Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving, et. al.

Monday, November 23, 2015
The day was spent doing food prep for Thanksgiving - tomorrow.  Getting home from Seminary, I started laundry, pulled out the pie crusts to thaw. Ran grocery shopping (early), came home to put pizza in the oven (our lunch), thawing rolls, made jello salad (with cherries, cream cheese and pecans), and got the pumpkin pie and put it in the oven. When it came out, the pecan pie went in. When THAT came out, the rolls went in.  And laundry was in between all that.

Ken came home at noon and, with Brother Whardo, put up the ceiling trim, with Analiese helping while I was doing all the stuff in the kitchen. Ken took me to dinner tonight (leaving the kids with leftovers for dinner) and some "supposed" Christmas shopping. Then it was time to go home and put out bread to dry and chop onion and celery for stuffing for tomorrow.  Ken worked on making sure the turkey would be defrosted by tomorrow.

So, besides the turkey (and the gravy that follows), I'll have the potatoes, stuffing and veggies to do tomorrow.  Really not that bad.  But boy am I tired today!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
We were all a little distracted in Seminary. I think that we were all thinking of the next few days off...and the sleeping in we get to do!  We didn't get through the whole lesson, though we did get through the most important points.

Too, I had a lot to do when I got home.  Getting stuffing ready, potatoes ready, and, of course, the turkey. Analiese had the chance to learn how to clean and prep a turkey.  She got to baste the turkey with the butter and ginger. She did her traditional responsibility of breaking bread for stuffing.

Dinner was done and the table set right on time.

 So were our guests, the four missionaries. They were very satisfied with their meal. The sister missionaries were cute as anything, gushing about the food.

 The elders had their own way of showing eating heartily.

Jonathan had to work for the first time and didn't make it to dinner, but came home to eat later.  I didn't realize, and it really hit me...this may be his last Thanksgiving with us for a couple of years.  It hit my heart. I wasn't ready to think about it and it made me a little emotional.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Today was pretty much a day of resting from the last two days.  I vegged a lot.  Some I couldn't help. Poor Analiese was sick with a flu bug.  She was ill all through the night and today, running a fever, being nauseous, and being all worn out.

Well, I did wash my linens from yesterday and swapped out bathroom towels.  But other than running over to the store in the morning (for ginger ale and crackers for Analiese) and Little Caesar's later for pizza (I wonder why I didn't want to cook dinner?), that was about it.

The sister missionaries came over for a drink of water and a short rest in the afternoon.  They were still gushing about yesterday's dinner.  They are so cute!

Thursday, November 26, 2015
Analiese is doing better, but still is feeling a bit tired and doesn't feeling like eating much.  We were going to go out to a buffet for an early meal, but decided against it.

Besides, the weather has come in to town for Thanksgiving.  Mainly rain and wind right now, but the temperatures are dropping and we will probably see ice outside by morning.  There's an ice storm watch through Saturday.

We did watch a couple of our traditional Thanksgiving programs - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and the Allstate Fried Turkey commerical with William Shatner (yes, we always have to watch it - "Dingle Dangle"). We also rented Jurassic World from the Red Box on the corner.  Today is a day for staying in and staying warm!

Friday, November 27, 2015
The weather has yet to decide what it is going to do.  It has basically drizzle-rained all night and morning and put out a little ice around noon.  It is cold...not expected to get over 32 degrees today.

So we're staying in and cozy - except Ken, who has to work.  It's a day for arranging Seminary stuff and cracking pecans in front of the tv.  Right now, Analiese has turned on the Christmas music on Pandora while she watches the rain out the window.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

No, friends, that is not snow outside.  It's ice!  And it is not my friend!  Slippy-slidey, it took down a branch from my front yard tree
and encased my husband's car.  Plus, it's still dripping outside, so it just makes everything slicker and wetter!

Jonathan had to be to work by ten, so - instead of letting him walk through the slush and ice and cold - Momma had compassion and drove him...slowly.  I become that little old lady everyone hates to drive behind. All of my California driving confidence - gone!

The streets told the story.  Slushy mush sat on the sides of the road, sometimes in between lanes or tires. Main and Broadway were pretty clear, but then, they are highways and get a lot of traffic. There were a few cars on the road, but mainly I saw city trucks addressing power line and tree issues.  I even heard/saw an ambulance.  Not exactly jaunting weather. Jonathan figures it's going to be a slow and quiet day at Walgreens today.

