out of town for an early weekend in Texas.  Then it was come again to prep for Seminary before heading off to work.

Thursday, September 13, 2016
I had half a class this morning in Seminary. Two were on their way to Texas (see Wednesday) to see their older brother "graduate" from Air Force boot camp. One other student was sick (her brother provided the gruesome details). It was actually pretty cozy.

Good thing I was feeling cozy, because the day was cold, gray and stormy. We've already had a little rain, but more is coming. For family devotional, we were all huddled up in blankets...some of us brought special friends (tee-hee, he doesn't know I caught him on camera!).

Drama in the library (for such a quiet place)! There seems to be a bunch of back-talking and gossip that (thankfully, so far), I'm not a part of. Frankly, if someone has a problem with me, they should TELL ME - not anybody else. I just want to do my job and help people. I don't really want politics and drama at work. I suffer enough of that stuff just looking online at news and Facebook.

Friday, October 14, 2016
This weekend (through next Monday) is fall break at the high school. So no Seminary. I was supposed to have an online inservice anyway with Bro. Sturges, but he is in Chicago with his wife. This is my day off, so no work (that I'm paid for) either. I feel totally unmotivated.

Too bad! Normal stuff, like grocery shopping (I know, again, but it's my normal day and I have to be prepared through next Friday) and Seminary preparations for the week to come. I didn't get to do that last week and I felt severely underprepared and clumsy in Seminary teaching this week.

The time crunch is on! My parents will be here in a little over a week and we've got work to do! Thinking about their needs and how we'll fit things in is a challenge. Still, we're getting excited. I think Analiese refers to the upcoming visit every day!

Saturday, October 15, 2016
I set the kids with chore assignments this morning and ran off to work. There's four of us here today. It's a good, cushy number, with room to wiggle if things go wrong.

My cart was full of stuff today from Friday. I think the paperback section exploded. It may be winnowing time in the PBs soon!

Just so you don't think I'm always brilliant, I'll tell you about how naively stupid I can sometimes be. It's my job to take care of the DVD section in the library. Not only do I put things back there, but I also straighten it out. Supposedly I do that once a week, but it's pretty constant because the patrons are crazy-hard on that section. Now, the boxes I put on the shelves are EMPTY. We keep the actual DVDs in the back and get them for the patrons when they want to check them out. Theft deterrant, sort of. Anyway, so they are also shelved in the back. Now, I take care of the ones outside on the floor. Did it ever occur to me that perhaps I ought to do so in the back as well? Of course not, because I can be amazingly stupid. No dot connecting there. Today I heard that on Friday the librarians were getting frustrated with the state of the DVDs and not on the floor. In the back. Oh. Duh.  I feel dumb. Really, really dumb. I didn't see them today (though I heard ALL about it) and Monday I imagine will be Michele's Day of Humiliation. So brilliant - so stupid. All at once. It's pretty pathetic.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Today is my mommy's birthday. I will see her in a week from Tuesday. If she doesn't hurt herself between now and then (apparently, she gave herself some terrible 2nd degree burns on her legs last week).

I played taxi driver for my neighbor and her four cute kids. I took them to church in my van, while another member took my kids for me. They were visiting from down in Texas and were so excited to be in Altus (?). One is near Analiese's age and the rest are Primary-aged.

The same went for the drive home. I took them right after church, though, so I didn't get to set up for class. Instead, I went home, got ready and took Jonathan to work, and then went back to the church. One of my students had been able to set up chairs, but I still had to do tables, take down the Primary stuff, etc. About half an hour of work. This is how we keep the wheels of Seminary turning smoothly, though.

The wind picked up again while I was in the church. Alone. In the quiet. That is, until I kept hearing weird sounds, which I finally figured to be the wind tossing stuff against the building. Still, it was kind of creepy....

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