Sunday, August 28, 2016

LIBRARY BOOT CAMP or STINKY WHEELS? (I couldn't decide which)

Monday, August 22, 2016
Seminary started on a fun note today as one of my students tried to stare at something on the board for 30 seconds while I yelled, waved kleenex, and threw chocolates at him. And his sister egged me on!

But the lesson went great! We didn't finish it, but that was okay because they were so involved in finding scriptures on how to respond to temptation - and doing a wonderful job - that I didn't stop them. This is what the Lord needed them to learn and be it!

I had my last day for Hallmark in Hobart this morning, which I spent straightening the ornaments from last week. After that, I went shopping in the Altus Wal-mart, where I saw my boss, which was a good thing. We arranged for a time Wednesday to give her my device, apron and stuff.

In exchange for not having to do this dishes, Jonathan made dinner tonight. He and his sister need to get in the habit, because I'll be working most evenings in the library. And then what will they do?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
To balance the wonderful lesson yesterday, today was a struggle. Everyone had trouble focusing and seemed all over the place. What a rollercoaster ride!

My very last day with Hallmark! Right after devotional, I went to Walgreens. I wanted to finish and set-up the Halloween display at the end of the aisle. As Jonathan's friend, Geordi said, "No more Hallmark Lady!"

Right after I got home, we all left for Lawton. First, we went to Sam's, had lunch, and did shopping. But our main reason for being "in town" was Jonathan's consultation appointment with the oral surgeon. Funny thing was, our friends, the Doshers, were there, too! I take it as a good sign. Still, he's going to have surgery September 8th and they're going to put him out because there may be a little tooth and bone cracking. Ouch!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
First day at the library! I got there early so there would be someone to let me in, since the library doesn't open to the public until 10 a.m. One of the first things they did? Got me a key!

Training started on the computer; it was pretty straight forward. In the afternoon, I went up to the front to learn to do a little desk work and how (and where) to put away books. I don't have to do the whole library, just certain sections like biographies, oversized books, Young Adult fiction/non-fiction, DVDs, books on CDs, and magazines. Plus a little adult fiction & non.

I really like the people that I'll be working with, but then I did before I even applied for the job.
Here are their "codes" to protect their identity on my blog:
HL - Head Librarian, also known as boss
Director - the "real" boss
AA - Administrative Assistant. Got the keys from her, she works for the director and does the paychecks.
AL - Asst. Librarian. She's up at the front most of the time.
Tech - She does all the technical stuff (she trained me on the system), and heads up the book cataloguing (bringing in new books).
AL2 - I don't really know her title, but since she is in charge in the evenings and on Saturday, I'll say she's another assistant librarian. She has special projects.
Dude - He's the other part timer (like me). He's twenty, cracks me up, and reminds me of Jonathan.

There are others, like the two cataloguers, the literacy ladies, and the geneology person, and the custodian but I don't see them often. Maybe I'll get to know them better later and give them a "code" name, too. LOL!
Jonathan walked from Walgreens to the library when he got off of work (an hour before I did). That's a nice thing about me being here, he can come hang out. So can Analiese and she'll be able to do her lessons here if needed as well. The library is a good fit for all of us.

Thursday, August 25, 2016
On the way to Seminary, in the dark, a skunk ran in front of the van. I didn't have time to swerve and, at first, I thought I hit it. But I didn't see any Skunk Squish on the other side of the road on the way home.

I may not have hit it...but it sure did hit me! Or the van, really. The back of the van reeks! It was so strong at first, I nearly threw up! Having it sit later in the sun while I was at work didn't help. Such are the risks of country life.

Work is going great. I really like the people I work with. Already, I am spotting the regular patrons who come in to use the computers. Oh, and Tech, who was supposed to train me on the computer for the rest of the week, finished up with me this morning. It's not a hard prgram.

I bought a lanyard today during my lunch break for my library keys. Not all of my pants have pockets...what's a girl to do? Now, though, everyone can hear me coming as they bounce off my chest! (embarrassing) It's not loud though. We're in the library...shhh!