Analiese spent the majority of our day huddled inside, keeping warm and dry.  We made cookies for my Seminary class (some set aside, most stayed home) and danced and sang to Christmas music. Analiese makes a party with her wherever and whenever!

Sunday, November 29, 2015
It's a little drizzly this morning, just a little bit cold, but not bad, really.  Though, I did wear my coat to church!

It was a lovely meeting, very spiritual, as usual.  The third hour we were all together to talk about the ward mission plan and to see the new Church campaign for Christmas.  Here it is if you haven't seen it:
I love one little boy in Africa in the video.  He is so earnest...there is a light shining in his eyes.  He knows - and rejoices - in Christ.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Monday, November 16, 2015
Grey day today.  Misting most of the day, but I'm not very cold.  Mainly because I am busy cleaning the dining room up and getting it ready for paint.  A dear sister in my ward came to help.  She has several rental houses and is a pro at prep and painting.  I was glad for her expertise!

My shopping foray took a new twist today.  Besides groceries, I was going to buy paint for the dining room.  Well, the ceiling paint was there, but their color computer was dead and I couldn't get the wall color.  I ended up having to make another trip - to Sherman Williams.  I actually got a lighter green for the walls (funnily enough called "celery") than the Wal-mart shade.  Not as yellow.  A little more pricey (though they had an online coupon that took 30% off!), but at least we'll be able to paint!

Because tomorrow is Paint Party Day!  Tonight's FHE was cleaning walls and prepping. Ken stayed up painting the ceiling.  I see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Today was Will's birthday, so when he came into Seminary I had a cupcake and a journal waiting for him.  His grandparents are in town for his birthday and for his ordination to a teacher.  He was happy to get his "rabbit" cupcake.

Analiese and I started on the living room around 9:30.  She started painting in from the bottom and I worked the corners, doorframes, and window sills.  A sister from the ward came to help today (a different one from yesterday) and took Analiese's place. Analiese went to watch her young son in the living room (Thank goodness for Netflix). By the time we got to rolling the walls, Ken came home and said, "You're not done yet?" But all the prep painting took the time. Rolling goes fast!

And by the afternoon, with Ken's help, it was done!  The sister missionaries came later and helped me clean the floors in the bathroom and laundry room (Magic Eraser gets out scuff marks beautifully!) and remove tape from the ceilings. My knee was terribly swollen and painful from last night's work, so I was glad for their help!  I may be a little stiff tomorrow, too.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
It is official - my son has a job.  Me (under my breath): "Finally!"  He had an interview with Walgreens this afternoon (where his friend Sarah, his friend Geordi, and Geordi's dad work).  They pretty much hired him on the spot, pending a drug test.  No worries, there!

He's to get back with them Tuesday and yes, during the craziest consumer time of the year, he's going to be learning and training on the job.  What, I don't know.  Most likely they'll have him start stocking.  And he'll work after school, 3:00 - 11:00 p.m.  Tranportation, you ask?  He's going to walk it, unless the weather's bad.  Then Ken & I will have to flip a coin.  I may "lose" more often than not, if Ken's working, too.  Ah, well, I wanted him to have a job!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
So windy and cold out there!  I looked at the sky and said, "Hey, I haven't had enough fall yet.  No winter for a while!" But I don't think it hears me.  I know that by next week, our nights will have freezing temperatures.  No snow expected until the first of December, though.

So, working on clean up and touch up painting, guess who steps in it and makes the mess?  Not the kids, but the Clutzy Mom! I ended up with paint on my only pair of jeans, on the bottom of my Crocs, and the carpet.  I managed to get most of the paint out of the carpet. But...argh!  Why do I do this?

Rabbit Club was tonight. The leader handed me more cookie decorating stuff.  I'm the official Sugar Cookie Maker of the Rabbit Club. For the past two years I've made them for the Christmas party.  It's part craft, part dessert, and the kids love it!

Friday, November 20, 2015
No lessons for Analiese today.  Nope.  Today is work day.  We are cleaning up the dining room (in particular, though I have given her a few other tasks outside this room) to get it in shape to feed ourselves and four missionaries on Tuesday for our early Thanksgiving.

I'm not sure what was the most difficult: dusting and cleaning the rough stone fireplace (everything sticks) or scraping paint and filler stuff and scrubbing scuff marks off of the floor.  None of it is fun. All of it takes time and more than a few aches and pains.

