Sunday, January 31, 2016


Monday, January 25, 2016
Jonathan woke me up last night when he came home from work. Not to tell me he was home, but to berate me for losing some of his legos when Analiese & I took them to the church for the talent show. We were doing him a favor and I honestly thought he wanted us to take it (apparently Analiese "thought" he did). I didn't sleep well the rest of the night, upset that he was upset and fearful that he would take it out on his sister in the morning.

In the morning, my fears hadn't yet abated. I was trying to get my mind in Seminary-mode, but the stress and upset kept bringing me back to last night. I tried praying, I tried thinking of hymns, but the thing was stuck in my head and worrying me about my capacity to teach today.

My stomach started hurting before I left the house (everyone else in bed asleep) and by the time I was in the car heading toward the church, I was in the middle of an anxiety attack - labored breathing, chest pain, panic. I hadn't had one in a long time - what to do? So - out loud, in the car - I just kept praying "Please help me, Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy Son." Over and over and over.  The church ride isn't long, but by the time I got to the church, I'd calmed down a bit.

Setting up for class, I had to go to the library to make copies and get a TV. Going to open the library door, I "happen" to look down on the ground at the back door to the church. There, on the floor, is one of Jonathan's Lego figures. And how some lower-to-the-ground tyke at church the day before didn't find it is beyond me!

By now, I knew the Lord had heard my prayers and answered with that small, sweet, tender mercy. I knew my Seminary box (a plastic box on wheels that I use to cart stuff on & had used to cart stuff to the talent show Saturday) is starting to fall apart on the bottom.  In essence, holes. That's what probably happened to Mr. Star Wars Lego figure (don't ask me what). I knew another one was missing. Maybe I could look in the back parking lot - where we'd parked Saturday night - after Seminary to try and find the other.

I'd explained the sweet miracle that had just happened to my class that morning, testifying that the Lord hears our prayers and cares for us, even in little ways. Well, after class, putting stuff back into the box to take home, what should I find? Another figure and a lego piece. I about cried, then.

After all this heavenly kindness, I did NOT rub it in to my son. But I did share the whole experience with him, letting him know that the Lord knows and cares about evertyhing in our lives, big and small. He gave a prayer of gratitude for the miracle we just saw. In our family, we do not believe in coincidences. We have seen too much. Life is full of miracles, if only we'll see them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
It was time I upped the ante. Baking two loaves of bread for my family nearly every-other day was getting to be a chore. So I saw on Pinterest a Depression-Era recipe that makes 6-8 loaves of bread at a time. I was interested!

Having decided today to experience this, I have come to the conclusion that the thing needs reworking. It is very difficult to handle 20 cups of flour at one sitting. I had to do it by hand - literally, my hands looked like I had leprosy - because all of that would not fit in my mixer. My neck, back, and shoulders are going to feel it. And there was flour and water and dough all over! What a mess!

I eventually moved half of the mix into my mixer to knead, then putting it to rise while the 2nd was working in the Kitchenaid. Even halved it gave my mixer a work, and I worried that I would burn out the motor. I've done that on cheaper mixers; it would be tragic on my Kitchenaid!  I set both halves to rise in two 6-quart containers. Why must I always pay for my ambitions?

How did it turn out? Not great. They look (and feel) like rocks and I'm afraid they're not done in the middle. Ken calls it Frankenstein bread. I think part of the problem is that I used half white and half wheat flour. Next time I'd probably do only a third of the wheat. But really, how eager am I to try this recipe again?

Consolation Prize: I made a whopping tower of waffles for dinner.

Okay, keep praying for Ken (for those of you who are, thank you for your prayers!). He hasn't heard back from Taco Bell yet, but has a possibility of - count them - THREE other jobs. One in town, two in Lawton.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Yesterday I had planned on turkey soup for dinner, but was having problems with one of my burners on my stove as I was making broth out of the turkey carcass (seriously, it makes good broth), so I ended up with the waffles instead. So I saved the broth for today to make a creamy turkey soup. I am so tempted to eat it for lunch, because a little taste test was SO good!

I made it in the morning because I wanted Jonathan to be able to take some to work tonight to eat on his break (they have a microwave in the breakroom). I think he's really going to like it, too. I am not sure there will be much in the way of leftovers with it after we've all had it!

New Beginnings was tonight. Ken actually got to go; he didn't have to work. Analiese wasn't happy that I decided to play papparatzi.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
I'll be honest. I am late writing this (like 3 days late) and I don't remember anything about today. I'm not sure there was anything significant going on.