Friday, August 26, 2016
We finished the Sermon on the Mount in Seminary today. My "props" were as follows:
a wooden stake
an apple
a banana
a rock
some sand
a tray

I love to see my kids (at home and in class) look puzzled at first when they try to figure out what it's for. I didn't come home with all the items, though. I have hungry boys in my class who appropriated the fruit!

I am very stiff, tired and sore from work today. There's a lot of standing, but the sitting posture at the computer isn't terrific, either. It's just me getting used to it all, like I had to do for Hallmark. So before I got anything productive done at home, I took a long soak in a hot bath!

Saturday, August 27, 2016
Saturdays are very quiet at the library, so Dude tells me. Even more so today, because of the Rodeo. But the others said it was actually busier than usual. (We keep a tally of patrons in and out). Seemed pretty quiet to me!

I managed to miss the Rodeo parade both going home and back to work on my lunch break. I did, though, see people sitting out on the curb waiting for it. I told my kids, but they didn't want to go. Been there, done that, I guess.

On my lunch break and after I came home, I worked on next week's lessons (I had done one on Friday, too). I managed to get them all done and myself into bed by 10 p.m. Next week will settle into the regular schedule and won't be so bad. But right now...Momma wants to sleep!

Sunday, August 28, 2016
It's Ken's birthday today. He's at work. Major bummer. I don't know when we'll be able to celebrate it all together, either. Life is a little crazy right now.

One of my Seminary students had her brother leave this week for his mission to the Ukraine and then her sister returned this week from her mission to Thailand. The sister spoke in Sacrament Meeting today. She was very tender. I love hearing missionary stories (and no, it's not because my boy's next)!

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon, and after such a busy week, I'm glad to have it so. Other than taking Analiese to a fireside this evening, it's pretty much just relaxing and enjoying my Sabbath.

Here's my picture(s) for the week:

Alice has been shedding like crazy. By the way, we DON'T think she's pregnant. False alarm. Hard to tell with rabbits, etc. But she is losing fur, which seems strange for this time of year but maybe there's such a thing as a spring and winter coat? I don't know, but it's floating everywhere, sticks to my skin, gets in my eyes and throat (you can imagine how much my allergies like that), and covers my clothing. Why me? Because she loves to sit next to me (the end of the sofa is HER spot) and have me pet her (which if I don't, she nudges me or pulls at my clothing. She resents books, tablets and cell phones.)

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Monday, August 15, 2016
It's been a VERY busy day. I am so tired. Starting with Seminary, I went home, changed for work, and we had Devotional. Then, Analiese & I met with her teacher at the library for 45 minutes. I dropped her home and went to Hobart. There, I worked (in total, covering driving back & forth) for four hours, most of it setting up an end cap with Christmas ornaments. Yep. Christmas.

After than, I came back to Altus, had a bite to eat (at about 2:45 and my feet were killing me), went to the optometrist to pick up my new frames (Yay! The broken ones were sitting so badly on my face that I was getting headaches and eye strain), and then went to Walmart to go grocery shopping.

Coming home, I put away groceries, paid bills online (due today), and worked on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. I think putting my laundry away will have to wait for tomorrow. And dinner is frozen pizza. I'm done.

By the way, there was one thing I DIDN'T have to do today, and that was go to the vet. Alice's eye cleared up on it's own. Not only does it save me money, it makes me feel better; I don't like to see anyone - human or animal - suffer. As far as knowing or not if she's pregnant, we'll know for sure by the end of the month!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I had a sick student today; apparently he has a bad cold. I know he's been fighting allergies. I wonder if it just morphed.

At Walgreens, I put up some Halloween cards. People kept saying, "So soon?" They didn't know I'd done Christmas ornaments the day before.

Tonight, Analiese and I went to Rabbit Agility, but because we think Alice may be pregnant, we didn't have her work in the heat. However, no one could figure out decisively if she is or isn't. We still stayed to socialize. We enjoy the people in Rabbit Club. I got to hold a seven-week-old mini rex female for nearly an hour. She was so sweet, nuzzling and licking me. It meant I needed cream on my neck, some Benedryl and eye drops when I got home - but it was worth it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Student is still sick. Poor thing.