So...Analiese and I took off after lunch to visit the Museum of the Western Prairie right smack dab in the middle of town (south of the Reservoir).
 We hadn't ever been, though we've wanted to go, and Analiese needed to go to a museum for YW Personal Progress.  It was a pretty cool museum, actually, with lots of old-timey stuff,
photos, and even a very (very) old film of Teddy Roosevelt on a prairie wolf (read: coyote) hunt in SW Oklahoma.  Of course, there was a lot of local history, with ranching and farming.

 It went all the way through to today, with a spot commemorating the town's relationship with the Air Force.
 Outside they had a dugout recreated (not comfy for tall people or claustrophobics)
and are in the process of rebuilding an old ranch home.
The barn had farming and harvesting equipment, including a windmill.
 That was my favorite.

At the end was a small art gallery.  Now, Frederick Remington is NOT from Oklahoma, but he's well-loved here.
 There's a huge statue of his in front of the county courthouse, and this museum had several reproductions of his.
 My favorite (of course) was of an Indian (Native American, etc.) on a horse, leaping over a buffalo!
 A lady working there guided us thoroughly through the gallery and part of the museum.  We really enjoyed it.  But then, we kinda like history.

Saturday, November 21, 2015
Brrrr!  This morning was cold!  "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...!" We had quite the wind storm last night (starting around 11) and it blew in from the artic.  The weather said it was 42, but felt like 36!  I believe it!  The whole time it was gusting last night, I could only keep thinking, "No more falling trees, please." We don't have any more dead trees on our property, but our neighbors surrrounding us do!

On days like today, baking and working in the kitchen is more pleasure than chore.  Even doing dishes means warm hands.  Tomorrow after church is the Linger Longer dinner, so I'm baking a zucchini-pineapple cake.  Think carrot cake, but with zucchini instead.  On top of that, I was cooking some chicken to shred for dinner tonight (baked chicken flautas).

The dining room, though not complete (we still need to put up the ceiling trim, but it'll have to wait), is now clean.  Ken and Jonathan moved the china cabinet and put the area rug, dining table, and chairs back into place.  I think we can have our nice Thanksgiving least around the table!  By the way, everything is (carefully) stowed in the laundry room until we can get at them.

Sunday, November 22, 2015
Well, my cake was demolished at the Linger Longer. A lot of people wondered if it was carrot cake. Nope.  Green flecks, not orange.

And, boy, is December going to be busy! The announcements at church seemed endless. Plus, speaking with my VT companion, we want to get our visits done by the first week or so of the month, because after that, things get hairy!

We're warming up in choir.  We'll be doing our big program on the 13th, because the bishop is going out of town.  He wants me to move my Seminary Christmas breakfast up a day, because he's leaving the next day.  Only snag is that my next inservice is that day.  Well, I could probably get out of it. For the bishop.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Monday, November 9, 2015
Normal day.  Menu planning.  List making.  Lessons.  Shopping.  Laundry.  Ugh.  Of it all, I hate laundry the worst.  I can't imagine doing it every day like some people do.  Get it done and over for several days and give me a break!

Analiese went shopping with me today to pick out things for her birthday.  Cupcake liners, type of cake, frosting, etc.  And, surrepticiously (or so she thought) to spend that Walmart gift card Aunt Dee gave her!

I bought more paint today, ceiling paint.  I'm hopeful that we can move on to the laundry room this week.  I asked my angel ward brother, Brother Wardo, to come give us a hand with a couple of things in the bathroom.  Taken care of, we can finally put things back together!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Today I shall talk about our pecan harvest because, yes, it is plentiful.  This is our third foray into the front yard to pick up pecans and we have now filled our first five-gallon bucket.  I say our first, because there will be at least two more, I am sure.

The big tree in the front is in the process of changing leaf color, going from green to gold (yellow sounded so prosaic).
 It has hundreds, if not thousands of pecans on it.  Yes, it's loaded!  However, I did not water it like I should have through August and September so, those nuts are rather small.  Still good - but small.

Analiese and I take turns using the whisk-on-its-end device or picking them straight off the ground
or, in my case, reaching up to pick them off the tree before they fall.
 You can tell if they're ready, the outer pod casing is shriveled and brown.  If it is still green, it's not ready; not the nut, not the pod.
 In fact, the shells are a little moist if you do.  If some fall while I am prying them out of the pod, no biggie.  Most of them are on the ground anyway.  It's like one of those really hard puzzles, though, where all the colors blend in together.
After a while, my eyes start to swim and ache.  We've only been going out on half-hour jaunts and it's plenty.  Longer than that gives me a headache.

