Monday, August 31, 2015


Monday, August 31, 2015
I can't believe the month is over!  Time just flies on!  

Seminary went strangely today, mainly because the stake (and the Church) asked the Seminary classes to take a "pre-assessment."  This would have been better done at the beginning of the year, but we only got word last week.  So, this morning, in lieu of my devotional and a part of the class, we took the pre-assessment.  No student name goes on the paper, but my name does!  I have to send them to Salt Lake, where they will be analyzed and I will get a report with suggestions of doctrines & principles to focus on (supposed weak spots in the kids' answers).  It will be interesting to see.

The lesson ended up being VERY short.  Still, I managed to get in a point that brought the Spirit.  I just kind of skimmed over things and found the one thing I felt we should focus on.  I'm so glad I was lead rightly!  The point?  God is there, for us, even when we feel alone or uncared for.  It isn't a good lesson unless the Spirit testifies.

Walmart was another people watching event today.  Green bowler hat man was there.  His hair and beard continue to grow.  I had to maneuver around a lot of wheelchairs today; I even saw this poor bent-over lady pushing someone else!  I really felt for her.  Then, there was the guy in the frozen section who told me (a total stranger) how he was going to make homemade chicken noodle soup for his friend.  Weird.  Oh, and there was the twenty-someodd-minutes I spent talking with a fun sister in my ward.  Any wonder it takes me a while to get my shopping done?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Seminary was not good this morning.  The Adversary is trying to keep the Spirit from our classroom.  The culprit?  Contention.  Sensitivity.  I had one student hurt (emotionally) and had to call them later to make sure they were okay.  I'm not sure if I need to do anything, say anything, or let them figure things out on their own.

I was supposed to go out to Walmart today with the RS President to get supplies for my Super Saturday class on Sketchnoting.  Yes, that was the class I taught at WOSC Kids' College this summer.  Four days of it.  Now crunched into an hour and a half.  This is going to take a little finagling.  However, the Pres. rescheduled me for tomorrow.  I think I'm going to veg a little.  Unwind.  Destress.

I roasted my own Hatch chilies today to make a chile relleno casserole.  I've done it before in my oven; today I tried it on my griddle.  I think the oven works better.  After they're roasted you put them in a ziplock to steam, which helps get the skins off.  Didn't work as well this time, so it took a bit longer to prepare.  Still, the casserole was good, especially with some homemade salsa on it (made that last week).

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
If you can believe it, Seminary was worse today.  I went home and cried.  We've got to get our mojo (read: Spirit) back.  I did some thinking and praying and had Ken give me a blessing before he went to work.  The rest of the day - pretty much - was tossing out my original lesson plans and doing something different.  A Conference talk, some videos, lots of scriptures...and more prayer!

This time I made it to Walmart to meet with the RS President.  Got our sketchbooks (found some very inexpensive ones $1.98 - trust me, that's a great price!) and some good black gel ink pens.  Compared to the crafts and such she's organizing, I'm easy!

Just so you know how marvelous a mother I am, not only did I make pancakes from scratch, but put BLUEBERRIES in them!  Well, some of them.  Analiese and Ken were not excited about the fruit (typical), so Jonathan & I had blueberries.  I asked Ken how his pancakes were (when he came home on lunch break) and he said, "They were pancakes."  Well, if he'd had blueberry pancakes, they'd've been much better, says I!

Thursday, September 3, 2015
Special lesson today in Seminary.  Did it do any good?  I don't know.  The ones who took it seriously always take things seriously and the one who didn't is the one oblivious to their own actions.  I hate drama.

I really need the weather to decide it wants to be fall.  Coming out of the car to go into the house - an activity that took mere minutes - I got four mosquitos bites on both ankles.  Really!  Bugs have been a big presence this summer.  Analiese showed me a fuzzy spider today that was hanging around the front door.  It's a little bigger than my fuzzy blues, and had a white stripe and a dot on its abdomen.  Eat those bugs, spidey!

Friday, September 4, 2015
I think we're all looking forward to the weekend.  Monday is Labor Day, which means no Seminary or school, and we all really need a break.  I even told Analiese "No Lessons!"  Next week is going to be crazy enough, we're going to need Monday!

I made my house smell marvelous today.  I have lots of ripe bananas and more blueberries in the fridge, so I searched Pinterest for some recipes.  I made Banana Blueberry oat muffins today.  They smelled great (of course) and are...okay.  They don't have a lot of sugar, which is good, but could use a little more.  I don't think it will stop Jonathan from eating them, though!

Boy, did we find the mothers of all spiders today!  These two girls were gigantic - about the size of the bottom of a soda can!  They look like alien spiders - there is no fuzziness about them.  They have built massive webs between the old dead tree, the fence, and my compost area.  I tried to get as good of a shot of one of them as I could, but didn't want to climb into the compost to do so!  I wonder if they eat hoppers....  Oh!  And don't tell Ken!  If he knew they were out there, he might never venture into the backyard again!

Saturday, September 5, 2015
Sleeping in is such a luxury.  I finally could sleep no more around 7:00 a.m.  Now, that may not seem like much to you, but that's an hour and a half extra for me!  So wonderful!  Ken got to sleep in a lot, too, which made me very happy.  His new position at Walmart means he that, even though his shift is supposed to end at midnight, if things aren't done, he stays until they are and that can mean 2 a.m. sometimes!  He's been very tired.

My egg gal came through for me today, too.  Only a dozen (but can you beat that for $2?), but her hens are getting older and not laying as much.  They are talking of getting new hens and, uhm, making chicken dinners out of the others.  Can you say circle of life?  I'd have to face the same if I ever got chickens.  Luckily, they know how to do it.  Actually, getting chickens is all the rage here.  Eggs in the store are outrageous and the difference in the store eggs versus home-grown are astounding. 

I played barber today.  Jonathan was ready for his haircut, which we do about every 3-4 weeks.  He has very thick hair, we call it "shaving the bear."  Ken has recently decided to have his head clipped like Jonathan's.  His work is hot and sweaty and his hair gets very oily, so this is a more practical cut for him.  Those clippers were a good investment!  But don't get any ideas about me doing it for a living.  That's all I can do - use the clippers.  Ask Analiese, don't put scissors in my hand and have me cut hair.  We have to pay for that, trust me.

Sunday, September 6, 2015
Church was quietly average today.  Fast and testimony meeting was nice, Sunday School was great as usual.  Relief Society was very social today; it took a while to get to the lesson because everyone had something to share or say.  We're a pretty friendly group.

Analiese had been ill in the night, so she stayed home.  Because of Labor Day weekend, church numbers were small and there as only one young lady in YW.  Not surprising, we had lots of inquiries about my daughter.  But she's feeling better.  I don't know if she had an issue with dinner or a little bug.

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