Friday, January 29, 2016
I had a chuckle with my kids in Seminary today. We were studying Naaman and Elisha. We were watching a video where Naaman was staring at the Jordan river wondering if that dirty, muddy thing was worth anything. One of my students commented: "That looks like Altus water!" We all started rolling with laughter (and had to pause the video) because the water here is very bad and everyone knows it. We have so many serious moments, that the laugh was a worthwhile break!

I took a clerical test at the Jackson County Memorial Hospital today. It is only a few blocks from my house and they have a couple of open positions I could qualify for...but first, I had to take the test. I'm a little slower on my typing skills, though 66 wpm isn't bad at all. And, I got 95% on the math section, which made me feel great since math is a weakness of mine. Hopefully I can be considered for a part-time job with them.

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Today was ward temple day. I went up with Analiese and the Young Women. They had a 9:30 appointment to do baptisms and then they would watch kids in the OKC Stake Center across from the temple while the adults went to the 10:30 session.

It was a very full temple, with lots of youth there and adults in the session. Afterwards, we went to the stake center where the bishopric had supplied Chinese food  and pizza (for the kids) for lunch before we all went home. That was nice!

Ken & Jonathan couldn't go today, though, because they had work. Considering they both started their shifts at 3:00 and we didn't get back until 4:30, I guess it was a good thing, though it would have been nice to have everyone there!

Sunday, January 30, 2016
I wasn't feeling too well today, but I had to meet with the bishop after church, so I went. I'm glad I did because a friend of mine was there who really needed someone to talk to. She can't always make it to church because of work, so I was glad to see her and sit next to her in Sunday School and third hour.

There was ward choir this evening, but I didn't go. I felt pretty wiped out. Maybe next week.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Monday, January 18, 2016
MLK day - No Seminary! The only thing I really relish about it is that I can sleep in. Otherwise, I miss my class!

We all slept in. Ken and Jonathan worked yesterday evening, so they were very tired. Analiese and I, well, no excuse, but it was nice...

I lent my Back-to-the-Future DVDs (the whole set) to a brother in our ward who just had shoulder surgery. He's been bored out of his skull (as his FB page attests) and while I couldn't convince him to read a book, I did offer him about six hours of entertainment. I think his wife was grateful, too, because he must be driving her crazy between times!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Busy bee, me! Besides doing two loads of towels, blankets & jackets, I baked two loaves of bread, did two hours of data entry, and made a big pot of ham-and-beans soup. Hey, the house smelled great!

We had Family Home Evening tonight. With Ken & Jonathan working odd schedules, it's been hit-and-miss lately.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Analiese calls me a "Seminary Shark" because I pounce on every new youth in the ward about coming to Seminary. I do not think I am "that bad," but can justify my efforts with two reasons:
1) Our class is so small, and will probably get smaller. We NEED more people!
2) Seminary is awesome! Who wouldn't want to go? I've seen these students learn, understand and grow. There's nothing like it.

When I went to pick up Analiese from YW, one of the parents of  my students accosted me about yesterdays lesson (David & Bathsheba, with an emphasis on the dangers of pornography). I told her what I told the kids - if it wasn't a problem today, would we need to talk about it? Painful, uncomfortable, but if I can spare them some future sorry, I will have succeeded!

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Yeah, Seminary kept on going great with "fun" topics. I jokingly refered to today's lesson as the Old Testament Soap Opera. Rape. Murder. Intrigue. I promise tomorrow will be better.

KEN GOT A JOB! He had an interview today as an assistant manager at the local Taco Bell and basically swept the interviewer off her feet! He will have to have six weeks of training in OKC, It sounds weird (cuz it's fast food), but the pay is fairly equivalent to what he was making when he started at the prison up in Granite. And there are future possibilities. **WHEW!!!**

Friday, January 22, 2016
Today is my Daddy's birthday, so I called him. Analiese thinks I shouldn't be using kiddy words like Mommy and Daddy, especially since my kids are grown (ha!). She doesn't realize that as we and our parents grow older, they become ever so precious to us. That, and the distance between them and us makes is especially more so. The words Mommy and Daddy and terms of the sweet value we place on them!

Rabbit Club was tonight, which is part rabbit stuff, and part adult mingler. Next month is the Rabbit Show, so we had a lot to discuss. Analiese, having only one rabbit, doesn't require a lot of supervision from me, so I volunteered to run the Concession Stand that day (February 13). Might as well make myself useful; I have to be there the whole time, anyway!

Saturday, January 23, 2016
I really slept in today...past nine o'clock! That is rare for me, even on the weekends. I guess I was tired. But time's a tickin', and there's always work to be done.