The tree on the side of our house by our driveway is also plentifully loaded...and with bigger nuts. The reason for that is that our neighbor's a/c condensation flows outside to that tree.  The proof is right there!
 The side tree nut is on the left, the big front yard tree is on the right.  Amazing the difference a little water can make!

A lot of the nuts there get smashed when we drive through that area, but the birds love it!  I've seen dozens of them over there picking pieces of nut out of the crushed shells.  Now, Steve (the squirrel) and the bigger birds (blue jays, crows), take the whole nuts.  I generally reserve the nuts in the backyard (not as many, smaller) for them...not that it makes any difference.  They take them from whichever tree.  Cheeky things!

Tonight we had our family celebration for Analiese's birthday.  Ken made chicken and dumplings, a favorite of hers.  Dessert was peppermint drumsticks - yummy.  She opened her family gifts, too.
 A My Little Pony drawing portfolio from her grandparents, 3 pairs of long pants (which she'll need in the cold), and some really fun shark slippers that look like they're eating up her legs!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Happy Veterans' Day!  I think more about this day now that I live in a military town.  The Applebees here offers free meals to veterans today and I don't know how they can do it because there are a LOT of veterans here.  For some reason, they like retiring here.  Altus is not exactly Florida, but apparently there's something about it.  There have been people who keep coming back here for training or stationing because...they love Altus!  Must be the people (I think it is).

The kids love today, too, but I don't think it's for so noble a cause.  Jonathan doesn't have classes and Analiese doesn't have lessons.  I don't have Seminary either, so I get to sleep in.  I guess that's not noble, either.

I did do something nice, though.  I made homemade bread.  I promised I would do it for Analiese as a birthday present.  She was happy to have the whole house smell so yummy.  Then we sliced it and toasted it to eat with our scrambled eggs and sausage for dinner.  Sorry store bread, you cannot compete.

The bathroom is nearly done.  Things are all put back together, there's just a few touch-ups on the trim and walls.  Brother Whardo came over this morning for a bit to help Ken install the light fixture (correctly) and re-do the towel bar.  Jonathan had taken down all the wire shelving in the laundry room for me today, so the men had to fit some of the holes (some of the ways they secured things in this house were so WEIRD) that were left in the wall.  Because, yes, next up...paint the laundry room!

Thursday, November 12, 2015
I took a step today that might lead to something...might not.  I went to Lawton to go to Cameron University for their Graduate Preview Night.  That's right.  Thinking about maybe going back to school for my Master's Degree.  I've had it on my mind for a while, and the University had sent me a card about the preview night. I am considering taking a Master of Science in Behavioral Science; to become a Licenced Marriage and Family Therapist.

It's doable, for the most part. I don't need a GRE (I have one, but I don't need it).  I don't need a BS in Psychology (I'm a BA in English), but there would be a little catch-up work.  Even my undergraduate GPA wouldn't be a problem if it was under 3.0, I'd just have to do super-well the first year to prove I could. I could do it, part time, at night, two classes a week.

Two issues stand out.  One is money, but isn't it always?  I grabbed some pamphlets on financial aid. There are scholarships and loans, but whether they apply to me...?  The second is more problematic. The time to get through the program part-time is four-years; that includes the practicum.  So...what if Ken gets a job and we have to move.  This program is for certification in the state of Oklahoma.  If I have to leave?  Also, will the classes tranfer?

So, what am I going to do?  I don't know.  Think, pray.  If I got this done by the time Analiese was done with schooling, at least my part, then I could get to work at lessening Ken's burden. I really don't want him to work himself to death. Plus, with all the constant upheaval of jobs, I just want to see us have some stability and a future.  I think it is time.

Friday, November 13, 2015
I had my monthly Seminary inservice this morning, so I had asked our new sister missionaries to substitute for me.  After the meeting, I went and sat in the back of my class. I was pleased to hear my students say that they had learned so much in Seminary that they thought they would. The sisters said they weren't done learning, that as missionaries they were still learning.  I assured them that it never ended...a lifetime of learning!

I baked cupcakes today for tomorrow's party.  I forgot I had to buy paper goods for the party, too. Dollar Tree is sure handy!  I think I have a handle on tomorrow.  I've tried not to make it too complicated.