After taking Jonathan to work this morning, I stopped by Dollar Tree for some things for tomorrow's lesson and some bread. Except, they didn't have any bread and didn't know when they'd get more because the bread people hadn't delivered in a long time. Rats! Usually I buy up eight to ten loaves and freeze them. Now, either I can pay more, get some at Sam's (when I'm in Lawton infrequently), or make some. The latter tastes the best, for sure, but it's work and never lasts long. For today, I just picked up a couple of loaves at Walgreen when I got Jonathan from work.

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Sick student returned, but probably shouldn't have. He had no voice to speak with and so desperately wanted to interact. As another student said, he was terrible at Charades and I was no better at interpreting them! Another student was here with her brother, who leaves next week for his mission. He drove her and stayed - no problem. I like people who WANT to be in Seminary.

Went to the dentist this morning to get my cracked filling fixed. It took longer for the Novacaine to kick in than it did to fix the tooth! Still, even by bedtime, the tooth was still a little sensitive.

Rabbit Club (as opposed to just Agility Training) was tonight. They had an interesting time figuring out rabbit genetics and Punet squares (flashback to High School Biology). Our leader palpitated Alice, but couldn't figure her pregnancy status, either. She said we'd know when the babies came. Some help!

Friday, August 19, 2016
Staying awake this morning was hard. I had to take a nap after family devotional. I knew I needed it before my last Hallmark Walmart Altus shift. Do you think I'm happy about it? Yes...though I'll miss my co-worker. But I'll see her when I go shopping, because with my library schedule, my new shopping day will be Friday.

The rest of my day was spent working on next week's Seminary. We'll be going over the Sermon on the Mount. We'll have a lot of different analogies that I'll need supplies for. But then, Christ taught in parables and analogies, too.

There's a thunderstorm rolling in. According to the Weather Channel, it's supposed to run through all night. Probably just when I want to sleep.

Saturday, August 20, 2016
Yippee! I got to sleep in! I think I finally got up a little after 8 a.m. I wasn't completely lazy, though. I put five things on my to-do list and got them all accomplished. So there!

This evening I went to the baptism of the wife of a member. It was very sweet, watching him baptize her, and them clinging to each other with joy in the font. The Spirit was so strong! She bore her testimony, too. I couldn't help but get a little teary, and be very glad I was there to witness it all.

Sunday, August 21, 2016
It was a very nice Sacrament meeting. The husband from yesterday spoke eloquently and with the Spirit. We had a musical trio - piano, viola, and voice - doing "Abide with Me, T'is Eventide." Then the young man who's leaving on a mission spoke. His love for the scriptures was evident, he quoted at least six of them and would have continued if he hadn't run out of time. Still, he was inspiring and got me wondering what Jonathan will speak on when it's his turn?

It's been a busy afternoon of planning for the week, especially as I start my new job. Oh, and working on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. Day of Rest, huh?

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Monday, August 8, 2016
A surprise thunderstorm came through last night. It was still flashing and rumbling come morning. By the time I was ready to head out the door for Hobart, rain was falling. Ken just said they were "tinkly-sprinklies," but I begged to differ. It was umbrella weather, no other option.

Yes, it cooled things off. But, yes, it made things very muggy, especially in the stores. The air becomes nearly tangible and I felt like I was breathing in a swamp.  The rain meant, too, that getting a cart meant treading through puddles and making sure my product didn't get wet. Cards and gift stuff doesn't take well to water.

I got home in time to take Analiese to the library for some testing. This is for the EPIC charter school; she'll be doing online classes with them this year. The tests today - in math, reading, and writing - were just to assess her level and give them an idea where they need to focus more of their efforts.

While I was there, I spoke to the head librarian. She was a little frustrated because the library director wouldn't hire me off the bat and wanted more "candidates to interview." Not because I was lacking, but she wanted to see all the options she had. I just thought it was funny, and a little complimentary. She is very excited to have me!

While Analiese finished testing, I went to the optometrist (first) to see about getting my glasses fixed. Yesterday, driving over to the church for Seminary Orientation, the right side that goes over the ear fell off! I'd wondered if I was having problems, because for the last couple of weeks the glasses haven't seemed to fit right or comfortably and it was making my vision wacky. I taped the ends together, crossed my fingers and went on. The optometrist doesn't have the frames in stock, they will have to be ordered. In the meantime, my Scotch tape solution will have to hold me, though they still don't sit right.