Like more bread baking. I have judiciously doled out the last two loaves (two pieces per person per day except when Jonathan is working and needs to take a sandwich to school & work - then he gets four). So there are still a few pieces of the last loaf in the fridge. But will they last the weekend? Probably not.

NOTE: Pieces means I sliced it myself, rather than let them do it. I'm not the greatest slicer, but I'm the best in the house. Plus, if I refrigerate the loaves first, they cut better. So it's better to bake, cool, then refrigerate a few hours and I have to keep track so I don't run out of bread in the meantime!

Tonight was the Ward Talent Show...and I FORGOT MY CAMERA! So you'll have a few cruddy pictures from my phone. Sorry.

But it was great. Nearly everyone participated. A couple from another church came and commented that they'd never get that much participation if they did that.  Well, yeah, our ward is like that. We had all kinds of performers, young and old, reading poetry, telling jokes, doing magic, singing, doing gymnastics (one flexible kid!), dancing. The funniest was a brother who dressed up as Elvis and did a great impersonation that brought the house down! The sister missionaries did a song and some cup action (tapping, moving, swapping) and one of the elders recited D&C 4 while juggling three tennis balls!

Plus there were displays, too. We put out a few things of ours, including Alice and the 4H ribbons. Also, I took a picture of Megan, my artistic Seminary student, with her work. Just cuz I love my kids and brag about them nearly as much as my blood own!

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Today was a pretty normal church day. Except, I was terribly distracted in Sunday School. I was sitting between two cute little baby girls who wanted my attention. How could I resist? The one is my especial friend and her mother always asks me if I want to hold her. She has such a light in her eyes! I bet she's super-smart, too!

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Monday, January 11, 2015
It has been a pretty normal Monday - laundry, lessons, shopping. Pretty much run-of-the mill. Tired, too, but that's never a surprise on Monday and I had a busy weekend to make sure of it!

Oh! But I did find out something. Ken told me that one of the tires on the Honda was nearly threadbare and needed to be replaced apparently so urgently that he did it today! Now what vehicle did I drive to Norman on Saturday? That's right. Even more so now, it was a miracle I made it...and back. Gee, thanks.

Analiese and I have the house to ourselves this evening. Ken and Jonathan are both working until 11 p.m. I had asked her what she wanted for dinner and she said, "Taquitos." I didn't really want the store ones (after a while they seem gross to me), so I looked up on Pinterest and found a Best Bites recipe for Creamy Chicken Taquitos. It was easy and very yummy! As we say in our house, repeatable! Want to try it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2015
It was frosty cold this morning - breath-seeing air. I think it was colder than yesterday morning at 28 degrees. It's funny to see piles of snow (very dirty) sitting around over two weeks old

Seminary sometimes makes me laugh. I have one student who particularly believes I can do no wrong. I have not perpetuated this myth and often speak of my flaws and struggles in trying to work through them, but she just shakes her head and says she can't believe it. I need her to believe I'm not perfect, though, so she'll understand how important the Savior's Atonement is for everyone - me included.

Wednesday, January 13, 2015
The kids had fun at Seminary today. I had to get there a little earlier to set up for our lesson. I moved us into the Cultural Hall for the day; a little change of pace helps wake them up and keep them interested.

Our lesson was on David and Goliath and I had to impress upon them how big Goliath was. I didn't have the time, resources or talent to make a life-sized giant, but I did some measuring and put a piece of paper with his name up on the wall of the room.  Even then, it wasn't high enough because all I had to use was a step ladder. It ended up around eight feet, so if you added one more foot and nine inches, you'd be about right (my picture isn't great because I forgot my camera and had to use my phone).

Also fun for them was the "slings" I made for them out of felt and yarn. Not exactly David material, but enough to swing around and try to aim at the paper on the wall.  With marshmallows. It was fun, if a little crazy. Don't want to do that often, it kind of detracts from the Spirit. But they walked out of class with more energy than they came in!

Actually, my favorite part of class was reading David's response to Goliath:

 45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
 46 This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
 47 And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.

The spirit was so strong as we read this! I really believe this is my favorite part of all Old Testament scripture. It's such a strong testimony of faith. It makes it easier for me (and hopefully my students) believe that the Lord will stand with us in our challenges...even 9 foot, 9 inch ones!

Ugh! Dentist day.  Apparently I have this little "protocavity" (my words, not the doc's) that needs to be taken care of before it can get worse. It was quick, only an hour and most of that consisted of sitting there waiting for the novacain to work.  Still.  They said they "bonded" the tooth, so I could use it right away, but to be careful until the novacain wore off. It didn't really wear off completely until long after I was in bed tonight.

