Sunday, October 2, 2016


Monday, September 26, 2016
Today was interminably L O N G. Seminary, of course, was followed by work. On my lunch break from the library, I worked on my grocery list and a little on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. After work was grocery shopping and then home so I could continue studying for Seminary.

My legs and knees were killing me. Even still, I spent at least 30 minutes combing out the baseball-sized snarl out of my daughter's hair. She hadn't been brushing and combing it property - we've had many a discussion about hygiene - and it was nasty! I'm sure it hurt - she was crying during the process - but it had to come out! After Halloween (she needs a bun for her "costume"), she wants it cut. No joke.

So now, I go to bed with a throbbing arm and shoulder, from all the tugging. Goodnight!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
My boss made me pay today for my purging of Shakespeare yesterday (no one is reading "Titus Andronicus" and we need shelf room!). I had to dust the reference shelves (another "no one is reading" scenario). Talk about king-size dust bunnies! These are NOT cute and fluffy. I nearly choked on it all and had to wash my hands, my face, all exposed skin, and shake off my top in the bathroom. Talk about the dirt of centuries!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
So, the big news is (according to the Altus Times)'s deer mating season. Which means...we all have to drive carefully because crazed herbivores might cavort in the middle of the highway. I've seen them hit; I have no desire to actually HIT them. They cause damage! Now, I'm not downplaying anything, just that this is big news here.

My parents called (Skyped) about coming to Oklahoma at the end of October. They're afraid to wait for Jonathan's farewell, because it may be in the middle of an icy winter. I don't blame them; I don't want to be here in the middle of an icy winter. But now, we have plans to make and things to do to get ready for them.

Thursday, September 29, 2016
The weather has cooled off significantly. Monday was our last 90's day at 91 degrees. I love it! The mornings feel crisp and the afternoons are beautiful and comfortable. People say it's freezing - c'mon! Not even! It's lovely. I think it's my favorite time of the year. I feel awake, alive, and well!

The three of us part-timers - The Dude, the Young Cataloguer, and myself - were left alone this evening at the library. Eventually, this will be the way of things Tuesday through Thursday, but we had a surprise run. It happened because someone didn't plan well, and there was no "old-timer" (not in age but seniority) to watch over things. We handled it well, I think, despite the Dude's mischevious comments about sliding around the aisles. I just told him - NO WAY!

Friday, September 30, 2016
My alarm went off at 5 a.m. today to get ready for Seminary. I went for doughnuts for our General Conference kick-off.
I have avoided the traditional Seminary teacher - doughnuts thing for a while, but the new doughnut shop is practically on the way.

I think we had the right blend of fun and inspiration in class
. I made a Power Point presentation about funny Conference memes that had us all rolling. I also had another one about how to get the most out of Conference. I also gave them note-taking sheets and gave them their assignment - take notes because on Monday, it'll be Stump-the-Teacher time. We'll be able to talk about the sessions and yet they'll try to beat me at knowing things. Hopefully, the challenge will appeal to them.

Got another birthday package in the mail today. My friends are so good to me! Karla remembered I wanted this book (I'd posted it on Facebook)
, so she got it for me! LOVELOVELOVE!

When I went to the library to pick up my paycheck, no one said anything about last night. We must have done okay! Whew!

I was at home all by myself tonight. Jonathan had work. Analiese and Ken went to the ward (the Young Women sponsored and planned it) for a Daddy-Daughter Dance. Ken purposely took the day off for it, dressing up in a tux and buying a wrist coursage for Analiese

. She was lovely in a pink floral dress and I put her hair up for her.
They had a blast - she loves to dance and, actually, so does he! A girl's first "date" should be with her daddy! Ken certainly showed her how a good young man should treat a young lady!

What did I do? Seminary planning and I watched a movie I'd checked out from the library. I haven't had time in a long while to actually sit down and watch a movie. This was an old (read: black and white) comedy. Cheesy, but relaxing.

Saturday, October 1, 2016
I'm missing Conference today because I have to work. Grrr!

I was the first one at the library, too. That big old garage I have to go through to get into the back area of the library is very dark and spooky when you're on your own.

It was a fairly quiet day, mainly because of the Cotton Pickin' Chili Cook-off in the Town Square today. Everyone who came in felt sorry for me because I wasn't out there enjoying it (If I wasn't working, I wouldn't be there, anyway. I'd be home watching Conference). On my lunch break, I briefly visited the 4H Rabbit Club booth and my friends there.

That afternoon, it was interesting to see how little our teen patrons know about how to use word processing software. I helped three of them with school projects, cleaning up all the extra tabbing and spacing they used to try and center and square things. Social media, though, for them is no problem!

At home, I spent my evening watching the conference sessions I missed. I have to get my notes in order for Monday!

Sunday, October 2, 2016
I finished watching Saturday's conferences this morning. In time for today's sessions. They were great, though. I really loved one by a Japanese member of the Seventy. He gave a very heartfelt talk about missionary work.

The prophet spoke this morning. Jonathan gave me a look...President Monson seems to be shrinking and looks so tired. I really pray for him. He has given everything to the Lord, including his health!

The sister missinoaries were with us this morning. I think they hoped my neighbor (not plural - one moved back to Texas) would come over and watch with us. But she didn't come and the sisters went elsewhere for the second session.

Jonathan didn't make the second session, either. He had to work...and he was bummed out about it (see me and Saturday!). He didn't make it to Priesthoood session yesterday, either. But Ken came home and got the majority of the second session today, so he got SOMETHING.

I don't have a lesson to study for tomorrow. Instead, I have my head-to-head with my students and their notes. One student in particular has me nervous - I'm predicting he's out to seriously stump me!

Analiese put up Halloween decorations today, manifest by the Halloween "uniform" she wore in honor of the occasion.
I let her do it, with little interference from me. I have enough to do, and she enjoys it.

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