Sunday, September 25, 2016


Monday, September 19, 2016
For my birthday morning, I was greeted by a dead lizard in the hall in front of the bathroom. Someone (?) had stepped on it accidentally in the night. (Ugh! What a thought!) I had pleasure of disposing of it.

For my birthday:

  • I received a balloon and cookies from some of my students.
  • I had to work. :/
  • Ken took me out to lunch.
  • I received bunches of messages - Facebook, e-mail, text messages, etc. <3
  • One of my BFFs (she knows who) sent me books! Working at a library, you'd think I'd be less excited about that than I actually am!
  • Ken made Chicken Cordon Bleu Lasagne and White Texas Sheet cake for dinner
  • Ken & Analiese made homemade lavendar soap plus gave me the rest of the kit.
  • I didn't have to do any dishes or laundry!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
This was another napping morning. Between my job, Seminary, helping Analiese with lessons and actual home stuff, I get exhausted!

I received a package from my parents today. They sent a really pretty personalized Christmas ornament.
I love getting packages!

Analiese came with me to the library so that she could attend the Pizza and Pictionary teen event there in the evening. She's made friends there. Funny enough, it is the kids of one of the cataloguers here.

Coming home, I was greeted in the garage by a cat (nothing new) and a rather large possum. Me no likey! They are ugly and I hate it when they hiss at you! Luckily, it didn't confront me and I stayed as far away from it as possible!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Our fridge is on the fritz. The fridge part is NOT keeping things cole and the freezer is only slight cold. Ken and I spent the better part of the morning researching between Sears (which can come to fix it...October 5th!), and the local Maytag (which can come tomorrow). Guess which one we chose? I'm really frustrated, though, it isn't even two years old!

Thursday, September 22, 2016
The Maytag guys came today before I had to go to work and looked at the fridge. The fan in the freezer keeps cutting out. They have to order the part and hope to be back tomorrow. I hope so, too. The freezer stuff is in our chest freezer, but the fridge stuff is in an ice chest in the bathtub.

Analiese is working hard on her lessons so she can go to the state fair with me tomorrow. She has to be caught up through work due tomorrow. Unfortunately, she was dragging her feet most of the week and time has caught up with her (life lesson). Even when I came home from work at 9:00 p.m., she was still working on it. But...I'd talked to her teacher who said she was actually ahead (I'm still figuring on how to read their system)...and to enjoy the fair!

Friday, September 23, 2016
So, after Seminary, I got quickly changed, and Analiese and I headed out to OKC (with a short stop at the Sam's Club in Lawton). We had so much fun! I think mainly I had fun because Analiese was with me.

We were sad Ken & Jonathan couldn't go, but they had work. I had really wanted Jonathan, especially, to go, before his mission.

We saw two shows. One was an old-fashioned Italian circus in a canvas big top. All of the acts were incredible. The clowns/mimes were funny,
the dogs were amazing, the acrobats were flexible (hey, compared to me - they really were!), and the bareback rider was just awesome!
One of the clowns hugged me afterwards when I told him I enjoyed the show. Back at home, I would tease Ken about being jealous of an old Italian clown hugging me!

The other show was a magic show. He was funny, too. Before the show, he'd go out into the crowds passing the stage and find funny ways to convince people to come see the show. His tricks were great, too. I could guess at how he might have done some of them, but the one trick - he poured five different kinds of drinks out of one milk carton and then tore up the carton - I just couldn't figure out. That was incredible!

We went and saw the 4H exhibits, even spotting a couple of blue-ribbon winners from Altus (a set of teenage twin boys we know both won). We also looked at LOTS of livestock, mainly goats, cattle,
and llamas today. But our favorite was the baby animals - we went there twice! We especially loved the one and two-day old piglets! 

Yes, we ate fair food, which is never healthy, but we didn't eat anything too weird. Not that there wasn't opportunity. One place had bugs on pizza...and we saw someone eating one with mealworms. Gross!

It was tiring, though, and we left around 6:30. We had walked at least 5 miles round and round, seen what we pretty much wanted to see, and got some goodies to take home to the boys.

Saturday, September 24, 2016
I was a wee bit stiff and sore this morning at the library. All that walking wore me out!

A storm came up about mid-day, right when I was home for lunch. At one point, water was sheeting down the windows! Jonathan went back with me to the library, so I could take him to work (using my afternoon break), and one neighborhood intersection was flooded badly!

At the library, we had power flashes, which as never good in an old building with old wiring. We had to reboot computers and wait for the internet to come back up...and listen to people complain how the wifi wasn't working. One guy wanted to know if this was tornado weather!

After work, I quickly ran home to change and head out with Analiese and my new neighbors to Women's Conference at the church. As it was, we could see lightning flashes outside from the chapel during the whole thing. But, we were snug, safe, and spiritually uplifted. And it was all over when we went home.

Sunday, September 25, 2016
Because Friday was a fun-filled day, and because my fridge was fritzy (Side note: they did come back Friday - Jonathan was home - to fix it. Hooray!), things that I usually accomplished that day didn't happen. So this afternoon after church, I spent a lot of time working on Seminary lesson prep for the week. Tomorrow, like it or not, I have to do a little grocery shopping after work. I had planned on doing that Thursday, but the Fritzy Fridge wouldn't let me.

My kids are weird (I'm just figuring this out?). Both of them - yes, even picky Analiese - love putting hot sauce and spices stuff on things. I really think Jonathan just convinced Analiese it was a good idea and she went with it. That gal Friday tried to talk her into a mealworm at the fair and she wouldn't have it! But Jonathan, he can get her to do anything. Go figure.

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