This afternoon, I took Analiese over to WOSC for an audition of "Into the Woods." She's been practicing a song - "Maybe" from Annie - and is doing this for her Personal Progress. There were a lot of people there, including a few we recognized: Jonathan's friend Sarah C. (Cuz there's more than one Sarah), Aurora Sperry (Seminary student) and her mother, Brother Box and his twin boys from the ward.

She did fine considering it was her first time and she'd never sung a solo in front of anyone before. She was nervous, but that was understandable.

But it got me thinking..."If I was auditioning, what song would I sing?" Then I thought, "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing" which can show off my deep tones nicely. Then I thought, "Why not try? Just to say you did?" So, I sprung it on everyone, including the director, Jeff Gonda, who's also in our ward. It was funny, too, because Analiese, the Sperry's and the Box's all followed me into the auditorium...they were curious to see what I'd do.

I SHOULDN'T do it. With Seminary, that's a lot of time. But it felt good just to try and think maybe I could. Hey, lots of people are too afraid to try and never know. That's even sadder.

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Not feeling super well today. My stomach is not being friendly and I am very tired. After I got Analiese set in her lessons (Ken was around anyway), I took a little nap. I felt a bit better, which was good, because the rest of my day was too busy to be stuck in the bathroom (TMI).

Analiese wanted to go back to auditions. She hadn't been able to read for Red Riding Hood yesterday and that was the part she was really interested in. So, we went back. There was not near as many people as yesterday, so the reading happened sooner and we were out in an hour. The director asked me to read again, too, but Analiese really ROCKED her part. Most auditioners had been reading Red very flat or sweetly. Analiese has seen the musical and the movie and her mom (ah-hem) had prompted her - be a sassy, needs-to-be-smacked-upside-the-head teenager. Jonathan told her to act normally (brothers!) Anyway, she rolled her eyes and threw her lines with darts of sarcasm and had the director laughing.

But, sadly, we didn't get the parts. Not because we weren't good (Jeff really wanted to cast me. I guess I am funny), but because "Into the Woods" has a small cast and because it is put on by the college, the majority of the roles need to go to the college students. He felt bad about it, because he saw a lot of community talent as well, and had more people auditioning than expected (about 70 people). Analiese took it well, it was an experience she enjoyed and wouldn't mind repeating, but not devastated because it didn't work this time. Me, I was a teensy bit sad (cuz it would have been cool), but mostly relieved that the decision was taken out of my hands. I really need to focus on Seminary and my family's issues. I'm tired already, what would rehearsals do to me?

Don't worry, I have plenty of other ways to feed my ego! Tonight, I spoke at Relief Society on the topic of Scripture Study. I don't think it went as well as Sunday School, but the Spirit was still there. I had ascertained at first the needs to connect with and understand the scriptures, so I went in the direction where I felt they could get the most good.  Not the gooey, frou-frou stuff (like colored markers, and fancy labeling), but how to read, understand, and feel the Spirit teaching you and strengthening your testimony.  

I only had twenty minutes, because I was followed by a sister talking about time management (she was very funny) and another sister teaching basic crochet stitches. But I just enjoy going to spend time socializing with the other sisters. Even if I don't do much else.

Friday, January 15, 2016
I had the "fun" part of playing the messenger this morning. I told Aurora in Seminary (after the lesson, of course) that none of us got parts in the play and why. She's a sweet, sensitive girl and I think she was crushed. She wondered why bother inviting the community to audition when all the parts go to the college kids and I tried to make her see that more people auditioned than he expected - from both the college and the community - and he was stuck. WOSC signs his paycheck. It's hard to tell youth, but there will be other times and other opportunities. I hope she'll be okay.

Another laundry day...yippee (flat-toned). My laundry has increased since Jonathan has a "uniform" for work (he has work shirts). Also, these kids want to put blankets, jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts in, too. My Friday laundry has grown! So I told them that, from now on, the blankets, jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc., will go in with the towels on Tuesday. I'm lazy and like to get as big a load (hence, less loads) as possible, but this is too much for the machines!

Saturday, January 16, 2016
I woke up to a light snow falling. To be honest, it was peaceful and safe (no driving hours away in it), so I sat in my rocker with a blanket and just watched it fall for a while.  Peace. Calm. It didn't last long, but I enjoyed it while I could.