I went grocery shopping afterwards.  When I came out, the "tinkly-sprinklies" were gullywashers instead. I had my little umbrella, but other than keeping my glasses dry, it did little good. My back, in particular, was soaked. When I took them home, Jonathan helped me put them away. Taking something out of a bag, he noticed the bag still weighed down. With rainwater! We got quite a bit!

Then I had to go back to the library to get Analiese. When I walked in, the HL (head librarian) gave me a big two-thumbs up! While I'd been gone, she convinced the director to just...hire me! I'll start on the 24th, giving Hallmark two weeks.

So we went home, me very pleased. I called my mom, texted my friends, prayed in gratitude, and framed my resignation e-mail (because yes, I believe in the forms of civility). More changes on the horizon!

I've studied for Seminary, got all the stuff out I need to take tomorrow. Early bedtime...and GO TO BED!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
First day of Seminary. You know first days...and Murphy's Law. I wanted to leave a little earlier. Didn't. I took the wrong car keys, had to go back in the house for the van's. Last minute readjustments to the room set-up. Made copies, opened the closet and the building doors.

I have six kids this year, half of which are freshmen. This also being the first day of school meant anxious kids. We started a little late, getting settled took a little more time. Half of them forgot their scriptures. I had too much stuff, and not enough lesson time. Ah, well. We're going to need a little adjusting time as we get to know each other. This is my third year, I won't sweat it.

At Walgreens today, I found boxes of shelf structure stuff (One was a big thin box labeled "glass." Glass intimidates me.). Come to find out, we're getting a revision (badly needed) Thursday. Boss doesn't need (want?) my help, says its a one-person job. I hope this isn't because of my resignation. It's nothing personal.

Going to bed earlier - 9 p.m. I am SOOOO tired. Pray tomorrow will be better!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Seminary is a lovely place, but not a perfect one. The Spirit was definitely here today, though, even through some interesting comments and situations we faced. If I was a first-year teacher, I might be thrown, but not this year. Besides, the new Doctrinal Mastery program was designed for this very thing - getting the kids to think and find testimonies of their own!

Already I am falling in love with them. One new girl is compassionate towards those who would mock her faith. Another young man bravely testified haltingly about the truths we'd been learning. It's hard not to love them - even the ones who really need Seminary the most!

For our couple time tonight, Ken read the library handbook to me - cover-to-cover. He wanted to, I didn't ask. I hadn't had the chance to look at it yet, so he suggested he do it. It was a little strange, but a nice thing to do. And now I can say I've been through it!

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Had a dentist appointment this morning and I found myself making another one for next week. I have a cracked filling. The hygenist had the neatest gadget (I kind of like gadgets) that took a photo in my mouth. I could actually see the picture and it was pretty obvious. A crack all the way down with a chip in the filling, too. No cavity, though, so it's just a routine (read: cheap) fix.

I have a student with a birthday on Sunday, so I went to Dollar Tree today to get a mylar balloon. They have a good selection, so I can get each student a different one. His was red, and I tied it to a king-size candy bar and wrote him a card. I'll give it to him tomorrow.

My VTs came today. I made zucchini-basil (yes, garden stuff) for the RS swap event tonight. At the event, I only got rid of a shelf and a youth bike, but I got some ties for Jonathan's mission and a couple of fun things for Analiese.

Friday, August 12, 2016
The first week of Seminary (and their school) is over. We've survived! Things can only get better from here.

Working at the Altus Walmart, I told my co-worker I was quitting. Upon telling her about my new job and its hours, she was envious. And disturbed because I would miss out on all the "fun" of the set up and take down during the holidays. Next Friday will be my last one there for Hallmark.

Here's a picture of a rural Oklahoma traffic jam.
Basically, any time a construction, farming, or oversize vehicle gets in front of you, expect the road speed to drop 15-30 mph. On the highways, the dotted yellow line is my friend, especially if I'm in a hurry!

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Didn't get much of a "lie in" (as Rachel Sperry would say) this morning. I had to get Analiese to the church by 6:30 so she could go with the youth to OKC to do temple baptisms. I did go home and take a nap, though!

