Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Pictures - I'm Sorry!

Monday, August 17, 2015
Second week of Seminary, and I think I'm growing wiser.  Well, at least in the matter of going to bed earlier.  Being too tired is just crazy.  My allergies make it bad enough, I don't need to purposely wear myself out more.

Analiese started up the Homeschool PE group again today.  The gal leading it this year is super-sweet, I really like her.  They asked for a volunteer to help her, but there's no way I can.  I apologized to her, but this year Seminary is really absorbing my time.   She was sweet about it, but that's not surprising.  Still, I'll do what I can.

Went to water aerobics after a week's absence.  Those two guys are still coming; what a surprise!  I'd have thought the chattering biddies would have frightened them away by now.  Some of the conversations we have!  There's more women, too, older.  They don't move as confidently, they'll learn, but at least I feel younger being around them.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Ken and I went out to lunch today for our "couple time."  Usually that's on Wednesday, but Jonathan has Institute tonight, which is usually FHE, so we swapped it for tomorrow, which is our usual Couple Night.  

We made sure Jonathan had his house key this time.  I told him I didn't think he's be comfortable sleeping on the front steps.  I guess that was motivation enough!  He came into my room a little after ten to tell me he was home safe.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
My sleep was not uninterrupted last night.  A rolling thunderstorm came in early in the morning.  I woke up, listened to it for a bit, and then (luckily) went back to sleep.  But it also meant that rain came, too.  It was still going on full tilt when I went to Seminary.  Dragging myself from the car to the doors of the church in windy rain is not fun.  One of my students texted me to say she wanted in but didn't want to go into the muddy planter to knock on the window.

And I only had her, the one student, today.  Sadly, the other two - siblings - couldn't come because their mom's car was in the shop and dad was out of town.  I'd go get them, except they're on base.  Megan volunteered to go get them tomorrow, but I mentioned it would mean she'd have to get up earlier.  She rescinded her offer.

Thursday, August 20, 2015
No thunder or rain to keep me up or make me miserable last night.  I woke just fine to my alarm but must have zoned out in the shower - when I got out it was 6:05!  I try to leave the house by 6, so this was disturbing.  No vitamins, no juice, no nothing, just run out the door!

Only one student again today.  We are enjoying the one-on-one (at least I know she likes the attention), but I do miss the others.  Class participation is pretty pathetic in a class of one.

Friday, August 21, 2015
We're all back!  I was so happy to see all my (three) students, bright & shiny.  Well, sort of.  This is Rodeo weekend and last night was Military night, so the two who'd been gone were up late at the rodeo.  One nearly fell asleep during closing prayer!

Analiese spent most of the day in fear of the rain.  The youth were supposed to have a Back-to-School pool party at the bishop's house.  Rain would put an end to that.  She was just a little grumpy.  And for what?  There was no storm and she got to go swimming for nearly three hours (they did tell me she got out to quickly eat a hamburger).  There's nothing that kid would rather do than swim!

Ken was sleeping, so Jonathan and I had dinner at Braum's (brought home some ice cream) and watched TV like a couple of couch potatoes.  But with my busy-ness and all of his school and studying, we didn't feel like doing more than that!

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Analiese is working on Time Management for a Personal Progress goal.  I've purchased a planner for her (cheap school one) and today showed her about to-do lists: mainly, my big one for today.  The missionaries are coming to dinner, I had to get dinner in the crockpot, defrost some frozen peaches (for cobbler), make some rolls, meet up with someone at the church to practice a musical number, and study for my Sunday Seminary lesson with my homestudy student.  Plus, I had to pick up medication at Walmart, plus refill our water jugs and get some ice.  I have nothing to do!

Jonathan and Ken went home teaching, Analiese and I headed to Walmart for the quick shopping before I had to meet the young man at the church by noon.  Oh no!  I forgot about the rodeo parade today!  It goes halfway down Main St., turns east onto Broadway and goes past our house almost to the base by the Expo center and the rodeo arena.  It is nearly impossible to get home during that time!

I did squeeze through in time to get my stuff home and get me to the church, but on the way back from the church, I got stuck at a light while the tail end of the parade (literally, the horses were riding by) went past.  The real bummer was, I had wanted to see the parade.  I saw it last year, but I still like it.  I missed the longhorns!  Oh, well.  No good deeds, yadda, yadda.

I ended up not making rolls (bought them at Walmart instead - travesty!) But I did make a scrumptious cobbler with those extraordinary peaches.  I should have doubled it, but that would have meant I would have eaten more of it.  The temptation is too strong.  As it is, I cut a lot of the sugar out by not using pie filling or canned fruit, but the fresh/frozen in their own juices.

Sunday, August 23, 2015
Played the piano in sacrament meeting for the special musical number.  He sang "Secret Prayer" in Russian.  Knew the tune, not the words.  I trust they're similar to English.  Such a chatty day - everyone wanted to talk to me!  Late to Sunday School, delayed out of Relief Society, and forever setting up for Seminary tomorrow!

No, I didn't have the lesson again.  My homestudy student has decided - for now - to not do it.  His choice, I can't make him.  I'm sad, and I think he felt bad about it, but if he's not invested, he won't get anything out of it no matter what I do.  I've learned a lot about agency and learning in the last year.

Jonathan wore his suit again to church today.  He claimed it wasn't so warm (it wasn't), but there was an ulterior motive.  A couple of the girls from Institute came to hear the singer, and Jonathan was in impression mode.  One was VERY pretty, long chestnut waves and blue eyes.  Apparently, she's pressuring him to continue coming to Institute so she won't "go crazy."  Uh-huh.  He went to Lawton with some brethren in the ward this evening for a Stake Priesthood meeting and texted me on the way home.  Could we go to Lawton this Thursday so he could go to Institute?  He wanted to see his male friend from Duncan and...hey, he hadn't seen Brother Sturges in a while and heard he was a great teacher.  I mentioned the girl.  Then he got flustered.  Uh-huh.  That, too.  He's a normal, healthy male.  I'll grant you that.

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