Sunday, July 17, 2016


Monday, July 11, 2016
Today is warm. Too warm. The Hobart Walmart is a sauna. I literally had sweat dripping on my glasses. Not a pretty picture, I know. Doesn't seem ladylike. But when have I ever really been that genteel?

The air conditioning in the Honda feels marvelous. It made the drive seem all too short, even though it was only a little over half an hour each way. Plus, I had to go grocery shopping. Errands are never fun in the heat.

But...not only is the cantaloupe in my garden growing large
, I found a watermelon coming up about the size of a baseball (currently).
What a thrill to see those green stripes! I'm learning, though, that I'm going to need to build those extra boxes for next year. Between the melons and the zucchini, they are taking over everything!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Jonathan and I spent this morning at the doctor's office. Now, don't worry. Nothing was wrong. I needed to see the doctor so he'd renew my prescriptions. Jonathan needed a physical...for his mission paperwork!

It took all morning, too. The medical group had just switched to a new computer system - that day. So we spent a good bit of time downstairs first at the sign-in desk. They had to enter a bunch of stuff into their system. And we had to "fill out forms" on the tablets they gave us. Then we had to go upstairs, wait for the doctor, and then he took a while because we had to go through a whole bunch of questions on his computer for the system. Plus, all this time, he was trying to figure out what was where!

After the appointments, we had to go back downstairs to the lab so Jonathan could get some lab work done. I tee-heed at him when he left their office to go down the hall search for the bathroom so he could pee in a cup! What a mother I am! The doctor had also given him a TB test, which he'll have to go back and have read on Thursday.

The morning was pretty much gone by the time we got home. I still had to go to Walgreens (luckily, my hours there are flexible), so I stopped, ate lunch, and then ran off to do my Hallmark stuff. The rest of the day was pretty dull and average. Home stuff, taking Jonathan to work, making dinner, etc.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Garden duty today produced two more zucchini. That makes seven - from one plant! This is why I never plant more than one. If I was going to can them, maybe I'd make more. But keeping up with what I've got now is enough. Plus, they get sneaky...I found a bigger one today, just lying there, getting huge. The plant has such big, bushy leaves, you never know sometimes until they jump out at you!

I do not know what is in the air, but my allergies are acting up. I've been through a ton of kleenex, scared Alice to death with my gigantic sneezes, and drank up the orange juice. By mid-afternoon, I took an extra allergy pill to stop the sneezy drip. But that stuff comes with an enormous side-effect. It puts you to sleep!

So I spent a good part of the afternoon in a fog, eventually giving in to a nap. I really don't get much done when I'm like this. I managed to do some finance stuff, like bills, but I can't say how well or fast I did anything.

At the church building this evening, as Analiese was in Young Women, Ken and I started taking apart the Seminary classroom. We basically took everything off of the bulletin board and I cleared all the Old Testament stuff out of the closet. We are currently debating a room change (to the Primary room) for next school year because of the increase in students. Hopefully that will be decided soon, because I'll have to transfer General Authority pictures and other things to the back of the Primary room and move my stuff to new closet space. I can't believe it, but it's less than a month until Seminary starts again!

Thursday, July 14, 2016
It was a very happy day in the garden this morning...I got to pick green beans!
 Too, I have a calendula in bloom.
It's a flower I planted that helps repel insects, Supposedly. But anything growing (that's supposed to) is great!

Our home teacher came for a visit this morning with another brother from the ward. He's a great home teacher and the brother with him shared his wonderful testimony. I bragged a little and shared my garden (and some of it's bounty - namely, zucchini).

I'm still in my summer straighten-and-clean mode. I moved a shelving unit out of one room and into the kitchen for more storage. Before that, we were storing plastic storage containers in cardboard boxes on the floor behind the kitchen table. Besides being ugly, it was in the way and inconvenient. The new set up looks much nicer.

Friday, July 15, 2016
Another thunderstorm last night, but no rain this time. It was all flash and noise and a whole lotta wind! So it took a while to sleep. I am really tired today.

It was too busy of a day to be lazy and tired, though. I had to contact someone about a job - maybe more on that later! I also had to go get the registration on the van done, but their computer was down. Apparently, all the tag agencies in Oklahoma (tag agency = DMV) were down. Terrific. I left them my information and they said they'd call me.

I had to go to Wal-mart. I needed stuff to make my soup for the Relief Society activity tomorrow. I also needed to pick up my meds that I had the doctor renew. I had to give them my new insurance. My new insurance wouldn't let me have a 90-day supply of both my cholesterol and "happy" pills. Why? I dunno. But then the pharmacist had to mull over that a while. It took longer than anticipated.

Back at home, I had to make the soup. I wanted it done and in the fridge for reheating tomorrow. I made tortilla soup, so first I had to cook the chicken breasts. While they cooled and I cut them up, I put bouillon, spaghetti sauce (secret ingredient - trust me, it's yummy!), herbs, and carrots on to simmer. Once they were soft, I put in the chicken again, sliced zucchini (garden - of course!), a can of corn and a can of black beans. They simmered a little bit longer. Then it all went into the fridge. Now, it tasted good will be even better tomorrow!

After that I went to work much later than usual. That's because co-worker had to come in later It was three hours and twenty minutes of work for the both of us because we had seven boxes of stuff...mainly cards. I was tired when I got home at seven, but I still heated up some frozen meatballs with spaghetti sauce and served it on buns with mozzarella for a late dinner. Cuz my family was hungry!