But it wasn't a total waste of a day. I made zucchini (muffins), did some chores, took Jonathan to work, fixed the General Authority photos in the Seminary room, and worked on my Seminary lessons for the week.

Oh, and I cut Jonathan's hair. For the record, there's a REAL good reason I am not a certified beautician. First, I put some oil on the clippers to keep them running smoothly. Next, I'm SUPPOSED to put the comb on in the right size to cut his hair. I FORGOT to put on the comb! I started shaving and...oops! Something was not right. He ended up with a complete skull shave. I felt terrible, but he thought it was awesome! I told him it wasn't mission standard, to which he told me it was military. Frankly, he looks like a cancer patient, or a recently-released Holocaust survivor.

I think Alice may be pregnant. She's pulling a lot of fur and spending a lot of time in her nesting box. Poor thing, she also has an eye infection. I'll have to get her into the vet next week.

Sunday, August 14, 2016
We had ward conference, which meant Stake visitors. One of the Stake Presidency was especially moving today - both in Sacrament meeting and in Relief Society. As a plus, he has a lovely singing voice.

After the meetings, I went to the Primary room to set up for Seminary tomorrow (yes, it's never-ending). There, I found "my" three boys setting up tables and chairs. Nice! Two left right after, but the one who stayed to put scriptures and binders on the tables asked if he could arrange the seating. "Sure," I said, "If they want to sit in a certain place, they should come help." LOL We'll see what happens tomorrow.

After taking Jonathan to work, I went visiting teaching. Since work schedules and such are changing, I figured I'd better get it done. I was sad, though, that my companion couldn't come. She was out sick with food poisoning.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Monday, August 1, 2016
I'm going to let the news out: I'm looking for another/additional job. Frankly, we need a little more to make it. And I guess it's up to me.

Two weeks ago, I had applied to the college for an Administrative Assistant position. This last Friday, I received a rejection letter. But, I applied today for an Assistant Librarian position at the college. Before heading off to Hobart, I turned in the application and my resume.

Walmart has a thing. They want the hooks on our aisle end displays to be the same length. Well, I have some in my flippers that I carefully organized by length, but I didn't have the lengths I needed. I went upstairs to get some more of their hooks. What a jumbled mess! Frankly, I'm not going to worry a bunch. If they want it the same length, they can change it. I'm not going to dig through all that. It's a waste of my time. Sorry, some things make me grumpy. I don't like disorganization, especially in businesses.

After lunch, I listened to a voice message on my phone from the head librarian at the college. She was very impressed with my resume, but had already filled the position. But..she told me that the city public library had an opening and hadn't even posted the notification yet. She gave me the phone number and contact name and I called. They were happy to hear from me, so they said come in and fill out an application.

I went quickly home to print out another copy of my resume, and headed toward the library. I took my library books back, too. They are due tomorrow, might as well. I chatted with the head librarian there - she recognizes me, we're there often enough - and, after giving her the application and my resume, she handed me a list of the job expectations. Nothing I can't handle. It'd be in the evenings, but only until 9 p.m. Doable, though not maybe with Hallmark. We'll have to see.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Whilst working at Walgreens, my phone rang. It was the library, calling to set up an interview. So, we did it, today, at 3:30!

I met with the head librarian, and we spent an hour going over the library, talking about duties, and about my qualifications. Turns out, she reads science fiction, too! She told me she had other interviews, but - so far - I was the top candidate, with the most qualifications. I should hear by the end of the week. But I feel really good about it! It's 31 hours a week, and - if needed - Analiese can come "hang out" in the library. Poor thing, NOT! She loves to read and loves the library.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Another warm day. I really don't like the heat. My poor garden is wilting. The lettuce is starting to bolt and all the others have browning, crisping leaves. I shall have to consider solutions for next year.

I went out with the sister missionaries this afternoon. We visited a few people we could catch in their homes, but mainly went over to the Tower apartments off of Main St. These are low-income senior apartments and the sisters wanted to see if there was any service they could offer here. The main thing is companionship; these people get lonely. They are autonomous in their apartments, but are encouraged to get out and come to activities and socialize with other tenants. We found lots of good service ideas, including some that the youth could do!