Saturday, November 14, 2015
I spent most of the day prepping for Analiese's party with her friends at the Box home on base. Analiese and her friend, Charisa, went with me to the base to have Sister Box let us in.  We started everyone making fondant as soon as they arrived.  Talk about a mess!  I felt really bad about all the powdered sugar and cornstarch that was smeared on the counters.  When we started coloring the fondant, it really got back.  I was biting my nails hoping that the food dye would was off the counter!

But the girls had a great time!  We never got to the games and hurriedly unwrapped presents at the end.  All of our time was spent making and then forming the fondant.  The girls did some really creative stuff with it...making roses, designing Pokemon and LOTR on the cupcakes.  I don't think they minded not getting to everything else planned.  They took their extra fondant home to play's like edible Playdough.

So I'm very tired this evening.  Other than making dinner - an easy skillet pasta thing - I've taken it easy.  I'm done for the day.

Sunday, November 15, 2015
I am very tired today.  I need to stop staying up waiting for Jonathan to come home when he's out with friends on the weekend.  It's just too late for me!

Ken continues to have a headache - has had one for a week now. A friend in our ward just got made our Home Teacher, so I asked him to come over and give Ken a blessing.  He and another brother did.  It's nice to have a HT you can count on!

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Monday, November 2, 2015
It was a cool foggy morning, to start with.  Even getting out of Seminary in the light, there was a light low fog hanging over the field next to the church.

And the day felt pretty normal.  As I went off to take Analiese to P.E. and go shopping, however, Ken starting painting the bathroom.  Yes, it is pink.  No, I am not unhappy with it.  Yet.  Let the paint dry, and then we'll see.  I think it will still be fabulous.

Tonight's dinner was shredded pork roast in the crockpot.  I only used half of the pork roast last week for the chili, so I put the other 2 lbs of it in the crockpot all day.  I used lots of garlic and rosemary, with some soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper.  It's my signature roast and there's nothing Ken likes more.  Shredded on a Kaiser roll, with a little au jus...heavenly!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Don't you just love it when your day starts out right?  I forgot to unplug my phone from it's charger last night, so it wasn't next to me in bed, but in the other room.  So...ten minutes after it started going off, I actually woke up to hear it!  Yep, ten minutes behind in my carefully planned schedule.

Actually, I didn't have a lot of set up for Seminary this morning, so I wasn't in a world of hurt.  I even had time to review a scripture mastery I was memorizing so I could pass it off with my kids today.  This is catch-up week for scripture mastery, so we're all working on things we haven't got down yet.

Analiese and I went outside today in the lovely weather (mid-70's) to pick more pecans.  Goodness, there's a bunch of 'em!  After half a n hour, our bucket was a third of the way full, which doesn't sound like much but collecting pecans is work, with a lot of bending and stooping.  We take a break now and then to pick some still clinging to the tree.  That way, we get to stretch the other way.

Ken touched up the bathroom today.  Still pink.  He also worked on cleaning up and repainting the trim, which needs to dry a bit more before reinstalling.  This evening we're going to Lawton to get a longer towel rack and a new light fixture for the bathroom.  The old one was nice enough, but the stupid light bulbs for it (there are 3 lights) cost nearly $30 a piece!  They're hard to find and those Green-People got it stupidly wrong.  They do NOT last for years (I've been in this house two years and have had to replace them twice) and they're filled with mercury, so disposing them nearly takes a HazMat team.  Better?  Really?  Somebody bought a load of stupid.  Sorry, it's a big beef with me.

It was a looong evening going to Lawton, traveling nearly an hour up and another one back.  First, we had dinner at Firo, a stone-oven pizza place - Yum!  Then we went to Home Depot to get all the things on our list (it had mysteriously grown). Then, since Ken said we were doing well on time, we went to Target (I was looking for cheap incentives for Seminary, but only found a set of cute, pose-able erasers. Ken thought it was ridiculous to go around the store in a cart with one tiny thing in it).   On the way home, he gets a craving for a milkshake, and not just any kind.  We had to go to Braum's for real eggnog ice cream shake for him and a cherry limeade for me (he's such a tempter!).  When we got home, he wanted to put up the new light fixture in the bathroom right away!  By this time, I was so tired.  We got the kids put to bed, I did up their dinner dishes, and he struggled, eventually ending up with one broken glass shade and a short temper.  You can't believe the work it took to get him to stop, calm down, and go to bed.  As he put it, he was going full Aspergers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Passed off another scripture mastery today - now I'm only one behind!  I am trying to be a good example to the kids.  If my old brain can do it, they certainly can!