Now, the blessed thing was that my husband came home while I was gone. How was that a blessing? Well, he took Jonathan to work, but I had asked him to do that, if he could. If not, the boy would have had to hoof it. No, what he did was fold and put away our laundry. Otherwise, I would have had to face that, too. I nearly cried with gratitude..

After dinner, Analiese and I spent some time on Pinterest looking for crafts we could do together. I think she's leaning towards pom pom rabbits. You know, anything rabbit is going to catch her eye. I told her we'd choose one and get the stuff and do it together next week. Sometime. I hope.

Then there was the dishes. Ken was in bed; he'd had an early morning and had another one to face tomorrow. Everyone takes turns doing them and, generally, I get out of them because I do the cooking. But the way schedules went this week, Jonathan had lots of work in the evenings. So, not wanting to make Analiese do it an extra time, I just did it myself. As it was, with the soup and then the meatballs, I used two big pots. Plus, I had made myself another batch of laundry detergent in the morning and had grated soap for it in my food processor. I wanted to make sure that was cleaned well.

Now, I'm just really tired. I think I shall sleep well tonight.

Saturday, July 16, 2016
Nope! We had a humdinger of a storm last night. I've never seen so much lightning and thunder! The wind, too, was gusting around 70 mph - boy, did that make a mess! There was rain, this time, too, and the wind would push it against the house with a lot of force, like it was sand or gravel.

And...the power went out. This is now a weekly occurrence, and the power company takes at least two hours to get it back on. In the meantime, we couldn't open what windows we could because of the driving rain. I laid in bed and tried to sleep, but only breathed a sigh of relief after midnight when things came back on. Gotta love it.

Today was not a day to be lacking in sleep, either. It was the Relief Society "Christmas in July" activity and I was involved. I had a lot to pack into the car: soup, cookie making supplies, etc. I think I took 1 box of stuff, two bags, an insulated bag, the crockpot, and my box of cookie cutters. Lug it to the church...and then back again.

First thing, we made cookies in the kitchen. I taught them about rolling out the dough, what kind of cutters to use for what (we did some jelly-filled), and how to make and use an egg yolk paint to brush on the cookies before baking. It was messy fun!

But we had to get out of there quickly, because the gal demonstrating homemade cinnamon rolls was right behind me. Actually, I was glad, because my stuff was done and over quickly. I hadn't signed up to do anything, so I hung around tables and talked to people.

We had lunch after a while...and my tortilla soup was a hit! I know of one sister who had three bowls of it! I had a bowl, too, and good thing, because every last drop of it was eaten. All I know, is it smelled so good. I wanted nothing else.  I did have a little side-salad, though, to be good (and have some fresh spinach and mushrooms!).

After that, Analiese (who'd come with me and was my kitchen helper) and I did origami ornaments at a table with some sisters.
By then, things were getting silly. Analiese and I had fun with the camera making videos of her messing around with our origami cranes.

We cleaned up and got home before two-thirty. I had to take Jonathan to work, so we unloaded the car, put stuff away, and I went out for the last time of the day.  Oh, and did I tell you? There was a dead cat in our garage when I got home from the church.

Yeah. Jonathan thinks I hit it with the car when I left this morning. Now, I'm sad; I don't want to injure a living animal, but I'm not going to feel guilty about it. For one, I didn't see it or even feel it.
It was a kitten, from a recent batch of the feral things our neighbors feed and I've found them cavorting in and out of the garage a lot lately. Jonathan thinks it crawled in the garage to die. I really don't want them around and don't like having them all over (being allergic to them makes me a lot less sympathetic to their plight). But I wouldn't intentionally hurt one. Still, lucky Ken got to take care of the corpse. Charming.

Sunday, July 17, 2016
Busy day at Church and I had little energy for it. Ken hadn't been able to find anyone to lead music (I think we should have a class to teach some people!), so I lead in Sacrament meeting. Energetic songs today, too. I really felt them - spiritually - but also physically.  And I wasn't done for the day.

Next was Junior Primary. Between sips of water, we sang and sang and sang. I put on a sunbonnet and we did pioneer songs (we walked and walked and walked and walked, if you know what I mean!). They ate that up. At one point, they weren't singing much, so I asked if they'd lost their voices and made them look under the chairs, grab their "voices" and put them on their throats. Guess what? They sang!

Senior Primary was very small in number - only six, and two of them were visitors. But their volume did not suggest their head count...especially when they got going. I did the bonnet thing again, and had one boy wear a straw cowboy hat and a girl wear another bonnet. We did a remove-the-word song thing, with each one choosing another child to come take away a word off of the board. They did great; it was lots of fun.

But...I never made it to nursery. I had put stuff away and gave a few instructions to the Primary leaders for next week, because I'll be teaching in Relief Society then. Then, I stopped to talk to the bishop about moving our Seminary room - more on that in a moment - and I spoke with a Seminary student parent. After that, there was only four minutes left of time and I know the nursery people could do the music (and often did) without the chorister.

I was SOOOOOOOO tired. But, I went back to the Primary room after the meetings to check out a closet for us and talk to the Primary president about the move. Then it was home, a quick bite of lunch, and taking Jonathan to work. Only after returning and doing some scripture study with Analiese, that I was able to sneak in a little nap. This has been a long, hard week.

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