Thursday, May 19, 2016


Monday, May 9, 2016
Today didn't have a great start. Everyone was either tired, sick or grumpy in Seminary (for the record, I was only in category one). I think we have the end-of-the-year drag. The kids have their own stresses of projects and testings. I really feel for them!

Work was horrifically exhausting. I was asked to help at the Wal-mart in town as soon as I could (I got there close to 8:30 a.m.) with the change from Mothers' Day to Fathers' Day. I spent the first half hour of it climbing over Wal-mart pallets and stuff to get to our bin with all of our boxes. I managed to get it all onto one cart - I am good at Tetris! LOL

I knew I had to go to Hobart today, too, and that all by myself. So I had to leave her with the rest of the work at 1:30 p.m. (Mom was down and discarded, Father signage was up and I'd sorted the cards) and felt pretty guilty about it.

Well, I ended up at Hobart until 9 p.m., when the store closed (not a 24-hour like Altus). Fathers' Day was mostly up, but I hadn't gotten to all of the everyday work and nothing had been "zoned" - cleaned up and organized. Plus, I had problems, figuring out one of the endcap displays for Fathers' Day, so I had to leave it, too. My boss is going to take my shift next Monday, I hope she isn't too disappointed or upset. I think what I did, I did well. There just wasn't time and I didn't have the experience for the endcap.

I was so sore and tired by the time I got home. I went to bed hungry, too. I knew I should eat, but was too tired and sore to worry about it. But lovely hubby gave me a backrub and some Tylenol PM so I could get to sleep.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016
I did not go to Walgreens at 8 something this morning. I waited until 11, mainly so I could follow Ken to TB and get a big glass of ice for my water. It's a nice little perk I have; sometimes he'll even come home with a glass of ice for me!

But I was there until 5:45, working again. I did stop at two-fifteen, to take a break, eat some lunch, and get Jonathan to take back so that HE could work at Walgreens. Another long day, footsore, backsore, and exhausted.

And problems again. I do not, apparently, know how to read their instructions. Mind, they aren't that clear and you have to think on your own how to make their plans fit your store. It often includes a little fudging. That I can do. But this was a matter of too much space and not enough cards. It's kind of funny, because it's the opposite of the other stores where we have tons of cards and not enough room! Unfortunately, I had to talk to my boss again (I hope she doesn't think I can't cut it) and when she comes out next week to work for me, she said she'd fix it. It was something I didn't know about, apparently.

It was delivery pizza for dinner with just me and Analiese (Jonathan will come home and eat some). Ken's at work until 9...or so. I will get to bed as soon as I can. And NO WORK TOMORROW!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Today felt like a vacation...I didn't have to work! Even Seminary felt leisurely...I have been under a lot of pressure lately. Even though I have a lot to do today, it feels so relaxed. I needed a breather!

I actually went grocery shopping today; for some reason, my kids want to eat. I caught up on bills, reconciling financial stuff, and regular home things. Like, watering my plants. My tomato plant has blossoms! I'm not sure I'm going to see more upward growth, but it definitely wants to fruit.  Hooray! The cilantro is still alive, too, which I take as a good sign. Not leafing out more or anything, but not dead or wilted.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
Last Old Testament lesson in Seminary today - Malachi 4. Only one student, too, the others had a family event. But we had a great time talking about family history and stories from our families' past, hopefully inspiring. too. It was a nice way to end the year.

I ran home from church, got dressed, grabbed my stuff and was out the door with my family by 8:00 a.m. Why? Well, here it is, the thing I couldn't write about for months, literally. I was headed for the Lawton airport to take a flight (by myself, the fam was just seeing me off) to Dallas to CALIFORNIA for my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary. This was a surprise cooked up by my brother and sister (aided by a BFF - you know who!) two or three months back. They were throwing a party, my parents knew about that. But I was the special surprise!

So Ken & the kids dropped me off (no tears, those ingrates!) in front of the small airport in Lawton, and I went in with my carry-on (no check in baggage for me!) and a messenger bag. Traveling light, or as light as possible, for six days. Now, I read all the rules and stuff, I'm not totally ignorant about TSA and flight, even though it's been eight years since I've been on a plane. But I thought, surely, an unopened bottle of water? Those who know me know I'm a huge water drinker, I dehydrate easily, my meds make me thirsty. But, nope, no go. I opened it up, chugged some down (how hard is it to drink water when you don't need it at the moment?), and threw the rest away. What a waste.