But I felt really sorry for the two siblings; they were not feeling well.  Aurora was snuffly yesterday, but today they both dragged into class.  Poor Will was hardly cognizant the whole time.  I told them they didn't have to come to Seminary if they were sick!  Megan was up to the task today, however, of reading and participating.  She carried the class...good girl!

The morning is overcast, rain is forecast for this evening.  It is quite cool and definitely feels like fall. Analiese asked me yesterday why Fall was my favorite season and I said, "The weather cools off!"  Rain is expected tonight.  And we shall be warm & dry!

Thursday, November 5, 2015
I still have a long way to go toward being perfect.  The rain did not come last night, so I figured it wasn't coming (OK weather is fickle that way).  So, I didn't take an umbrella to Seminary.   Guess what happened in the last part of Seminary?  It began to rain - HARD!  I mean, it came down for maybe ten minutes (through the last bit of class, tapering off and ending as we left), but it was so much that Navajoe road was flooded all the way across where I turn off of Broadway and Walnut was halfway there where I turned off of Navajoe (yes, the spelling's right - that's how it's spelled here. One day I'll take a pic and prove it!)  So, I was a leeeeetle wet when I got home.  Weird weather.

And it only got stranger.  By the afternoon, we were in the low 80's.  What was up with  that?  Then, as the sun started to set, the wind picked up and we heard about a tornado warning in Olustee (don't ask me where it is, but it's not too terribly far from us).

So tonight became a soup night.  I made my famous black bean soup that I have to consciously double every time because my family loves it so!  I serve it with oven-baked nachos and top it with sour cream and cilantro.  It's vegetarian, which is a surprise that my family likes it so much, but very hearty.  I can't eat more than one bowl...but Jonathan can!

Friday, November 6, 2015
I always wake Analiese before I go to Seminary, usually pulling her blankets off and tickling her legs.  This morning, I woke her with a "Happy Birthday, Princess," and a hug and kiss on her head. Nice way to start the day!

For her special day, I took her to lunch at Taco Mayo, an Oklahoma Mexican food chain we like here in town.  Then we proceeded to get our annual dual pedicures.  She chose a sparkly sapphire blue, while I had a sea blue.

Saturday, November 7, 2015
Ah, delicious sleep!  I woke shortly after nine, but only to bustle.  Because after I took a shower, I had to take Analiese over to the city gym so she could work at the Concession stand to earn $ for the 4H Food Science club.  Actually, she thinks it's great fun, so it was no burden for her.

Meanwhile, I had to go to Walmart and buy a new microwave.  Yes, we bought a new one when we moved here, but it hasn't done so well.  Yesterday, all the slamming, and programming, and careful manipulating would not get it to start.  And, next to our toaster, we use the microwave a lot.  SIGH. Life has been so expensive lately.

Currently, I am sitting in the hallway, with all the doors closed, watching Alice so Analiese can clean her cage.  We can't leave her here on her own...she pulls up the carpet.  Because of al the work on the house, she hasn't been able to run around much, so today's been a happy day for her, as she binkies and explores.  She rubs her chin over everything, owning it.  So she owns my crocs, and my toes, my jeans, my tablet...

Sunday, November 8, 2015
Today was Stake Conference/Regional Conference.  We left the house at 8 a.m. even though conference didn't start until 10.  But for the sake of a good seat...

It may seem confusing, but we had two meetings because they released our Stake Presidency and called a new one.  The Regional Conference was the original meeting set.  Elder Keetch from the 70 presided over the first meeting.  The other was a broadcast from Salt Lake with Elder Oaks of the Twelve presiding and Elder Robbins of the Presidency of the Seventy conducting (yes, he was Ken's mission president).  Both meetings were great.  I really felt Elder Keetch's talk pertained to our family personally.  Both Elder Robbins & Elder Oaks' talks meshed together for a great message about simple living - physically and spiritually.

We had a little picnic lunch in the parking lot before heading home and then...oh, boy!  For a day of rest, it was a busy one!  Study for Seminary, Skype with Niles in Alaska, Choir Practice....  Between all that and thinking of what I need to get done tomorrow, I feel really tired!