We attended a baptism early this afternoon for the sister of another convert from last year. She's come several times with him, so many sets of missionaries have worked with her.  Three of them were back (with our current four) for the baptism - almost more of them than ward members! Still it was nice to see them and they all remembered me. Ken didn't recognize one, but I know who I feed! LOL!

Speaking of missionaries, we fed our four tonight.'s what was in our freezer. I don't know if we'll be able to afford to feed them so often unless Ken gets a better job. But he's had two interviews this week, so I'm feeling hopeful. I told him I really feel the need to feed them. 1) Because they need meals. 2) Because we get blessings for feeding them. 3) Because they bring the spirit of missionary work (and other things) into the home. 4) Because my boy will be one of them soon and I'd want someone to feed him! Okay, the last one is really sappy, so I don't emote that one often. Unless I want to embarrass Jonathan.

Sunday, January 17, 2016
Coming out of church today, we were blown away by a powerful Arctic wind.  It was cold! The day had started out warmer, but by 2:00 p.m. was at 35 degrees. No precipitation, but plenty of chilling winds.

My strangest thing this week came today in a local residential neighborhood.  Not in the country, on the outskirts, but in town, a few houses away from our friends, the Doshers. How'd you like these fellas in your backyard:
Apparently there are no local hitching posts nearby!

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Monday, January 4, 2016
Venturing out once more into the wild wintry wilderness (gotta love alliteration), the roads are all clear. There is plenty of dirty ice in parking lots and in the shade of buildings. It's not pretty, but at least I don't have to traverse it!

Yes, wild adventures awaited! The most interesting person I met today was...a Hawaaian-born Kiwi (New Zealander) working in Taco Bell. In Oklahoma. In the sticks. Go figure. Nice kid, looked like a college student.  He was too busy to have a heart-to-heart to quench my insatiable curiosity. (And you bet I would have done it, too!) Why was he - the fish out of water - here, of all places? Mystery!

My Walmart grocery run started off normally; a short list, no one to stop and chat with. I was just kind of piddling around the front, meandering toward the checkout line when an announcement came over the intercom: Everyone was to go to checkout immediately and then leave the store. ??? The reasoning was this (and I knew a bit about it going in because Ken had told me): when the power went out, Walmart Corp. brought in a huge generator on a flatbed for the duration. Apparently, however, the city had to disconnect their stuff and hook it up and today planned to rehook it back into the municipal power. On Monday, early afternoon, with lots of shoppers. I had no hassle getting checked out since I was already there, but people were grumbling all over about it...and there were people outside the doors who wanted to come in and were being held back by employees until the power was restored. Fun! The actual bother came in the parking lot, where chaos ensued as people queued up to exit at the light (the left turn lane is very popular since Walmart is on the northern-most end of town and nearly everyone lives south of it. Like me.). I think it took me nearly twenty minutes to get out of the parking lot on the road heading south.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Sorry, today is a boring, bummer day. Just normal stuff, lessons, chores, whatnot. Still getting back to the regular schedule, so my body insisted on a nap to make up for sleep. Wish I could be more exciting. But I'm not.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016
A very gray day, today. I couldn't even see the sun rising on the clouds. It was all just gray. How is the ice supposed to melt without the sun? It's been nearly two weeks!

By the time I left to pick up Jonathan in the afternoon, the clouds actually decided to do something. Jonathan said it wasn't rain, but ice, but it was rain that built up into a real storm by the evening. Good thing I  made soup for dinner!

I had hoped that the rain would melt the ice, but only a little bit. Problem is, the puddles will freeze tonight  and I'll have to face the ice tomorrow morning.

Thursday, January 7, 2016
If I do not answer my cellphone when you call the following may have occurred:
  1. I left my phone at home or (very unlikely) I turned it off.
  2. It's on the other side of the house & I didn't hear it or get to it on time.
  3. It just didn't bother to ring and went straight to voicemail. Yes, I anthropomorphized it, but it's true. Some days my phone just doesn't want to be bothered.
Another weird thing my phone likes to do: receive text messages SIX HOURS after they were sent...usually in the wee hours of the morning. This means your better options for communication are emailing me or messaging me on Facebook. Yes, my phone behaves like Soviet Russia.

Friday, January 8, 2016
My children made two Seminary observations of me today. I thought they were funny:
Jonathan - I always mention Seminary at least ONCE every day. The ironic thing is, often that's because HE or Ken will ask me how it went that day. So I don't see how that's MY fault (if it even is a fault!).