Whatever. I'm past security and ready to get on that tiny plane and jump to Dallas. Screens read "on time." I see it land from its last jump to Dallas (boy, is it small!), people get out, and crews start plugging stuff into it, taking stuff out.  Cool.  Soon, I'll be boarding.

Then, the announcement. Delayed. Maintenance issue. What does THAT mean? A few minutes later I learn that the problem was an external scratch on the plane. Really? I've got all kinds of paper cuts and scratches on my arms from cards and you don't see me delaying anything! So I texted my resident airplane expert (IE. Jonathan). Well, he replies, it could cause problems eventually, so they like to take care of those sorts of things right away.  BTW, what could scratch an airplane in the air? Don't tell me. I'm being facetious.

Great. So, the question becomes, How Long? Apparently, Lawton airport does not keep a maintenance crew full time there. So they have to get somebody from - you guessed it - Dallas - to come and take care of it. Estimated departure time is no 2:00 p.m.

Oh, so great! My connector flight to LAX from Dallas leaves at 11:40. Ain't happenin' now. So they send us all back to the ticket counter to see about rearranging flights (BTW, the ticket agent is the same gal as the gate agent). There's only about fifty people to reschedule. but as you can imagine, it isn't super easy to do.

Actually, I was pretty fortunate.  American Airlines called with a message about my flight rescheduling, so I was all set except for getting a new boarding pass for the new flight, though it wasn't leaving Dallas until 4:30. But just as I got up to the counter to do so, the gal told me (and the others behind me) that things were fixed (or whatever) and that we'd be leaving at noon, now half an hour away. And we could get our new tickets/boarding passes/schedules in Dallas. Okay. I think. Should I be anxious about this?

Through the TSA security check again. "I remember you; you're the water bottle lady!" Thanks. Yeah, I've learned my lesson. No water bottle the second time around. And directly board the plane.
I call it a puddle-jumper. It only holds about 50 people. I'm in a window seat near the front, so I will get to watch the whole 35 minute flight. Which is basically up and down. I can drive to Dallas in 3 1/2 hours. Other than being a little cramped, this was much nicer. We didn't even get about the clouds before we had to head on down.

Another line to stand in as I exited the plane in Dallas. But once I got to the desk, gave them my I.D. and no-longer-possible boarding pass. They handed me the new one for the new flight...and I had three hours to wait. Lunch was a priority, so I had Qdoba (good Mexican - like Chipotle or Taco Mayo), and then just walked around the shops and stuff till it got close to time to board. I knew I'd be sitting for 3 1/2 hours, I needed some exercise.

Thank heaven, no delays! But I was in group four (the cheap people), and sat way back near the tail behind the wing. Another window seat, but since we were up in the clouds most of the time, I didn't see as much. Better leg room this flight, too, because I could stretch my legs under the seat in front of me with my bag between them. Still, after 3 hours, my back was screaming for me to stand!

Now, this whole time, from the first notice of the delay in Lawton, I'd been texting back and forth. With Ken. With Jonathan. With Wendy, my sister. With Andy, my brother, who was to pick me up at the airport. I had run the battery down on my phone just with texting! I managed to charge it a little bit in Dallas, but since I didn't really stay put until half an hour before departure, I didn't get much charging in. I prayed it would be enough so I could keep in contact with Andy as he tried to find me and pick me up at LAX.

He did, with his kids and Wendy in tow. So we headed to Norwalk. I did not, nor ever had, nor ever will, miss the California traffic. Going from LAX to Norwalk in traffic, sigh. I knew I wasn't in Oklahoma any more. I didn't relish sitting more. Couldn't wait to get out and stand for a while.

We finally get to Norwalk. Mom is home, but Dad is not. We'll have to surprise them separately. Andy goes in. The kids go in. Wendy goes in. Mom is confused. I go in. She sees me and starts to cry and envelops me in a hug. We did it. She had no idea I was coming. It's a miracle, really, we're all such blabbermouths.

Dad gets home about a half hour later, comes into the living room. Scans the room, sees Andy and the kids, sees Wendy, sees me, goes past me... Wait. His head swivels back to me. "What are you doing here?" He was immensely pleased. He told me later that he figured Wendy had some surprise up her sleeve, but had no idea it was me.

We stayed up and talked until the one who'd been up since 5:15 a.m. Oklahoma time, couldn't stop yawning and had to go to bed. I got niece Amanda's bed for the visit (pre-arranged by Wendy without my folks' knowledge). I'm not sure it took all that long to get to sleep.

Friday, May 13, 2016
Happy Birthday to my big Buddy Bear, Jonathan! I have sacrificed (and he has, too) being with my son so that I could come to California. Ken took him and Analiese out to lunch yesterday as pre-birthday celebrations, but we'll do something together when I get home.