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Monday, October 26, 2015
One of my stalwart readers (you know who you are) made the comment that I didn't show any before or after pictures of the roof or ceiling fixes.  To be honest, I was embarrassed by the moldy, falling out ceiling and the fact that it took so long to get it fixed.  So today, I took a few pictures of the work in progress, so you get an idea.

This first part is actually a volunteer boo-boo.  One of them stepped through the ceiling.  At least, they didn't get hurt.  I can't really complain about volunteers.  They are helping me!
This is around the fireplace, which is the worst of the mold and damage.  The chimney outside is covered with uneven rock and it's hard to work around it.  The roofers were supposed to come around today and try to fix it.  They didn't.

Here we are in front of the bathroom in the laundry room.  This is where the sloped ceiling from the original house meets the flat roof of the addition and water was pooling.  We literally had a hole here for several months.  Not anymore.

This is the corner of the bathroom where once a waterfall fell.  There was a hole in the roof. When we found it, we put a piece of plywood covered with a tarp over it to stop Niagara.  But the damaged remained on top and underneath.

Obviously, it's a work in progress.  I'm trying to be optimistic about it.  So today, while shopping, I grabbed some paint chips in the colors I liked.  Powder Pink (top one) is for the bathroom, Blue Cloud (or maybe the Pearl Drop - top and middle) for the laundry room, and Celery Sticks (the top green) for the dining room.
 Now, I can't really justify the laundry room or bathroom, it's pretty much just the ceiling that needs painting.  But the dining room will need painting.  Right now it's two walls darker green, two walls mustard-y, with white trim.  It will look light and lovely in Celery Sticks.  Though, it also probably means that the back door needs painting, because right now it's a weird sort of brushed raspberry.  The paint chip back has coordinating color suggestions.  Maybe I'll use one of them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Ten Commandments Day in Seminary!  We watched 10 commandments videos (well, we tried), sang a song, did some hand motions, played hopscotch 10 Commandments-style, made a 10 commandments craft, and did a 10 commandments match-up.  Oh, and had chocolate milk and doughnuts.  Sorry, we were so busy having fun I forgot to take pictures.  And the sleepy kids who dragged in today, marched out energized (and a little sugar high).

Ken and Dennis finished repairing and "texturizing" the ceilings in the dining room, laundry and bathroom.  Now it's about clean up and painting.  Ken hates painting and isn't looking forward to it.  I can't handle the dust and clutter.  So I told him that if he'd do the dusty, dirty clean-up, I could handle the painting (I have a secret weapon, though...I've had people volunteer to help me paint!).

Analiese and I went to RS Book Club tonight.  I was technically the hostess, since I was the one sharing and introducing the book, but we had it at the Haines because my house is in no shape for visitors.  We read "The Princess Bride," what a hoot!  It's nearly the same as the movie, mainly in part because William Goldman wrote the book and the screenplay and because he was friends with Rob Reiner, the director.  I did surprise the ladies, though.  They thought he really was abridging a book. Nope, it's all part of the satiric joke.  It was so much fun to talk and laugh about and, yes, you can find book club discussion questions for it online.  Inconceivable!

Oh, and I refuse to be apologetic about parenthetical asides anymore.  I love parentheses and adding quippy, snarky things to my writing.  William Goldman did it hilariously in "The Princess Bride."  So now I feel justified! (Just sayin')

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
It's a windy cold morning.  My students came in looking rather wind-torn,  The stars were out clearly this morning, I could even see the Venus/Mars/Jupiter phenomenon.  Look it up, if you don't know. But it's clear enough to see with the naked eye - even a lousy one like mine!

No breakfast this morning because I (FINALLY) made it to the blood lab and radiology today.  I got home from Seminary, changed clothes, and dashed over.  My doctor's office is next door to the hospital, so both lab and x-ray were close by.  The poor lab gal was having a hard time finding a vein, looking on both arms.  I'd have preferred the left, but got stuck with the right.  Usually, I'm pretty hydrated.  Not this morning, I guess.

This was my first time in the hospital, but directionally-challenged me managed to find radiology by sight.  I guess there's hope for me yet.  I didn't have to wait long, but as I was waiting, Dr. Tran walked by.  I was a little bashful about it because I was supposed to have done this on Monday.  Life happens, things don't always happen...even when the doctor wants them.