Analiese - I have an experience to relate for EVERY situation. We were practicing a song she's singing for an audition for the Spring Musical at the college. I made mention of an...experience...I had as a theater major in college. Thus, the comment. Frankly, I have found with my teaching I need to recall experiences to help the kids relate to and understand that these things happen to everyone, Real life. Lucky me, my life gets put on the line.

NOTE: I'm not always proud of these anecdotes and I have students who have a hard time believing I have ever done anything wrong, but it illustrates the need for all of us to improve. Including ME.

Saturday, January 9, 2016
I really dislike weathermen. They have no clue what's going to happen. The forecast for last night and this morning was a 30% chance of light snow from midnight or so until 5 a.m. I had a Seminary Workshop to attend in Norman (south of OKC) 2 hours away, so I was really hoping and praying that there would be no snow and the roads would be clear. Because icy, slick roads would be a no-go. Uh-uh, ain't happenin'. Bock-bock, I'm a chicken...but at least I'm a live one.

I got up at 5:30 and looked outside. There's a dusting of snow on the lawn, but the sidewalks, the driveway and the road looks clear. Good! It's cold, but I think I can handle this, so I get ready to go and head out the door at 6:00, giving myself an extra hour to compensate for any breaks or unexpected things.

Driving east towards Lawton (must go past to head toward OKC/Norman) I encounter a little bit of dusty snow in the air, but the roads still look good. I am suitably cautious - no lead foot today! And then, I get past Lawton.

At first, I was happy because the sun was starting to come up and I could see better. These roads, presumably highways, are not well lit as you go through the countryside and the slight precipitation wasn't helping. But with the black-lightening-to-gray sky came MORE snow. We're talking serious windshield-wiper, slow down Jack, there's stuff out there and my tires are not skid-resistent, at least not in this stuff. Oh yeah, those weathermen really called it!

It is at this point that I learn what that sign I see all over means: BRIDGE ICES BEFORE ROAD. Yeah, slick, right at the top. Once again the rule against braking anyway but gently comes into play. And suddenly, I've become the Little Old Lady on the Road.

Did you know there is a minimum speed limit? On the highway going toward OKC, it's maximum 75 (which I usually glory in) and minimum 50. Today, I felt like a rebel. There are points where I serious drop below 50...mainly because my life is at stake.

The not-so-halfway point in my journey is Chickasha (shay). Just past the city there is an oasis between the lanes going either direction that houses a very large gas station (it can accomodate rigs), a convenience store to match, and a McDonalds. Being on edge (and drinking a DP) have made it necessary to stop. So I took a "nerves break," watching the snow drift lightly down - but not sticking to the car.

If anything, conditions got WORSE between there and Norman. Despite the fact that it was getting closer to the workshop start time, I was in less and less of a hurry. I learned quickly that when someone in front of you is driving cautiously in a snow storm, there may be a good reason why. I certainly feared changing lanes, besides the slushy, icy road the winds picked up! Seriously, I felt like a giraffe on ice skates.

I made it (obviously, or I wouldn't have this tale to tell). I sloshed up the sidewalk to gratefully into the OU Institute Building.  Was it worth it or not? Only time would tell because I was at that point thinking I was either quite courageous or enormously stupid for having made the trip...and knowing I had to make it back as well.

I think it was worth it. The workshops are always full of the Spirit and I love to hear everyone else's ideas and experiences. Presenters walk us through different ways to approach the scriptures and exhort us that we're really doing the right thing and hang in there! Plus, since my stake is all spread out (even our monthly inservices are online), going is a great way to get to know them...and the other five stakes and not feel so alone in the calling.

However...all the time we were listening & learning, I would wonder about the weather in the back of my mind. Occassionally I would look at the window. Sometimes I'd see a little wind shaking bush branches or a little light snow. At my lowest point, though, I saw big flakes and clumps of snow and swallowed nervously. How would I get home?

The Lord understands my not-so-irrational fear (this one, at least is not). After we'd had lunch (a lovely lasagne soup with salad and French bread), I ventured outside to get some clothes I wanted to change into for the ride home (had to make a stop in Lawton). To my wondrous surprise, the sidewalks and roads were free of snow! The ride back was so uneventful...that I won't say a word about it!  I was so grateful!

Sunday, January 10, 2016
Yesterday evening, shortly after arriving home, I received a text message from the Gospel Doctrine Sunday School Teacher. She was ill and would I substitute the next day?  I love her class, I love that we're reading the Book of Mormon, and I love teaching. How could I say no?