Jonathan had to work this evening and Analiese had a BBQ & pool party at the bishop's house tonight. Wow! Ken and I have time to ourselves? That's almost unheard of. We went to dinner and then just sat and talked at home for a bit.

Thursday, August 4, 2016
I didn't sleep well last night. The restaurant we went to wasn't that terrific. I knew it at the time - the tables weren't too clean and I could smell mold. But last night, I was terribly sick. So I took this morning at a leisurely and careful pace. Luckily, Ken was home and could keep the kids on track.

I did venture out in the afternoon to get a pedicure. It was about time and, with possible changes in the wind, I figured now was the opportunity. The gal who regularly does my toes asked about Analiese. She doesn't come with me anymore to the salon except in November, when she has her birthday pedi. But, she still dictates (or tries to) the color for my nails each month. This month she said, "Purple, but try a nice lavender." Well, I didn't like their "lavenders," so I got a deep purple instead.

Friday, August 5, 2016
Normal Friday. Work, laundry, etc. I picked two more zucchini, but I think the plant is winding down. It looks so pathetic and dried out from the vicious summer sun. I wonder, too, if I will get any more melons than the ones I have now. The canteloupe looks like it's been sunburnt. The watermelon is still hiding under some leaves and looks okay, and the vines keep going, some, but most look parched. I've been watering a little every day to try to help, but I don't know!

I've got to go to bed early, because I have to get up early. I have a long drive ahead of me!

Saturday, August 6, 2016
I left the house a little after 6:30, heading toward Norman (south of OKC). I had to be there at 9:00 a.m. for the Seminary and Institute Conference we always have at the beginning of the school year. Luckily for me, this year it IS before my classes start. I think I'm the earliest starting, with classes starting next Tuesday. Usually, they have this conference after I've been about a week into it.

I use my trust GPS...I have to! I'd get lost. Yes, I know I've been there about four times now, but it doesn't make a difference. I am directionally challenged. The only thing that threw me off was freeway construction, right at the exit for the Institute. Luckily, I got off at the next one and my faithful GPS got me there...just in time.

I'm starting to get to know my fellow Stake Seminary teachers, so we all clumped together in one section of the main room. It was nice, between activities, to sit, talk, and compare notes. I do see them over the internet when we have video conferencing every month of the school year, so I am recognizing faces better. I felt much more comfortable (and not so lonely) this time.

The meetings were spectacular, of course! The Spirit is so strong there and today I really appreciated how much class participation affects the Spirit in the room. Testimonies and personal experiences really hit home the principles our instructors were trying to get across. What an example for us in OUR teaching! It is always so worth it to go.

Too, I can't help loving the CES support staff. Brother Sturges is kind-hearted, generous, and funny. His secretary, Sister Sattherthwaite, will do just about anything to get you straightened out. I have more questions for her, usually, that Brother S! She's very knowledgeable, plus she is so very nice. I wish I could visit them more often. My students feel that way, too, I know, about Brother S. These humble servants of the Lord have something special about them!

Driving home was less fun than leaving. I seemed to run into three road construction sections and got turned around twice. I had to stop at the oasis just to settle my nerves! I was so thankful (and tired) when I got home safely.  Now, to get to work...time's a-tickin'!

Sunday, August 7, 2016
Church was delightful, as usual, though Relief Society was a tear-jerker. We talked about mental illness and it got very tender in the room. We went waaaaay over time and all came out red-nosed and weepy.

Then, I quickly jogged home to let Jonathan get ready for work, took him to work (leaving Analiese at home) and then went back to the church to talk over Seminary stuff with the bishop. Because this evening is Seminary Orientation and Tuesday is the first day of class!

I kept Orientation down to an hour. I am very proud of myself. Only five of the six registered were there, though. The family is out of town, but I know they'll be back in time for school!

Embarassing thing, though (I know you'll want to hear all the juicy details): I was using my laptop and doing a powerpoint presentation when...what do you know? Showing up in the bottom corner of my screen was my two friends chatting on our 3-way Facebook chat! The kids thought it was great! I just sheepishly commented that I was definitely NOT perfect!

SORRY! No pictures this week. It just wasn't a photographable week, I guess.