Now I'm just tired.  I've come home, had something to eat and fluids, finished up lessons with Analiese and I want to sleep.  I have a VT appointment at noon.  Can I sneak in a little nap?

Today on the roads that the highways run through town (Main & Broadway), we've had some fun-looking wide loads.  One truck had a single windmill blade on it - you know, those gigantic windmills?  I drove past the truck...that thing was long!  It sure gave me the perspective of the size of those things.  Inconceivable!

The second truck was much funnier, in my opinion.  It had a big cotton bale inside it.  And apparently the bales scrape against the bottom of the truck, because the bottom of it was dripping white fluffy stuff.  Too bad I can't use my camera while driving!  Jonathan says I'm irrationally interested in the cotton.  Well, it's like we grow clouds around here!

Ooo!  We have sister missionaries in our ward now.  They just came today.  Yes, we still have the elders, but (understandably) I have a fondness for Herms (hermanas - Spanish - mission slang).  I told them I'd take them to Walmart tomorrow to get groceries (Like I don't have anything to do.  But how could I say no?).  They have to share the pickup with the elders.  Analiese may even want to come along for the ride.

Jonathan wiped down the bathroom walls for me today as I spackled in (I guess putty isn't the right word anymore) holes and cracks.  Ken is still working on getting the outside trim painted white before the next rain storm (due Friday), but wants to do the bathroom next which, yes, has to be done, because the ceiling in there was the wall color.  So I went to Walmart this afternoon to get painting supplies paint!  Hey, it's not Bubblegum, Fuchsia, or Hot Pink, just a pale pink that will look great with the silver hardware in the bathroom.

Thursday, October 29, 2015
On the way to Seminary, a little cottontail bunny tried to run out into the road.  I swerved a little (quiet, residential street) to miss it and it ran back to the side.  Stay safe, little bunny!  It was tiny, I think it was a youngster.

I almost had a fainting student today.  I should have known how sensitive she was about blood when we talked about the river of blood when we studied the ten plagues of Egypt.  Today, we talked about Moses sprinkling oxen blood on the Israelites as a symbol of their covenant with God.  She got very quiet...and very pale.  It took a little talking it out of her and she was fine by the end of class, but she scared me a little.  We're so removed nowadays from the food we eat and how it's produced, that these things seem foreign, scary or gross to us.  Not so back in history.

This afternoon was fun, taking the new sister missionaries to Walmart.  It surprised them that I ran into two ward members in the store.  What I didn't tell them is that not only did I do that, I also ran into two ladies from water aerobics.  It's not hard to do here!

Also, Analiese and I drove them around town a little, showing them the reservoir and the main streets. Analiese is excited to have sisters here.  To her, they are much cooler than elders!  I agree, but I'm prejudiced.

Friday, October 30, 2015
The rain came as promised...and on time.  Which meant driving to Seminary in it.  I went over today in class, too, argh!  The tabernacle is a lot to talk about.  My two homeschool students say they took a week to study it on their online course.  No wonder!

Last night, the kids and I painted mini pumpkins for the Trunk or Treat at the church tonight.  I had to finish mine this morning because it took forever to dry.  I also found out that, after my daughter's last painting venture for the Fair, she'd let FIVE brushes dry out covered in paint.  Ruined!  I was not happy.  I like to use good brushes and I told her she owes me for them!

Besides the normal daily Friday things, Analiese and I were busy with making chili for the ward party tonight.  This is no ordinary chili, it has no tomato base.  It has tomatillos, poblano chilies, cilantro, black beans, pork and corn.  It is VERY good, much different from your run-of-the-mill chili.  I took a picture of it before they served it at the dinner and it was a good thing, because they ate it up!

After than (and picking up Jonathan), was carving our pumpkin.  Analiese designed it and Jonathan did the carving.  Obviously, she decided to do a rabbit.

And guess who got to be a rabbit for Halloween?  I found rabbit ears and tail at Dollar Tree, so it was very affordable.  I even painted my face a little. Analiese approved.

The party was fun, with at least 8 different kinds of chili, mine being the only non-tomato one.  They had cornbread and chili trimmings and a dessert table.  One sister did a brain cake - how cool!

After dinner they had a costume parade, then games for the kids.  While they did that we adults set up a trick-or-treat alley in a hallway since the rain was off on on.  Then, before closing for the evening, the Activity Days treated us to a dance lesson for Thriller.  Analiese will use any opportunity to dance!