Today's been an easy day. Talking with Mom and Dad through the morning, mainly, because there was a lot to catch up on. Also, Dad did me the sweetest favor of driving me to visit Ken's Aunt Cathy and his Uncle Bruce,
and his grandfather, who's bedridden. I had (sadly) forgotten to include them in my itinerary, so I was grateful for the opportunity presenting itself today. I think it made Ken happy, too, that I was able to check in on them for him.

After that, we made a stop to something on my California Wish List (yes, I have one). We went to the strawberry stand
in the fields next to Cerritos College and I bought strawberries. Sweet, juicy, enormous. red strawberries. Oklahoma, this is was a true strawberry looks like:
What it tastes like, I can only describe as ambrosia. Ah, so delicious!

Andy and his kids were over this evening. The boys - Jay and Logan - were on devices and Ellie hadn't really warmed up to me yet, which just wouldn't do. So I started to show them some of my Sketchnote class drawings. The boys were somewhat interested (but still didn't really pull away), but I managed to convince Ellie to come with me to the dining room table and draw pictures.

I think we were at it ten-fifteen minutes when the boys came in and saw some of the "cool" stuff I was doing and wanted to join in. Of particular interest was learning how to draw a donkey from the number 16. But it didn't stop there.

A couple friend of Wendy's came over with their two young boys. They saw what we were doing and wanted to join in. Soon everyone was drawing and even wanted to play the Doodle game (make a squiggle and the other person has to draw a picture from it). I'm not sure who was held captive - them or me - until parents managed to drag kids reluctantly home. It was cute and funny!

Saturday, May 14, 2016
The big day! Today is my parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary. Tonight is the party. I guess we will be busy all day!

Wendy was a blur all day, trying to get everything into place. Andy and co. came over to help in the afternoon, so did Meri and three of her kids. Oh, and Wendy's friends. They are so nice to come over and help with a party that isn't even for Wendy, but her parents. But that's the kind of friends she has. Really great ones. And yes, one of the little boys from last night kept bugging me all evening about drawing! I guess I made a friend.

The party was a smashing success.

So many people came, including a Michigan childhood friend of Mom's (she lives in AZ with her husband currently)! My aunt had come a little early to help and she apparently hadn't been told I was coming. She cried to see me, she was so glad I made it! She's one of my biggest blog fans, so since I'd been careful not to mention the surprise before, she had NO idea. I thought Wendy might have told her, but I guess not.

People were there from my childhood past. Someone who had babysat me (and I had eventually babysat her sister's kids), an old Primary teacher (the only Primary teacher I've ever remembered - she's very special), long-time neighbors (angel friends, really) of my folks, a past Church sorority/Young Adults friend with her husband, and of course, people from my parents' ward and stake that I haven't seen since our move.

I spent the whole night, bouncing from person to person. My throat was so dry and sore by the end of the night. But I think it was an unqualified success. Dad and Mom opened gifts and cards afterwards and Dad marveled at the $50 increments on gift cards, etc. I said, "It's a 50-year anniversary celebration! Not many people get to that point anymore!" So it was well-worth celebrating!

Sunday, May 15, 2016
I think we all managed to straggle into bed by a quarter to midnight last night. Party animals! I do not do late nights well! Plus, I got up early (for a Sunday) in order to have Dad (graciously) take me to Corona for sacrament meeting with me old ward.

Lots of old friends were there and surprised to see me. The ward choir director pointed a finger at me accusingly, "What are you doing here?" I got lots of hugs. The best, though, was surprising one of my old VT sisters, Sherry, who burst into tears when she saw me. I sat with her in the meeting,
where she'd keep squeezing my hand or arm. I had really wanted to see & surprise her. It was too bad I couldn't stay (Dad had to get back to his ward for financial clerking stuff), but at least I could see her and some of the rest of my old Corona Ward friends. It was...and still is...a great ward.

But getting through another sacrament meeting and three more hours of church was TOUGH. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I am too old to party like that anymore. I thought about taking a nap after church, but we were having a family birthday party that evening for Andy and his boys
(turning TWELVE!!! Ay!).

This time, I could spend more time with my siblings and their families. Last night had too many people for that. Of course, Ellie wanted to draw (we did)

and play games (we did). Still, it was very much like old times, before we left for OK, when the family would all crowd into my folks' living room to celebrate birthdays. Definitely good memories.

1 comment:

  1. That was great Sis. Thanks for posting the pics of the party. I'm glad you were able to be there.