Obviously, I had little time to prepare, but some of the things discussed yesterday in Norman were easily adapted to call into play as we studied the first few chapters of First Nephi. I used the approach of #1 - Identifying doctrine and principles (which actually meant a few minutes defining the two), #2 Understanding them (which most in the class did without hesitation), then - MY FAVORITE - #3 Feeling the truth and bearing testimony of them, after which we would #4 - Apply them to our lives.

I am pleased to say, that it worked in practice as well as theory. Better than, really. The Spirit was so strong that I wished we had more time for everyone to relate to and bear testimony of their assigned scriptures. It was so inspiring to see how as one person would relate an experience or bear testimony that others would be able to recall their own and reaffirm theirs. It was almost a shame to wrap things up, but I guess we HAD to have Relief Society and Priesthood meetings.

I think I loved it most because, while I had to instruct and prompt at first, they (the students) and the Spirit took over. My lack of lots of prep didn't matter, I didn't even have to be a marvelous teacher...they learned for themselves. Awesome!

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Monday, December 29, 2015
The foretold blizzard of Altus did not happen. I'd say it was a let-down, but I didn't really want it anyway, even if I'd been sleeping through it. However, I can gladly say that the power came 2:30 in the morning.  I know, because it woke me up.  My bedroom light had been switched on!

Still, we stayed so cozy with our wall heaters (we closed up some rooms and had a "heat corridor") that I actually threw blankets OFF in the night. And that was without the electricity and the home heating system. Nice!

I got a text message this morning from Brother Sturges, the CES Coordinator over Seminary. He wanted to know if we were still without power and if we needed to come "visit" the Sturges family in Norman. That was really sweet, but I told him that the Lord had providently blessed us with a generator and wall heaters and that we were good. Besides, driving through this stuff to Norman? It's just south of OKC. I'm afraid to drive through Altus!

So, when Jonathan had to go to work, Ken (who didn't have to work) took him and did some grocery shopping for me. Cuz I'm a coward who doesn't want to face icy roads.  The worst part of it for him was getting out of the icy driveway. That's where most of the water/ice has deposited. It's like a skating rink!

While the sun shone, the day was snap-crackle-pop - full of melting and falling ice (we never really got official snow, just lots of ice). You could hear it dropping off of trees and houses all day, until the sun started setting and the temperatures dropped and everything froze again.

Tuesday, December 30, 2015
The sister missionaries showed up on our icy doorstep this morning because Sister Caudill is being transferred to OKC to take the place of a sick sister who is going home. She wanted a picture with our family.

I am sad, because she was terrific and I'm sad for Sister Lindsey, because they were definitely a dynamic duo.

We drove off to Lawton today in the ice to go see Star Wars. Going east, you could see all the storm damage, especially to power lines. Outlying areas are still without power, including the tail end of Altus. The last traffic lights leading out of town weren't working. So many power poles were snapped a the base, with lines in the ditches, frozen over. While running creeks weren't frozen, stock ponds an ditches were.

We drove into the parking lot of the Patriot Cinema and Analiese exclaimed, "Now that's a movie theater!" We certainly haven't seen theaters like this since California. It had a huge lobby with cafe tables across from the concessions stand. You paid for your tickets there and went to the Popcorn Station to get your popcorn and drinks. Behind all that is the big IMAX theater, in it's huge glory.

The movie was awesome! As the words STAR WARS rolled across the screen, I let out a very loud and enthusiastic "Yee-haw!" which earned me some strange looks and sh's...from my kids.  The movie hadn't started, no dialogue.  As the opening words rolled across the screen, I applauded energetically. My kids say they are psychologically scarred...I say they are not true fans and are just jealous. I was only behaving like any hardcore, true-blue fan would. I oughta know!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
It's always a depressing day when the Christmas decorations come down. It's work to put them up, but represents such jolly times that we don't mind the effort. Taking them down is another story. It means the fun is over and back to the normal grind.

Tonight was crockpot fajitas. Jonathan's friend, David, was over playing games and the two of them certainly enjoyed the dinner! I smelled it all day long, not wanting to each lunch because what I wanted for lunch was in the crockpot for dinner!

Thursday, December 31, 2015
End of the year. People make a big deal out of it.  Blah, blah, blah. I don't like staying up late for parties. I'd rather celebrate tomorrow morning with a clear, rested head.

I'm just a little down today.  Wrong, I'm a whole lot down, trying to hold it together for the kids. I've got a lot of prayers in queue to heaven, but feeling guilty about it because there are a lot of people out there who need their prayers answered, too. Faith and fingernails...that's what I'm holding on to.

