Monday, September 7, 2015


Monday, September 7, 2015
The one thing I always do on Fast Sunday - I forget to take my morning meds.  Now, it really isn't too much of a tragedy, it's mostly vitamins, but unfortunately the allergy meds are really too important to be forgotten.  I'm on a generic Allegra, which sort-of helps, and have started a nasal spray in the last few weeks.  The nasal spray works wonders!  But I forgot it yesterday, so going to sleep last night was tricky.  The itchy throat was back and I sneezed a bunch.  I would say "lesson learned," but I can't say that with any sort of certainty.  I'm slow that way. is Labor Day!  Generally, I don't care, but my sleep-deprived body much appreciates it.  Other than no Seminary or homeschool lessons, I still have my normal stuff to do, but I can ease up a little.  And I DID sleep in - 8:45 - heaven!  This, of course, offsets the alarms for Seminary that I forgot to turn off.  I went back to sleep, though.  That's good, right?

Walmart Weirdness: Halloween and Fall stuff coming out isn't so bad.  But REAL pumpkins?  Isn't that a tad early?  Who's going to buy pumpkins now?  I could see the beginning of August, but September?  Ken says they were out as early as Saturday.  Crazy!  Also, I felt very tall today.  Apparently it was short people shopping day and I didn't get the memo.  Old people, young people, different races and creeds with one common denominator.  They were short.

The other sign of Fall in Walmart - hunting stuff.  Clothing, ammo, targets, tents, deer corn, etc.  Don't see it at your local Walmart?  You must not be in the South (ish - Oklahoma is the South's red-headed stepchild).

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Today is hot and sticky.  A storm is headed in from the northeast, but in the meantime, it is a muggy 100.  Ken's car doesn't keep cool while idling, so it wasn't pleasant running errands this afternoon.  Plus, I waited to pick up Jonathan and for Ken to be dropped off at the airport (he was in Hobart helping someone move, but someone else drove).  I rolled the windows down, but there wasn't much of a breeze.  Please, weather, cool off, I beg you!

It did rain - for maybe five minutes.  All it did was make things more humid.

Tonight was a Relief Society dinner party for two sisters who are moving - one's husband is being sent, courtesy of the USAF to Germany.  The other's is leaving the AF and becoming a commercial pilot for Delta.  That's pretty cool!  It was nice and fun, with lots of sisters there.  We do have a lot of fun when we get together.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
A cloudy day, cooling things off.  Not much, but it helps.  I hope it'll get cooler before tomorrow.  The fair is always hot, especially where the animals are.  Rabbits don't do well with the heat...remember poor Twliight?

I took Analiese to the Expo Center to enter her non-animal items into the Fair.  She's put in an apron from her 4H sewing club and a rabbit agility jump she made in the Rabbit club.  Tomorrow we take Alice over to enter her.  

In the meantime, I was baking away.  I had to make brownies for Seminary tomorrow - no, I'm not just being nice (LOL), it's part of an object lesson.  Then, I made peanut butter toffee cookies for the fair concession stand.  I told Joy - the head of the Rabbit Club - what I was making and she looked pained and said, "The Fair is not the time to go on a diet!"  The Carbohydrate Devil goes to the Fair!

Thursday, September 10, 2015
First day of the Jackson County Fair and it's Rabbit Day!  Got extra allergy medication, my inhaler, the cookies, Alice, her food & water and away we went!

It seemed smaller to me this year.  Less exhibits; less rabbits. :(  Still, Analiese did well enough; 2nd place on her apron,
2nd on her rabbit jump,
3rd on Rabbit Showmanship, and 2nd on Alice.  
Nothing goes on to state, but that's okay.  She enjoyed herself anyway, with all the animals, the food, and her 4H friends.  I think the baby animals were the hit of the fair (at least for today).  There were two baby goats who would suck on your fingers, a shaved sheep (good thing, it was warm in there!), a calf, and some ducklings and chicks.  Analiese and I both got to hold chicks.  So darling!

Jonathan had a good time, too.  The Dosher's were all there, so he could hang with his friends David and Geordi.  Of course, Analiese and Charisa were at each other's sides during rabbit activities.  So, despite it being rather warm in the livestock area, it was still fun.

Friday, September 11, 2015
I should like to say today was a relaxing day after the Fair yesterday.  My feet still feel tired and sore, and I wish I could rest more, but tomorrow is Super Saturday for Relief Society and I am teaching a class.  Time to crunch 12 hours of information into an hour and a half.  My copies are made, my posters and examples are gathered, now it's mainly figuring out what order to do things in and making up a list of websites, TED talks, and Youtubes to look at.

Other than that, the day went by in a blur.  What else did I do?  Laundry, most likely.  Oh, and in the morning I had my first online Seminary inservice.  The conference program they use (Cisco) doesn't want to jive with my Logitech camera/microphone, so Bro. Sturges has to call me on his cell phone so we can hear each other.  We see each other fine.  Tried all kinds of things, I don't know what to do beyond that.

Saturday, Sepember 12, 2015
I made sure I was up early (enough) to get Analiese and myself to the church by 9:00 a.m.  We hadn't signed up for much, but I wanted to set up the Primary room (only whiteboard in the building there) for my class.  We probably didn't need to be there that early, but Analiese ended up helping a sister with a lot of projects to do, and I could socialize with other sisters while they did their stuff.  

I really didn't want any painting project - I don't need more stuff at this moment - and I wasn't inspired by the offerings.  Just me, I guess.  But, they did have a flour tortilla class...and both Analiese and I wanted to do that!

Irelia Box (we had dinner at their home not too long back) is from Mexico and taught us the authentic way to make tortillas.  It involved getting your hands dirty - I had to take off my wedding ring!  But I've done this once before a long time ago, so I wasn't too intimidated.  My first attempt burnt a little bit, but Irelia said it was okay because the first one is always a tester to see if things are hot enough.  We could only do about two each because of time and space in the kitchen, so Analiese & I took our dough home to make there.

We had a baked potato bar at lunch and afterwards was my class!  We did Sketchnoting (like I did for the Kids' College in June), but the shorthand version.  I focused mainly on shapes (and connecting them), lettering, and people (figures & faces).  I think they enjoyed it and got a lot out of it, but one sister did say it was somewhat overwhelming with all the information.  I know the packet of copies was huge - even double-sided.  Still, if they find it inspiring/entertaining/useful, it will be worth it.  We talked a bit about applications and brainstormed ideas.  Oh well, I enjoyed it!

No time to rest, though.  After the class, I had to straighten up and put away the stuff in the room, take Analiese to the fairgrounds to pick up her entries, and then go home and make dinner for the missionaries.  Luckily, I had bananas, banana cream pudding mix, and heavy cream in the house.  One quick trip to the store for a pie crust, and we had banana cream pie to go with our salad and burritos.  Exhausted, I let Analiese clear the table and Jonathan wash dishes.  I'm done!

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Day of rest.  Sort of.  No real expectations in church, other than to play the piano in RS.  The Spirit was very strong, especially in Gospel Doctrine.  It really is one of my favorite things to do each week.

Home, well, it was fairly restful.  Though I still have my Seminary studying.  And Analiese is doing menu planning, shopping and cooking for a YW Personal Progress goal.  So we had that to go over.  I was late working on my blog because AT&T decided not to work in Altus today.  Oh well.  Posting tomorrow.

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