I was going to leave it at that, but no.  You have to realize that, while this was probably one of the worst days I've faced in a long time, that I feel like God was near all day, too. Often I'm stupid, and others are stupid around me, too, and I can feel pretty alone. But I wasn't allowed to feel that all the time today. I just want to let you know that the Spirit of God was there to comfort me...all the time. Every time I turned around with another agonizing plea, He was there with love and understanding and the strength to carry on. So I don't want you feeling sorry for me (or confused, we'll leave that feeling for me). Recognize the hand of God in our lives. He's there.

So, terrible poet or not, here's a poem I wrote for the end of the year. I wanted to put it in Christmas cards, but that didn't happen. You get it here instead:
2015 POEM
We've had our highs;
We've had our lows;
We've seen some triumphs;
We've had a few blows.
Our patience's been tested
Our faith has been, too.
We've seen who our friends are,
Some old and some new.
We've wondered and wandered;
We've hoped and we've prayed
We've worked and we've struggled
And found plans unmade.
We've smiled at the sunshine
And laughed through our tears;
We've ran round in circles
We've tried to squelch fears.
"So where do you stand now?"
You might think to say.
I have no good answer,
Our trials want to stay.
But Faith is much dearer
Than silver or gold
And God warms our hearts
As our troubles unfold.
Our story's not ended
We still long to fight,
With HIM on our side

We know all things will be right.

Friday, January 1, 2016
That'll take some getting used to! Man, did the year fly by, or what?

Rather than make some lame resolutions that will fizzle out in a month or less, I'm just doing some clean up and organizing, putting things back or finding new spots for old things.

Like my book box.  Yes, I have book shelves and Kindle, but my current reading goes in a box under my end table by my bed. I removed about 8 books, returning two to Analiese and putting the rest on bookshelves (where I could find a place to fit).  How many new ones went in? About 6, plus a prayer journal and a notebook for ideas when they strike at the least opportune time (like w hen I'm trying to go to sleep).
The book on top of my pile is the current read: "The Continuous Atonement" by Brad Wilcox (yes, the fellow Analiese and I met at TOFW/TOFG). He explains the Atonement so clearly and beautifully. I've really wanted to read it! (Thanks, ME!) Yes, that's a highlighter attached to the book, for marking.  I have pens in the box, too, for notes. As the RS Bookclub learned at Christmas, I am not above making notes IN books. A college habit, scripture habit, that I love (and have to be careful not to do in library books). Generally, marking is reserved for non-fiction, though I have been known for marking particularly pithy thoughts in some novels. Okay, I'm a certifiable Book Geek. But I am not ashamed!

Saturday, January 2, 2016
I actually ventured out of the house today and drove down a residential street. You may say, "Big Deal?" Well, with the ice and snow and mud out there, I didn't dare try anything but the major well-plowed roads. The venture was an advanture, because I saw some more of the storm effects. I said I was grateful that my tree fell down in the's more than true, because today I saw a tree that was sitting on a car, another strewn over a lawn and driveway. Yeah, we faired well this storm, but apparently still some areas are out of power. Not in Altus, but in outliers.

I let Analiese make the muffins from the pumpkin mix today. Let's just say it was a learning experience.  They came out, they were good enough (they could have used some nuts or raisins), but they were a mess in the pans. She keeps saying I don't let her cook enough, but apparently if I wait long enough, she gets hungry and will do things herself.  Why didn't I learn that sooner?

But she is certainly in the teen-age mood. I told her this morning that this evening that we could have fun together doing bucket lists. She was enthusiastic. But after dinner (and dishes, it was her turn), she didn't want to do it.  It was boring. She didn't have any ideas besides visiting Rabbit Island in Japan. After trying to convince her to do it, I told her she was being an old fuddy-duddy (both kids are...since when do they act like old party-poops more than I?) and let her run off to do whatever boring thing she wants to do.

Sunday, January 3, 2016
A fairly normal Sunday and start to the gospel curriculum year. But it was nice to be back after our freeze out last week. And everyone pretty much testified that it was only a small inconvenience and they enjoyed the time to really be together with their families, playing games, etc. We think we'll die without all our electronics and gizmos, when really we live better lives and have better relationships often without them!

I met the new sister missionary today. She actually knows her companion from Orem, Utah, where they both hail. Small world, huh? She has a lot of energy, too, which is good considering she'll have to keep up with her energetic companion.

Back to the grind tomorrow.  Seminary resumes, school resumes. Party's over. Ah, well, I actually look forward to more structure in my schedule. The late nights, sleeping in, etc., made me feel lethargic and unmotivated. Fresh year, fresh start.